Tag Archives: hanguel

My Holy Grail CLOZE DELETION Anki card format for Korean TV SHOWS

UPDATE to this

My HG format is multiple clozes with huge intervals!

** Click here for my anki settings that I use with this card format

word or word in a sentence, definition in japanese/korean/english, screenshot WITHOUT text


This is my anki card for GGADDAK

Back of the card

answer to cloze, more definitions from wordquery, screenshot from Korean show.

Front for card 2 of the same note. It  only has the ttk blanked out with the {{c2:}} code




well what I see is black and white since I use an ereader but it’s legible nonetheless.

HS RAPPER (spoiler below)
















t I didn’t want young b to win high school rapper for the sole reason that I liked his song the least out of everyone who performed in the finals. I acknowledge that he’s great at rapping but I was confused as to how he got the most votes. Maybe it was different seeing the performance in person or maybe his popularity/fame from show me the money had a bearing on the results. I knew for the longest time he won this show because they mentioned it a million times on show me the money so when he finished performing on the HS finale I thought that’s it??? since he was the last to perform and the ante had been getting upped time and time again.

+++++ end of spoiler









another example:

FRONT: ++++++++++


the Korean definition was generated by hanseido. I don’t obsesses and waste time trying to go 1000% monolingual dic especially for korean ( I love what steve kauffman says in his youtube vids about the issue.)

On an unrelated note I learned why for certain korean/japanese words it’s so much easier just to learn the english word…. it was because the word was ORIGINALLY IN ENGLISH and it was translated to Japanese and then the korean people just took the words that japanese people painstakingly translated and brought the words into korean by reading the words with their hanja readings . I found about it from a japanese book I was reading last month which talked about how Japan was obsessed with learning from other countries in the 1800s?? 1700s?? in the various advanced fields like science and so they had to translate all that shit from other languages to Japanese and of course they came across words that don’t exist in Japanese so they had to invent them using the kanji that they have. So that is why with some words it’s easier to use English because it was the original word (but then again they translated from many languages…. not just english. there were so many countries with booming culture and sciences back in the day) and the 1 word is so much easier to remember than an explanation/essay. ).

I set up anki so that Hanseido look-ups come to the front of the card since I won’t even read it let alone remember it if it’s in the back). I usually don’t put screenshots in the front because it’s too much work (for this one I just felt like it and I thought it would help me remember) and I will never put a screenshot with text on the front.



Edit field just to show the multiple cloze deletions I have going on here. sometimes I do c3 for the definition. it all depends on what I feel like doing.


the c2 card:


FIRSTLY, I find cloze deletion and anki great for upper intermediate/advanced and may even more upper intermediate (these terms all just broad… ). I don’t recommend it for beginners or intermediate. I think it’s self-evident whether or not this card format is viable at your current Korean level.

8n0tu9.md.pngI recently came up with a brilliant format and process for making anki cards for Korean while watching korean talk/variety shows. I’m sure it could be applicable to other languages too. I love cloze deletion cards and they are especially effective for me for Korean. This is in part due to my level, my vocabulary because I would think it’d be very taxing and painful to do cloze deletion cards as a beginner or intermediate even. If anything though I think you’re better off doing other things like actual reading/listening to build your vocab than making and reviewing srs cards if you’re a beginner (I think that using anki to learn the top 1000 words of a language to be really inefficient compared not using it especially if you have a lot of free time). I find it to be really helpful as an advanced korean learner. I hate the traditional sentence/plain word vocab card formats for Korean when using anki because to me it makes no sense to be testing yourself in anki the way you’re testing yourself whenever you watch any native material containing unknown words which is the majority of native material since you’re not gonna 100% of the words native speakers use in speech. Of course that was my go to format for Korean in the beginning! At the time, as far I knew it was either look up words and make anki cards when I watch the show or look up words and not make anki CArds (this will guarantee that you will end looking up the same word 5-10 times if not more). It was clear to me that I’d rather make anki cards than look up the same word 20 times in the dictionary (this made me inexplicably angry probably since I’m not as passionate about Korean as I am about Japanese and because half the words were sino-words).  At the time of  I didn’t even conceive the possibility of other ways of using anki ie other formats besides the usual flashcard format.


Front: Word

Back : definition in english/japanese and maybe a screenshot of the sentence from a Korean tv show

Front: Sentence

Back: Japanese definition entry from naver j-k dictinoary of the word in the sentence that I don’t know (from lingoes) and maybe a screenshot of the sentence from a korean tv show

The way I see it is that the whole point of doing anki cards is so that when i add word x 8n0OcQ.md.pngto anki and do the reviews I expect myself to recognize it (and remember the meaning) or at least know that it’s in my deck when I see it in the wild again. By recognizing I mean instantaneous recognition so anything longer than 5 seconds is really BAD. If I add word x by itself on the front or the sentence containing word x on the front of a card with the answer on the back (the usual flashcard/anki format) I’m essentially putting myself in the same exact situation as when I initially come across unknown words on a tv show or novel or article etc. for example, I’ll watch a tv show, they’ll say something I don’t know and they also happened to have the text across the screen and I care enough so I look it up in lingoes or google or naver etc. What usually happens is if I find the correct definition everything is crystal clear and I understood it and I may or may not completely forget the word or definition or both 5 minutes/30 seconds later if I don’t use anki. For me, the traditional format is too much work and it’s not effective. What happens is I either I don’t engage with it properly so I’m not really doing the reviews or I do engage with it properly and do the painful thing where I force myself to conjure the definition out of thin air since the only clue is the word or sentence containing the word only to mark AGAIN a month later or just draw a blank go no f’in idea (the former with the thinking hard thing is especially awful and ineffective in my experience). When I half-ass it I either read the sentence or half-read it (reading it in a lazy way) or don’t read it (but don’t realize I’m not reading it) or only read it a little of it (not enough) and I usually press the SHOW answer after 0.5 seconds (barely enough time to actually engage/think about it but I am impulsive like that especially when I am not into it and maybe I grew irritated at this format over the years), read the answer go yeah that seems familiar but for some reason I can’t remember it at all (or it’s like the first time I’m reading it) and proceed to press hard ASAP (again barely enough to read it or I half-read it) until I feel like hitting AGAIN in some future session. So of course this didn’t happen with all my korean cards but it happened frequently enough to make me not give a shit and keep marking hard, then again depending on how I felt rather than if I actually knew the answer. I acknowledge that my disenchantment towards Anki played a role in rendering the traditional format ineffective for me. That was inevitable from having used anki all these years and having a lazy disposition. However, I recall that even when I did my reviews seriously (using the traditional format of sentence/word on the front and definition on the back) I could tell some of it was just not working and I was wasting my energy. Also, I felt that anki was less effective for Korean compared to Japanese when I made cards in the traditional format even taking into account the disparity between amount of time spent watching korean tv vs japanese tv (everyday while korean is like every few weeks, months etc). I think the the writing systems played a part in that.

8n0RA2.md.pngIf I add word x to anki and I want to be able to recognize it/remember the meaning when it pops up in native media in the future, the best way to remember it using it anki is NOT testing myself in the exact way that I encountered the word minus the sound ( I never considered adding audio to my korean cards because I don’t need IT and it takes up time. I only record if I’m going to ask people “what did this person say” ) or putting a word I encountered on the front and the answer on the back. Doing either of those things makes no sense. It took me a long time to recognize this and do something about it unfortunately! One reason I don’t feel inclined to read the sentence in my deck is that it’s BORING! My disinclination quadruples when that sentence is written in hangeul vs. Japanese or English for good reason. I’ve tried bolding and underlining the word in the sentence to see if that would lower the burden and motivate me to read the anki card and it didn’t make much of a difference. It was because it did not change the fact that it’s boring to make myself to read a sentence. You’re subjecting yourself to the same experience minus the audio. I feel that much more unmotivated to read something I already read especially if it has an unknown word in it. Also reading sentences written in hangeul is very labor-intensive to me because I have points of comparison (READING Japanese versus Korean is like night and day or 月とスッポン in  Japanese since Korean is a phonetic alphabet while Japanese uses kanji which represents sound and meaning. Also Japanese has katakana and hiragana which makes reading Japanese more learner-friendly since it let’s you know what’s up and makes parsing sentences less of a chore ).

I’ve also made the observation that there are words/sentences in my deck in the basic format that I know I read at least 10x times in my anki deck,  yet i still have no idea that the word/sentence is in my deck and don’t know the meaning of the “unknown” word the cards are testing me on either. I think it’s because I find the information extremely arbitrary due to all vowel/syllable/bacchim/etc combinations in Korean…  It’d be probably 100x more arbitrary if I was illiterate in Japanese (=hanja literacy) and was completely oblivious to the hanja behind the hangeul. However this would never happen with the cloze deletion format. It’s just impossible since you’re presented a card with something blanked out. In the traditional format I am presented the word or sentence in its entirety so there are cards where regardless of how many times I’ve read it or seen it, I don’t remember the word and/or the meaning etc. The act of recalling information that is blanked out is more powerful than passively reading something over and over again over a long, extended period of time even if the interval is scheduled by anki.  Also just seeing an anki card with something blanked out is inherently more memorable than seeing an anki word with nothing blanked out especially when you blank a part of a word rather than the whole word. Basic anki card formats are especially prone to failure with Korean since there are a myraid of vowel/consonant/bacchim combinations are possible.  It creates a very big problem where I go why do I give a shit about this card/word. Making a cloze magically makes it into a card I care about. I’ve read in a book that you can remember stuff better if you practice recall which I agree with whole-heartedly and I find the cloze deletion format more conducive towards practicing recall than the basic sentence/word on the front.  By reading I mean I listened to the audiobook at 1.5x or 1.25x BY USING one of my 4 library cards! Oh wait I have 5 since I have my internet korean library card. Also, here’s  another book review with a summary of the points. And another

You have to practice SMART not HARD. Training and performing are completely different activities. Basketball players do other things besides play basketball to train and pianists don’t play the song over and over again from start to finish to practice (that’s what i did lol since i hate practicing!!!) . They do stuff in training that they don’t do during the performance because it’s effective. You could write out each of the regular usage kanji ( about 2000) a thousand times and still not be able to write all of them out off the top of your head (OF course I’m recommending RTK for this very reason) but I think in Korea they encourage nonsense like this last I heard because they love working hard (they should focus on working smart more). However in all seriousness learning 2000 hanja is not hard when you’re fluent in Korean provided you’re using effective methods that does not involve copying/writing each character and its meaning/readings a couple hundred times. You have to approach it in a strategic manner or you’re just wasting time. It’s great that you’re hard-working and you have all this energy and drive to reach your goal but if you’re going it about it in the wrong way it can be 8n0ky5.md.pngineffective and tortuous! It’s not always no pain, no gain. I knew it was more effective than the traditional formats for me but I couldn’t explain why until now.

Clozing multiple syllables of the word (I usually do the first 2 syllables of a word since most words are 2 syllables) makes korean anki cards more effective. When the word is long ie 3 or more syllables I usually choose 2 syllables to blank out. If the word is really bad I cloze more than 2 syllables. The only time I kill a whole word is if the word is one syllable and if it’s hard i give myself a hint with a letter from English alphabet like j for 지. I prefer the English alphabet to using hangeul for hints since English stands out among the sea of Korean and Japanese therefore takes less effort to notice/read. Erasing the whole word and trying to remember that is TOO MUCH WORK and I don’t think it’s worth it. I even put in hints for particularly challenging 2 syllable cloze cards during review if I can tell that I will never remember the word from having failed it a few times ( I can just tell!) . Coming up with the Korean syllable using the hint is challenging since there could be bacchim and Korean has a lot of vowel and consonant sounds. I don’t mark all cards I got wrong AGAIN. I mainly employ this strategy for the sake of conserving time and energy since my number of cards to relearn would double or triple if I were to truly answer AGAIN for anything I got wrong (this time and effort is not proportional to the benefits at all in my opinion. 99% of the time it doesn’t matter if mark the card AGAIN now or 5 days from now or 3 months from now ). I’m kinda balancing my load myself without the plugin insofar as failed cards are concerned. I have my step set to 2400 as it is so I don’t see failed cards until 2-3 days later (this is to help build my excitement and enthusiasm to read the failed cards). Also, if I’m close to the answer ie the bacchim is wrong or the vowel sound is wrong or the consonant sound is wrong I usually don’t mark AGAIN since it’s very much possible I could get it right the next time since I just got an exposure to the word or maybe I’ll read it or hear it somewhere in Korean media before the next review. Korean just has a lot of vowel and consonant sounds so it just so happens that sometimes I’m CLOSE but not correct. However there are times where I will mark the card wrong if I got it wrong because of bacchim because I felt compelled to see the card again sooner because remembering that particular word exactly is important to me. Taking a lax approach to failing cards allows me to focus on words/sentences that I truly want to learn. Furthermore, sometimes I can’t tell how useful/important the word is since what dictates that is Korean native material and I don’t watch Korean tv 10 hours a day everyday let alone everyday etc (I can try to guess or make assumptions based on the meaning of the word for all I know… However, the word I considered most unlikely to be useful could show up over and over again and the word I thought would be the most useful may not be encountered again until 5 months later etc)… NOT ALL CARDS ARE EQUAL. Prioritizing saves me a lot of time and optimizes anki usage to the nth degree. I notice more easily now with the huge intervals that some cards stick well from repetition of seeing it multiple times ie 6x times over a long period of time (I’m talking months or a year here) while other cards don’t stick well despite the repetitions because that’s as far as that anki card will take me for that particular card (and it probably didn’t show up again in my reading/watching since I added it) and it’s obvious that I have to see it being used however many more times in native material in emotional, compelling ways. I recognize the limitations of anki and this is yet anther reason I don’t press FAIL strictly based on whether or not I actually failed the card.

An example with 3 clozes!







I initially tried out the multiple cloze format for Korean on a whim because I like being lazy and half-assing anki as much as possible to get the benefit without racking my brain excessively. I noticed that making 1 cloze doesn’t work so I started my experiment by making 3 clozes for each word I added to anki since it would make reviews easier. Of course I pondered to myself if that would mean that reviews triple which probably means that it’s not worth making 3 cards per word (I quickly reached the conclusion that they would not since I have huge intervals and gave it a shot. I’m sure my reviews would’ve quadrupled if I used the default anki settings *shudder* the default steps are so awful). The first 2 clozes each clozed a syllable of the word and the 3rd cloze clozed part(s) of the definition. Later on I tried making 2 clozes instead of 3 by making the cloze for part(s) of the definition the same cloze number as the cloze that is clozing the EASIER syllable. I had to try it out to see if it’s as effective as clozing 3 syllables since 3 cloze cards sound like over-kill. As far a I can tell 2 clozes is as effective 3 clozes for the most part so I only make 3 clozes if I feel like the word/definition etc is that tricky to remember. I realized that for words that seem easy I’m still better off clozing 2 syllables  of the word as opposed to one syllable because I gain familiarity with the word better with 2 clozes than 1 cloze. I only only only make 1 cloze for the korean word if the word is a single syllable or it’s a double-syllable word that’s ridiculously easy  (the word itself is easy to remember) but I still want it in my deck and WANT to ensure that I remember the definition. I almost always have at least 2 clozes for Korean anki cards because I have to practice recall with the word and the definition otherwise I feel like I’m wasting my time. After all, what’s the point if I don’t remember the word itself or don’t remember the definition or neither…

You’d think that making 1 card is better than making 3 but it’s the exact OPPOSITE in my experience if you do it right (the time difference for making 3 cards vs 1 is a matter of 2 seconds and reviews for cloze deletions cards are much easier, faster, and more fun. Regarding the fun factor, clozing is the only significant thing I’ve encountered that makes anki reviews more fun (the colors, fonts, nonsense anki add-ons abt conquering crap etc don’t do shit in terms of fun factor). Multiple cloze cards is like doing steps in ANKI except it’s better and more effective SINCE YOU are seeing variations of the card. Additionally, I can change the ease intervals, minimum interval, graduation interval etc so it really takes up less time than the traditional format. It requires production from me but it’s not burdensome. In fact, the traditional format of sentence on the front with the definition on the back is so burdensome I can’t even get myself to do the review properly since I can’t make myself read the sentence lol… AND I painfully go through the cycle of not remembering or mis-remembering – this is a waste of time and you most definitely never do this with multiple cloze cards provided that you don’t cloze the whole word).  I went through a phase where I made Korean anki cards like I made Japanese anki cards and had to acknowledge that it’s just not working for Korean. For Japanese I usually have only one cloze that’s one syllable (hiragana) of the word by itself or the word in the sentence with the full definition in japanese and english below it. When I tried to adopt the strategy for Korean it was still too difficult and I came to the realization that ONE SYLLABLE in Korean is more complicated than the one syllable in Japanese. That is because Korean has spelling and all these vowels and consonant sounds that don’t exist in Japanese and of course there are Japanese sounds that cannot be properly represented by Hangeul. You’d think that blanking out a syllable is as easy as it gets but it turns out that is not the case for Korean.

I had been misunderestimating Korean and Hangeul all this time haha… Korean is not Japanese so obviously I have to modify my strategy for maximum efficiency and efficacy!  something about the bacchim and number of possible vowel and sound combinations just make it hard to remember the word or maybe it’s better to say that much easier to forget it or remember it vaguely or incorrectly (vague to the point that I don’t know if the word is in my deck or not or i have no idea what the f the word means even though the word has been in my deck for x years with a screenshot from the korean tv show) ie 3 or 4 syllable words that with syllables that all have different vowel sounds and some or all have different bacchim in them. hell even 2 syllable words can be tough to remember due to the myriad of bacchim/vowel combinations (though I know Japanese so I take full advantage of hanja to easily remember the sino-words ie not thinking of the vowel of the sound as an arbitrary vowel since I know the damn hanja. but half the time words don’t even have sino backgrounds!! ) Guess I love me some bacchim-less multi-syllable words that have repeating vowel sounds for the syllables like 비나리, 사이비,거시기,누리 lol (these words are random but easy to remember lol).

Furthermore, CLOZE deletion is wickedly effective for onomatopoeia and the four hanja character stuff compared to the traditional format. Maybe the traditional format isn’t complete trash if you generate tts and have it play it 20 times when you flip to the back lol.  Cloze deletion cards help me notice things that I wouldn’t notice in the traditional format or immersion (by immersion I mean I watch shit I like and care about and understand 90%+ without look-ups). Cloze deletion format is a MUST for me for Korean.


まことしやか = MAKOTOSHIYAKA… cannot be broken down any further… there’s no small tsu, long vowels, etc so it’s pretty damn straightforward.

얼렁뚱떵 (ㅇ+ㅓ + ㄹ, ㄹ+ㅓ+ㅇ ㄸ+ㅜ +ㅇ, ㄸ +ㅓ +ㅇ) – eol   leong   ttung  tteong

here you gotta remember the vowel sound (THERE are 11-20 vowels in korean vs 5 in japanese), bacchim (if there’s double bacchim then it’s even more burdensome lol), consonant sound, whether the consonant is double or not double (and of course it’s half and half and not all or nothing here) etc etc even if I were to make one cloze card….. It’s very to easy to mis-remember/not remember the syllable of the word. For Japanese I can get away with clozing one syllable like ___ことしやか for the example but for Korean making ONE cloze is still WAY TOO much demanding ___렁뚱떵 and I get poor results. It’ll feel like it’s working for a month or a couple months and then I totally blank out and go back to square one, play some guessing games (alternating between the 2 strong contenders usually due to a vowel sounds ) and rinse and repeat for eternity to never remember. It’s wasted energy. HOWEVER I noticed that when I made 2 clozes ie __렁뚱떵 and 얼__뚱떵 I remembered it much better. I learn/read the word in parts which makes me remember/read the word as whole much more easily. It makes me attentive, notice, and connect the dots in a way that immersion or traditional flashcard formats or reading cannot because I am practing ACTIVE RECALL. It’s the only way I can kinda emulate what children can do which is to remember stuff word by word, syllable by syllable with little effort and therefore notice crap easily (ie for korean kids it’s easy to remember and recall hangeul “blocks” for a 4 syllable word, for chinese kids it’s easy to remember the tone with the sound. while for me everything is arbitrary af and i will either not remember it or mis-remember it or keep guessing at certain parts like the vowel sound). As an adult I take the laziest way possible so I will mis-remember and forget the words if I were to test them in the traditional anki format because it’s so easy to not remember it exactly as its written. Additionally, by using this cloze format, I am essentially abiding by the cardinal rule of making flashcards which is KEEP IT SHORT AND SIMPLE (KISS for short).

The only way to make the cloze card effective for Korean is to make multiple cloze cards (c1 c2 c3) to break the information down. I didn’t like the idea of multiple cloze cards because you’re making 2 or 3 cards instead of one but from doing the single c1 cloze with Korean I realize making multiple clozes actually takes less time overall since my anki settings are super lax. Compared to making one cloze card, multiple cloze cards are  less burdensome, I spend less time on anki than if I had created ONE card even though I created 2 or 3 cards for one word since I fail it less frequently and press easy that much more often. Even if I press OKAY, anki will still send the cards out far. Currently my settings are set that for new cards it’s 7 days for okay and 11 days for good. I think my settings for japanese is like 9 days and 14 days?? Also the step is 2900 minutes. I was initially hesitant about making my intervals that huge for Korean but it turned out that I underestimated my memory skills. My fail rate did not increase astronomically and in fact the big, initial intervals are a boon because I can truly focus my energies on cards that are difficult rather than begrudgingly press easy on easy cards too frequently which was exactly what I would’ve experienced even with my original lax anki settings. If I was using the DEFAULT anki settings I’d be wasting a lot of time! Those settings are overkill especially for languages.

Of course my retention rate is not 100% with the cloze deletion format but it’s definitely higher than the rate for the traditional format. And I don’t think you should be aiming for a 100% anyway… I don’t know what the exact ideal number is but I would rather be undertested than overtested. I want to reap the benefits from anki without the unnecessary time sink.

If It’s not obvious, the point of this anki format is not to practice output; it’s to ensure that I properly engage with the information, digest the information in bite-sized pieces. Yes, I am asking myself to fill in the SYLLABLE which is output in a limited capacity (I have the whole sentence, the other syllable, the meaning, definition in english, a clue with the English letter telling me what the consonant sound is etc) but it’s nothing compared to actual output when you’re conjuring something out of thin air. I certainly don’t expect myself to be able to conjure up words in writing or speaking because I have it in my deck in this clozed deletion format. Cards I see periodically via this format definitely leave enough of an impression where I know whether or not a word is in my deck or not if I come across it again while watching a Korean TV show or reading a Korean book etc. I CANNOT say the same about the cards that are the usual word on the front and definition on the back or sentence on the front and definition in the back (I can barely get myself to read the sentence let alone make sure I remember the WORD, the SENTENCE, the MEANING, etc and there’s a reason for that which I’ve written about in great length in my hanjaro post.  Luckily nowadays I can at least have sentences I mined from reading have hanja inserted in before importing into anki.   ). I think learning words involves remembering the word itself, the meaning, and how you use it so that’s why I like breaking it down like this. I use this format is for my passive Korean ability. It’s between passive and active in a way since it does stuff for me that just watching/reading/hearing Korean (stuff I like. Stuff I may rewind while watching etc. I do not indiscriminately watch tv regardless of the language ) doesn’t do for me. Anki helps me either build or strengthen my “relationship” with words! Without anki, I get exposed to words WHICH I would immediately forget after looking it up or not encounter for months or a year. However, if I use anki, these words inevitably leave an impression on me in most cases since they are presented in this relatively easy QUIZ format. As a title says, I find this anki format to be the best for learning korean from TV SHOWS. It’s a great way to prime the words and make them memorable since ultimately I’m relying on the korean TV shows/books/articles/etc to help the words stick via memorable/emotional contexts but the words are not used that frequently ( I’m past those words and the words I’m trying to learn aren’t useless since they are words a native knows. ).

Using anki is better than mass-watching thousands of hours of korean tv passively (look up nothing, not rewind, use no subs with the exception of korean subs etc) and expect to magically understand everything 100% (which won’t happen since Korean culture is probably very different from your culture for one thing), watching korean tv looking up the majority of unknown words in google/dictionary while not making any anki cards or copying shit into a notebook to never review the aforementioned shit. Finally, half-ass anking is better than no anking. (UNLESS YOU SPEND WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON ANKI. in that case you may be better off just not using anki) On a similar note, it could be construed that multiple cloze cards IS half-assing anki compared  to the much recommended sentences cards or word cards (target language on the front, definition/explanation on the back), but when it comes down to it multiple cloze cards  are more effective for me. Difficulty is desirable when doing anki reviews since it makes the memories that much stronger but it shouldn’t be excessive. Excessive difficulty ultimately wastes your time because if it’s too hard, you can’t do your anki reviews properly and you waste time and effort trying to make it work and lying to yourself that it’s you and not the format or you lie to yourself it would work if you’d just torture yourself and push harder for abyssmal results.  I strive for an ideal level of difficulty and the multiple cloze deletion format facilitates that. I’ve come to the conclusion that for me half-ass anking is better than no anking for learning languages!!

I’ve found some great ways to STREAMLINE THE PROCESS for generating cards while watching KOREAN talk/variety shows. I have a different for process for stuff I mine from reading because I go after efficiency.

I recommend and use the following:

lingoes dictionary – I use the naver japnese/korean dictionary from 2009 (?)(that’s the date on lingoes if I remember correctly.) as well as the k-e ones.  I like it because it’s really fast since it’s off-line and searches as you type. You can also set it up so it looks up text you double-click on, look up a word in the definition with a shortcut,etc but it does not know how to unconjugate so it’s only helpful for nouns for the pop-up function. You can bring the lingoes program to the front and to the back with a shortcut. I also wrote an autohotkey script to send korean text to lingos.

Also recently I’ve fallen in love with the example sentences. I always ignored them until this year lol. I always ignored them because I only cared about what the word means in the instance that I came across.

AUTOHOTKEY (set to naver/daum/some korean-english dictionary/naver k-e example sentences/naver j-k examples sentences/ and my HG and OG Japanese google imi wa appended to the word). as I mentioned the lingoes dictionary is not up to date. I wish it was up to date! I got the idea from this blog https://mykorea.blog/look-up-a-word-or-phrase-in-a-korean-dictionary-using-autohotkey/ PAIR This with a gaming mouse with the macros set up and you WILL save a lot of time and feel more motivated to stuff up

WORD QUERY  – on anki 2.0- this anki plugin is amazing. after installing it you find and install the dictionaries then go to word-query when you’re in anki and set-up a card-template for the look-up. You put the word in the specified field and it generates the defintion entry in the specified field ! it does not know how to unconjugate since it searches the dictionary. It can be run in EDITING window and BROWSE window. that means you can batch defintions in browse on premade decks etc etc. it’s also possible to do that with HANSEIDO. sanseido plugin is officially dead though 😦 .  The only downside is that for some of the dictionaries it will only insert 1 matching entry when there are more ie any word that is a homonym. I can circumvent the homonym issue for naver J-k by pasting from lingoes since the lingoes dictionary file is the same as the stardict naver JK dictionary file. Also, some dictionaries put all the definitions under 1 entry (the korean-english ones) which sometimes makes the entry extremely long. However, I do not spend time editing/trimming that stuff since I don’t have the time and it doesn’t bother me. I set it up so the wordquery stuff shows up on the back of the card. The clutter doesn’t bother me. EDIT 04-2021    : it’s available on anki 2.1 – it works on the add card window but it doesn’t do the batching in the browse window. https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1030932490  the other word query plugin on anki 2.1 plugins page doesn’t work, the fast wordquery on anki 2.1 partially works (it only detects 2 of the dictionaries… no idea why so it’s trash)

06.2021  mediafire link for cloze each character, hanseido, wordquery for anki 2.0

mediafire link to cloze autohotkey and excel

paste into


to install them.

 thank god i can use both anki 2.0 and 2.1!

click here for the mediafire link that contains  13 dictionaries that I use

to break it down

and more…

the one titled github was a tsv file that I converted from this github page

I think there might be a duplicate there….

Lingoes converter that I used to generate stardict dictionaries

Or maybe it was from here??


1. Windows版: http://lingoes-extractor.googlecode.com/files/lingoes-extractor-1.0.exe

2. Java版:http://lingoes-extractor.googlecode.com/files/lingoes-extractor-1.0.jar

stardict dic  | editing stardict dic


#2 https://postimg.cc/RNLz3WmF

word-query set up is easy and straight-forward…
8n0rmo.md.pngFor Korean I use korean-english/ korean-korean and naver korean-japanese dictionary and the hanja dictionary (sometimes it’s helpful or maybe I just do it for the shits and giggles. it generates all the homophones in hanja form! I usually don’t pay attention to this).

I also use it in conjunction with readlang and rikaisama (Japanese) since I import cards using those programs/services. Readlang doesn’t know how to unconjugate so you’d have to painstackingly unconjugate the verbs so I only use it on certain cards which I mark via tagging before importing.

HANSEIDO – This gives you korean definitions. I use it to mass generate defintions. I select all the korean cards in browse and generate the definition. again, it does not know how to unconjugate. you can not use it in the EDITING FIELD. It can only be executed in the browse field. I was curious and tested it to see if it would look up hanja since there are lotta of homophones depending on the word and it WORKED!

CLOZE DELETION SHORTCUT PLUGIN called BASIC C1 WRAPPER- I installed other plugins I would never use and replaced the code with the cloze deletion shortcut for c2 and c3 and c4 etc. so for me it’s control + 2, control +3, control + 4 to make the highlighted text clozed. there’s also the space bar one

CLOZE EACH CHARACTER PLUGIN – it’s based off the cloze shortcut plugin which uses control + space bar AS THE shortcut for c1. Therefore, the spacebar cloze plugin stops working if I install cloze each character. So, I chose this over the spacebar plugin!)

as is this (I use the new button/short-cut for clearing all the clozes in the field) and this

PAINT.NET PROGRAM – for cutting out the text from the screenshots. I like this over gimp and MS paint and this other program. I use the shortcut key “s” to select a chunk of the picture so I can cut it and paste it into anki. Also I use the macro mouse for copy pasting (control c, control v). Unlike the other programs, paint.net has shortcuts for accessing a specific picture when you open up multiple pictures. Sometimes I take screenshots and save them to generate cards later and so after I open a handful of pictures I switch between the pictures by using the shortcuts control + 1 for the first pic open, control + 2 for the second pic open, etc etc

EDIT: I now use sharex. check out mattvsjapan’s youtube vid about the program!


This isn’t a plugin or a program but anki is completely different with different settings. I used to be overtested like crazy from the default settings as well as the damn steps. So I don’t feel burdened or ashamed of generating multiple cloze deletion cards simply because my settings are set so I can push easy cards far out rather quickly and cloze deletion cards are easier to remember than regular cards and I did regular cards already and know they don’t work as well. My settings for Japanese are even more lax since I’m that much more confident and comfortable with Japanese. I have different settings for each deck depending my level and the format (THE CLOZE DELETION card format has huge ease intervals etc for obvious reasons!). as you get better at a language at the language you should increase the ease interval/etc.the default settings are just too much. and if you need those default settings8n0zse.md.png to retain a decent percentage than you’re probably better off not using anki and YOU SHOULD instead read and listen consistently to learn/familiarize yourself with the common words/sentence patterns/ etc.


and don’t forget to change the STEPS. I hate steps! My step is just one and it’s usually 2900 minutes. If I fail a card I do not want to see it 1 minute later since it will interrupt the flow of my anki review mojo. I love anki now. But seriously why the hell do people want to see anki cards 1 minute and 10 minutes after failing… that just sounds like torture (It literally ruins anki reviews because I get CONSTANT interruptions not to mention I can’t fathom how anyone can consider 1 minute and 10 minutes intervals to be SPACED. if you need to see it that frequently that maybe you shouldn’t have added that card. I feel more motivated to read my anki card after failing it if anki shows it to me 2 or 3 days from when I initially saw it rather than the next day or 5 minutes later.

When the dictionary and google and naver translate fail me I go to chiebukuro, reddit, korean discord, or korean stack exchange. I prefer chiebukuro solely for the fact that it’s less of a pain in the ass. Also Japanese people are very kind and sometimes Japanese is better than English for the explanation since the 2 languages are grammatically similar but Japanese and Korean are very different languages and some shit is just is hard to translate to Japanese and vice versa. the stack exchange wants me to write a paragraph in the question field or something. it always bitches about how I don’t have enough text. It’s ridiculous.

8n0EnC.md.pngSo I usually download the episode than watch it on youtube or ondemandkorea etc because it’s so much more convenient with rewinding and fast-wording or even looping. I use kmplayer because I can set it up so that I can rewind and fastforward by scrolling my mouse and that is very convenient. Also I can press f5 and f6 to set point a and point b respectively so I can loop the video (I don’t use this often). also if I press control + c kmplayer will take a screenshot and put it in my clipboard which I can paste into paint/gimp/etc. KMPLAYER takes the screenshot of the video at full screen which makes the text BIGGER so it’s really convenient since korean shows are notorious for having small text. Meanwhile Japanese shows have HUGE text literally covering 20 % of the screen as you can see all over this post which I like for practical reasons ie reading/putting it into anki though sometimes I wish it were a little smaller but it’s still better than Korean TV text. I always gotta make the Japanese video smaller before taking a screenshot to add to anki while for Korean it’s ALWAYS fullscreen just to get that tiny text as big as possible.

So when i come across something that I want to add to anki I…

1) press control + c on kmplayer. I either let the video play ( I can rewind if I want to etc) or loop it at a specified scene.
2) paste in paint8n0SDk.md.png
3) search lingoes
4) run word query with control + enter (right enter). I set it up so that the word-query dictionary fields do not show up during reviews. they take up a lot of space so I just copy whatever I want into the cloze field.

5) if that doesn’t work I go to google or whatever. Or I could add a tag to it to go back to fill the definition in later so I can just keep watching the episode. sometimes I have to ask on chiebukuro or korean stack exchange and the responses can take days sometimes.

6) I cut out a square or rectangle that contains the text and paste into the screenshot field of my anki card. I set this to show up in the BACK. Sometimes I find the scene itself ( without the text) helpful to remember so i’ll include it on top of the text.

7) if I find something in lingoes with an example sentence I paste the definition, example sentence, japanese translation all on the same field. then I use the shortcut for cloze deleting and cloze delete each syllable of the word (usually 2), and a part of the definition (a syllable or two). I try not to make too many cloze deletion cards. I usually generate 2 cloze deletion cards since first card is for the syllable of the word & syllable(s) of the defintion and second card is for the second syllable. I cloze the definition under the cloze of the syllable that’s EASIER to remember. If the word is particularly hard I will make 2 clozes with 2 syllables of the word and a 3rd cloze with only parts of the definition clozed out ( I rarely do this one because I don’t like making 3 cards for a word unless the word is particularly tricky or challenging). it all depends on how I perceive the difficulty of the word in terms of remembering it.

I repeat the steps if the word has another meaning (which was not used in the talk/variety show) that I think is easy to remember/ it seems worth remembering. kill 2 birds with one stone.

b) if lingoes doesn’t find anything but word query dictionary finds something then I use that. If i don’t have the sentence I just use word and definition with stuff clozed out.8n0lZa.md.png

** when I initially discovered the wonder of cloze deletion I was between a rock and a hard place because cloze-deleting a screenshot of a tv show is time-consuming (compared to clozing text with the ms paint and copy-pasting. i sure as hell won’t type out the sentence) but effective since the screenshot is memorable and I actually get something out of my anki review since something is blanked out. Inserting a screenshot that contains text without blanking anything out does nothing for me for korean. I realized one day that I can cloze the definition entry and put the screenshot on the back as a reminder/test as to why I care about the word. That’s why I love clozing the example sentences in lingoes. I feel more motivated to read the sentence or phrase in the screenshot knowing that I read the definition or explanation just a few seconds ago.

8) as I’m adding my cloze deletion cards I also add the word by itself to another field so I can look up all the crap on hanseido later on. I put the hanseido definition on the front since it’s a different definition than the one I grabbed from the other dictionaries and I’m more likely to read it if it’s on the front of the card. no scratch that; i will not read it if it’s on the back. it’s some psychological/conditioning thing! I’m very impulsive with the pressing.

9) after I’m done adding for the day I run hanseido in browse

8n0nAx.md.png10 ) be amazed by the number of cards I Made (remember one word could have 2 or 3 cards) in one day and actually remember shit! If you want to know how many NOTES you have rather than number of cards, type Card:1 in your card browser after selecting the deck.

Anyway, going back to the initial example I gave courtesy of some episode of HIGH SCHOOL RAPPER. I know that if I did the traditional format of pasting the screenshot let’s say on the front and the answer on the back I may not remember the word or the meaning despite countless reviews on anki. For example what I get out of the anki reviews could be that it’s a 2 syllable word i failed a bunch of times, or a 2 syllable word that starts a with a gg sound, or I’ll remember the definition but not the word itself ( so I may not recognize thy the word when I see it in the wild) , or I’ll remember. the word but not remember the meaning ( or assign the meaning to that word). There’s too much going on in those 2 syllables to just make ONE CARD.  There are double consonants, one syllable has bacchim, the other syllable doesn’t, i gotta remember which syllable has the bacchim and which doesn’t, i gotta remember the hangeul that makes up the bacchim,  definition is not as simple and straightforward as concrete nouns like pig etc (I think ggaddak is an adjective? korean grammar is confusin’).  I gotta break it down to get something out of it and I wish I figured that out sooner.








<- I actually already had this word in my deck from months or years back.

I found it!

So it was set up as


이도 저도



I linked the youtube link for the sake of satisfying anyone’s curiosity but i did not add any linkst o the anki card and I almost always never bother to add links to anki cards especially youtube vids since those links die. omg holy shit the vid has KOREAN SOFTSUBS now…. those definitely didn’t exist in 2012. the vid has subs in like 12 diff languages.

So when I initially looked up the word the meaning of the word, the meaning was crystal clear since I looked up the word while watching Strong Heart in 2012 or 2013?? I definitely remembered the meaning and the definition for at least 30 minutes in my head due to short-term memory since I heard it/read it/looked up the definition, it made COMPLETE sense, and it was used in a funny way in native speech. I added it to anki and reviews for this word went swimmingly for a while but eventually I completely forgot the meaning of the word and the word probably a few months or a year later. It was on the default, overkill anki settings with the steps and everything so it’s obvious it’s the card format that’s sucking not to mention the default steps are soul-sucking and just completely unnecessary for cards you make yourself. At that point I entered the cycle of learning and remembering and forgetting the word and the meaning and I’m sure half the time I was half-assing my reviews which includes not even reading the back of the card (like I said impulsively press enter or spacebar after 0.5 seconds). Passively reading stuff doesn’t do shit in this particular case. active recall is what counts! I ended up never regaining the initial crystal clear comprehension and  familiarity with the word and the meaning that I possessed when  I first looked it up. Actually maybe I did regain that level of clarity to some extent transiently when I would read the card in its entirety but that memory never lasted a significant amount of time because I am not practicing active recall with this very common anki format. It’s a lot of wasted time and effort. You’d think the active recall is more demanding and difficult and time-consuming but the passsive-reading is more demanding, difficult and time-consuming since it does not work. you gotta look at the FOREST NOT THE DAMN TREES!!  It seems like a simple enough task to extend my memory of this word/phrase and its meaning that I learned almost effortlessly by encountering it in a memorable context but in hindsight it’s clear that this anki format is terrible for that. I’m sure if I added the card in the multiple cloze deletion format I would’ve remembered/learned this word and its meaning first and foremost and with less time and effort and I most certainly wouldn’t have looked it up while watching PRODUCE 48! I’m not implying that if I added the card in 2012 in multiple cloze format then never saw it outside my deck that I should know it in 2019. What I think happened was that I encountered the phrase HOWEVER many times after adding it to anki in 2012/2013 and probably looked it up again even though it’s in my anki deck since the anki reviews weren’t effective then decided to not add it again since it’s already in anki. I am aware that I left out “anida” in the front and I’m not surprised I did that since as I mentioned before I half-assed anking when it came to Korean. I did anything and everything possible to cut corners to minimize time I spend making cards in anki because time = money. I don’t think the presence of “anida” on the front of the card would’ve made a big difference in the end result x months/years later since the anki format is inherently lacking. ido-juhdo is the meat of the phrase anyway! I was dead-set on half-assing anking as much as possible for Korean whether it’s making cards or doin reviews because I knew that anki does work and it’s helpful but I knew deep inside that the card format was inherently lacking.  I eventually figured out the better format and the reasons why it’s superior in every way.

I added this word AGAIN in 2019 while watching Produce 48 either knowing that I already have it in my deck (it’s easier to make a card than to search, find, and edit a card or suspend a card) or while not even being aware. I knew it wasn’t my first time encountering this word or looking up the definition but I also knew that I was looking it up now since I had no idea what the hell it meant. In this clozed format I learned the word and its meaning easily (THERE’S NO BACCHIM OR DOUBLE CONSONANTS ETC and the context is memorable) and I kept hitting easy and that enabled me to could focus my energy on other cards that are harder. I have come across Korean words in Korean tv shows (2012 to now) that are used in fun and memorable ways but because I didn’t add it in the clozed format, I missed out on learning the words!!! Trying to learn the word (remembering Korean words is not the same thing as remembering Japanese words or English words or Spanish words etc etc. It’s demanding in its own way ), the meaning, the usage (Korean grammar/conjugation/etc is no damn joke. I nodded when I read someone say it’s Japanese grammar times ten. it’s not an exaggeration actually), etc all at the same time is not following the principle of KEEP IT SHORT AND SIMPLE.  
one thing I can say for sure as someone who learned languages using anki and native material, sentence cards work better with Japanese than korean since it can be quite the shitshow for korean. The reason for that is the difference in the writing systems which I kinda wrote about in the hanjaro post.

musings regarding my recent Korean output

So I know a lot of language learners are obsessed with perfection almost to the point of irritation. no nobody gives a shit about how your handwriting improved for the katakana or the hanguel or whatever from writing it over and over or copying long ass passages of god knows what… perhaps you should put your time to better use. they just irritate me because in away they’re promoting awful learning methods and also seem oblivious or narrow-minded to other various methods of learning out there. my school of thought is I suffered at the hands of compulsory education with the mind-numbing, awful activities like work-sheets or copyings things etc etc…. why are you willing subjecting yourself to this torture on your free time? One of the biggest realizations I made when I was learning Japanese was that I was spending so much time learning about how to learn or various ways to learn or what are bad ways to learn despite years of compulsory conditioning trying to convince me that it’s effective. But I don’t regret spending that time learning about learning because I don’t want to waste any more time on shit and in the overall scheme of things you waste more time learning ineffectively by not learning about learning.

ANYWAYS recently I was outputting my Korean because I had to communicate with this korean person via email (by the way I see no appeal in “pen-pals” whatsoever… I am only communicating with someone if I have something to communicate to that specific person). I just wanted to communicate and deliver the information I wanted to deliver and I also wanted to get answers from this person. My attitude going into this is “ugh let’s just end this in the most painless, efficient way possible.” (I work full time, I have shit to do, it’s the just natural attitude for me to have)


In my view, it’s best to not give a shit and just do whatever is least painful and strenuous because that will lead to MORE output in volume compared to re-reading your sentences or clauses or using the dictinoary to look up crap you don’t have to or just stressing about it because you can’t write as eloquently as a native ( this is such a stupid and asinine and invalid worry. you should be asking yourself WHY WOULD I BE ABLE TO WROTE ELOQUENTLY seeing as you only spent x hours listening/reading/writing/speaking. i wish more people would read AJATT). Because I set this low standard for myself OF COMMUNICATION I did not waste my time looking up words in the dictinoary or re-reading and re-writing my sentences obsessively. I did do the final re-read just to make sure it made sense and my message would be understood by the receiving party. Ultimately I did “proof-read” albeit lazily and half-assedly and I later realized there were still typos when I sent it. But I did not care because my goal was communication and I knew despite whatever mistakes or typos or unnaturalnness or clunkiness of the sentence or fragment the person will understand what I’m saying. And I genuinely did not care if my Korean output seems worse than actually it is due to typos and lack of effort on my effort. There’s a level that you reach in the upper intermediate stage where you know your writing is full of mistakes and it’s unnatural but you know for sure that the native person will understand what you wrote ( I will link my only lang-8 entry that’s in Korean so you can get some idea of my ability to output but honestly depending what I want to output (writing an entry on lang-8 vs cmomunicating wtih someone via email is completely different) the shit can get real raw and terrible as any language learner knows … I’m sure the lang-8 entry gives the impression that my passive vocab/grammar is smaller than it actually is.) in fact the person i was communicating with via email started writing to me in english because my korean output is so bad lol. my korean comprehension ability is great though! ) . some of the stuff you can obsess over with writing well is so minor with respect to comprehension like the ㅅㅅㅅㅅ you put in to make sentences more formal and respectful. I just shoved the ㅅ shit in when I felt like it because this person’s isn’t going to get pissed at me for not using it when I shouldn’t have or not using it when I should have because he knows I’m not fluent in Korean and he should be able to tell my main goal is communication since he don’t speak fluent english.

<- she’s talking about games clearly.

So as we have our e-mail exchanges I start to give a shit unfortunately. I take this as a bad thing because I’m wasting time that could be put to better use and it’s just emails so it doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect since the only goal is communication. ALSO EVEN if I look up whatever my email will still have mistakes. what happened was I GOOGLED 오랫만 WITH QUOTES because I was unsure if it was correct or not and google says it’s a common mistake it’s actualy oreNNNN man. before I googled it I was thinking o-ret-man is correct and oreNNN is wrong or vice versa or they’re BOTH CORRECT. So after I did what I did I was kinda disappointed in myself for wasting my time googling. so then he responds and he opens his email with OREtttttT MAN so I feel even more irritated at myself wasting time on googling shit. it’s so minor, it don’t matter and he don’t even know if it’s incorrect or he knows but still wants to use it (I know that feeling). Hell I felt like using it and I should’ve just gone for it. You know what I’m gonna ask him about it… I only make a big deal of this because it will be if I get into this tunnel-vision mindset of obsessing over little shit and waste a gargantuan amount of time. It seems like it’s not a lot of time but it really adds up if you’re constantly obsessing over minuscule crap.


Anyways, my ability to output in Korean is stagnant and I tend to or rather I feel lazy so I output my Japanese-style Korean which doesn’t surprise me. Korean grammar just seems more complex and complicated than Japanese when it comes to outputting. The biggest reason of course is that I do not practice output in Korean. I have no need or desire so I don’t practice it so obviously I never improve. My comprehension has been improving leaps and bounds since it’s a passive ability that I’ve been cultivating effectively.  For Japanese I was so passionate about it, I practiced output ASAP as in trying to think in Japanese as much as possible which led me to think about how to express xyz in Japanese. In the beginning, I spoke to extremely choppy, short, SIMPLE sentences or fragments or even phrases because my Japanese was so limited and I didn’t want to fall into the trap of making up on “own Japanese.”  IT totally worked because my output in Japanese improved leaps and bounds from that and COMPREHENSIBLE/COMPELLING input & sooo input only (for KOrean) doesn’t work. I have no problem understanding Korean and noticing how stuff is expressed in a really Korean way (different from Japanese and English) but when it comes to output I don’t remember shit. It’s like trying to remember a fancy speech or some dialogue in a movie or tv show word for word. I always remember the general idea and flow… enough to pass a multiple choice test lol.

I don’t have a desire to output or think in Korean… it’s too hardcore lol. I don’t have that kind of passion.

Vocabulary lists

Vocab lists seem so tempting because it seems so efficient sorta like premade like anki decks. Of premade decks I’ve only used the heisig one successfully which I had to modify heavily to suit my needs. It’s tempting to go math crazy and do the 20 words a day x 356 days in a year = 7120 words or some other variation but I’ve learned the hard way the futility in doing that with my experience of misusing anki while learning Japanese.

I’m just posting about this topic because I just happened to come across these blogs that are an amazing fit for me to generate the anki cards in MCD format. These bloggers are sharing what they looked up on their blogs and they’re Japanese people learning Korean so this material is quite alluring to me.


6000 intermediate

6000 advanced

So I had saved this huge ass list of the top 6,000 Korean words from a some wiki website into my evernote. i had no intention of memorizing the list. I know how it may seem appealing for some hardworking rote-memorizing people but not to me. It just makes more sense to learn these words as you encounter them since they ARE SO GODDAMN COMMON AND USEFUL. also you may think top 6,000 words are mad useful!! but trust me they most likely aren’t. you need to figure out what YOUR TOP 6,000 KOREAN WORDS ARE as in the top 6000 words that come up in the korean media you enjoy. Anyways I kept it to sorta gauge my growth in korean vocabulary. for example a lot of the words were ha? the(japanese ha) or like wuh? from 2 years ago are now i know this shit. I’ll go “wow this shit is mad useful or i’ve seen it.” or i’ll be hardpresed to find words i have never seen or heard of. never mind it was from 4 years ago! 2012! If you still suck after 4 years you should reevaluate your methods and your goals.

Speak of the devil, here’s my worst nightmare realized


In my case by the time i reached 3000 cards in anki ( i didn’t anki for the first 3 or 6 months because i do not want to waste my time learning super common/useful words… that’s just stupid) I was understanding talk variety shows anywhere from 80 to 100% (depending on the show and how much I look up.. ). it’s not about the number of cards…

BTW memorizing all the words in this 6000 word list will not enable you to watch korean dramas without subtitles ( just looking through this list and thinking of all the words that i know on this list and all the words i know that i encounter that are not on this list… by encounter I mean strictly talk/variety shows). it’s literally the tip of the iceberg (all the awesome kickass words are obviously not in this list… not to mention korea is obsessed with trends so it feels like they invent 100 news words and that of that 90% die the next year, rinse and repeat. I’m just guessing here because I don’t keep up with that since I don’t watch korean dramas or korean shows on a consistent basis. in fact I’m chasing after random eps of shows that aired a few years ago or a fewdays ago or a few months ago… even with japanese I’ve read over 120 books and recently I looked up a few words from this new book I’m reading and I’m like woah these are some cool words why didn’t I hear about them sooner. this shit is never ending but at the same time I love how there’s so many awesome words out there that i do not know about. this applies to english as well OF COURSE). there’s so much vocab to know for korean dramas (even more for the saguk dramas) since as everyone knows the characters talk so much and they always drag out the dialogue and the scenes. literally every single character in korean dramas are chatterboxes. it’s a lot of vocab. well that level is fluency… in other words watching korean dramas without subtitles. I do know people who are Korean and fluent in Korean who watch it and understand/catch everything so that is what fluency is… for comprehension in my opinion anyway. I don’t like Korean dramas anyway so this doesn’t bother me but sometimes I like gauging my Korean by watching some clip of a korean drama to see my lack of vocabulary or my full comprehension if lightening strikes. sometimes it happens.

However as much as I find anking with mcd format to be effective for learning Korean at my Korean level (vocab, grammar, hours spent on Korean, etc) I can’t bring myself to use the material on these blogs to generate anki cards. It is intriguing to sorta gauge my level or rather see how much I don’t know from scrolling through these blogs.

I’ve been mostly getting words and whatnot for my anki deck from Korean that come out of people’s mouths on Korean TV and sometimes words on the screen that aren’t said ( I usually only do this if I feel really tempted because the word seems super easy to remember if it has no bacchim or I feel that I can associate something with the sound with the bacchim whether or not it is of sino-korean origin to remember the meaning). Partly that’s due to lack of motivation because I do not want to learn useless Korean. Maybe if you’re obsessed and driven to become fluent in Korean ASAP then maybe you have the urge to look up anything and everything but looking at it in the overall scheme of things that’s not an efficient way to go on about that.

The fact that I got something from a Korean show from a Korean person’s mouth imparts that word or grammar etc so much more value versus some word list with words that people think are useful based on their experiences with the English counterpart of those words or whatever variation of this. People just express things differently on a fundamental level depending on the language.

So anyways, some of the blogs that I linked did mine real Korean from a Korean article etc etc which imparts value on the list they share. However though it raises the value of the list in my eyes I personally didn’t read that article so I have no personal connection to any of those words and therefore no conviction that those words are useful. I won’t believe it unless I actually see it being used. But also I won’t force myself to read an article just so I can easily generate anki cards. I’ll only read the article if it interests me.

This site http://uprive1.rssing.com/chan-2640801/all_p15.html reminds me of textbooks. I am tempted for a second to learn from it but then the next second I realize there’s way too much awesome kickass tv show episodes of korean talk/variety shows to be watched. When it comes down to it, no matter what textbook it is, textbooks will never be more fun then native media. The whole point of textbooks is so you can stop using it and learn from Native material ASAP. If you think textbooks are fun you’ll probably faint from the shock of how much more interesting native material is. I see no problem using textbooks in the beginning stages but some people are like hey you got recs for intermediate/advanced? I’m thinking to myself do you want to learn korean for the sake of learning korean? how embarrassing.

If I had to choose between anking too much and anking too little I would choose anking too little. I think anking too much is worse because it’s proof that you are wasting your time that could be spent living your life doing things you enjoy whether it’s language learning related or not. To put a new perspective on it, I imagine what I would be doing if I were fluent in Korean and/or raised in Korea. The answer is not me reading from a textbook to improve my Korean. The answer would be I would be watching the exact same shows I’m watching now except I wouldn’t be looking up anything because I already know all those words and their nuances and their multiple meanings and the literal / figurative meanings of all the Korean because I’m fluent in Korean. I’d probably be multitasking like washing dishes while listening to it etc etc because it’s so effortless. I’m watching the show because I enjoy it. I don’t try to force myself to like a show or pretend that I like it or pretend that I like it or enjoy it more than I do just so I can find something to do in Korean…. I’m sure some people try AJATT and kinda think they’re doing it but they’re really not if they have to lie to themselves that they enjoy doing something or enjoy it more than they actually do.

When it comes down to it the number of anki cards I have or the percentage of mature cards is not an accurate measure of my Korean abilities. Ultimately it comes down to the amount of time I spent doing STUFF IN Korean while actively trying to figure out what I don’t understand or don’t know. Anki helps so much with making time I spent with Korean to be that much more fruitful and efficient with acquiring Korean vocab /grammar. I don’t have time to be watching Korean TV all day because I work full-time and I have other stuff I want to do that may not be in Korean. Why should I miss out on amazing stuff like Breaking Bad? Or God Tongue? Though I’m not able to spend a lot of time on Korean on a consistent basis (daily is ideal right?) due to time restraints and my volition that wants to do other things anki allows me to maximize whatever time I spent with the Korean show etc. I’ve never felt like I’ve moved backwards in Korean or even stagnant to be honest. The reason is that sometimes even if you don’t do something in Korean for let’s say 3 months, you still have Korean running through your brain that’s being digested. It’s some kind of delayed processing. I do still do anki on a daily basis or sometimes less frequently. It’s so strange how I feel like my Korean improved in certain ways despite cutting contact for x weeks or months. I’ve experienced this with Japanese as well in the past due to unfortunate circumstances. It was invigorating to hear other language learners talk about this EXPERIENCE on an episode on language mastery podcast. http://l2mastery.com/show/

you know I think the only possible way for my Korean to be stagnant or go backwards is if all I did was textbooks or cramming wordlists. I think to realize my efforts are for nil would be so devastating and disheartening AFTER x weeks or months despite torturing myself for x hours. One of the many reasons why I learned Korean after Japanese was that I did not want to waste my time with learning Korean. I equate stagnation and going backwards as wasting time. Learning in this order (with the foundation/scaffolding that is hanja and Japanese grammar) and using anki has ensured that I never feel like I’m going backwards with Korean. It’s just impossible. I never understood how people could motivate themselves to learn a language using methods that could possibly lead to stagnation or going backwards if they slacked or not get in contact with the language for x weeks or months.

How I learn Korean with Anki

I touched upon this on this previous post but i wanted to break it down. I’m pleased with the streamlined process. There’s some info I have to share beforehand which is that I usually don’t take more than 3 seconds with each card and only one format works for me and I know this from my experience with learning Japanese (It’s just my personality and I can’t get myself to read each card thoroughly and slowly… as soon as the answer pops in my head I press the space bar and give my answer). If you take more than 5 seconds with each anki card you should really reevaluate what you’re doing. As amazing as Anki is with the spaced repetition, if you use it wrong you are wasting your time and in the worse case scenario you’re deluded into thinking that you’re kicking ass in x language when you are wasting time.

(yes it says 3.9 secs but I’m still converting the format over for old cards that are still the traditional format of word in front and definition in front. I think that’s why my answering time is longer than it is because like I said it’s in my personality to press that space bar ASAP)

Another thing I have to mention is that I am only able to do this mcd format because of my current level of familiarity of Korean and my current korean vocabulary. I had mentioned in that previous post that I recently started this format because I finally reached a point where I passed this vocab level/korean familarity threshold where I am actually able to engage with the MCD card format and doing those cards are virtually effortless. Well more like really easy. AND another thing I HATE IT when people write stuff off without thinking about the possibilities!! in a previous post I mentioned how people think TV is a waste of time blahblah blh but that i disagreed because ultimately it came down to the TV show because there are really well-written, well-produced shows with words I gotta look up words in the dictionary if I want to understand them in their entirety. Anki gets a bad rep too because people don’t realize the possibilities like the different formats of cards you could set up in anki. for me this format has been soooo good for my Japanese and now my Korean. Of course I am using anki properly as in supplementing my learning from Native Media as opposed to putting all my time and energy into anki. There is an ideal ratio of how much time you spend with anki vs your language and my personal belief is that in the beginning you should especially spend more time with the language and native media etc rather than anki. For Korean, in the beginning when I added cards in the traditional format of word or sentence in front and definition in back I could tell from doing the reviews that this shit wasn’t happening because anki does not replace actually spending time with the language. also I think in the beginning certain words are just easier to remember than others just because certain words are that much more common and useful and it’s overwhelming in the beginning with all the Kango. So even though I was adding these cards and knew I wasn’t actually retaining most of it I still did the anki reviews but I didn’t take it seriously. I would half-ass it and put as little effort into it as possible and I would mark GOOD instead of AGAIN when I had no f’in idea what the answer was because I knew there was no point drilling this in anki till i “know” it because that shit will not happen. ANd now in 2016 I get to convert those cards into mcd format and actually learn them and actually engage with anki.

I was going to leave the deck I originally shared on anki and then share my mcd format deck but anki just ended up over-writing the original deck so… that’s unfortunate.

SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO here is an example of the streamlined anki process!!

step 1) Watch a korean tv show that I will actually enjoy and gain something from. It’s truly amazing all the different information and stories I hear from watching korean tv and japanese tv that i would never get from american tv and vice versa. it’s enriching and I love it.

SO I found out about this episode of As I say from googline unprertty rapstar in google news because i LOVE unpretty rapstar season 1


(this site actually has english subs but i don’t use them because that’s just counterintuitive for me at my level)

this episode features CHEETAH who was a fierce and talented rapper from unpretty rapstar season 1 . sometimes I torrent the episode of the tv show but for this particular show there’s no torrent for it. I enjoyed listening to alllll the guests in the episode in the end ! Another show i REcently did was 이몽사몽 episode where the girl was saying that her mom was a video game addict. I wanted to watch this episode because it sounded mad interesting.

step 2) I use my iphone and search for unknown words in my korean-japansee dictinoary while watching the show. I IGNORE any words that plop on the screen that are not words that came out people’s mouths like sound effects or describing crap. Sometimes I do get tempted to look up and add background korean text IF it looks like it’ll be really easy to remember like no bacchim. Usually they “sub” the dialogue so I can usually look up the word. If I find the correct definition i copy it and paste it into my notepad in my iphone. so while I do this I usually rewind the show 15 seconds using the left arrow (whether it’s the .mp4 playing or this website) or I just let the show play and rewind back to the spot after I’m doing looking up the word.

step 3) email that sucker to myself

부종 (浮腫)

[명사][한의학] 浮腫ふしゅ; むくみ

単語 (1件)

0. 滑すべるようにまわるさま: くるくる.
기로 (岐路)

[명사]岐路きろ; 分わかれ道みち; 境

노발대발 (怒發大發)


自分じぶんのことをうまく処理しょりしていくこと; よくめんどうをみて世話せわすること.
집안일을 잘 건사하다

연민 (憐憫·憐愍)



フリガナ T T
• 大おおぜいがどっと上あげる叫さけび; 大おおぜいのわめき.

노동 (勞動)



[형용사]どろどろである; べとべとし

돈독이 오르다
金かねに夢中むちゅうになる; 金かねにがりがりとする


0. (거역) 逆さからう
이 정도 고통까지 느껴보면 여자는 자연의 섭리를 거스르고 있는 것이 아닌가 싶으며 털에게 항복하고 싶어져요


ㅉㅉ / 쯧쯧 :


ホーム > ネット > チャット用語、絵文字 > ツツ
—————————- 単語 ————————————

—————————- 類義語 ———————————— —————————- 対義語———————————— —————————- 俗語———————————— —————————- 雅語———————————— —————————- 類義語 ———————————— —————————- 反意語 ————————————



——————————— 写真の配置 なし ——————————-
ㅉㅉ = 쯧쯧 / 쯔쯔 = 相手がかわいそうだと感じた時、

복지 (福祉)


잇속 (利―)

[명사]実利じつり; 打算ださん.




0. (셈을) 計算する; 勘定する.
0. (시비·까닭) 詰る; 問い詰める; (問い)ただす

単語 (1件)

0. 図体の大きいものが大ぜいで, 一時に
図体の大きいものが大ぜいで, 一時に急ぎ走りだすか追いかけてくるさま: わあっと; どかどかと; わんさと; どやどやと.

무속 (巫俗)

[명사]巫俗; 巫女の風俗.



フリガナ T T
명사, 감탄사
• [유아어] 幼児に便をさせる時に使う言葉: うんこ

골방 (―房)



[명사][미술] 抽象画.



フリガナ T T
• (主に‘눈여겨’の形で) 注意深く見る.
눈여겨 살피다
注意深くうかがう 재생

step 4) format the shit out of that in notepad using html and also adding the tag and using control + h to mass delete crap. and of course I delete any words that I don’t think are worth adding whether it’s too easy or useless etc.


(浮腫) 浮腫ふしゅ; むくみ :부종

滑すべるようにまわるさま- くるくる. :팽그르르

分わかれ道みち; 境기로 (岐路) 岐路きろ:기로

(怒發大發) かんかんになって怒おこること :노발대발

自分じぶんのことをうまく処理しょりしていくこと; よくめんどうをみて世話せわすること.: 집안일을 잘


(憐憫·憐愍) 憐憫[憐愍](れんびん). :연민 최서윤

(―聲) 大おおぜいがどっと上あげる叫さけび; 大おおぜいのわめき. :아우성

(勞動) : 노동 労働 최서윤

どろどろである; べとべとし :질척하다
돈독이 ___르다

金かねに夢中むちゅうになる; 金かねにがりがりとする :돈독이 오르다


자연의 섭리를 거스르고 :거스르다

이 정도 고통까지 느껴보면 여자는 자연의 섭리를 거스르고 있는 것이 아닌가 싶으며 털에게 항복하고 싶어져요
너___레를 떨다

お喋りをする : 너스레를 떨다
tzu x2




(福祉)福祉ふくし :복지

(利―)実利じつり; 打算ださん. :잇속

歯並はならび :잇속

計算する; 勘定する. :따지다

図体の大きいものが大ぜいで, 一時に急ぎ走りだすか追いかけてくるさま:わあっと; どかどかと; わんさと; どやどやと. :우르르

(巫俗)巫俗; 巫女の風俗. :무속

幼児に便をさせる時に使う言葉:うんこ :응가

(―房)(居間などについている)小部屋. :골방

抽象画. :추상화

(主に‘눈여겨’の形で) 注意深く見る.:눈여기다

actually ___스르다


자연의 섭리를 거스르고 :거스르다

이 정도 고통까지 느껴보면 여자는 자연의 섭리를 거스르고 있는 것이 아닌가 싶으며 털에게 항복하고 싶어져요 this is from a question onchiebukuro where i asked someone to transcribe a line from something tangu- show and so it’s tagged wrong t… point is importing cards into anki KICKS ASS.

one of the reasons this format works so well for me is that i am very familiar with Japanese so reading in Japanese is automatic as it is with english but i think it’s moreso with Japanese due to the Kanji and visual aspect of the written language.

step 5) import into anki

step 6) effortless anking 😀 🙂

as far as i know this is the most efficient way to go on about it and I got over 20 cards from this episode. I love living in 2016 with all these technology and time-saving tools.

by the way the oldest card in my korean anki deck is from 2012 01 22 which means I’ve been neglecting this anki deck for like 5 years before i truly started to engage with it~~ also I had started learning korean in 2011 summer but did manual srs because I knew the words i would learn would be common and useful and not worth anking and so my deck does not start from beginner/easy af. I loved how I had the clarity to know that that was the right way to go. it’s just not worth anking in the beginning of language learning imo except for like remembering the kanji.

btw generating anki cards for Japanese is even more effortless and efficient due to rikai-sama~~

here are more interesting talk/variety shows where people talk about interesting stuff!!! i don’t watch kdramas because  i hate the way talk…  i like the way real people talk . k-wave is super helpful to korean content consumers since they upload on youtube

omg they added k-subs to the ancient strong heart eps! there’s 12 languages including japanese. wtff i wish i had it in 2012

Korean 101: Deuska no ka

All right here is another korean 101 thing that I still didn’t master even though I started learning Korean in 2011??  Well my history with korean is  mad complicated so for that read the about me section. even that is not detailed enough to make things crystal clear but hey it’s the internet i have no obligation to spill my guts.

SO recently I learned about the korean equivalent to ka IN JAPANESE.  as in honyarara or chome chome desuka

this was from IU’s song 23. btw i cannot taylor swift’s songs. I wish she would do something about her camel toe. no one needs to see that.

난 수수께끼
뭐게요 맞혀봐요



이 상자 안에 있는 건 뭐게?

엄마한테 받은 선물이 뭐게?

뭐게요 맞혀봐요

뭐게요は文法的に, 무엇이게요(なんだと思います?)と意味は同じですが



I feel like I’ve never heard of this construction. I probably did but just didn’t notice but considering how long i’ve been at this it’s strange.  i’m sure the other Korean learners also feel that other grammar constructs that delivers the same meaning are used more frequently.  Is this common? it seems like it would be common or useful. It really is strange to me because I’ll watch episodes talk/variety shows and  I swear no one ever said muh-ge. I literally feel like I’ve heard every other construct but this for muh. Now that I’m aware of this now I can NOTICE if truly is useful and used. as of now i’ve never heard anyone use 뭐게요は文法的に or  무엇이게요 outside  of iu’s song

just to give a reference to make this whole situation clear I’ll watch a talk/varietyi show usually a talk show actually and i’ll understand 95-100% and i usually look up words that are unknown as i watch the show becasue the words are not that frequent to the point where i’m pausing the show every 4 seconds . usually i look up the word and rewind the show 20 seconds while i read the definition then rewatch the scene and keep watching and then add thatword to anki in mcd format later on that week etc. As you can tell that’s a lot of korean i’m hearing and comprehending in the span of the 50 minute show and it’s multiple episodes and also different shows so i feel like i have pretty good handle on common/useful/ daily conversation korean. so it’s like mind-blowing to come across something that seems so basic and useful and common yet i’ve never encountered it. and of course i’m not trying to be arrogant. we all need to free ourselves of hubris. humbleness is at the core of korean and japanese culture too!  I’m just mind-blown. that is all. that applies to this and the grammar thing from uprs 3

by the way I DO NOT INCLUDE GUHARA AND THAT OTHER KOREAN mc korea that talk like barbaric slobs in my comprehension percentage. it is irritating enough listening to their voices. if they say something and i don’t understand it or don’t catch it i do not bother rewinding though i do rewind almost always for japanese or for other korean people. when it comes to it it’s THEIR FAULT i didn’t catch it or understand it. also i only care to understand what i want to understand. I have the same policy towards beat takeshi and udo-chan because it’s THEIR DAMN FAULT i don’t understand them and they usually don’t say anything interesting.  i don’t avoid shows that star guhara and that other ugly annoying korean mc because that would just limit viable korean shows that much more. it’s hard enough as it is. and i have a feeling that part of the reason that they’re so hard to understand is because they’re lazy with moving their mouthes and pronouncing and enunciating shit clearly. i have a strong feeling. I am so certain. so it pisses me off that more. if some fluent korean speakers would like to confirm this that would be lovely!

btw i love chiebukuro. i get quick awesome answers in a language that is effortless to read.

Aw Shit. Never Mind.

dfhushwueihwiue sdfjdsoifjdsoifew


So I just made a post about my progress in Korean and all that I’ve learned… (if you want more concrete info you can check out my anki deck by searching choronghi.. .but Like I said in that post I don’t really use my anki properly for Korean so I know probably 50% of the words in there as in if I were to encounter the word in a Korean show even if the card is in my deck I’ll probably look it up again!! because I have no idea if that card is even in my deck)
But then again I just learned the word “and” in Korean which makes it sound like my Korean comprehension ability is really basic and shoddy.

삼사위원이자 3반 트랙의프로듀서
When I came across this sentence in UPRS season 3 my gut instinct was DO NOT LOOK THIS SHUT UP IN THE DICTIONARY. IT WILL NOT BE THERE ( my gut feeling WAS RIGHT. I hate wasting time looking up shit that is not in the dictionary which is way more prevalent in korean than japanese). FYI all the japanese grammar is IN THE japanese monolingual DICTIONARY While for some korean doesn’t list all the grammar. wtf. So I went to chiebukuro and asked and no one answered and I wanted an answer sooner than later so I enlisted the help of the lang-8ers on lang-8 sure enough they came swiftly to rescue me from the frustrations of not understanding stuff.

here’s the explanation I got from a very helpful lang-8er 🙂

That’s really high level grammer. Even though Korean, It’s difficult to differentiate their nuance. So, Korean SAT(수능) used to set them as questions. I’ll try to expain but I can’t be sure about that you can understand my poor english.


As you know, “~이자” has no diffences in meaning with “랑/하고/과/와”.

“~이자” is actually combined thing with “이” and “자”

“이” is predicative pospostional particle(서술격조사). it can make “~이자” uses after noun.


“자” is conjunction. it can make “~이자” has meaning as “and”.

“~이자” is more like “at the same time” in english rather than just “and”, because “자” has meaning of ‘sth possess some qualification and another qualification’.

So, you can easily find “~이자” after human rather than things.

i) She is my mother and my best friend.
ii) She is my mother at the same time she is my best friend.
– ii) is more often transelated to “그녀는 나의 어머니”이자” 나의 좋은 친구 이기도 하다.” in korean rather than i)


I am highly recommend you use “그리고” rather than “랑/하고/과/와” and “~이자” as a meaning of “and”.

there are some grammatical rules in use them.

For example, “랑” and “하고” is not recommended to use in formal language especially dissertation and contract. because, they are colloquial style.

However, you can use “그리고” in anytime and any situation.

I get these moments in Japanese where I’m like even though I read a 100 books and watched thousands of hours of talk/variety shows I’ll come across something (words usually…) that seems so basic or easy or common sense that I still do not know… but none of them have been this extreme where I didn’t the word for “and” lol. Just thinking about the word “and” in English it just seems so ludicrous that I didn’t know it. I definitely could not infer the meaning from the context. And hopefully with that there are no more words for “and” in Korean that I do not know about… if it’s like archaic shit that hasn’t been used since the 1500s or something that’s fine (I don’t give a shit) but if it’s actually used like in an episode of UPRS I am embarrassed to not know it lol.

actually isn’t the more appropriate word to translate ija cum? If I think of it that way it is kinda advanced. I have yet to ever hear anyone use the word cum in speech. I’ve only read that usage in the books.

korean vowels piss me off sometimes because sometimes it doesn’t sound like what it’s supposed t sound like GODDAMNIT.


so i know korean learners bitch like OMG i cannot differentiate the vowels they all sound the same. i don’t understand their feelings to be honest… but this is as close to their feelings as i can get lol. for the people who are like omgs how do i improve my korean listening.. it’s simple LISTEN READ ETC. just don’t write lol…. seriously why the hell do people practice writing hanguel. it’s the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard of.  dumb as in EXTREMELY UNPRODUCTIVE.   writing kanji abillion times it not productive, and writing hanguel a billion times is less productive. write it once, the end. if you don’t remember what it looks, don’t worry you eventually after reading for 5 more minutes lol! seriously.


i just saw the clip of a show (the contents in this show is so bleh compared to japanese shows… they have more useful info than this on japanes shows with people accomplishing a lot in more!! ) and heard 펴정변화 but it’s obvious from the context that she’s saying 표정변화 . maybe it’s just because ‘im not doing the akatt all the time or the announcer lady is f’ing up or is being lazy. OR IT JUST SOUNDS AMBIGUOUS. i wouldn’t know because i’m not fluent in korean nor do i have the capacity or desire or time to listen to that much korean in one day let alone continuously to the point i have 9.99% confidence that i hEARD this frikin vowel that sounds like OTHER FRIKIN’vowel correctly.
here you be the judge too!


it’s the part where she eats that CAPSACIN FILLED FOOD.


this other time i was listenig to hanaguk’drama’s audio thing and i think she said  용기 or something and it sounded like she said it wrong like some other vowel… ㅕㅓㅜㅏㅓㅑㅓㅕㅜ any one of the other vowels lol with the 용 part and i was like HOLD UP and then re-wound and it sounded like youngi and it sorta didn’t at the same time. 聞こえるような聞こえないような… i was thinking did her tongue f up, did she just say wrong vowel at that moment, or does she sometimes hit that vowel and sometimes does not or am i hearing it wrong or does it sound ambiguous etc etc. i’m just curious of the relationship between foreigners and korean vowels. i was comment ask her about that whole situation but i forgot to i have no idea which audio blog it was or what minute or second it was lol.


In this song where this guy was rapping he kept saying 좋아하는 which sounded like 조박…. not sure if it’s my ears or that’s just what it sounds like… frustrating no? he is rapping so he stresses words weird of course.

this is what jobak means y’lal btw

조박 [糟粕][명사]糟粕。1.[명사] ⇒재강.2.[명사] (学問·書画·音楽などで)古人がすべてをあきらかにしたので全く新鮮味のないことのたとえ。


9:25 ___와애정

it sounded like 경려 to me then, and it sounds like 경려 to me now… is it the lady or is it me????


Previous Post

Thank you! this is some exicting development though this really isn’t since the entry is from JULY.

so this might/probably be better than lingoes!!! It has monolingual, and you don’t have to isolate the noun, maybe for the verb you still have to unconjugate which is understandable.

I hope it’ll make learning from song lyrics/drama lines more EFFICIENT

Learn korean frm super junior. kpop song

So I listened to the song sorry soryr because IU performed her cover on some tv show. and a japanese tv show aired a clip of that TV SHOW. the tv show has NAKATA from oriental radio/rajio who is ALSO on that japanese show called nakayoshi terebi which deals with japan and foreign countries and their differences and ways each country is proud of itself etc etc.

BUT ANYWAYS that’s how I got to IU singing this song and me watching super junior on youtube. I usually have low tolerance for kpop and to be honest I did’nt like the song that much … the version sang by super junior that much till I herad it a couple times.

Because there’s so many guys… members. at certain points in the song I go oh I like that guy’s voice etc etc even though it has that distorted effect on it.  I was thinking while listening to it that’s it’s repetitive which is good for learning.

I just wanted to point out korean you can learn/remember from the song .

this song really works cause it’s mad repetitive and if you like it , it obviously helps.

so first of all this link    – hmm I can’t find the exact page of his grammar guide that i was thinking of but this one has it. It just has the rule I’m gonna put here below.

The conjugation  ㅣ 다 -> ㅕ is rampant in this song !

빠져 -> 빠지다

부셔 -> 부시다.




so it’s clear what michuh and makhuk unconjugate to right? Then you can look up the unconjugated verb with lingoes or whatever dictinoary you like.

once you conjugate the stuff to ㅕ form you can attach mad crap to it

examples  막혀+ 버리다-> 막혀버리다

in the song they also conjugate   버리다 to 버려 to make it informal and casual and cool lol.


막혀 + 보다 -> 막혀보다 if you want to make it conversational you turn it into 막혀봐

막혀 +  주다 -> 막혀주다and to turn this into conversation/casual  막혀줘

빠져  + 요 -> 빠져요  and now you have polite form just from attaching YO to this form.

there’s definitely more right? it’s like the -te form of japanese… it’s mad useful and basic and songs are definitely helpful remembering the fun way as opposed to grind-grind-cram-

It’s interesting how the person who wrote the lyrics like did it like this.

For further conjugation rules go to link I put above. I just felt like pointing out this rule cause it seems like this song would be a really easy way to remember since it’s repetitive and if you happen to like the song too then that’s also helpful, for me the song grew on me lol and I don’t have much to learn from this song… maybe a couple words but I don’t care enough to go through this song lol. singing along with the ㅕ conjugated crap and the english parts is enough for me. lolz.

and FYI I think the stuff in this song caan be used in daily conversatoin if want to say “I can’t breathe or  I’m gonna go crazy or I’m obsessed with you or my eyes are in agony from the bright light (my eyes are blinding)”. korean people do say I’m gonna crazy/i’m gonna go insane frequently in daily conversation though lol (Japanese people dont’ though…) . but they don’t do this conjugation they do 미치겠어 . and remember, just stick on the yo and it’s polite! 미치겠어요.

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
내가 내가 내가 먼저
네게 네게 네게 빠져
빠져 빠져 버려 baby

Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty
눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔
숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀
내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby

바라보는 눈빛속에 눈빛속에 나는마치
나는마치 뭐에홀린놈
(이젠 벗어나지도 못해)

걸어오는 너의모습 너의모습 너는마치
내심장을 밟고왔나봐
(이젠 벗어나지도 못해)

어딜가나 당당하게 웃는 너는 매력적
착한여자 一色이란 생각들은 보편적

도도하게 거침없게 정말 너는 환상적
돌이킬 수 없을 만큼 네게 빠져 버렸어.

*Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
내가 내가 내가 먼저
네게 네게 네게 빠져
빠져 빠져 버려 baby

Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty
눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔
숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀
내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby

딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴,
딴딴 딴따다 따
(네게 반해버렸어 baby)

딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴,
딴딴 딴따다 따 따라빠빠라

(Hey, girl) gir, gir, gir, gir, gir, girl, i 눈만뜨면 니 생각
(Hey, girl) 자나깨나 사실 너 하나밖에 안보여

(말해봐) 니 맘에 내가
(말해봐) 자리 잡았는지
(말해줘) 내게 말해줘
(나는 바보 바보 바보)

주변사람들은 말해. 내가 너무 적극적
이 세상에 그런사람 어디 한둘이냐고

그걸몰라, 그녈몰라 시기하며 하는 말
내가 부럽다면 그건 그대들이 지는 거

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
내가 내가 내가 먼저
네게 네게 네게 빠져
빠져 빠져 버려 baby

Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty
눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔
숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀
내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby

딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴,
딴딴 딴따다 따
(네게 반해버렸어 baby)

딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴,
딴딴 딴따다 따 따라빠빠라

Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance dance dance

Hey 이제 그만 내게 와줄래. 정말 미칠 것만 같아 yeah
난 너만 사랑하고 싶어. 절대 다시 한눈 팔 생각 없어 hey-

애인이라기보다 친구같은 내가 되고 싶어
너의 모든 고민, 슬픔, 함께 간직하고파

다시없을 만큼 만큼 너를 너무 사랑해
내가 바란 사람. 니가 바로 그 that that that girl.

*Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
내가 내가 내가 먼저
네게 네게 네게 빠져
빠져 빠져 버려 baby

Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty
눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔
숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀
내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby

Example of learning Korean from Korean Music!

Basically I’ll just highlight certain things in the sample songs to show like how you have to unconjugate crap to actually look it up. Little example/tutorial.  It’s like one of the reasons why learning songs from japanese is so frikin’ easy especially compared to korean with the rikai-chan and no worries about conjugating even cause rikai-chan does it for you.

But anyways for the resources like that grammar guide that teaches the conguation + dictionaries REFERENCE the previous entry.


I’m gonna do it all K->J for the example, if you wanna do english well use the english/korean dictionaries.  . I would do K-> K at this point but I haven’t found fast-reliable way to do that… in the end k->J is faster to look up so until I find some nice k->k- I dunn wanna do that.

웃음 Lucia + (Duet With Epitone Project)

This song’s not on youtube but you can download it somewhere on the internet…

Gonna put a * for all the lines in the song so it doesn’t get so confusin loking.

Underline is particles.

***벼랑 같았던 시간에서 널 만난 건***


널→ 너를

만나다→ 만난

건 → 것은

***어쩌면 우연인걸까 아직 웃음나***
인걸까 = grammar thing

나 → 나다 So this one might confuse you. 이나 also has a meaning but it’s clear from the context                 and the way she sings it that it’s obviously 이 the particle + 나 from 나다

***두 손 마주 붙잡고 걸었던 많은 시간***

붙잡고→ 붙잡다

걸었던 → 걸었다 → 걸어 → 걷다

많은 → 많다
***때론 거짓말 같아서 아직 웃음나***
때론 →때로는

같아 → 같다 . 서 = grammar thing

***어쩔 수 없던 시간 누구 아냐***

어쩔 수 없던  → ~~없다

아냐  아니야

***어쩌면 우연인걸까 그래서 웃음이나***
***두 손을 마주 붙잡고 걸었던 많은 시간***
***때론 거짓말 같아서 그래서 웃음이나***

***아직 기억해 우리 모습들***

기억해. 해 → 하다
***때론 어제일 같아서 그래서 웃음이나***

*가끔 꿈만 같아서 그래서 웃음이나

꿈 만 are 2 different words so you got look up 꿈  and 만 but they’re both really common words  so                 I doubt anyone got all confused because of that.

The song’s pretty simple so I only learned 2 words but it sounds really nice so I listened to it a lot. So go find it and listen it. ‘sall


This is lingoes. the setting i used to make it show the definition by clicking shift and clicking furiously (cause the program is glitchy) to get it working… is..


LONELY by 2ne1

I’m only gonna talk about one line with this grammar point

지금 내가 하는 얘기 널 아프게 할지 몰라
아마 날 죽도록 미워하게 될꺼야
내가 예전 같지 않다던 네 말 모두 틀린 말은 아니야

I believe that luke park did’t cover this on his grammar guide as far as my memory goes but anyways it’s pretty easy to google grammar points and finding explanations at least in japanese.and honestly he explains all the common /useful crap so by the time you get through that i don’t see why you can’t figure it out with google and shit with your knowledge of korean grmamar.

so the last line of the thre lines I posted . 다던 conjugation in 않다던 means  引用:~だといっていた(過去の継続回想)

◆動詞 母音語幹 -ㄴ다던
子音語幹 -는다던
その他(補助語幹含む)- 다던

which means that the guy “said that”  that’s the 다던 part. so it means that the guy said “내가 예전 같지 않다” actually can’t you think of 다던  as “” marks. does that make the explanation easier?

There’s also

◆動詞 母音語幹 -ㄴ다는  引用:~だという
子音語幹 -는다는
その他(補助語幹含む)- 다는

but it makes sense that she used the one above instead of this becaues the one above has that nuance 過去の継続回想.  回想 means reflection/ reminiscence and 継続 which means continuing.

FYI if you care I tried singing along with it and like for the first couple times it was really heard to pronounce that part 않다던 for some reason just because of the da-dun part AND AND i keep pronouncing it like anata or anta in japanese which is really bad lol. I really am trying to pronounce it correctly but the japanese is just in me  😦 .

OR MAYBE I’m just being over-sensitive because 않다던 sounds like anta and i might be just saying it fine. I can’t help but feel like I’m saying it like anta just because the line is just fast and when it’s fast whatever comes out, comes out. 😦

the japanese really is not good for my korean pronunciation cause japnaese makes me move my mouth less (it’s very minimal especially compared to english/korean.) like i’m prety sure japanese people’s katsuzetsu would be better if they also can speak another language… like the geinin on ame talk for katsuzetsu warui geinin ) and when i try to read korean my mouth won’t open lol because of the damn japanese….  . ii’lll get over it soon enough hopefully but you know i don’t have the shitty american accent or the korean accent with my japanaese (thank god… those accents are annoying like the ZU -namari with the korean people) and I have that intonation shite down! 🙂  AND like I’ve seen foreigners since this song on the korean talent shows and they always fuck up that part and THAT PART ALWAYS SOUNDS like chinese or something. that pisses me off lol. I get it’s hard to pronounce. I experienced it too but if you can’t fix it, please don’t sing it lol. it sounds like chinese. nothing against chinese it s just the pronunciation is just dirty and ruins it.  😦

LIKE THE REASON I sorta gave up on shadowing that I said I was gonna do in the previous post is because the korean actors have really really good enunciation. They talk fast but their pronunciation/enunciation is really good/impeccable too which obviously they are since they only speak korean except for those speakers that also speak awesome english. Basically ,it’s just hard to keep up. well nothing AKATT can’t fix but i mean is very um… disconnected lol which kills the last three letters.. ATT but alas I guess my goal as of now is improving vocab and increasing my ability to conjugate/unconjugate verbs and adjectives and all that stuff in the non-painful way (which means i’m not gonna memorize the conjugation rules. I’m just gonna be aware and if it shows up I go oh they conjugated like ___ since it’s ___). Fun enlightenment as opposed to drilling.  It’s like one of the reasons why those people that post videos of themselves speaking korean think so long and hard and give us mostly silence then…. actual content with words and shit.

and another ting concerning the song

미워하다 . I saw this and I thought of 미웝다 (which conjugates to 미워운 for describing crap while for japanese you don’t even have to conjugate you just put the word next it ie 憎たらしい→憎たらしい人 but then again you have to for -na adjectives but all you do is stick -na. that’s so easy right? ) and I thought oh shit don’t tell me this is some verb conjugation shit but it’s not cause they’re 2 different words (thank you dictinoary)…. I think they’re adjectives. the thing with korean is the adjectives are like verbs so I just want to just call them verbs….