Tag Archives: song

So I realized if I don’t update in the next 8 days or so

I lose my streak of updating x months in a row. I do not count stuff that is not worth counting. I don’t really care about keeping it up but I’ll post anyways.


so I’ve checked out some fansub review sites because I learn about translating from the examples that are given. it’s fascinating to see the different ways things can be translated, misunderstood, misconstrued etc. I’m a proponent of liberal translations as opposed to literal translation. but even then there are degrees of liberalness and I don’t support extreme liberal translations though it may depend on the the line, scene, show, etc.



The bloggers really know what they’re talking about with the translations. they’ll point out a translation that’s stilted or just doesn’t do the line justice and give their translation take on it. sometimes it’s a really good translation that I think I would never come up with.

I have no interest in the animes themselves though lol.

and here’s an old OLD OLD entry that i never posted just because I wasn’t satisfied with it.


I got to see the episode of top runner (a music show where they interview the artist for 40 minutes or so) in HIGH quality starring MISS SHIINA RINGO (she’s divorced 😦 with child or children ) thanks to clubbox.
It was so much fun watching it. Fun is not the right word. I just really like this singer and iwant to find out more about her especially via tv shows. She doesn’t go on tv all that much and not all her past appearances on tv/radio are up online with streaming or on clubbox UNFORTUNATELY. this one is definitely worth watching for the shiina ringo fans. if your japanese is not up to par you might get screwed with understanding her lol. I had trouble understanding her at parts. It’s not the japanese AT ALL. I know all the japanese that she used to express herself. I’ve come acrossed all those phrases and sayings and whatnot. I know al lthat stuff inside out. the problem i don’t feel like i’m understanding what she’s saying. it’s not incompetency on my japanese part, I just find her hard to understand. I feel the need to rewatch/rehear stuff she says. I know what it means and everything but I feel like I’m not understanding it. You know this kind of stuff happens in my native language english too with people that just speak in this way that is not easy to understand for me (like what the hell does days of FUTURE PAST mean for x-men. no i don’t want to watch the movie to find out) . Or at least I feel like I’m not getting the complete picture or i’m unsure of my interpretation of what she said. By all means i’m saying she’s a horrible speaker or she talks enigmatically or anything like that. maybe we’re just not on similar wavelenths lol. The performances were amazing and I still don’t undersatnd the lyrics fully lol. the thing with her lyrics is that even japanese don’t undersatnd and there’s definitely multiple ways to interpret her lyrics. Maybe that is her goal or maybe it’s not.
>> a little segway

so recently or maybe not anymore she produced 2 songs for ishikawa sayuri. the single is 暗夜の心中立て 石川さゆり anya no shinjuudate and no ididn’t know how to read a until i heard of this song. i THINK she’s also invovled with the production of the mv.


so I enjoyed watching the PV and was able to catch random parts of the lyrics since it is sorta enka-ish with uncommon japanese. then i proceeded to watch the live performance which was amazing and the first time I saw it I was like I don’t understand this song lol… then the second time I watched it I realized I was just overwhelemed with the all the furigana and hiragana that doesn’t match what she’s singing… you know how in japanese they read kanji or hiragana differently from what it’s usually read. some examples…hmmm.

女 ひと
時間 とき
and for shiina ringo with the song ishiki or kuki there’s all these strange hiragana combo with the verbs that looks weird but it’s actually common ex 言ふ  is read as いう it just looks weird but it’s pronunced normally. I think it has to do with archaic japanese and how they used to write it or read it like whatever.
so the 3rd time I watched it I was like oh this song’s pretty easy to understand lol. of course there’s still words I don’t know but I don’t feel like looking them up.
I just looked up one thing and oh boy there’s double meaning! that’s cool 😉
– 故事ことわざ辞典
「つ」から始まる句 【読み】, つきにむらくも、はなにかぜ.
【意味】, 月に叢雲花に風とは、よいことには邪魔がはいりやすく、長続きしないものだというたとえ。
叢雲 とは むらがり立った雲。むらく
so for THE japnaese learners who read my blog try WATCHING IT and see what I mean.
SO back to the shiina ringo episode of top runner

Lots of interesting talk in the episode. I found it really interesting about the 9/11 thing because I didn’t know that was she was deeply affected by it and that a song was created because of 9/11… it’s news that was heard around the world so in that it’s not a big surprise. ever since she said oh because of 9/11 this songw was created I went to find out about songs MADE by japanese artists because of 9/11. there’s a bunch . I was surprised that the song by hito to yo something (the singer that speaks english, mandarin ? , and japanese) . tsudukemasu yoni was inspired by 9/11. I’ve heard it so many times on japanese tv, etc. It’s a famous song. I’ve heard them introduce the song but i never heard of the 9/11 thing. I want to look into more songs created from 9/11. by all means i mean it in the most positiv eway possible. I loved what shiina ringo said about her music and what she could do with it to be of help in anyway to 9/11 etc… spreading message of love or hope etc.. Music is wonderful like that. I loved the spiel she just spilled about 9/11, the difference her music can make, etc.
I don’t remember clearly but I think she said she considered retiring from music after having her child and then 9/11 happened…. anyways great episode, recommend to all shiina ringo lovers who understand japanese.
she also released her cover of yoake no uta for the shinsai / earthquake disaster in march 2011. ( the year is right?)
btw I love love love the song 中田 yuuji made for the people who were affected by the eartquake in japan in march 2011
p.s. i hate imageshack. i think my blogwill be full of x-ed out pictures and i no i am NOT paying 1 dollar a month or whatever.


Korean rap song 和訳

분실물 – eluphant


titled translated to lost property in the tumblr.

so I really like this song from the flow and the sound for the most part. later on, i wanted to find out the lyrics so i googled and there was no wayaku and reading the english trnaslation is just tiring lol as far as trying to learn the korean… it just makes more sense to learn korean -> japnaese with the grammar and whatnot. the  rap is just flows so much i had a hard time following certain parts… i’d have to rewind and stuff. I don’t really have a goal of being able to rap this song or anything like that lol. i just wanted to understand. so i went through the song and looked at google translate for parts that made me go ? ハ? AND i did some lingoes searches if i had a strong conviction it’s gonna show up in lingoes. sometimes i don’t even bother looking into lingo because it’s not there lol. then whatever was still left I asked on chiebukuro. this is the compilation of all the unknown vocab stuff.I put + marks next to words i didn’t know or parts that made me go wtf lol. i can relate to the song of course 🙂

whenever there’s a kpop song that comes out that i like and i want to find out the lyrics i do my 和訳 search.

무사히 잘 걸어왔어 내 20대야
이제 잠깐 어디 앉아 숨 돌릴+ 때야


여태 아들로 남자로 학생으로
누구다운+ 삶을 살려고 +아둥거린다
철따구니+ 없던 처음 마음이

훨씬 아름다워 보인 것도
내 결과물이 대체 얼마짜릴까?
바코드에 찍힌 걸
두 눈으로 확인하고 겁 났으니까…
우린 이렇게 겁먹은 다음
좋아하는 일 실컷 따져보고+


다른 일부터 배워
계속 딴 짓만 죽어라 해 1부터 100
그렇게 빠져버리는 거란다 지 +무덤에
그래 이제 난 거꾸로 걷는 남자야
다시 지난 날의 아름다움을 찾아가
섬세한 영혼 나의 분실물
나도 알아 이 모든 방황이 끝임을

분실 2
분실 [紛失]

다시 시계를 돌리면 찾을 수 있을까?
눈 뜨면 꿈을 깰수 있을까?
나에게 좀 말해줘 거꾸로 걷는 법
이 밤, +말벗도 없지만
I don’t know. 왜 +비벼끈 담배처럼
향기는 남을까…

엄마, 내가 +해보일꺼니까

좀만 더 믿고 기다려줘봐요…
짙어진 밤 버릇처럼 +끙끙댄 전화통화 후

라이터를 찾는 손. 또 담배를 “후…”
이젠 뭐 숨겨놨던 맘 들킨 듯 울거나 +

+꺼놨던 나의 대화창을 켜
turn on the chatting tabs…

*「대화창을 켜」:この部分は意味が不明です。(スペースによって意味が変わります。)
대화 창:対話の窓ことだと思います。
대 화창:大きく麗らかな様子。
외롭지 않은 척 하는 거짓말도
너와 난 알아서 점점점 공허한 웃음뿐
꿈은 이뤄내는걸까?
아니면 소중히지켜내는 걸까?
검색창+ 안에다 물어봐봤자 불친절한+ 안내장+



어릴 땐 이뤄내려 했던게
이제는 버릴까 고집부릴+까로 채점돼+
섬세한 영혼이 분실물
거꾸로 돌아서 켰지 다시 불씨를+
다시 시계를 돌리면 찾을 수 있을까?
눈 뜨면 꿈을 깰수 있을까?
나에게 좀 말해줘 거꾸로 걷는 법
이 밤, 말벗도 없지만
I don’t know. 왜 비벼끈 담배처럼
향기는 남을까…

청춘을 비워냈던 술잔과
영원할 것 같던 그녀와의 풋사랑+
두 손에 꽉 쥐었던 첫 음반과
우린 잘 될거라며 울었던 달밤
Uh, 꿈은 이뤄내는 걸까?
아니면 소중히 지켜내는 걸까?
지난 날의 멋졌던 그사람을 찾아

+노을지는 길로 거꾸로 걷는 남자


I dled all their albums and singles and eveyrthing after i heard 1 song. i don’t remember what the song was but it was a wise decision lol.  so anyways this is what i call rap! i HATE mainstream american rap…  for obvious reasons. If your korean hearing isn’t complete crap you’ll notice he pronounces some of the words not exactly as they are sounded . I Really like it. It makes it fun and interesting to listen to and you can tell he put effort into his delivery down to every little thing. speaking of pronouncing things differently, I heard gdragons rap for a japanese version of a korean I like. He kept his delivery in the korean vresion with saying things a little weird/affected. The funny thing is if you do that in japanese it renders the rap incomprehensible lol. It was wtf who the hell is supposed to understand.

SONG LYRICS. Japanese <3




ぼやけた頭揺らして雲が切れる 胸の中

頬杖をつく ため息

歯ぎしり の繰り返し
後戻りはもうできない ああ

(ちょっとした間奏) ☃


ああ 運命のトランプ 切り直した 二人は目を閉じて


ああ軋む 疑心暗鬼の夜
赤い ともしびが恋の行方を照らし

no japaneseto learn from here because i already know all the words but i added gishinanki in mcd-format to anki. but… glad i got all the lyrics down !

정인 – 오르막길

live version!

I love the monthly projects by yoo jong shin and this is one of my favorites from the projects. The song grew on me alot. I liked it but now I love it. I also love the progression of the song itself. It just builds and builds. I could see how some people may not like jung-in’s voice but her voice is up my alley. It has a unique characteristic. not sure how you describe it, i would say her and chara (japanese) have some voice characteristic that they have in common or they sing in a way that’s similar? I don’t know exactly.. I’m not a music major. But
Anyways because I like the song so much I looked up the lyrics and used the + sign like before~

이제부터 웃음기 사라질거야

가파른 이 길을 좀 봐
+ 가파르다

그래 오르기 전에 미소를 기억해두자
오랫동안 못 볼 지 몰라

완만했던 우리가 지나온 길엔
【예】완만한 언덕길 【訳】なだらかな坂道。

달콤한 사랑의 향기
이제 끈적이는 땀 거칠게 내쉬는 숨이
1.[자동사] ねばつく;べとつく;ねちねちする。
【예】땀으로 손이 끈적거리다. 【訳】 汗で手がべたつく。
2.[자동사] しつこくする;しつこくねだる。

+++ 거칠-거칠
[부사](表面が)かさかさ;がさがさ;ざらざら。〔작은말〕가칠가칠 〔센말〕꺼칠꺼칠
【예】피부가 거칠거칠해지다. 【訳】皮膚ががさがさになる。
우리 유일한 대화일지 몰라

한걸음 이제 한걸음일 뿐
아득한 저 끝은 보지마
평온했던 길처럼 계속 나를 바라봐줘
그러면 견디겠어

사랑해 이 길 함께 가는 그대
굳이 고된 나를 택한 그대여
가끔 바람이 불 때만 저 먼 풍경을 바라봐
올라온 만큼 아름다운 우리 길

기억해 혹시 우리 손 놓쳐도
절대 당황하고 헤매지 마요
더 이상 오를 곳 없는
그 곳은 넓지 않아서
우린 결국엔 만나 오른다면

한걸음 이제 한걸음일 뿐
아득한 저 끝은 보지마
평온했던 길처럼 계속 나를 바라봐줘
그러면 난 견디겠어

사랑해 이 길 함께 가는 그대여
굳이 고된 나를 택한 그대여
【예】관직을 굳이 사양하다. 【訳】 官職をかたくなに辞退する。
【예】굳이 말리다. 【訳】 かたくとめる。
2.[부사] 强いて;敢えて;無理に。

++ 고되다
가끔 바람이 불 때만 저 먼 풍경을 바라봐
올라온 만큼 아름다운 우리 길

기억해 혹시 우리 손 놓쳐도

절대 당황하고 헤매지 마요
더 이상 오를 곳 없는
그 곳은 넓지 않아서

우린 결국엔 만나 크게 소리 쳐
사랑해요 저 끝까지

It’s mostly easy to undersatnd vocab wise grmmar wise  (but interpreting is another thing… so the part about the breathing and sweating… who’s conversing? lol)  and even if i didn’t look up those words i would get the main point of the song but I like undersatnding everything!!! only part i can’t figure out from google translate and dictionary is 웃음기 . my guess which may or may not be correct is 기 is either 気 or 期. I think it’s 期. i just have to ask a korean person if i’m right but i don’t feel the need to go out of my way and aska korean preson. i ‘m sure it’ll click one day i’ll be like yeah it is definitely that or oh it was completely off. if i didn’t know kanji i would be fucked here lol. 기 has like a bilion entries in the dictionary, no?’

I listen to a lot of korean indie and i rlealy love the songs but i don’t bother to look up the lyrics (I like a lot of songsss). i just have so many things that i want to do in english, jpanese, and tsuff i don’t want to do that i have to do in life… so it’s soorta rare for meto look up lyrics lol.


finally found a video of yoshiatka yurukosinging

I don’t think she sounds like jang jane when she sings. lol. that’s unfortunate??

oh i gotta check out all the version1!1 like takeyama’s here.his singing voice is so diffffffffferent from his talking voice… omg even matsuda shota’s in it.

takeyama-san!!!!!!!!!! ogi-yahagi!!! 怒りオヤジ + ゴッドタン

this is a nice song 🙂

Learn korean frm super junior. kpop song

So I listened to the song sorry soryr because IU performed her cover on some tv show. and a japanese tv show aired a clip of that TV SHOW. the tv show has NAKATA from oriental radio/rajio who is ALSO on that japanese show called nakayoshi terebi which deals with japan and foreign countries and their differences and ways each country is proud of itself etc etc.

BUT ANYWAYS that’s how I got to IU singing this song and me watching super junior on youtube. I usually have low tolerance for kpop and to be honest I did’nt like the song that much … the version sang by super junior that much till I herad it a couple times.

Because there’s so many guys… members. at certain points in the song I go oh I like that guy’s voice etc etc even though it has that distorted effect on it.  I was thinking while listening to it that’s it’s repetitive which is good for learning.

I just wanted to point out korean you can learn/remember from the song .

this song really works cause it’s mad repetitive and if you like it , it obviously helps.

so first of all this link    – hmm I can’t find the exact page of his grammar guide that i was thinking of but this one has it. It just has the rule I’m gonna put here below.

The conjugation  ㅣ 다 -> ㅕ is rampant in this song !

빠져 -> 빠지다

부셔 -> 부시다.




so it’s clear what michuh and makhuk unconjugate to right? Then you can look up the unconjugated verb with lingoes or whatever dictinoary you like.

once you conjugate the stuff to ㅕ form you can attach mad crap to it

examples  막혀+ 버리다-> 막혀버리다

in the song they also conjugate   버리다 to 버려 to make it informal and casual and cool lol.


막혀 + 보다 -> 막혀보다 if you want to make it conversational you turn it into 막혀봐

막혀 +  주다 -> 막혀주다and to turn this into conversation/casual  막혀줘

빠져  + 요 -> 빠져요  and now you have polite form just from attaching YO to this form.

there’s definitely more right? it’s like the -te form of japanese… it’s mad useful and basic and songs are definitely helpful remembering the fun way as opposed to grind-grind-cram-

It’s interesting how the person who wrote the lyrics like did it like this.

For further conjugation rules go to link I put above. I just felt like pointing out this rule cause it seems like this song would be a really easy way to remember since it’s repetitive and if you happen to like the song too then that’s also helpful, for me the song grew on me lol and I don’t have much to learn from this song… maybe a couple words but I don’t care enough to go through this song lol. singing along with the ㅕ conjugated crap and the english parts is enough for me. lolz.

and FYI I think the stuff in this song caan be used in daily conversatoin if want to say “I can’t breathe or  I’m gonna go crazy or I’m obsessed with you or my eyes are in agony from the bright light (my eyes are blinding)”. korean people do say I’m gonna crazy/i’m gonna go insane frequently in daily conversation though lol (Japanese people dont’ though…) . but they don’t do this conjugation they do 미치겠어 . and remember, just stick on the yo and it’s polite! 미치겠어요.

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
내가 내가 내가 먼저
네게 네게 네게 빠져
빠져 빠져 버려 baby

Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty
눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔
숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀
내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby

바라보는 눈빛속에 눈빛속에 나는마치
나는마치 뭐에홀린놈
(이젠 벗어나지도 못해)

걸어오는 너의모습 너의모습 너는마치
내심장을 밟고왔나봐
(이젠 벗어나지도 못해)

어딜가나 당당하게 웃는 너는 매력적
착한여자 一色이란 생각들은 보편적

도도하게 거침없게 정말 너는 환상적
돌이킬 수 없을 만큼 네게 빠져 버렸어.

*Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
내가 내가 내가 먼저
네게 네게 네게 빠져
빠져 빠져 버려 baby

Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty
눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔
숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀
내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby

딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴,
딴딴 딴따다 따
(네게 반해버렸어 baby)

딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴,
딴딴 딴따다 따 따라빠빠라

(Hey, girl) gir, gir, gir, gir, gir, girl, i 눈만뜨면 니 생각
(Hey, girl) 자나깨나 사실 너 하나밖에 안보여

(말해봐) 니 맘에 내가
(말해봐) 자리 잡았는지
(말해줘) 내게 말해줘
(나는 바보 바보 바보)

주변사람들은 말해. 내가 너무 적극적
이 세상에 그런사람 어디 한둘이냐고

그걸몰라, 그녈몰라 시기하며 하는 말
내가 부럽다면 그건 그대들이 지는 거

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
내가 내가 내가 먼저
네게 네게 네게 빠져
빠져 빠져 버려 baby

Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty
눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔
숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀
내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby

딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴,
딴딴 딴따다 따
(네게 반해버렸어 baby)

딴딴 딴따다 따 따란딴,
딴딴 딴따다 따 따라빠빠라

Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance dance dance

Hey 이제 그만 내게 와줄래. 정말 미칠 것만 같아 yeah
난 너만 사랑하고 싶어. 절대 다시 한눈 팔 생각 없어 hey-

애인이라기보다 친구같은 내가 되고 싶어
너의 모든 고민, 슬픔, 함께 간직하고파

다시없을 만큼 만큼 너를 너무 사랑해
내가 바란 사람. 니가 바로 그 that that that girl.

*Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
내가 내가 내가 먼저
네게 네게 네게 빠져
빠져 빠져 버려 baby

Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty
눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔
숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀
내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby

Example of learning Korean from Korean Music!

Basically I’ll just highlight certain things in the sample songs to show like how you have to unconjugate crap to actually look it up. Little example/tutorial.  It’s like one of the reasons why learning songs from japanese is so frikin’ easy especially compared to korean with the rikai-chan and no worries about conjugating even cause rikai-chan does it for you.

But anyways for the resources like that grammar guide that teaches the conguation + dictionaries REFERENCE the previous entry.


I’m gonna do it all K->J for the example, if you wanna do english well use the english/korean dictionaries.  . I would do K-> K at this point but I haven’t found fast-reliable way to do that… in the end k->J is faster to look up so until I find some nice k->k- I dunn wanna do that.

웃음 Lucia + (Duet With Epitone Project)

This song’s not on youtube but you can download it somewhere on the internet…

Gonna put a * for all the lines in the song so it doesn’t get so confusin loking.

Underline is particles.

***벼랑 같았던 시간에서 널 만난 건***


널→ 너를

만나다→ 만난

건 → 것은

***어쩌면 우연인걸까 아직 웃음나***
인걸까 = grammar thing

나 → 나다 So this one might confuse you. 이나 also has a meaning but it’s clear from the context                 and the way she sings it that it’s obviously 이 the particle + 나 from 나다

***두 손 마주 붙잡고 걸었던 많은 시간***

붙잡고→ 붙잡다

걸었던 → 걸었다 → 걸어 → 걷다

많은 → 많다
***때론 거짓말 같아서 아직 웃음나***
때론 →때로는

같아 → 같다 . 서 = grammar thing

***어쩔 수 없던 시간 누구 아냐***

어쩔 수 없던  → ~~없다

아냐  아니야

***어쩌면 우연인걸까 그래서 웃음이나***
***두 손을 마주 붙잡고 걸었던 많은 시간***
***때론 거짓말 같아서 그래서 웃음이나***

***아직 기억해 우리 모습들***

기억해. 해 → 하다
***때론 어제일 같아서 그래서 웃음이나***

*가끔 꿈만 같아서 그래서 웃음이나

꿈 만 are 2 different words so you got look up 꿈  and 만 but they’re both really common words  so                 I doubt anyone got all confused because of that.

The song’s pretty simple so I only learned 2 words but it sounds really nice so I listened to it a lot. So go find it and listen it. ‘sall


This is lingoes. the setting i used to make it show the definition by clicking shift and clicking furiously (cause the program is glitchy) to get it working… is..


LONELY by 2ne1

I’m only gonna talk about one line with this grammar point

지금 내가 하는 얘기 널 아프게 할지 몰라
아마 날 죽도록 미워하게 될꺼야
내가 예전 같지 않다던 네 말 모두 틀린 말은 아니야

I believe that luke park did’t cover this on his grammar guide as far as my memory goes but anyways it’s pretty easy to google grammar points and finding explanations at least in japanese.and honestly he explains all the common /useful crap so by the time you get through that i don’t see why you can’t figure it out with google and shit with your knowledge of korean grmamar.

so the last line of the thre lines I posted . 다던 conjugation in 않다던 means  引用:~だといっていた(過去の継続回想)

◆動詞 母音語幹 -ㄴ다던
子音語幹 -는다던
その他(補助語幹含む)- 다던

which means that the guy “said that”  that’s the 다던 part. so it means that the guy said “내가 예전 같지 않다” actually can’t you think of 다던  as “” marks. does that make the explanation easier?

There’s also

◆動詞 母音語幹 -ㄴ다는  引用:~だという
子音語幹 -는다는
その他(補助語幹含む)- 다는

but it makes sense that she used the one above instead of this becaues the one above has that nuance 過去の継続回想.  回想 means reflection/ reminiscence and 継続 which means continuing.

FYI if you care I tried singing along with it and like for the first couple times it was really heard to pronounce that part 않다던 for some reason just because of the da-dun part AND AND i keep pronouncing it like anata or anta in japanese which is really bad lol. I really am trying to pronounce it correctly but the japanese is just in me  😦 .

OR MAYBE I’m just being over-sensitive because 않다던 sounds like anta and i might be just saying it fine. I can’t help but feel like I’m saying it like anta just because the line is just fast and when it’s fast whatever comes out, comes out. 😦

the japanese really is not good for my korean pronunciation cause japnaese makes me move my mouth less (it’s very minimal especially compared to english/korean.) like i’m prety sure japanese people’s katsuzetsu would be better if they also can speak another language… like the geinin on ame talk for katsuzetsu warui geinin ) and when i try to read korean my mouth won’t open lol because of the damn japanese….  . ii’lll get over it soon enough hopefully but you know i don’t have the shitty american accent or the korean accent with my japanaese (thank god… those accents are annoying like the ZU -namari with the korean people) and I have that intonation shite down! 🙂  AND like I’ve seen foreigners since this song on the korean talent shows and they always fuck up that part and THAT PART ALWAYS SOUNDS like chinese or something. that pisses me off lol. I get it’s hard to pronounce. I experienced it too but if you can’t fix it, please don’t sing it lol. it sounds like chinese. nothing against chinese it s just the pronunciation is just dirty and ruins it.  😦

LIKE THE REASON I sorta gave up on shadowing that I said I was gonna do in the previous post is because the korean actors have really really good enunciation. They talk fast but their pronunciation/enunciation is really good/impeccable too which obviously they are since they only speak korean except for those speakers that also speak awesome english. Basically ,it’s just hard to keep up. well nothing AKATT can’t fix but i mean is very um… disconnected lol which kills the last three letters.. ATT but alas I guess my goal as of now is improving vocab and increasing my ability to conjugate/unconjugate verbs and adjectives and all that stuff in the non-painful way (which means i’m not gonna memorize the conjugation rules. I’m just gonna be aware and if it shows up I go oh they conjugated like ___ since it’s ___). Fun enlightenment as opposed to drilling.  It’s like one of the reasons why those people that post videos of themselves speaking korean think so long and hard and give us mostly silence then…. actual content with words and shit.

and another ting concerning the song

미워하다 . I saw this and I thought of 미웝다 (which conjugates to 미워운 for describing crap while for japanese you don’t even have to conjugate you just put the word next it ie 憎たらしい→憎たらしい人 but then again you have to for -na adjectives but all you do is stick -na. that’s so easy right? ) and I thought oh shit don’t tell me this is some verb conjugation shit but it’s not cause they’re 2 different words (thank you dictinoary)…. I think they’re adjectives. the thing with korean is the adjectives are like verbs so I just want to just call them verbs….

生歌- The good, the bad, the UGLY in OTHERWORDS AKB48 lol minus a few elite members

holy shits the gg wwriters hate me or something. the episode afterthe pefume think with blair and chuck… louis buys her perfume as  a gift so she’ll forgive him for acting like all the other characters. I’m just like WTF is wrong wit hall these people. common sense. and then the crap that went down by the e time ep 10 rolled around was just so stupid lol. It’ slike okay… so blair is a whore basically? I don’t know that’s how i interpret it the fact that you know the writers jst have to drag the chuck blair crap like crazy with any means possible. i mean it’s not classy to get pregnant before getting married for obvious  reasons but then they make it even more retarded it’s like okays.

new milestone for japanese for me which is that today I started writing the kanji as fast as possible for RTK anki reviews because it’s such  a pain in the ass writing it out. I know it, it’s just I’m so lazy and I just hate writing in general with holding the pen and moving my hands all coordinated and shit ugh. I have this with english alphabet too. I just hate writing. the actual physical process.. speakin of which boa’s new song milestone is intriguing and i notice that her voice is mad nasally in japanese… not sayin it as an insult… just sayin what i heard… or what I perceived hearing

So if any of the youtube videos get removed after I post this, use your imagination or somethin. 🙂


AMAZING! I love this song because it’s just so energetic. The PV is interesting and the song is mad sexual. If you don’t get it then you’re really really innocent! I think it’s very explicit lol.

but yasu-SAMA is so good at singing live!!! I went through all the clips and every single song just sounds like what he sounds like on the albums. his MC is mad cute too lol. I don’t want to know how old he is… lol but really I’m a huge fan especially after watching this.  The reason I came across this live is because he’s almost done releasing 5 singles. I don’t know but he’s releaseing a single a month and he’s up to the 4th one now? but I like most of them singles. I tried j’anne de arc but it’s just boring to me, lyrically and everything… if anyone knows a janne arc song as good as ABC’s song tell me!

Good is like tokyo joshi ryuu or tokyo girls style. So they’re idol group but they actually sing live + they sing well + they’re really young…. while AKB48… as much as I like them as people like on variety shows…. just cannot except for a fewmembers. I am not a hardcore akb48 so I do not about that in detail.

i’M JUST sad they’re not selling much and not that successful even though they’re so much better than akb48 as far as singing/dancing (akb dancing is pretty simple no? I like flying get dance sequence tho! )

The bad is obviously the recent ummm… arashi thing and itano tomomi and akb48.

I’m not linking since youtube will remoe it most likely even if the clip is up now.

Itano tomomi’s voice is just strained all the way through and i’m sure she doesn’t hit 10% of the notes lol . I like her voice. as in her talking voice but she’s just not good at singing. I don’t even think she’s singing properly… like she doesn’t even have the basics in place. But the sad part is like her performance of fui ni is actually an improvement from the past as bad as it is. I saw some old hey hey ey ep with boa and people were performing covers of boa’s songs in front of boa. 1 group was minegishi, takahashi and itano. Itano sounded so horrible compared to the other people. she’s just like not meant to sing.

AKB48- there were video clips posted and it’s pretty bad especially compraed to the performances above. It’s just like it seems there’s no excuse for them to not sing live since there’s so many of ’em. at first I was WTF at AKB48. Then I became fanny and I understood what akimoto sensei  meant by idols that you cheer on to grow but the fact of the matter of the matter is they didn’t grow that much nor do they have much incentive since all they have to do is open up hand-shaking events to make $$. so i’m like starting to not like them. I mean i can’t since some of the members have nice interesting personalities that they show on that akb variety show.


some  of the subgroups can sing like eno3b and diva. diva is especially full of talented members who can sing and dance.

Glee! Boy do I

hate Lea Michele’s voice! lol. No seriously, she always reaches this note when she sings those ballads and it makes me go wow I hate her voice. Half the time when she sings I usually fast-forward/skip since she always sings ballads. But it all comes to the song (most of the songs they sing that came out in the last a few years are usually the crappy sogns that I cannnot take at all but I must say the gotta get down on friday song was just fun to watch in that prom episode  and I didn’t mind — some how). I just don’t like her voice and her ballad singing is….不感症極まりない in other words I’ve become numb to it VERY VERY QUICKLY> I was so flipping happy last year’s season 1 finale when they let santana and brittany and quinn sing. It’s so nice to hear other types of voices not to mention I like their voices better than lea michele’s voice irregardless them just letting lea michele every episode (billin ballds) Anyways out of season 2 there were a few songs I REALLY liked that they sang. Let me just say sometimes the song they choose to sing on the show are just NOO for me and I fast-forward without any hesitation (ex. that NEW YORK Song in the premire. Gawd Ihate that song) and some are just boring and i fastforward.

Oh and I love how we saw more outfits/fashion from the 3 girls this season… makes it more fun to watch 😀

I’m jsut gonna post about 2 songs that stood out this season. By all means there are more but I didn’t jot down this episode, this character sang this (but none of those songs are sang by rachel’s character obviously) that I liked when i was watching the eps.

I love her version. I tried listenign to amy winsehouse’s version but it was so boring. so i’m really happy she covered song sorta like how adele coverd lovesong. I love adele’s so much better than the original, and that other version that is well known. I heard she’s (santana’s actress) having an album come out. and I would totally be excited depending on the genre and whether they will have stupid guest appearances (in other words music celerbities that have no talent but fame ex. rappers)

So much soul 😀

A Japanese Artist (MUSIC) that IS DEAD to me. **私の中では死んでる・終わってるアーティスト

Well you know how it is… they jump the shark (like HEROES after s1 or s2). After a certain song or album, you just now at that moment they sold out and that you’re never going to hear that “artist” ever again. I hate people who say oh you’re only saying that because they went major & main-stream or whatever but honestly… I’m just basing it on the sound or the soullessness of it.

I’ll post links to a song in case you never heard their “real” music and only heard their crap music they released after increase in popularity or whatever.  I wish they would go back to where they are or leave whatever they are right now but honestly… I just think they’re dead. The fame & the money just suffocated the music. We get the most boring, crappy lyrics, and gay songs. It’s just gotten to the point that after some relesae that I downloaded that I deleted shortly after I decided to never download this artist again.  Thta’s what DEAD means to me as far as artists go. If someday they release something with a song title that’s decent I may give them a chance but honestly I really don’t see it.


sidetalk: When I first found out about them with the sakura thing with the indie I was pleasantly surprised. Then I try to delve into Japanese Indie which there isn’t much of ?  So on one of their first 2 albums they had amzing songs and maybe 1 dud or 2 (basically indie GOLD). Like,  here’s AMAZINGNESS from the 1st or 2nd album that I think they’ll never return… probably at this rate with these retarded song titles. I think it started with BLUE BIRD.  IF SO, ever since they did that song to NARUTO they’ve been turning to shit. These songs are so boring and soulless compared to their first 2 albums. the sad part is their 3rd album sold more than the 1st 2 albums combined even (or close to it from the wiki). their 3rd album is so BAD. There’s like only 1 good song which isTHIS (kuchizuuke). and I’m annoyed that the top plays on imeem are the shitty anime songs of theirs when their 1st 2 alubms are so AMAZING> SERIOUSLY download/buy ’em. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED>They made me start saying I like J-indie… well that style.

AND I HOPE TO DEAR GOD that school food punishment doesn’t turn to shit too after they did the ending of the song to that SHITTY ANIME (yes IT IS SHITTY. johnns lol wut. & it’s just so boring after the first ep… hell the first ep is pretty boring too & the characters are just flat). The song they did for that anime is good I think but the single that released for that had this other song that I didn’t care for & it also had this annoying remix of a song they did before.

I looked up and found that Ikimono gakari did do songs for other animes. But i think it’s more like they gave a song on their album as opposed to writing it so it’ll be used on the opening. I don’t know.


PLEASE DON’T COMMENT ABOUT SOME JPOP ARTISTS SAYING THEY SHOULD BE INCLUDED because in my opinion they sucked from the start (I don’t like jpop so the chances are HIGH). To die, they have to be alive first.


OMG I listened to the song higaneshi (linked above) by ikimono gakari & I understand the lyrics well/hear it really well. in fact i was puzzled by the lyrics at that time like 大体三日間でひと月の疲れを癒してる… I don’t know, it just looked confusing at the time but now it’s like why was i confused? (actually I decided to add a couple lines of the lyrics to the SRS & trust me I CANNOT do that with their “3rd album songs” those lyrics are just downgrade )  It also seemed to be a lot faster to me then, now it’s like… i wish this song was was faster.  It’s been god knows hwo long since I heard this song … a year or so or maybe less. I love it when I can feel my progress in my japanese studies… AND I never looked up what the band name means and then eventually I connected tabemono and ikimono and ~~gakari/kakarichou etc. hell it’s not really studying anymore… mostly FUN so. AJATT FTW


OH WAIT there’s another one…


Gawd she’s terrible now-a-days. All the singles she’s been releasing has been really terrible. I can just judge from the song title. they’re so boring and cliche and juts ugggggggh. I mean technically she wasn’t “alive” at first since her first album was rather bad. I don’t remember there was one good song on it. but the whole album was just boring with the melody, with the lyrics, and especially the english. the english/engrish wasn’t boring but it was really FORCED. That’s why I especially can tell that her new songs suck even before hearing them with the title which is in english… which don’t even sound that cool. Her second album is better and it’s just with her style of music you have to evolve…. otherwise it gets really BORING and as far as i can tell she is fallllllling to crapp music. it’s always the goddman anime that makes artists turn to crap? lol. well she did some song for bleach and then i think the 2nd time she did it, you knew she was just gone. she’s DEAD>