Tag Archives: japan

Something that made me LOL hard

It’s from the same show that I had featured in this previous post

So what I found really funny was when misaki called takashi at 19:40.  I loved takahashi’s wtf reaction and how misaki never told him before the show or maybe they told her she can’t. i was disappointed that none of the other contestants used the phone lifeline since I’m sure if anyone else did it would’ve gotten down  in a similar fashion as misaki and takashi’s phone call did….. which ensued in HILARITY

I recently realized in the episode when they copied hoko-tate the  background music was from evangelion since I never saw that anime until recently (besides the availability of japanese subs and countless explanations online, there’s also the sara ni wakaru video which was super helpful.)


So I realized if I don’t update in the next 8 days or so

I lose my streak of updating x months in a row. I do not count stuff that is not worth counting. I don’t really care about keeping it up but I’ll post anyways.


so I’ve checked out some fansub review sites because I learn about translating from the examples that are given. it’s fascinating to see the different ways things can be translated, misunderstood, misconstrued etc. I’m a proponent of liberal translations as opposed to literal translation. but even then there are degrees of liberalness and I don’t support extreme liberal translations though it may depend on the the line, scene, show, etc.



The bloggers really know what they’re talking about with the translations. they’ll point out a translation that’s stilted or just doesn’t do the line justice and give their translation take on it. sometimes it’s a really good translation that I think I would never come up with.

I have no interest in the animes themselves though lol.

and here’s an old OLD OLD entry that i never posted just because I wasn’t satisfied with it.


I got to see the episode of top runner (a music show where they interview the artist for 40 minutes or so) in HIGH quality starring MISS SHIINA RINGO (she’s divorced 😦 with child or children ) thanks to clubbox.
It was so much fun watching it. Fun is not the right word. I just really like this singer and iwant to find out more about her especially via tv shows. She doesn’t go on tv all that much and not all her past appearances on tv/radio are up online with streaming or on clubbox UNFORTUNATELY. this one is definitely worth watching for the shiina ringo fans. if your japanese is not up to par you might get screwed with understanding her lol. I had trouble understanding her at parts. It’s not the japanese AT ALL. I know all the japanese that she used to express herself. I’ve come acrossed all those phrases and sayings and whatnot. I know al lthat stuff inside out. the problem i don’t feel like i’m understanding what she’s saying. it’s not incompetency on my japanese part, I just find her hard to understand. I feel the need to rewatch/rehear stuff she says. I know what it means and everything but I feel like I’m not understanding it. You know this kind of stuff happens in my native language english too with people that just speak in this way that is not easy to understand for me (like what the hell does days of FUTURE PAST mean for x-men. no i don’t want to watch the movie to find out) . Or at least I feel like I’m not getting the complete picture or i’m unsure of my interpretation of what she said. By all means i’m saying she’s a horrible speaker or she talks enigmatically or anything like that. maybe we’re just not on similar wavelenths lol. The performances were amazing and I still don’t undersatnd the lyrics fully lol. the thing with her lyrics is that even japanese don’t undersatnd and there’s definitely multiple ways to interpret her lyrics. Maybe that is her goal or maybe it’s not.
>> a little segway

so recently or maybe not anymore she produced 2 songs for ishikawa sayuri. the single is 暗夜の心中立て 石川さゆり anya no shinjuudate and no ididn’t know how to read a until i heard of this song. i THINK she’s also invovled with the production of the mv.


so I enjoyed watching the PV and was able to catch random parts of the lyrics since it is sorta enka-ish with uncommon japanese. then i proceeded to watch the live performance which was amazing and the first time I saw it I was like I don’t understand this song lol… then the second time I watched it I realized I was just overwhelemed with the all the furigana and hiragana that doesn’t match what she’s singing… you know how in japanese they read kanji or hiragana differently from what it’s usually read. some examples…hmmm.

女 ひと
時間 とき
and for shiina ringo with the song ishiki or kuki there’s all these strange hiragana combo with the verbs that looks weird but it’s actually common ex 言ふ  is read as いう it just looks weird but it’s pronunced normally. I think it has to do with archaic japanese and how they used to write it or read it like whatever.
so the 3rd time I watched it I was like oh this song’s pretty easy to understand lol. of course there’s still words I don’t know but I don’t feel like looking them up.
I just looked up one thing and oh boy there’s double meaning! that’s cool 😉
– 故事ことわざ辞典
「つ」から始まる句 【読み】, つきにむらくも、はなにかぜ.
【意味】, 月に叢雲花に風とは、よいことには邪魔がはいりやすく、長続きしないものだというたとえ。
叢雲 とは むらがり立った雲。むらく
so for THE japnaese learners who read my blog try WATCHING IT and see what I mean.
SO back to the shiina ringo episode of top runner

Lots of interesting talk in the episode. I found it really interesting about the 9/11 thing because I didn’t know that was she was deeply affected by it and that a song was created because of 9/11… it’s news that was heard around the world so in that it’s not a big surprise. ever since she said oh because of 9/11 this songw was created I went to find out about songs MADE by japanese artists because of 9/11. there’s a bunch . I was surprised that the song by hito to yo something (the singer that speaks english, mandarin ? , and japanese) . tsudukemasu yoni was inspired by 9/11. I’ve heard it so many times on japanese tv, etc. It’s a famous song. I’ve heard them introduce the song but i never heard of the 9/11 thing. I want to look into more songs created from 9/11. by all means i mean it in the most positiv eway possible. I loved what shiina ringo said about her music and what she could do with it to be of help in anyway to 9/11 etc… spreading message of love or hope etc.. Music is wonderful like that. I loved the spiel she just spilled about 9/11, the difference her music can make, etc.
I don’t remember clearly but I think she said she considered retiring from music after having her child and then 9/11 happened…. anyways great episode, recommend to all shiina ringo lovers who understand japanese.
she also released her cover of yoake no uta for the shinsai / earthquake disaster in march 2011. ( the year is right?)
btw I love love love the song 中田 yuuji made for the people who were affected by the eartquake in japan in march 2011
p.s. i hate imageshack. i think my blogwill be full of x-ed out pictures and i no i am NOT paying 1 dollar a month or whatever.


Battle Athletes Victory COMPLETE

☃UPDATE ☆: link to lines/transcript/script from episode 1-26! 台本 セリフ 台詞 全台詞 全台詞 バトルアスリーテス 大運動会 名言 名台詞 名セリフ on mediafire  | EVERNOTE  | .rar of gif and screenshots tumblr posts && | link to my post about what to do if you ain’t got no j-subs

i like watching longer anime with at least 26 episodes…. since it makes me go “wow i can’t believe that hapepened” or it just feels like so much “time” has passed. There were some surprises in the story development. I wouldn’t want to say twist because i did notice foreshadowing after the FACT. but i must say the last episode was unpredictable. at the same time I can say that the creators went BALLS TO THE WALLS with this show. The last arc is very controversial let’s just say. I undersatnd both sides but i’ll side with 賛 of 賛否両論 more than the 否. I think if it just ended before that arc it would’ve just been whateve ranime but because they went BALLS TO THE WALLS and made something happen… there’s a completeness about it (there’s the foreshadowing again…). I think if I were to re-watch it i would really “understand” some of the lines and why they were said and why to that person lol….  not to mention there were some hilarious moments.  i almost want to say that this show is  very representative of anime. i’m not saying all anime should be ridiculous and bizarre and whatnot but at the same time if any of the media is able to pull that off it would be anime out of dramas and movies and whatnot. that’s what anime excels at. it almost makes no sense to make a slice of life anime ( I really enjoyed ichigo mashimaro and minami-ke so there are exceptions) or nodame cnatabile into an anime (I think i talked about this in my iron leaguer post) or the satoshi kon movies (sorry they are boring and i feel nothing. the animation may be pretty but that’s about it) since it’s boring and there’s no point making it into an anime. anime can be really wacky and bizarre and battle athletes victory is no exception to that. it’s a good example of that. I’m sure this anime won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but i immensely enjoyed it and it’s not very well-known so for that reason i really want to recommend it. I enjoyed some of the themes involving sports (even if you don’t like sports you can still relate it to other things… life is life. everything is relatable ) and the character development/chemistry.

I also appreciated the side-characters. sometimes with anime that are not as well-done the side-characters are very throw-away and unmemorable… just a waste of space. or they try to do something with them but there’s no point or at least it feels that way.

comedy – sometimes it’s subtle  as in subtle but still funny. for some of the comedy i had to rewind because it was  thatso funny. for example that joke with mylandaaaaa and her  strategy for thwarting her opponent was hilarious! it’s subtle but very funny.

For me, this anime is what anime should be or can be. anime can pull-off (my definition of pull-off is that i enjoy watching it. it’s stupid to criticize an anime for being “unrealistic” imo. but at the same time some anime are just so sucky that i actually do criticize for being unrealistic beucase it pissed me off for so many reasons… ie love hina ridiculous things that other media just may not be able to.

happy holidays! happy Japanese learning!  I had lots of fun  watching/learning from this anime. Like I said before, for the people who say “you can’t learn shit from anime you can suck it!” lol. For example I learned this phrase that I heard for the first time in this show and hopefully not the last. the same thing happened with iron leaguer. even though it’s for “children” there’s still japanese to be learned (and it’s useful and I wonder why I don’t hear it more) from it that for some reason i haven’t from anywhere else or at least I think I didn’t.  one example is 造作も無い It’s not ぞうさくもない you know japanese sucks like this lol..

ONE EXAMPLE from iron leaguer is その行方はようとして、知れなかった

I like learning new phrases and expressions seeing as there is sort of an epidemic jaapn with lack of vocabulary/expression that i feel sometimes lol… it depends on the person and what generation they’re in etc etc… sometimes I’m like you’re japanese speak japanese or why do you suck at expressing yourself in jaapnese when you only know japanese!

P>S> OVA Is boring/sucky 😦


Learning Japanese from anime~ Battle athletes victory edition!

https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img27/903/l81o.th.png https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img29/5656/pgea.th.png https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img802/3667/9hso.th.png

https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img854/3851/bsk3.th.png https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img845/6823/gv1z.th.png https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img708/2841/30l8.th.png

Since iron leaguer, I finally had time to watch another anime. I have lots more anime on my 무anime too-many-to-watch list including other sports anime. i also have the same thing with j-dramas, american dramas, music. When I Was watching iron leaguer, I was watching love shuffle at the same time. This time I was watching suzuki sensei and battle athletes victory and let me say anime 2, drama 0 by a landslide (p.s. the manga drawing in suzuki sensei is horrendous ! I don’t even read manga but i can tell it’s shit ) . I’ll write more about suzuki-sensei when i finish which may be next year or this year. I’ve gotten to episode 15 of battle athletes victory daiundoukai. That Episode was amazing… it was shocking and there so much emotion, thoughts and events… I was trying to figure out what’s going inside this one character’s head because the situation is complicated with all the information revealed in the episode.  I still am unsure of what thought process the character had and everything. Maybe I’ll find out later in the show or somebody online will have some insight.  of course I had to re-watch the scenes for that episode. There’s this amazing song in the episode (aw man it’s differnt. the song in the episode had no vocals i like that better… i don’t see another version in the ost!!! uggggggggh), there was also another great song (I can’t find it in the ost sob sob 😦 it’s a great song ) in that same episode with a violin which I haven’t found in the ost yet. it was so well-done with the emotions.  for me, especially in the new anime the “emotional” stuff feels very contrived especially with the crappy drawing style where they care more about being moe or cute or pretty than actually drawing characters with depth and personality (I just think it limits the individuality of the characters when they start obessessing making them cute and moe. it reminds me korean plastic surgery, everyone looks the f’in same. i wouldn’t say they’re pretty. some of them look like aliens. others just look the same and i just think they’re complete idiots. INDIVIDUALITY IS GREAT).  i found the scenes in the episode touching…. for fruits basket it always felt like i had to force myself to feel empathetic or get into it and it ‘s always a sob story that seemed to be only made to make people sob? So basically fruits basket suck with the exception a couple episodes. don’t get me started on clannad or kanon which are shit. I really am glad to have seen an anime episode that is so genuine and real. it’s  goosebumps level!!! obviously episode 15 couldn’t have been episode 15 without episodes 1-14. that’s what I call quality!!! kiss my ass 13 episode anime that suck (there are ones that are good but lots of ’em just SUCK)

So first I must comment on the OST and sound effects and voice acting.

The OST is good and I liked it. truth be told it is hard to reel viewers into a sci-fi /future anime without good bgm… It really sets the atmosphere since the anime is set in the future and has its own world going on that’s different from ours. That’s what I love about anime… it’s well-done and fun to watch that I  was absorbed and in that world when I was watching it. I almost feel guilty like I’m a loser for ignoring the real world since i’m watching this anime instead of xyz in the real world lol. but at the same time the people who made it achieved an amazing feat of luring in viewers into the “anime” world they created (not all anime achieve this. when they don’t my reaction this shit is lame or this shit is boring). the only way they’re going to make the viewers “believe” it is to WORK THEIR ASSES off and have passion. I almost feel like it’s a slap in the face to the creators for me to not watch this great piece of work. I really have to see if there’s any interviews or anything like that online. similar to iron leaguer with my piqued interest. Overall, I would say that rather than feeling guilty I feel happy that I had the opportunity to see a GOOD ANIMe and in japanese (I did work hard/spend a lot of enjoyable time in japanese) that is so enjoyable because there’s a lot of shitty anime out there.  Without good OST there’s no way you can take a show seriously. there’s no way you’ll get into it, in other words “believe it” . The songs matched and set the world and made me believe it and become engaged. A couple of the BGM Songs i really liked so when they repeated it I was glad to hear it. I mentioned before with the songs on tepisode 15… those 2 particular songs as far as I remember came up for the first time in episode 15 and i haven’t seen the rest so i don’t know if they’ll be used again but that particular song that i linked is called slum spiritual song which was specifically made for Jessie. It seems like they put in a lot of effort into the OST like not recycling songs like crazy or having only a a very small selection of bgm songs.

I like all the voice actors. akari’s voice is sorta annoying but whatevers. I really like some of the casting like the russian girl and jessie and chris. anna’s voice was eh. there were a bunch of “crying acting” that I thought was AMAZING> usually in dramas and in anime it gets melodramatic or awkward or dragged-out. but here I felt the emotions the characters were going through. I believed it. It was sincere without a doubt….. the reasons behind the crying scenes themselves were “real” and the voice actresses pulled through. Of course i’m not referring to akari here….

https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img513/9201/q47t.th.pnghttps://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img22/3357/00az.th.png https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img6/4151/4zh7.th.png


So the x-factor aka the anime factor is one of the reasons why sports anime are so good. it’ll be set in the future or whatever but for whatever reason they always surprise me. with real-life sports or even sports dramas you prettty much know all the boundaries and possibilities of the plot/game developments (they can stilll have their twists and be shocking by all means) but with anime there is none because it’s the future or it’s robots… you really don’t know x is possible until you see it unfolding on the show.there seems to a bunch of sports anime that aren’t fansubbed or not fansubbed completely or not licensed that look REALLY good… and i have access to it now since the japanese barrier is not there anymore lol plus i got my chiebukuro. anime has an upper-hand or at least more to work with compared to other mediums when it comes to stuff that’s sci-fi, set in the future, involves robots, involves sports etc etc in my opinion. I strongly felt that with this anime and Iron Leaguer.

I also really want to check out the ova because i enjoyed the series so much (what i’ve seen of it thus far). it came out before the series so it’s not like iron leaguer where it came out after the show … so hopefully it won’t be completely disappointing. i know i shouldn’t expect too much from 6 episodes. 26 episodes… wow you can get A LOT accomplished… I must say it’s a goood number. I’m on episode 15 and man a lot of shit happened! i can tell there’s a reason they’ve stuck with this number since a long time ago. I have no idea why they make 13 episode anime now a days. it’s like they’re not even trying or want to screw themselves over. one of the things that compels me to say that is the midou tomoe thing. so the first 10 times they mentioned her i was like i don’t get what’s so special about her with the gasping and the reactions etc. then the 11th time etc i find out more about her amazing accomplishments and other info and I finally realize that wow she IS AMAZINg… people are reacting like THAT for a reason. I didn’t really get it till later on. I don’t know if that was the creators’ intent or if it’s the way I perceived it as a “slow” or “unreceptive” viewer .  At some point maybe episode 10 or 11 it got so interesting i watched 5 eps in one a day. if i had time right now i would go and finish the rest in one day or something! it’s a lot of fun.

OH AND LIKE I SAID with iron leaguer this gets EXCITING AND INTENSE. I hate how some people think sports anime are boring and blahblah just because they saw a couple shitty ones made after 2000 + something. maybe there are good sports anime made after 2000+ I wouldn’t know myself… i just know it’ll be a long time till i watch any of those lol since i have a long ass anime list and i’m watching in the order of what i think will be the most fun, exhilarating, and worth watching. like i said before there’s a lot that aren’t fansubbed or available or whatever and i’m sure there’s gems among there.  it’s one of the huge reasons i hate the OLD ANIME VS NEW ANIME ARGUMENT.

COMEDY – it’s on the money. It’s funny. it’s right up my alley.  they have a great sense of humor and the characters’ awesomeness propel the comedy higher. Unlike iron leaguer comedy is a more major component of this show and so we got to see serious characters react with the goofy anime reaction face at one point or another. that was priceless. similar to iron leaguer, it has yuri which is the yaoi counterpart lol. I would say shoujo-ai more than yuri because the show can be watched by kids…  there’s nothing really inappropriate in this show.



So what I absolutely despise with 1-shtik one night stand episodes with anime and drama is that it feels contrived and boring and fake (they’re usually the filler episodes)…. and I have to force myself to be sympathetic to try to connect. You know those episodes where it focuses around 1 character whether it’s a side-character or some random “guest” character that you’ll probably only see in that episode and there’s a message or moral to the story but it feels shallow and lazy ESPECIALLY when it’s NAMIDA CHOUDAI ie sob story. somebody bawling or they expect the viewer to bawl at this cheap ass set-up. the INTENT IS REALLY OBVIOUS. The set-up is really simple and obvious and I sorta feel offended as a viewer. with this show when they do stuff with characters ie episode 15 or the episode with ayla it’s real. they don’t ignore the characters and then focus on them for 1 whole ep and then expect you to be moved like certain other animes (that’s what I mean the cheapness…. my inability to connect. and by doing that it just shows how lazy they are). they give each one exposure here and there in a bunch of episodes and then give a majority of a later episode to a specific character. it seems well-planned out that they’re not completely ignoring x y characters and then focus almost the whole episode on x character and expect me to care.


I love 90s animation. I love the cell animation. I love seeing all the different things they devised to show intensity, speed, a certain emotion, etc etc. there’s a lot of things that have to be portrayed on the show animation-wise especially since it’s set in the future and they have sports. i think they pulled it off. like I said before I “believed” it. in general I really dislike how the animation nowadays seem “watered-out”/down? sterile? … it’s because it’s not cell. I was reading about it in japanese as to why does it look so cheap, not as detailed, and no effort and all that now all days. some anime remind me of eroge and moe shit lol. by all means I like the suzumiya haruhi animation and other shows that are from the 2000s. there’s lots of things they do really well now-a-days wth the technology but there are things you cannot do without cells (especially the “feel” with the colors and depth? in japanese they called it  薄い I THINK). i’m not saying they should bring it back or anything like that. I juts really like the color scheme/feel that occurs with the cell animation. http://cosmoneapolitan.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-92.html 


(there’s more links but this is all i got now ) that was another reason I really enjoyed watching thsi show. I just love 90s animation.

One thing that bothered me with the animation was there were times it’s not as well animated ie when they showed the girls walking in their uniforms and their legs were like 2 thick blocks and the skirts were mad short and we didn’t see underwear lol (it’s not like i want them to draw underwear… it was just that short… the animation just looked awkward )…  there were scenes that weren’t as well-animated as the other scenes… but you know they gotta do something to save the budget for the more important scenes. the お約束の作画崩壊 is one of those things that we expect from 90s animation lol… it’s interesting imo and sorta don’t mind because it is funny and so real but if it’s too much it’s bad lol… ideally you don’t want any.

I love the character designs too. i love the differnt uniforms, chris’s design especially (the eye color and hair color! ) and i liked her uniform that was a short dress or short skirt) you can’t have good characters without character design period. you can’t have good anime without a good ost. nuh-uh. p.s. chris’s hairstyle is god-awful in the ova lol.

AS FAR AS THE MAIN TOPIC IS CONCERNED ABOUT THE JAPANESE. what i did this time was different from iron leaguer since my korean did improve and my japanese improved since then.

since it’s from the 90s so the resolution is 4 by 3. so i made the kmplayer 16:9 and then loaded the subs vertically on the side so it doesn’t cover up any animation. I left the subs in korean. I didn’t translate it to japanese. when i was watching it most of the time I relied on my ears and listen for the japanese. sometimes i read the korean (quickly) and listened to the japanese. i use the korean to note down lines that i’m unsure or have no idea what my ears heard so i can go back and have an easy time at only looking at the parts where i want to look into. it’s a lot easier then pausing, moving the mouse, writing g down the minute: second.

I wanted to share the lines i got from the for ep 1-15 in case anyone else wants to learn japanese from this anime. I asked on chiebukuro a lot since there were lines i could not catch or i was unsure of and wanted to confirm that i’m right. some lines i just liked so i jotted them down (so it’s not like i wasn’t able to catch allll these lines that are in the .txt but i must say some of them are damn hard to catch or i didn’t know the word so there’s no way i could’ve figured it out – by all means there are times where i figure it out even though i don’t know the word. generally, probability of me figuring out what i’m hearing goes down if i don’t know the word vs. if i know the word) . i added a bunch of those words and lines to my anki.


anime is a great source for learning japanese. like i said with iron leaguer it’s really feasible to remember stuff SYLABBLE PER SYLLABLE (which is reallllllly good and helpful for really remembering/feeling/learning the language) because i’m  invested and engaged with the show and the line might be dramatic or significant in some way.. the seiyuus do a great job. that’s definitely another reason. happy learning! ❤

my only warning is that some episodes have the timing to include the OPENING but most of them are the timing WITHOUT THE OPENING. you gotta do 1:30 + _- dpeneding on your video  file.

– also they come with japanese explanations and definitions. some of the explanations i didn’t ask for but the person included in their chiebukuro answer anyway so i just pasted the whole thing. if you need it read it, if you don’t, don’t.


the .txt file works. the mediafire preview sucks balls! it includes all the lines i couldn’t catch so if there’s lines that are not here that you can’t catch then it’s probably easy to catch lol and you should try listening again or ask on chiebukuro like me and piss off japnaese people lolz.

the episode previews were taken from a blog that somebodoy runs where they only wrote down the lines from the episode previews! thank god somebody did it lol some of it is mad hard to catch.

here’s the gifs and a couple screenshots i took.

p.s. wats up with thse random people liking and following me. those peple that obviously are doing hat in the hopes that i go to their blog and follow the mback.. it sure as hell doesn’t look like they’d be interested in any of my entries and i sure as hell am not interested in their blog…. it’s to get my attention?? so i follow ’em? i don’t get it. no.. get lost.

追追伸 I will update once I finish the show with more lines and thoughts!!

there’s more in the .rar since tumblr sucks lol.

– I don’t really agree necessarily with the listen/watch episode twice for the sake of improving your japanese comprehension. if the show or episode is so good that it’s just as fun it not more fun to watch it again, i don’t mind but if it’s not at that level i’m not doing that!  even so just because you watch it a 100 times doesn’t mean you’ll understand and catch everything that came out of the characters’/people’s mouths (watching it multiple times will improve your comprehension of course but not to 100% depending on the media)…. I know that i will never (not never but a whole lot later) be able to catch what they say with some of the lines no matter how many times i listen to it or think about the context or the characters etc…. hence  i ask on chiebukuro to save myself time from listening to something 15 times and still not being able to catch it. i recognize the fact that my ears aren’t as japanese as a japanese person’s lol… the words and the sounds sorta elude me sometimes. some days i have a bad day. some days i have a good day. sometimes it doesn’t matter what day it is, i just can’t catch it. you’ll notice some of the stuff i have in my .txt isn’t realy difficult or uncommon japanese necessarily but i just couldn’t catch it (of course I also have lines that i wrote down myself just because I liked the line)  a tip to people learning from anime. get the high quality file with the high quality audio. that is a factor to even to natives


I was surprised I didn’t post this on my wordpress. i’ve only posted on my lang-8. to set the right tone for the idiocy that I encountered here’s a HILARIOUS clip that makes you go WTF AND LOL.


before I got this bullshit on my tumblr


I asked hangukdrama since it’s even relevant to her and she’s from singapore and sorta indreictly since she loves her korean.

[Korean Textbook Reviews] Ewha Workbook 4 이화 한국어


Then I got the same bullshit recently.

It’s not even just a korea/japan thing.you could do this with pretty any country + japan etc etc.  basically this person has no clear assertion at all (if i were to ask questions like well what about the  half-korean/half-ajpanese people, what about all the korean people learning japanese, all the japanese people learning korean, the korean people marrying japanese people, the korean/japanese halves who only speak japanes, the kpop people making money in japan, THE FACT THAT KOREAN PEOPLE WOULD RATHER READ JAPANESE NOVELS THAN KOREAN NOVELS (it’s in the numbers), the polyglots on this planet… so you’re saying i should pick  one or the other? or i should pick korean over japan since japan did horrible stuff to korea? I should ban japanese from my life even though i love japanse tv? this person has no answers to any of this because they have no clear stance on ths issue at all.. the previous person who asked the bs question seemed to want to tell me what i should do or what i can’t do… then i said so you’re telling me to do this? then they’re like no i don’t care what you do. my repsonse was “if that is the case you wouldn’t have sent the inital message”). they just want to point something out and feel smart? it’s not even something to point out… everybody already knows.


I’m just curious on everyone’s thoughts on this… I guess anyone who is interested in korean and Japanese and are especially is a descent of either countries … or even if you’re not a descent of either country your country probably got screwed over by japan at some point. they seemed to have a hurt lot countries in history. Do you separate the history/love of the modern culture/media?  Does it make sense that i should stop watching/reading japanese/listening to japanese and dedicate myself to becoming fluent in korean just becuase i’m genetically-obligated even though i genuinely enjoy japanese media a lot and like i said before korean tv pisses me off a lot. when it comes down to it these people are telling how to spend my time since I love watching jaapesne tv, i like my japanese music, i like reading japanese books /internet/etc.  I can’t eat sushi anymore ? lol. this person assertion is NOT FORMED.


How do you digest the information?

their logic is japan did bad stuff to korea in the past so koreans hate japanese (this is a generalization)  so at this present time people should be aware of the history and follow up on the feelings of hate by avoiding japansee crap ?  BUT IF YOU DO that then you have to go into MORE DETAILS like how far do you go? japanese people make a lot of GOOD SHIT that you probably use on a daily basis. it almost seems ridiculous to avoid japanese crap incessantly because you will have to research and go oh damn this thing was made by a jap  A LOT and  then throw it away. people should go out of their way to avoid using any korean words that are of japanese origin?   it gets so petty in my opinion. The logic is that you’re avoiding japanese shit to “win” basically in that you “lose” if you do not avoid japanese shit. but if your wasting this much time of your life hardcore hating to the point that you’re spending this much time to avoid japanese shit with research and most likely your quality of life might be lowered since you forbid yourself from using japanese shit (but maybe some of the stuff you use in your daily life is also made by another country or maybe you don’t mind footing a bigger dill for a product that is inferior to the japanese counterpart)  it sounds like you’re “losing” in actuality. it’s just stupid


that’s basically what I said in my lang-8. I don’t personally want to labor over this topic whatsoever and research history or wahtever. because it’s not gonna change the fact that I love myjapanese media and I will keep consuming it. NOT TO MENTION I don’t have that much free time so i’m always trying to catch up with my japanese tv shows. THAT IS ALSO A REASON  these people psis me off. clearly they have too much free time. i BARELY HAVE enough time to accomplish/enjoy what I want  (SINCE IT’S LIFE AND YOU HAVE TO WORK AND DO SHIT ) yet this loser is asserting that I should spent my tie like this (that’s basically what this person is saying though the person did not say that explicitly/directly). the people who are gonna make really vague/useless assertions are just losers. they do not sound/look educated in any form/dimension. I’m just curious on people’s insights/thoughts on this issue that i’m sure I would have more insight/thoughts about if I made my japanese ability/learning public which i don’t. I don’t like dealing with bullshit/ignorance… I know what annoying attention you get in public if you draw anime in a public place or you tell your friends I started learning japanese etc etc especially in america because everybody loves hating . I really don’t like that about ameican culture because it’s honestly stunting our growth and making people complacent . by hating, people are being discouraged. you could argue that some people may use that to fuel their passion or whatever but I think it’s more negative than positive. in the end, the hating limits your activity/what you can do when there’s people around therefore decreasing the amount of time you spend doing whatever it is that you’re passionate

about. in all earnestly I would get shifted on badly since my japanese is better thaN Korean even though I’m korean. But I don’t care it’s what I enjoy f u. It’s not my fault korean tv won’t copy japanese tv more hardcore lol


心をして 心して  心押して japanese phrase!


so I’m not sure how common this japanese phrase is because I learned it recently it seems so simple so i’m like why the hell did i find out about it now? maybe i did hear it before but i just didn’t take note of it/聞き流し。。。? i’m prety active about looking up/pursuing japanese so i don’t think so ???   recently i heard kokoro shite or kokoro wo shite but when i heard it i was picturing 心押して for some reason. I totally inferred the meaning from the situation and just the words making up the phrase and what it sounds like… i just wasn’t sure what the phrase was.. whether it was kokoro shite or kokoro oshite or if i just misheard it…


now that i think about it’s sorta hard to differentiate  心をして 心して  心押して just saying all these out loud myself… because the ro in kokoro and the wo they just blend so… it’s hard to tiEcQGe.md.pngell if it’s just a ro that’s a little longer ( but barely noticeable) or ro and then wo or kokoro than o in the oshite. btw there’s no phrase 心押して that was my imagination lol before i looked it up.  thank god for google to clarify this..


initially i looked up kokoro oshite or kokoro wo oshite in google with quotes because that’s what i thought the phrase was but i didn’tg et nothing. i didn’t think to look up kokor oshite or kokoro wo shite because  it just didn’t occur to me because of what i said before how you really can’t differentiate the different combinations because of the ro in kokoro. so i just asked on chiebukuro what are they saying at this minute: second. I just find this phrase to be useful… like why not! and it’s very simple and easy to remember and meaning makes complete sense. it’s just very automatic. it just took me a little longer to find out the actual phrase. a little different from this but one time i heard bakagiri and thought バカ斬り lolz because that was the intonation/cut-off point they used. i wrote about it on lang-8 that it was actually ba/kagiri.

oh and i heard  KOKORO SHITE on kire onna juku.  because the aite gets more and more difficult for the girls


another thing iran across while watching fns 27 hour special – the part with the yurusenai hanahsi. it’s actually pretty interesting. i don’t watch the 24-27 whatever hour special because it’s live so it tends to be draggy/can’t catch what people say/ too much gaya/etc etc… it’iEc9kk.md.pngs just awkward. but um… this segment was good

anyways watanabe naomi-chan told a funny story and at one point she says


BUT I thought she said そくどに寄せて because she was saying she was in a car (there’s just certain words you associate/expect together). when i hear sokudo i think of 速度.. i was like thinking that makes no sense UNLESS there’s another meaning to yoesete that i don’t know of yet… because that happens since words have MANY MEANINGS. so i look it up and it clearly has no other meanings besides the ones i already know. so it’s not sokudo because it makes no sense. then i typed sokudou and i was like omgs. what i could’ve also done is type in SOKUDO in sanseido and then it’ll show me sokudo and sokudou because i’ll choose the option that says STARTS WITH… i’m sure if i rewound and listened carefully i would’ve heard the elongation of the do … but anyways this is my thinking process. i’m sure i would’ve saved myself some time if i looked into the possibility of dou since that is one of those sounds that tends to be the elongated -u version.  i mean in general i think for the onyomi sounds there tends to be more of the elongated sounds rather than the non-elongated sounds. that’s just from my experience and thoughts but if i’m wrong, feel free to correct me.



so she said 側道に寄せて. I never heard anyone say sokudou (I’ve never seen it written either or at least i don’t  recall that instance. i’ve seen 脇道 わきみち i believe which means something different) or maybe i did somewhere but i didn’t take note. it’s the same thing as i said before i’m usually very cognizant of japanese people saying words i do not know or cannot catch and i try my best to find out if i really care/am invested in the content/media that i’m watching. obvoiusly if you’re watching a shitty j-drama… who cares… learning a few words from it isn’t going to make the drama suck any less. know what i’m sayin”??
p.s. if you say sokudo 10 x really fast you’ll say sokudo in korean! sorta like if you say 요구 really fast 10x in korean you’ll starting saying 욕! yay! lol. maybe it works with yakusoku too. in japanese they pronounce yakusoku like yak-soku rather yaku-soku though they do pronounce it the latter way sometimes like in a song or something .


so this example below is not the first time that this has happened. maybe it also happened a handful of times in the past. i think it’s better than googling in some ways because for googling you’d have to search, add a syllabel , search etc ec. this one is more automatic like that.

So I was watching the show and somebody said something i didn’t understand so i was like just typing what i heard (not thinking about where stuff breaks or if it makes sense or anything) to look it up on firefox or whatever and it just so happens i didn’t mishear anything so it did end up suggesting the phrase that i heard with the kanji and in its entirety (this is how you spell entirety for reals??  entire + ty… hmm makes sense? the pronunciation throws me off loliEcdHx.md.png) . so i was spared the bitch work of googling and typing variations (which happens if you are unsure what you’re hearing with your ears since this shit is not my native language). this phrase itself is sorta hard to catch no? if it was  わざわい から 転じて OR SOMETING it’s easier to catch but since it goes, word, verb,  word it makes it harderto figure out.

So let’s say somebody says some fancy japanese phrase  like this and you have a hard time catching it but for some reason you’re able to catchthe first few syllables or something or you catch the first few syllables and then for the 4th syllable you’re split between 2 different sounds since you’re not sure what you’re hearing. well google ime might solve that mystery for you!  like i said, it’s faster than google but sometimes google works better when google ime doesn’t work.

p.s.  i looked up kantaku the english word and i didn’t know it loll. so itmakes think i shouldn’t learn it? lol or at least learn the enlgish version first or learn both the english/japanese version. which makes me wonder how you say immolation in japnaese 焼身 aw figures. i coulda gussed that lol.  actually no i would’ve gotten to shoushi but not shoushin but it makes that it’s shoushin and not shoushi because it’s not JUST A DEATH BY FIRE it’s SELF-IMMOLATION YO!

anyways so the phrase was from SEKAI NO HAT EMADE ITTE Q from 2007! lol. it was a fun episode and it was educational and becky worked her ass off! I would recommend the ep! I never really like sekai no hate made because i saw this ep about matsuri man with miyagawa daisuke which was boring and not funny. i was just like why is this shit popular? so anyways it makes me want to check out more eps of this show. it was nice seeing osero on the show!


I just had to add this
[ 大辞

1 気だて。気性。かたぎ。「母方から流れる芸術家の―」

2 中国で、万物を構成する物質である気によって形成される物の性質。特に宋(そう)学では、人間がそれぞれ別にもつ身体的、精神的な性質をいう。

3 心理学で、個人の性格の基礎にある、遺伝的、体質的に規定されたものと考えられている感情的傾向。体液の相対的な割合の違いによって多血質・胆汁質・黒胆汁質・粘液質の分類や、回帰性・分裂性・粘着性という気質分類がある。

so I recently added this to my deck. i’ve had some questions and whatnot concerning these 2 words for a whileeeeeeee .  i finally looked it up. it’s been floating in my head but i never went out of my way to look up the difference.

of these words i learned kishitsu FIRST. i believe i didn’t look it up in the dictinoary. i learned the meaning from the way it was used in various contexts as well as the individual kanji that make it up. i knew seishitsu so i could tell kishitsu is similar to that. so i was okay with that word. then one day mayuyu was saying something and she used the word KEISHITSU instead of kishitsu or seishitsu. which made me go ??? what’s the diff.  i was thinking why didn’t you say seishitsu or kishitsu. she was talking about being an otaku or something. that’s her thing. now that i look at the definition i still go what’s the diff lol. it’s really subtle i guess. i don’t really want to think about it. i guess i’ll switch my seishitsu/keishitsu/kishitsu ‘s around for variety. the meanings are sorta similar lol.  unless you really wanna be specific about what you mean or what you’re talking about… i would just switch it up lol.  j/k i really really get seishitsu and kishitsu. keishitsu is still sorta shaky with me. hopefully i’ll hear somebody else use keishitsu to help me further differentiate the other 2 from this…. i don’t waste my time reading example sentences of words i know i’ll never hear… so i let the word do its thing and be heard by me in whatever media i decide to subject myself to. it’s not subject, i really do ENJOY japanese media. by japanes emedia i obviously am talking the 1% or the 10% or whatever that really really has its hold on my ツボ… NOT JUST the pedestrian crap some overly enthusiastic japanese learner or average japnaese person will gobble up. maybe it’s just my personal preferenceeeeeeeeeee.


1 もって生まれた気質。ひととなり。たち。「温厚な―」

2 その事物に本来そなわっている特徴。「燃えやすい―」「すぐに解決がつくという―の問題ではない」

OF THE 3 words i person feel  that seishitsu is the easiest to understand without looking up the definition and just inferring from the kanji. i might’ve looked up this in the dictinoary or maybe i didn’t.


Firstly, a Japanese phrase that stood out to me a couple months ago…
次のナンバー・ワンを見つけてもらうしかないです! (from gingham check MUSIC VIDEO by AKB48)
When I heard it I thought I would never output that in Japanese because of the morau part. I know what it means and I know what nuance it imparts on the sentence as opposed to if she just said 次のナンバー・ワンを見つけるしかないです!
Now that i think about it the first one sounds more natural but I don’t know if it’s because i know that’s what she used or i just really do feel that way.
So Japan is known for blogs. I believe they’re number 1 with the number of blogs.
Most of them are boring, whether the person is famous or not. the entries are like 3 sentences max and it’s about food or some mundane crap. I mean it’s not surprising that blogs are mundane since it’s like a diary. i guess if you read japanese blogs nonstop you’ll have no problem speaking boring japanese about boring everyday mundane crap…. you still gotta learn that but i wouldn’t learn it like that.
So in this entry I’m going to recommend some interesting blogs that I came across on the interwebs as well as interesting incidents involving blogs. As for the boring blogs, you don’t need anyone’s help to find that. People say oh i’m leraning japanese i guess reading blogs would be helpful since it’s every day language and blahblah but the problem is some of their boring, they tend to be short, they lack vocabulary, it’s just the same boring sentences about everyday life situations over and over (but obviously you do want to learn this and you mimic to the point where you’re not mimicking but it’s just ingrained in you so in that way i guess it’s good but it’s such a boring way lol. I think you’re better off with talk/variety shows). I just notice on blogs written in english tend to be written well… or at least in an interesting manner with all the works but most japanese blogs do not have that going on whatsoever.
So first I’ll mention all the interesting incidents involving blogs that I remember off my head right now. NEXT I will recommend blogs in japanese that I ACTUALLY find interesting ( it’s like a miracle)
One of the plans on the show shuukan AKB which means weekly AKB was for sashihara to update her blog a lot to show that she cares about her fan and she’s like “頑張ってる”. So the first time they did it, she updated 100 times in one day and then the second time they did it, she updated the blog 200 times.  I think she only used her cellphone to write her blog. actually that is probably the reason why blogs are so popular in japanese because anyone can write from their phone. it’s also another reason why keitai shousetsu exist. I remember seeing them mention keitai shousetsu (clelphone novels) on the tv in america and I was like oh that sounds so cool. At that time I didn’t know japanese and I just assumed the people writing the keitai shousetsu were smart for some reason. I think it’s just because japan is known for high math/science scores or whatever on an international level . I’m always curious how it is among china/japan/korea since we obssessed with education. ANYWAYS now-a-days I know about Japan and it doesn’t faze me at all and I know that japan is like any country there are dumb people and smart people. and let me just say probably all or majority of the keitai shousetsi authors are not very smart nor very good writers nor are they good at japanese/japanes grammar but maybe they are smart since they made money $$… hell some of them even led to jdramas and jmovies  (though I do not know of any that are actually good. I actualyly watched one of them which was tenshi no koi starring sasaki  nozomi who i like because she’s pretty but she can’t act AND tanihara shousuke whos’ like awesome with the acting. the movie was sorta entertaining, terrible in many ways and of course it had way too many plots going on… it’s almost like who can actually act that out… it’s too much crap going on) . BTW the amazon reviews on keitai shousetsu are rather hilarious so check that out INSTEAD OF cellphone novels! some are sarcastic, some are really ,mean, they’re just awesome.
Anyways since japansese blogs are like 3 sentences per entry, it wasnt that terribly difficult for sashi … if it was for an english blog that’s impossible because usually those are at least a couple paragraphs per entry.  So she just spent the 24 hours searching for blog entry topics and taking pictures with her phone etc etc
so they were saying beause of her hardwork with updating the blog maybe she won over fans and got their votes for the akb election. I was like eh… recently i was so disappointed with kasai so disappointed yet it’s so akb-like. the ichiman setsuyaku seikatsu crap with ougon densetsu . btw one of the people that was on that show committed suicide. i could tell when she wasn’t on that show that she wasn’t very mentally strong. the scene was like omg what if kasuga is spying on me. it’s like wtf? everyone was like rolling her eyes at her with that scene. omg maybe rolling your eyes at someone is sorta similar to the word donbiki in japanese. eh similar, not equivalent.
but there have been hilarious incidents because of blogs. by hilarious I mostly mean ブログ炎上。 i wonder if the word was created because of the english interenet phrase flaming or they just came to that wording themselves.
Hilarious incidents ” 
a lot of the geinin/idols especially etc have blogs but sometimes they don’t but the people who are watching the TV still want to flame so…… here’s  an example
gekidan hitori ( love him and his name is mad strange) put a k-on doll/figure in his mouth for laughs on TV. but…. the k-on fans were pissssssssssed so they wanted to flame him on his blog but he doesn’t have one. so what they did was flame his wife’s blog lol… who is oozawa akane (she’s learning korean.. .they both love kpop btw)
Debu fujin:  speaking of ijime I loved what koriki said about it…
First of, I was shocked by that bullying story in ootushi town. I headed over to her blog because it was ranked on girlsreader.com …. she wrote about it and I loved what she wrote. It was engaging to read just because she expressed everything I felt but can’t express bc my japaense isn’t as good as hers… it’s like a catharsis that she gives me. what she wrote is so true and we all feel angry and sad. glad to know thre’s people that care. what the issue was that she put up the photos of the people involved  and their real names.
KY incident. ky means kuuki yomenai and kamiji yuusuke’s initials are KY and he had this whole incident with holding event and having people faint from heat exhaustion and how the stuff really f-ed up.   people probably flamed his blog lol . but anyways the reason he surged on the internet was because his apology over that incident on his blog was crappy. people criticized his apology. BTW some shit/scandal ALWAYS happens in geinoukai and the good that comes out it is that us japanese learners can learn some keigo …. the formal japaense they use while they apologize. after a while it’s like omg they saying the same shit for apologizing, i don’t think they mean it lol….  after you hear a bunch of apologies they all sound sorta the same since they all speak formally… there is variety with apologies but i don’t think there’s that many lol.
I remember feeling sad that this happened at this event because he seems like such a nice, good-natured guy. Just reading people’s apologizes after something horrible happens make me feel sad.
AKB48’s Miyazawa Sae’s blog. Well I didn’t know she had a blog but I went to check if she had one once i found that she’s going to shanghai.  so at these kind of times i’m glad blogs are popular in japan just because i can find out from the person themselves. so I was able to read her thoughts about going shanghai…. and it’s so meaningful bc i know it’s from her directly.  also i think maeda atsuko apologized about the butt incident on her blog and i think she closed her blog.
BEFORE I was thinking, i was never going to find interesting japanese blogs bc they’re so boring. but i’ve found some interesting ones! YAY!!
http://ameblo.jp/kayotanp262/ < – intersting stuff, gotta read all of it one of these days
 also there’s more links on the side of my blog.
And apparently these blogs are interesting. I haven’t had tie to take a deeper look.
http://manshukits.exblog.jp/  < – so people were saying that it’s so funny that her blog is so interesting. so she’s a mangaka so she includes pictures . I haven’t chcked it out yet just bc time restraints

北川 景子’s blog I was hmmm i don’t know if iwas surprised by her blog or not. i know in some interview she mentioned authors she really liked so i know she likes to read and i know she goes to or went to college.  her blog is just written properly instead of those blogs with 3 senences and picture of food. not only are those boring, but there’s way too many of those. i don’t think those are blogs going by MY definition of blogs that are written in english.  she writes in pretty/refined/proper japanese as far as i can tell which is more interesting to read than これを食べたよ~~ (insert ugly emoji lol). I’ve gotta check out her blog to see if

her blog became a topic on the internet because she writes so refined unlike usual blogs that are shit . lol.  no seriously, it sounds like somebody wrote it after they got out of japanese 101 but it’s actually a japanese person… there’s just no vocabulary and just not enough to make a paragraph. i understand you can do whatever you want with your blog, that you can write short or long but there’s just so many shit blogs that are written in japanese so i’m just annoyed at that. yeah they’re writing for free or for themselves but why it gotta be so boring.


wow this vid awakened the fujoshi in me. lol. love both these bands. this is hilarious. I love how in the beginning he’s smiling as he sings 10cm’s song… like you could tell that they’re really close or friendly. i feel like the “choregraphy” was spontaneous.

i watched it 10 times so far. i hope to reach 1000 by the end of the year lol. so addictive. also it’s alove song and i haven’t looked at the lyrics to see if it also makes sense with them singing together but that’s also another reason why they’re doing this lol.  I wish there was a higher quality video for obvious reasons but i’m just glad i was able to even see it  since it was taken by a fan at one of their conerts or lives or whatever. should i download it in case the video gets removed? lol.

KOREAN-wise I LOVE THE WAY he says musuhwuh-yo since korean people never say it like that in speech nor sing it like that in song. it’s the opposite intonation or something. little things like that really pleases me. p.s. if you can’t tell the difference then you should  listen to more korean. AKATT all the way!

10cm reminds me of warai conbi ie fruits punch, hannya (I do not find their shit funny whatsoever), shizuru ( I mean these were the ones that were popular like 2 or 3 years ago ? lol…) . i don’t know if there’s 3 members or 2 memebers but it looks like 2. and basically only one of them gets all the attention and the other doens’t. when i think of 10 cm , i think of the lead singer. i don’t even think about the otehr guy that’s always next to him lol.

Got a problem with that? you got a problem with that? come-back type of remark



kuirhara rui being hilarious as always… though unintentionally?  he’s gonna be on merengue no kimochi or that ep already aired. lookin’ forward to it!!! i think he’s gonna get big. he’s interesting to me and i like having negative people on tv representing negative peeps not on tv. also i love how the shows try to make him as happy as possible ie letting him meet perfume (do the introduction with perfume, talk to perfume about his favorite song etc etc) but he doesn’t smile no matter what!!! (an almost smile at most and it’s not even almost!!!) I hope to see his beautiful, pure smile one day. Of course this isn’t the only hilarious remark during his encounter/interaction with perfume.

he also said oh i’m glad i met you this year before next year at which time i’ll be gone (来年消える芸人などなど) but i hope he doesn’t show up on the shinro soudan thing. I don’t think he will but then again i liked joy but then i heard ariyoshi’s evaluation of him ad then i understood why he & the other geinin hate joy so much (I was sorta sad and disappointed in myself that i couldn’t figure this out on my own). But as faras i can tell joy is disappeared ? lol. I don’t think he deserves be on that ep but i could be wrong here.  and if he was it would be hilarious.

im so curious if he speaks english… i’ve wrote my hypothesis before anyways he seems to have goooooood music taste. listening to this 2012/08/14 栗原類 ラジオ【恋する夏曲】 & アプリ告知and recommended ben kweller – walk on me  and it sounds like awesome, chill american indie or is it british? he sounds american?  I reall yhate some of the american indie because i just hate the singer’s voice and it just sonds noisy but like any genre there is shitty and the top 10% of that genre that is pure awesome.

oooh they mentioned in the radio show that he’s doing a chakushin thing!!! i want it but i don’t want to spend money lol. he is so negative and i think the negativeness makes him so realistic and humble or at least he appears/seems that way.  please don’t commit suicide~ lol . wihch reminds me i hope the geinin people stop smoking because I don’t want them to die on me. they’re so interesting . htere’s an ame talk episode about the difficulties of quitting smoking  and i plan to watch it! though i have a billion crap on my que.





はるこ from 派遣の品格:  それが何か

WRote about this drama in my jdrama reviews!

i GOOGLED it and it also says 口癖は「**ですがそれが何か?」 I thought she only said それが何か (saw the drama a few years ago) but it definitely makes sense that she uses in other ways toooooooooo.

So Haruko’s catchphrase from haken no hinkaku really stood out to me because it just shows the awesomeness of japanese with its short ( you dont have to make full-almost full sentences like in english & get the point across), vague nature (love that about it how you don’t have to say anything directly, you can pussy foot around almost anything that’s difficult to say in Japanese)  yet it’s effective (even though she’s technically like asking if there’s an issue you know no one’s gonna say anything back from the way she says it and just this phrase itself in general… it just feels cutthroat in my opinion.).




I suppose you could make it into less formal version with だけどそれが何か BUT something about des is more firm and strong… which reminds me of when joshi kousei (high school girls) say ___desukedo to another to sound more firm and strong in asserting whatever point they have as opposed to sounding polite.

So anyways these two phrases are totally useful and very japanese when you need a come-back to say to someone after they question/doubt you or they’re about to ~~~ you etc etc. and if you say it in the right tone (very strong/firm and your personality/aura is not push-over I’m sure they’ll just be like alrighty i won’t question you or if they reallly do have a problem with something  they’ll tell you). or it might piss them off and make them want to kick your ass lol ( this is more for the second phrase sore ga nanika. i don’t think nanika mondai demo would piss anyone off like the way sore ga nanika would). it’s so funny how funny in japanese you don’t have to say profanity or anything specific to piss someone off, it could be wrong keigo or like here you just say ~~~ nanika.  besides what i mentioned there might be other nuances with it depending on blahblahblah  but as long you get the general idea and then come across it in the wild (fun/native material)  then you should be able to grasp ittttttttttttttttttt

ALSO as far as a comeback to this comeback is concerned, i don’t know of any. I think most people would respond with naides.


here’s kurihara’s 5 song picks!

■Ben Kweller「Walk On Me」
意地っ張り シャイな女の子」という歌詞が大好きです。
■ASH「Walking Barefoot」
■Fountains Of Wayne「It Must Be Summer 」

Stuff I did not memorize

besides hiragana and katakana (by memorize I mean drilling how to  write it. I learned the stroke order but I nevre made myself learn how to write it without looking at anything etc etc because i know it’s a waste of time and I should use that time to read more and then i’ll be able to write without looking at anything with ease.. I do not understand those weeaboo peple that are so obssessed with writing/speaking japanese when they don’t understand any or much japanese. i nevre understood it and they wonder why they suck at speaking. it’s like come on grow a brain) , I did not memorize iroha + abc order of hiragana. Iroha is japanese version of black dog jumped over lazy fox whateverghe hell thaT sentence is. I see the value of learning the abc order for English and Korean since they both have around 20 something letters (compared to 50 in japanese) and like using the dictionary and daily stuff… especially for Korean theres mad value since once you get consonant down when you’re searching the dictionary then you search for the vowel then the constant or vowel and maybe another consanant/vowel. It sounds difficult and complicated but what I’m saying is it’s faster using a paper Korean dictionary than paper English dictionary for this reason.

I think using a paper dictionary for japanese is a biggest waste of time ever especially because I know how an english/korean dictionary work. because 1 memorizing the order of the crap is a lot? i mean  I just looked it up because I just assume it’s a e i o u because that’s how it is in spanish with at least saying the vowel sounds in order.
looking up it starts off as
a i  u e o
ka ki ku ke ko

so basically i never meomrized this order. I used some kanji book before that didn’t really teach me as much as actual reading and heisig which listed the hiragana dnad katakana order in abc order on thejacket or whatever and so  i’ve seen the order and i have some vague idea of if something is towards the front of the japanese abc  order or not.  I never went on to go on to try to memorize it or learn it or whatever because I see no value because looking up japanese is best electronically unless for some reason there’s some amazing paper dictioary that has words that google nor an electrical dictionary does not have.  not only you gotta do the abc order with the 50 sounds, you also gotta deal with small tsu or small yo or dakuten, you also gotta deal with the damn homophones and there’s a chance if you’re looking up a word made up of 2 kanji with their onyomis combined there probably is a homophone so you gotta waste time skipping over homophones you don’t care about. Also online is so convenient with he various of settings of it starts with or u set it as it ends with or you search by the sound instead of the kanji or you set it as exact match and depending on the situation it’ll be easier to find out sanseido than yahoo jp doc.

so if memorzing the abc order is this useless why the hell would i memorize iroha. abc order is useful if you go a bookstore and you want to find the section for your author or title or whtaever in the shelves but i think that’s really minor my “general/blurred” knowledge of abc order is enough to guide me.  at most maybe i know that it goes vowels -> k – sounds- > m sounds some sounds -> r-sounds> n lol.

I’ve actually heard them sorta recite the alphabet or maybe it wasn’t the alphabet because on the tv show they were trying to improve their enunciation or pronounciation or whatver so they can talk fast and clearly through all this news mumbo jumbo with all them kanji compound words like a newscaster BY saying weird stuff. it’s probably in the link on the side that says katsuzetsu in japanese

I’d rather learn babigo than learn the abc order of hiragana lol.  my blurred/general GRASP is enough. I’ll struggle searching for the book in bookoff they probably won’t have anyway so who cares.

2NE1 – I love you && you & I JAPANESE

I love the lyrics for iu’s you and i. The lyrics are very japanese so in that sense i like it. I honestly don’t even know what the song is about in korean.. I know what she’s singing (the lyrics) but i never thought of the whole concept/point of the song.  but anyways it’s probably diff for the japanese v.

時間に隠された秘密 胸が軋んだ痛み
この気持ちはなぁに?choa 背中押すのだぁれ?choa 解けない魔法

瞳 閉じたら 迷い込んだ迷路
私はここにいる tick-tack響く運命の音
あなたと私 たとえば すれ違っても 信じよう
もう一度 未来で 巡り逢えると

お願いちょっとだけ待ってて 追いかけて行くから
長い針はあなた choa 短いのはだぁれ choa 重なる瞬間

瞳 閉じたら 迷い込んだ迷路
私はここにいる tick-tack響く運命の音
あなたと私 たとえば すれ違っても 信じよう
もう一度 未来で 巡り逢えると

何もかも 忘れちゃうのかな?
そうじゃないでしょ? 変わらないでしょ?

昨日の夢で また会いましょう

午前零時の 鐘が急かすけど あきらめたりしない
どこまでも 探すから きっと
あなたと私 たとえば すれ違っても 信じよう
もう一度 未来で どちらがはぐれたって
名前 呼び合えば 巡り逢えると

I like the part where they kept the ai part.

kono kimochi ai which was 그래 기묘했던 아이 in the korean version

ai = love

ai = child

I Thought it was okay for them to leave in the joa part though they romajied it to choa which i don’t know why they don’t do that since that’s not what she’s saying.

IT’s so unfortunate that she has to say the word himitsu but she can’t say  tsu in it. the word has to be himitsu….. eh maybe it’s cuter this way lol… it worked for kara.

for 2NE1 . firstly I enjoyed simon and martina’s video on that on KPOP MUSIC MONDAYS. it was funny as always. when i first heard the 2ne1 song I didn’t think much of it that it was no lonely or it hurts BUT upon listening to the song again after watching the kpop music monday video it grew on me. So I do like it.  I AGREE WITH THEM That the mouthes don’t match the song on the video. I’m thinking maybe it’s because they’re also releasing a japanese version so maybe it matches perfectly in the japanese version? i mean we won’t know till that comes but anyhoos. and from what i heard frmo that one minute thing on the news everyone’s pronunciation is iffy as always. I mean if they actually live in japan/spend time there i don’t see why their pronounciationa and intonation won’t improve. especially CL was put in a weird position. she went on shabekuri -007 with the other 2ne1 girls.

and so they know she lived in japan for 7 years or some other number but she’s not that good with speaking since she went to international school so like at this one ppart the shabekuri person said to her 長いこと and that threw her off and then she didn’t understand him. this happened to me before too NOT In real life though. tokui said on a show umai koto iku うまいこといく and I found that sentence/grammar to be intersting becasue I never came across it or heard it previously but I got the meaning. I just thought oh so you can use it like this or you can say this ooh.  but anyways after she was like looking all puzzled the shabekuri sorta acted pissed off at her (maybe for reals or maybe for tv or maybe they’re a little irritated that she didn’t understand since SHE DID live there all those years)  but all in all it’s tv so I think they just reacted like that since it’s tv. and I sorta agree with them.

anyways I like the song. IT has lots of different parts to it and i enjoy all of them except the last part with the rap/noise thing.. no thank you.

THe lyrics seem very japaense so i like it for that… I heard something something sasete which made go ahhh 🙂 in a good way.

UPDATE THE full japanese version is out and as far as i can tell the mouths don’t match here either lol.  in fact it’s the same thing just with japanaese audio?  that’s sad.. it doesn’t match either version.

on the same vein as iu i like that on 2:40 it’s te de and it matches eheh eheheh that follows.

지금 날 잡아줘요
늦기 전에 eh eheheh

捕まえて愛をその手で eh eh eh

concerning their japanese….
it’s so bad. i don’t understand  why it’s so bad. like for tomenaide yo they keep stressing the wrong part.
tomenaiDEyo. did they really rush? i’m sure they have japanese singer/producer somebody there to tell them you should say it like this… on a fundamental level it should be like THIS since that’s how it is in JAPANESE.  Like for that SNSD thing time machine I found that video of hiro who actually had a part in helping the girls record the song( i later found out). so maybe the girls did take cues from his example and that’s what it turned out to be… though there’s still intonation issues it’s better than if they did it WITHOUT him?

But seriously some of the stuff is so fixable yet they didn’t…. it’s very raw as far as the japanese being off.

maybe it’s really noticeable with this song because it doesn’t have “”filter ” on the voice

when CL says shittou it sounds like she’s saying shit in english and adding on to on top of it.  It just sounds off (the intonation is opposite of what it should be) and it just kills the emotional whatever impact of the song. and to be honest I know that in japnaese there’s a lot of “shit” like the verb “shiru” going to te-form to shitte or just kanji compound verbs in general when the first kanji’s reading is “shitsu” but I NEVER Associate it with the english word SHIT. just sayin…. that’s unusual.

and yes there are parts i don’t understand just from listening to it.  i mean that’s to be expected with any kpop star just becaseu sometimes the lyrics are really f****ed with the english injected in ie boa’s songs or they’re not used t o japaense at all.

it sounds like the only time they use japnaese is to sing for the japanese single/album in other words $$$.

I guess the only thing I can wish is that they get better with their japanese. like i said before with time machine if it’s off… it’s off and it kills the emotional thing. at least they started with a korean version. as far as i know time machine is only in japanese.

well I HOPE CREAMVISIONJP or some really good japaense singer covers this song or something so it sounds more discernible.

she did a nice cover of lonely (the japanese versioN) so i can listen to it without cringing at the intonation/

anyways I’mmma listen to the korean version unless cream covers it. speaking of which,  loved the yg on air thing reeased 8-1-2012!

With that performance I finally noticed dara’s voice. she has a really interesting voice too. I never noticed till now. and i love how the guy playing the guitar is that child prodigy or whatever from the youtube. he’s so hot and old now lol.