Monthly Archives: April 2012


Okay so I love SISTAR’s new song just because it’s not as noisy/engrish as their previous songs. As much I loved hyorin in immortal song I could not become a fan of sistar because I couldn’t like any of the songs. but now i hvae one!

So I first watched the music video then i watched the live performance and with that i finally found out what hyorin was singing over and over again. she’s saying i’m falling down. but instead of emphasizing the fa part she emphasizes the ll part. I think there’s nothing wrong with that it’s just we usually emphasize the fa part in talking and singing. It’s interesting how she emphasizes the ll part.. I don’t know if it’s on purpose or because she doesn’t speak english but either way i like it. she’s singing so she can emphasize whatever part and all plus I do like how she sings it like that except when i didn’t have the lyrics I could not tell what she was singing.  I couldn’t even tell if it was english or korean though. lol.

HYUNA AND SDN48’s serina! 芹那

hyuna reminds me of serina from sdn48 with her voice/way she talks. maybe it’s not that similar but for some reason it remindss me of serina. maybe it’s because the way hyuna talks reminds me of the way japanese girls talk (not all japanese girls talk like that… but you know what i mean right)

here’s a yt search for serina if you don’t know her.

but obviously the way serina talks is really extreme… it’s like equivalent to a 6 year old even though she’s like 26.  I wish she would talk with her natural voice.

you can hear her natural voice at the beginning of this video

OR MAYBE it’s only because hyuna’s voice is cutesy??

OMG THIS VIDEO TOTALLY PROVES that my intuition is correct. there’s definitely something with hyuna


her voice is the least grating (everyone but hyuna sound so grating since they’re speaking Japanese with their korena voice and although hyuna is talking with her korena voice her.. her voice is different so.. it’s like an exception) out of all the members in Japanese… despite her accent. her cutesy talking matches Japanese? I wonder if that means her actual voice is deeper than the one she actually uses? since that’s what serina is doing.

If anyone else feels the way i do and would like to contribute and provide me some clarity please do.

OH AND I didn’t know what 4 minute is till recently just because i don’t care about kpop. but anyways they were being interviewed on arirang tv so they just interviewed in korean and they subbed it in english. I noticed this one girl’s voice was interesting and i was like oh it reminds me of something.. who is that? and then i realized it was serina. Then i found out that member is hyuna.  I only saw their arirang interview because I saw ailee’s arirang interview which i only saw because she went on immortal song and then i found out she’s fluent in english since she’s from new jersey.

吉高由里子 장재인 another link

THE OTHER inter-country stars between Korean and japan that are reminiscent of each other is yoshitaka yuriko and jang jane. I SWEAR if jane jane spoke japanese she would sound like yy and IF yoshitaka yuriko spoke korean she’d like JJ. woww both of them have such interesting initials.  i wonder what yoshitaka yuriko’s singing voice is like? They look sorta similar toooooooo

ONE LAST THIGN IS this korean reality tv show person who looks like tanaka..the annoying/ugly/creepy one in アンガールズ

btw this korean tv show is boring so i don’t recommend it but anyways this discovery is just wow…

click for my short lang-8 entry in japanese regarding this discovery

copy-psating my tumble entry

탑밴드2] 데이브레이크 범퍼카..120623

omg I’m so impressed with dcaybreak. i swear i never paid attention to them in the past but i’ve really taken note of them… with their most recent album release and performances of the tracks on the 3rd album on youtube…


this is such a great performance… I love the part where it gets all slow  and drawn-out @2:58 like he’s trying to talk slow …. (isn’t it like usually  bands/singers get louder or faster or whatever during the climax or the change in tempo or whatever in the middle of the song yet they did the exact opposite yet it was climatic in every sense of that word ) . and the piano is awesome 🙂

the lead singer looks so adorable with his movements when he’s singing the drawn-out and slow part. this stuff is infectious !

the lead singer reminds me of another singer. im gonna say that is karasu’s lead singer for some reason. this band and karasu’s style is really different. but for some reason reminds me of the lead singer of karasu.. i mean i’ve yet to hear a karasu song a uppity/happy as this daybreak song and so the respective bands have different styles but i still go omg he reminds me of ___.. some of the parts when he changes the way he sings reminds me of the lead singer of karasu ESPECIALLY THE part where they slow down.

here’s a link to a karasu song if you’re curious

just in general i love the lead siger of karasu’s 鴉 voice…. b/c there’s lots of people in japaense music industry who cannot sing or sing off-key on purpose…(for reals) though i try my best to find people worthy of my time/ears and of course karasu is one of those artists. and his voice is very unique and i love it.. it has a nice feel to it like the vulnerable feel when that characteristic is required in the song.  even with the screaming i lvoe it or rather becuase he’s screaming the parts i really feel it.

sbs kpop star…. american idol ranting

Top 6.
ihai = sway ❤ is such a lovely song but I like the PCD version better actually lol. melody in pcd goes crazy at during parts of that song

e. michelle is boring. i feel no emotion…. her hairstyle this time is more flattering though.

the california guy... sang that song i love you baby blahblah lyric song which i only like becasue the original singer has a deeeep voice.  since his voice is not deep… rather it was screechy.. so noo.

bek a-yeun. saving all my love… boring 😦 I’ve heard this song way too many times. damn the oldies station!

OMG there’s a glee version. usually I don’t give a shit about the glee versions of the songs but QUINN  is singing half of it? well i only saw a 3 second clip but I love hearing her voice. i hate rachel’s voice…. it’s just so annoying after a while. glee version over this but of oourse!

blonde guy (no more acne blonde guy  so blonde guy = guy who can’t rap or sing) – yay. guy who can’t rap or sing for the win! very fun performance. you can tell he really practiced and shit… just a lot of performance with lots of people moving around.  just goes to show just because you can “tehcnically sing” doesn’t mean you’ll be half as interesting/entertaining as this kid (I’m obviously pointing at the American idol contestants) at least he understsands the concept of entertainment/performance. american idol contestants think karaoke = performance/moving/entertainment (worst misunderstanding ever). VERY FUN PERFORMANCE 🙂 JYP even gave him a 93 even though he said “the highest i’ll ever give you is 89 since you’re not good at singing/rapping” . Gotta watch his performance AGAIN!

bak jimineh. i found it to be okay. since she did that wizard of oz song last weekkkkkk obviously anything is inferior…. though i didn’t agree with their extreme compliments last weekkk… way too extreme.

my favorite performance this weeeeeeek was the guy who cannot sing or rap lol. it was a really fun/entertaining performance.

AAAAAAAAAAAAH MICHELLE IS STILL ON THE SHOW! 😦 this is so wasteful…… first the acne guy, then kim nayoon (she’s more intersting than michelle obviously just because she’s american lol),…..

they got rid of the american guy from california who speaks koreannnnnnn well (they never used english to communicate with him….). he always bores me with his song choices.

>> Of course they don’t do the American idol bullshit ie do cruel shit to the contestants ie sing for your life on this show and the judges might use the save on you RIGHT AFTER they find out they got eliminated… / wasting an hour or 30 minutes or however long just to tell us the idenity of that ONE PERSON who goes home. that shit takes 5 seconds MAX lol. but for some reason they don’t give the contestants enough time to sing the WHOLE SONG nor the judges enough time to say their FULL COMMENT/CRITICISM (their not using their brains anyway as far as i can tell from the content of their comments for the recap that i caught during the ep but… you know if they did)… but they have to time run MAD videos abt oh this is you’re journe thrououghtou american idol blahblha.they just spend their time horribly. it could be a fun hour but they make it as bland and boring and stretched and nonsensical as possible. not  to mention,  it’s the same shit every year. OH AND The korean HOST does such a better job than ryan seacrest. the korean host just talks endlessly and like feels in the gap so shit doesn’t feel awkward. he does a good job. cheers.


I caught a glimpse / glimpses of an american idol elimination episode. i was watching 3 or 4 things at a time of course so even then i’m sure i didn’t miss much. my comments are the following

who is jim? is twitter that pouplar now a days? what is up with j-lo. she’s 40 right? so why is she in mv’s like that. alot of body make up involved too probably? lighting can only do so much.  it just looks pathetic… like madonna. but anyways shit that pissed me off.

the girl who didn’t get voted off. she just gives off this horrible personality. maybe it was that hair accessory she had on or the fact that she was touching her hair frequently or maybe it was the fact thta i saw the recap of her performance ( horrible song by the way.. i’m not sure if even ali can save that song. I HATE THAT SONG)… but anyways she most definitely will not win.

well jimmy does do a better job than the judges at critiquing and whatnot…. j-lo/rendy/steven tyler.. they do such a horrible job as judges. they don’t give criticism nor anything constructive or descriptive wHICH does not help the contestants grow or stop being stuck up/stupid/brainless (ie that girl with a horrible personality that didn’t get voted off). there’s always room for improvement. american idol is so boring. i dont need to watch people karaoke. being a singer isn’t that easy especially if you want to become one of the good singers. modesty is required. Like I loved the scene in kpop star when somebody got eliminated and he said to the judges “oh i’m really thankful you told me what i needed to hear and not what i wantd to hear”. in the long run… you need to hear what you need to hear if you want to grow.

speak of which, there was this guy who is not very proficient in English even though he only speaks english? (he just seems like he doesn’t give a shit… in other words.. he’ll never succeed) so maybe he’s really dumb…. Ryan said to him oh are you afraid of becoming complacent since the judges always compliment you. he goes no.. i just want to be myself. i’m not gonna go around high-fiving people during my performance. All i’m thinking is… if you don’t know what complacent means you have really big problems.  this is complete bullshit. i had no idea why no one was like you don’t what complacent means?

I  ALSO HATED HOLLY… the girl who was the worst 3 or something. ryan asked her something and she was like throwing her hands up and whatnot and not really hvae much to say or anything interesting to say. I’m like this is tv can you please try a little harder than that half-hearted/half-baked shit.  personality is part of american idol… she doesn’t give a shit either? I just didn’t feel like she was acting in a way where she’s likable to the viewers.

so from the cap it seemed like teh song choices were crappy. also ,the guy who goted voted off probably looks like a past american idol contestant ( since there is only a billion seasons)… isn’t there a couple of them with that hair-type.

the other shit that pissed me off was when ryan sent this girl to the bottom of 3 and then he says right before the break okay guys so we’ll like announce the results after the break… actually he says instead of “after break” he says “after holly goes back the the couches since you’re not in the top bottom 2” or some shit like that. and i’m like FIRST OF ALL why are you wasting our time… don’t bring the bitch to the center of the stage in the first place.

the people they had perform on the show sucked balls. at first i was like oh boy band . one of them is sorta good looking… some of them are like not so i’m wondering why they’re in the bad. horrible performance…. especially when i’m used quality crap like immortal song. NM none of them are good looking compraed to the fictional band in the korean drama shut up flower boy band (don’t worry this english translation doesn’t do any justice… it sounds cool in korean)

the good part is the stage is bigger and fancier. bad part is the stage is not versatile (that’s the impression i’m getting… unless it can be versatile and they’re just not utilizing it)… to have like different sets/moods and whatnot. hell even the stage on immortal song isn’t that big or awesome but like they do shit so everyone’s performance is unique… really set the mood… really take someone to another world for 4 minutes… something that an amreican idol contestant will never do)

I have no idea why the ratings are high (they must be going down though). this shit is boring. americans need to learn a second language (and consume media is L2) already and jump ship off boring shit like this.


OH WAIT I found this.

Back onstage, host Ryan Seacrest asks Phillips if he worries about complacency in his performance.

“No, I’m just being myself, dude,” the finalist responds. “I’m not trying to walk around stage and touch people’s hands and stuff. That’s just not me. I’m just having fun, man. I’m not trying to be somebody else. I’m just trying to play music.”

Ouch — that seemingly dismisses Iovine’s entire critique in a very flippant manner. But the singer would like everyone to know that he didn’t mean for his response to sound that way. Phillips posted a response on his official Facebook page the next morning (April 6), saying that he misunderstood Iovine’s comments and meant no disrespect.

“Thank you to everyone who supports me and voted this week! I appreciate it very much,” he writes. “I heard that some people took my comment the wrong way but i thought jimmy said if i dont move around i would get passed and all i was meaning that im not the artist who runs around stage touching peoples hands and sings to them, thats just not me so im sorry to who ever my have taken it the wrong way bc i wouldnt even be here without you guys voting haha thank you again!”

>> so in other words he is as dumb as i think he is or even more.  he most definitely does not understand what complacent means. actually his actions … i mean his words… just proves how complacent with himself even though he probably bores the crap out of any seasoned viewer (who’ve listened to a lot music/gone to lots of concerts etc). the fact that he even misunderstood jim like that just proves how complacent he is. next time ryan… don’t use big words with this guy. hell complacent isn’t even that difficult.

he most definitely should not win… we can’t have an idiot as our  american idol not that anyone cares. hell.. are the other contestants even decent? it’s more like who’ll put me to sleep faster with their soulless loud singing of songs i never want to hear ever again.

I mean even if for one second I would forgive him for misunderstanding JIMMY’s COMMENT by  LITERALLY moving around…. and pretend he knows what complacent means… so that would mean he thinks that moving around the stage/interacting with fans = becoming not being complacent and moving forward and becoming a better performer etc etc. no… that’s not all it’s limited to…. it also extends to the effort he would have to put in in tweeking the song, understanding the song, making the song his own, etc etc. so whether he was saying that because he understood what complacency meant and drew this asinine elementary decision or because he didn’t know what complacency meant and just said whatever shit that’s probably relevant to the word complacency… he still looks like an idiot.

I could criticize this episode more and more if i had seen more of it. but anyways the most interesting part was jimmy’s insight because unlike the judges he actually has his head screwed in and actually has brain cells and actually uses them since he’s getting paid to say shit. while jennifer lopez and randy and that rocker get paid for saying nothing…… you don’t even have to speak english that well to say what they say… it’s literally limited to 4 phrases.. so PATHETIC. the results show makes you not want to watch the original show in the first place since they show the meat of the performance and the people’s comments and criticism whether it’s read off by ryan seacrest or some other method. this show is so pathetic .


top 8 was bad-ish. i only liked the blonde guy with the bad acne. the songs in english are like… of course i’m going to compare to the originals… it’s not like I love the original songs that much anyway since they got overplayed like crazy. and yes michelle is boring again.she sings a beyonce song… no surprise thereee. all she sings is beyonce songs. i really hate all the beyonce songs she sang tooo.

the guy who is not good at rapping or singing…  was iffy but like he was more interesting than michelle, fun is good. the other guy who sang in English etc etc. the judges were harsh on him though or maybe he deserved it.  It’s just there’s nothing that really drew me in like from last week“IN THE RAIN” which was sang by the guy who got voted off this weeeeek. nothing was at the “in the rain” performance level this week :(. I’m sad because i-michelle is really boring compared to him.

ihai sang that song that i absolute hate … rihanna and her stupid repetitive never ending shallow songs.

bek ah-yeun’s was cute and good.

top 7 – I liked Ihai because she is ihai! writing it like ihai reminds me of 位牌 遺灰 which both have to do with dead people.

bek ah yeun. Sang that catchy song “can’t fight the moonlight.” it was iffy. she shouldn’t do slutty dance moves…. since she’s so younggggggggggg… well the other dancers who were doing the same dance moves as her looked provacative at times.
bad acne guy for the win! yun hung sang … at least he’s being consistent… well at least for me.
– ooh i REALLY like the guy who can’t sing or rap. It was so much fun which is what a top 7 American idol performance will never be….I love how he wrote korean rap lyrics to the song. it totally saved the song for me.  hmm I ‘ve very glad he didn’t get voted off on the top 10 episode.

I liked the song the california american-korean guy sang… there’s something wrong with the way he sings which is just bothersome everytime.

bak ji min – fly over the rainbow… smart choice. i doubt she likes the movie that much. i personally donttt. first 100 evers! JYP is really really emotive. I like seeing his face when he’s really happy. I sorta didn’t like the wailing part but whatevs .each to his/her own.

I think it was this episode or the one before but jyp’s look was WAY TOO MUCH…. jyp in the VTR.

So far I liked the top 9 episode best? out of the eps from the top10.

I was like OMG GET RID OF E>MICHELLE!!!!!!!!!! UGGGGGGGGGGGGGH she’s bored me with every single performance. I’m so sad the bad acne guy went home 😦  instead of her.

Intriguing korean drama

I ran across this Korean drama: 닥치고 꽃미남밴드 (flower band something something) on youtube because of the videos they have on the side that’s supposedly related to videos you’ve watched. It’s quite interesting. I was watching/ignoring it while i was doing my anki reviews. Before I was watching some other korean drama while doing my anki reviews.

I like the show because the people are good looking (everyone looks unique && and no one has that dreaded dreaded japanese haircuts that japanese ikemen have. god those haircuts are terrible… their hair is too dman long damn it!) but not in the plastic surgery way ie… chang gun soku but does anyone think he’s good-looking anyhoo? he looked so much better before the plastic surgery. it’s quite a waste.  I tried to find reviews for this show but I only found a couple which only praised the show. one of the things they praised was the BROMANCE. I WILL BE LOOKING FORWARD to that! the show works for me because repetition is important for learning languages and i don’t mind repeating scenes. this show is just fun.. i don’t care about blahblah that might be unrealistic or whatever… IN FACT the first episode i watched was lke episode 14 … but i don’t care about korean dramas so i can watch it backwards for all i care and i’ll get the same amount of enjoyment lol. So what i did was watch episode 14 then started on episode 1. Apparently this shown isn’t that well-known because dream high2 is/was airing at the same time though from the clips of dream high 2 i’ve seen on yt and the bad stuff i heard about dream high 1… this show is probably better?

only found scripts for the first 3 eps. & 4. I learned a couple words before i found the script anyway but the script makes it easier. Maybe i’ll write a review if and when i finish watching it. OH AND there’s a white guy in it! yay! lol. I’m used to seeing foreigners on japanese tv but not much on korean tv notthat i watch that much korean tv.

SPEAKING Of k-dramas i’m still stuck on episode 11 of secret garden just because  have a shitload of other crap i want to watch/watching and then…. for going through the script to see if there’s anything iwant to leran… i’m at episode 6. so it’s almost been a year since i tried to watch this drama and my understanding of it has of course gone up since that’s inevitably going to happen over this long period of time. i wonder how many years it’ll take for me to finish watching this drama. i just got sick of the drama really quick… a insulting b or a arguing with b… or a and b insulting each other in this long-winded way which is apparently witty and well-written or something but the fact it’s long-winded makes me bored since it is only the 20th or 10th time this kind of scene is happening. like i said, i do fastforward anything with old people etc etc but… i don’t know… it’s not enough to make me watch it as of right now. You can try to make the argument oh well if you’re fluent in korean then you know what they’re saying and you’d find it funny and entertaining and all that… but if i was fluent in korean i would’ve heard so much more bitching and whining up (immersion = fluency rights) to now compared to if i wasn’t … i think i would like the show even less/be less tolerant in all honesty lol… in fact if i was that fluent i would be bored with the writing… probably?   I really think k-dramas can possibly be on-par with american dramas if they made them 10 or 15 minute shorter and cut out the melodrama and and and made the season less than 22 eps, characteres bitched/whined like 90% less, make shit 90% less long-winded, etc etc.

you know long-winded thing reminds me of the downfall of that show house MD. they try to be witty and to be witty SOOOO shit always has to be dragged out and become long-winded when they have conversations where they go back and forth.  but rather than the viewers being amused by this wittieness they just feel irritated and honestly it’s just tiring trying to follow that… and it’s not worth following.. because it’s not that witty. it’s just unnecessarily tiring.

I just don’t like k-dramas. I can’t make myself care. but anyways this k-drama is intriguing to me so hopefulllllllly it’ll be a good 16 ep ride..