Monthly Archives: May 2019

Oh shiznit! I hit the jackpot?? Korean-Korean dictionary with 900,000+ entries!<-this is why i watch kpop star!

I’ve tried to make an account for this Korean dictionary site many times and it never worked. I can’t even contact the website people to fix their website because their website is broken and they don’t provide an e-mail. However, I realized that I don’t need the site as the name of the website suggests, they’re helpful for learning fundamental Korean so 90% of the time the words I look up are not even in there. I was interested in signing up so I can save words to my NOTEBOOK and see what export options they had. I’ve utilized daum dictionary’s notebook in the past since they allow me export the words I save as .xls with the word, definition. It seems naver dictionary only allows you to print your list of words for k-e and for k-k they don’t give you the option of printing. Either way, you’d have to use some scrapping software/program to somehow extract the information to something usable if you’re thinking of importing stuff into anki or updating your cards in anki. Or manually copy-paste a million times.<– only in Japan. LOL)

ANYWAYS, I came across these other 2 sister dictionary sites that are related to that fundamental korean dictionary site. They work fine and I signed up for an account with no problem. noticed one of them said that they provide the entire dictionary database to download as .zip file. I got it and lo and behold there were 20+ .xls files which adds up to 900,000+ entries of Korean words. As I’ve mentioned in my previous entry, I figured out how to make a stardict dictionary because I love using the Wordquery plugin since it saves me a lot of time and effort. I know from experience that excel is wonky and just doesn’t handle a lot of values well ie 50,000 rows or 900,000 rows. I realized I could still make a stardict dictionary by combining all the .xls files if I use officelibre calc (I can’t afford excel or rather I refuse to spend money on that), anki, anki’s advanced copy plugin, notepad, a bunch of control + H, firefox, and stardict dictionary editor. I updated the link to mediafire in my hanjaro and holy grail anki format post. I made one stardict dic where it only generates the korean definition and another dic with more info like pronunciation, hanja, and other info since I like putting the definition on the front. It has limitations with homonyms since when I made it, I set it up so that if there are multiple entries with the same sound, I just kept one of them since wordquery only inserts one of the entries anyway (and i don’t plan on using this stardict dictionary on stardict, moon reader etc) even if there are multiple that match. Actually I am using goldendict now because of the pop-up dictionary. I figure The lack of homonym/homophones can be covered by the other goldendict dictionaries like the standard korean dictionary that’s k-k.  Or if some kind soul could generate the stardict with all the entries but as hell cant. I had to use anki to make the stardict dictionary since I can’t manipulate a file that huge on excel. This dictionary file definitely has better coverage than the korean-korean dictinoary (147,000 entries) on the stardict site since it has so many more entries. anyone wants to make a bigger/better dictionary with the files that includes all the homonyms etc, go for it! I’m satisfied with what I made! The links to the files are in the mediafire link.

By the way the multi-column anki plugin is a must if you use the wordquery plugin! I can’t be scrolling all day! For me, I run like 9? 8? dictionaries on wordquery to generate definitions for Korean and sometimes only 1 of the dictionaries has a match and of course there are times where there are zero matches despite the countless dictionaries! It’s a lifesaver! I’ve complained many times on this blog about the Korean dictionaries just plain sucking where I have to resort to googling or ask people on chiebukuro or reddit to find out what a word means (They are words korean people know and use. I’m not looking up useless, obscure words that most korean people don’t even know etc.). Therefore, having a dictionary in my anki wordquery aresenal that contains 900,000+ entries is comforting to say the least! Here’s another example of where google and the dictionary fail you and absolutely waste your time짬_mean/ 짬이 다르다 . I even already know the word 짬밥 yet I’m like wtf at the word. From the context i thought  짬 Meant 차원 , 격 not to mention I like knowing why words mean what they mean and where they’re derived from etc because just blindly mass memorizing crap is not style. Sometimes the order of usefulness is people > google > dictionary especially with korean tv

here’s another one..

<- dictionary is useless here.

relevant links:

My Holy Grail CLOZE DELETION Anki card format for Korean TV SHOWS

rread gossip