Monthly Archives: August 2012

transcript ftw for learning languages.

Acquiring Korean

I’ve put up the first four episodes of 남녀탐구생활 with transcripts. These are also all linked over at the Treasure Chest.

남녀탐구생활 소개팅 편 1회

남녀탐구생활 2화 목욕탕편

남녀탐구생활 3화 동성친구모임 편

남녀탐구생활 4화 헬스장편

I’m trying to get the transcripts for more of these episodes. When I get them I’ll also post them here.


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Got a problem with that? you got a problem with that? come-back type of remark


kuirhara rui being hilarious as always… though unintentionally?  he’s gonna be on merengue no kimochi or that ep already aired. lookin’ forward to it!!! i think he’s gonna get big. he’s interesting to me and i like having negative people on tv representing negative peeps not on tv. also i love how the shows try to make him as happy as possible ie letting him meet perfume (do the introduction with perfume, talk to perfume about his favorite song etc etc) but he doesn’t smile no matter what!!! (an almost smile at most and it’s not even almost!!!) I hope to see his beautiful, pure smile one day. Of course this isn’t the only hilarious remark during his encounter/interaction with perfume.

he also said oh i’m glad i met you this year before next year at which time i’ll be gone (来年消える芸人などなど) but i hope he doesn’t show up on the shinro soudan thing. I don’t think he will but then again i liked joy but then i heard ariyoshi’s evaluation of him ad then i understood why he & the other geinin hate joy so much (I was sorta sad and disappointed in myself that i couldn’t figure this out on my own). But as faras i can tell joy is disappeared ? lol. I don’t think he deserves be on that ep but i could be wrong here.  and if he was it would be hilarious.

im so curious if he speaks english… i’ve wrote my hypothesis before anyways he seems to have goooooood music taste. listening to this 2012/08/14 栗原類 ラジオ【恋する夏曲】 & アプリ告知and recommended ben kweller – walk on me  and it sounds like awesome, chill american indie or is it british? he sounds american?  I reall yhate some of the american indie because i just hate the singer’s voice and it just sonds noisy but like any genre there is shitty and the top 10% of that genre that is pure awesome.

oooh they mentioned in the radio show that he’s doing a chakushin thing!!! i want it but i don’t want to spend money lol. he is so negative and i think the negativeness makes him so realistic and humble or at least he appears/seems that way.  please don’t commit suicide~ lol . wihch reminds me i hope the geinin people stop smoking because I don’t want them to die on me. they’re so interesting . htere’s an ame talk episode about the difficulties of quitting smoking  and i plan to watch it! though i have a billion crap on my que.

はるこ from 派遣の品格:  それが何か

WRote about this drama in my jdrama reviews!

i GOOGLED it and it also says 口癖は「**ですがそれが何か?」 I thought she only said それが何か (saw the drama a few years ago) but it definitely makes sense that she uses in other ways toooooooooo.

So Haruko’s catchphrase from haken no hinkaku really stood out to me because it just shows the awesomeness of japanese with its short ( you dont have to make full-almost full sentences like in english & get the point across), vague nature (love that about it how you don’t have to say anything directly, you can pussy foot around almost anything that’s difficult to say in Japanese)  yet it’s effective (even though she’s technically like asking if there’s an issue you know no one’s gonna say anything back from the way she says it and just this phrase itself in general… it just feels cutthroat in my opinion.).




I suppose you could make it into less formal version with だけどそれが何か BUT something about des is more firm and strong… which reminds me of when joshi kousei (high school girls) say ___desukedo to another to sound more firm and strong in asserting whatever point they have as opposed to sounding polite.

So anyways these two phrases are totally useful and very japanese when you need a come-back to say to someone after they question/doubt you or they’re about to ~~~ you etc etc. and if you say it in the right tone (very strong/firm and your personality/aura is not push-over I’m sure they’ll just be like alrighty i won’t question you or if they reallly do have a problem with something  they’ll tell you). or it might piss them off and make them want to kick your ass lol ( this is more for the second phrase sore ga nanika. i don’t think nanika mondai demo would piss anyone off like the way sore ga nanika would). it’s so funny how funny in japanese you don’t have to say profanity or anything specific to piss someone off, it could be wrong keigo or like here you just say ~~~ nanika.  besides what i mentioned there might be other nuances with it depending on blahblahblah  but as long you get the general idea and then come across it in the wild (fun/native material)  then you should be able to grasp ittttttttttttttttttt

ALSO as far as a comeback to this comeback is concerned, i don’t know of any. I think most people would respond with naides.


here’s kurihara’s 5 song picks!

■Ben Kweller「Walk On Me」
意地っ張り シャイな女の子」という歌詞が大好きです。
■ASH「Walking Barefoot」
■Fountains Of Wayne「It Must Be Summer 」

Jero + DOUKA

I was browsing youtube and came aross kara’s drama urakara and jero is on this show! speaking english with nicole!!  this is so random. but his japaense is so good (intonation and all and he also speaks kansai-ben) so when he switched back and forth i was like oooooooh. he has a really nice voice. the way the writer wrote his japanese lines seemed so un-jero lol because it’s so j-drama lol. real people don’t talk like this let alone jero.

Like I mentioned before it’s hard to output japanese because of my fundamental roots in english. one characteristc of japanese is that it’s very vague. That has it’s advantages and disadvantages of course.  One phrase/word that popped in my head recently was  どうか and the phrase  どうかと思います.

On some episode  of arashi no shukudai-kun, the guest happened to like going to the movies so they talked about it. while they were talking the subject of rude movie-goers that talk or chew loudly or whatever. So the guest goes on to say she has actually tried to talk to those loud people and the arashi guys are like omg for reals what’d you say. I don’t remember what she said word for word but at the end of what she said she said どうかと思います. just to make it more clear here are some examples of that phrase via google search + quotations

. 初めましてでこんな事を言ってしまうのもどうかと思いますが

I was thinking it’s so hard to say something to the person in english we don’t have nice vague expressions…. in english you have to say what you have to say with the specificities ie  I don’t remember what that guest said exactly but because she used the word douka she didn’t have to say the word “rude” “inconsiderate” or “loud” etc etc.  douka just makes it an open-ended thing since it’s vague and the person can infer that by douka that this person means that’s f’ed up or whatever.

I think it’s pretty nice since you can avoid saying the actual actual words and i’m sure you can use it many types of situations as a way to express your disapproval etc etc.

When a dictionary isn’t cutting it…

first off, epiphany of the day!

열심히 this word is as common as the word ganbaru in japannese. I feel like despite the fact that i’m not immersing/drowning myself in korean right now i feel like yershimhi is more popular than him-ne. Anyways my epiphany was this word is made up of kanji! I never thought of it like that… it’s not like I 100%  believed 열심히 isn’t based on kanji, I just never thought about it and upon thinking about it… it totally is. the same also goes for that common korean phrase 감사합니다. (btw it’s not pronounced like hop-nida… it’s pronounced like 함니다 ham if anything. which also reminds me of japanese like with the word 雰囲気 (ふんい‐き)+ 店員(てんいん). They are actually pronounced more like  ふいんき && ていん ていいん respectively. actually I forgot the real okurigana for fun-iki (had to look it up lol).. only fuinki was in my head lol but LUCKILY since i have google ime it still converted 🙂

going back to 열심히 and 감사합니다 the chinese charcters are

熱心히 && 感謝합 니다. although the chinese characters for the word kansha/gamsa are the same in korean and japanese it’s not used the same way because arigatou gozaimasu = kamusahamnida. In japanese 感謝shimasu means I’m grateful so that’s different from Thank you. so you know you shouldn’t direct translate or assume the usage is the same in another language unless you want to embarrass yourself because you’re such  a masochist (pronounced masokist. I constantly forget how to read this word every time i see the spelling so just putting it there for my sanity)

sometimes the dictionary’s definition doesn’t help ie with english i need to consult the urbandictionary lol.

Anyways for Japanese there have been words where I hear/see it and i look it up in the dic and it’s  still not clear (the definition is just scarce and sometimes I just need a definition/explanation that keeps it REAL). so at this point I either give up or look into googling around with word + imi and usually I get to chiebukuro or someone’s blog. And this has been instrumental in my learning because i get to read a japanese person’s explanation of the word from his/her Japanese perspective and they might explain with examples, etc etc, so it’s mad HELPFUL. (If you have yet to experience this YOU NEEED TO GO EXPLORE AND FIND SOME JAPNAESE MEDIA YOU LIKE. like for me, like i said i’m buried with qued up albums, talk variety show eps, japnese dramas i want to watch, japanese websites/articles I want to read, japanese books I want to read…. so you should get out there and explore the native materials and sucked into it instead of memorizing stupid words off a list that you’ll forget anyway since you don’t know do anything in Japanese)

some stuff you cannot get from dictionary include
super slang, kansai-ben, any-ben, certain adjectives, internet language (ie kwsk)

ALSO sometimes google images explains better than words just because a picture is a 1000 WORDS. so examples of this… was 伏し目 上目遣い ETC ETC.. It’s not like I have a problme understanding the description but it just leaves a more of an impression with the actual image than the description and sometimes the description is just not that thorough  but you can just google image it so it’s okay…

recently I finally googled/chiebukurored the word

this word is in my deck 3  times and it still don’t make no sense lol. what had happened was I camea cross this word AGAIN and looked it up in yahoo jp dic AGAIN and it still wans’t ENOUGH and so I finally looked it up on chiebukuro and now I get it. thanks peeps. one of the problems is kesshikaran has like 3 definitions, the definitions are not enough (too scarce), secondly the context wasn’t that clear on the tv show (I knew matsuko deluxe was saying it with a punch like she really enjoyed using this word to describe the situation or person or whatever)

開き直るis something i looked up a long time ago… like i read the english definition, and i read the japanese definition (or maybe at that time I was still just using english dictionaries) and then i was like okay I get it and then I came across the word again and I was like no I don’t think I gots this lol and then I did the goog/echiebukuro thing… and then somebody already had asked this so they answer with examples /in their own words/etc etc.. and  then I got it.

i just thought of 3 words. they’re both from nobuta wo produce they are

要領 キャピキャピ ビシっと

I believe at the time I was using rikai-chan (english translation) to learn anda for youryou i was like i dun get it after i read the defintion. i’ve gottten to undersatnd youryou’s definition by seeing it being used. I don’t know if it’s because rikai-chan showed me thedefinition for youryou only and didn’t show me the definiton for youryou ga ii … buti just remember going i dun get it.

for kyapikyapi and bishitto…. it’s just a lot easier to understand it’s meaning by seeing it being used and/or reading defintion in japanese than english …

ALSO chiebukuro/googling is just plain useful for learning about differences betwen 2 words or 2 concepts or 2 whaever that you don’t get.

STuff I’ve looked up and found were and not limited to
お いて おける – I still don’t get it lol. I get it it’s just i have to memorize that oite is for _ and okeru is for _ but I don’t like memorizing/drilling. so help me here immersion!
起こる 起きる – even japanese don’t really get it .lol. I love some of the theories people came up with.
悲しい 哀しい – I was just nodding to what people said. I totally garee.
予測 VS 予想
so I would search the two words + chigai

It also happened with korean~~

so the japanese definition gives me this which makes me go ? because the word was used to describe some situation in some variety show and i thought the meaning is more awkward” than “quiet”. so i searched around and people described that word as meaning that so  i was right 🙂 like I said sometimes the dictionary rocks and sometimes it sucks

어ː색 [語塞]
[명사·하다형 자동사]言葉がつまること;返答に窮すること。

another thing that’s related to asking people about japanese online or googling around in japanese as opposed to dictionary is stuff written on the internet or something that may not have been proofread for whatever reason. So i’ve asked on chiebukuro in the past like oh is this gramatically correct or is this keigo allright or is this correct japanese etc etc and usually if i ask it there is something wrong with it and then people tell me what’s wrong with it or how to fix it or what’s a more appropriate way to say it etc etc or I might learn something new about a word or a grammar. I ask because I want to add it to my deck for whatver reason but I’m not sure if it’s right. obviously, if you do this in your beginning stage it would be very time-consuming since you can’t tell what’s right plus you can’t use chiebukuro anyway lol. so anyawys i recomend to advanced people if you do care/curious about stuff.
So I noticed this “new” tarento moderu (is he a charisma model? lol like komori jun) they’re trying to promote since he’s “unique” he’s reminiscent of sashihara perhaps? eh, beats me. they’re both negative. it’s sorta unique. negative idol even though idols are suppsoed to be super bubbly,cheery etc. Super hot model who is negative.  I really want to see kurihara and ariyoshi interact though, that’s for sure. i’m sure sashihara + kuihara rui would be interesting too.

he’s funny unintentionally because he’s very negative. he said something about living in new york in the 50 questions so i’m going to assume he speaks english. so i’m going to assume his japanese ain’t that good? i’m not sayin it’s bad but I noticed there’s parts where he mumbles and i’m like wtf i giveup cannot catch what you said + he’s negative so maybe that’s why + he keeps saying 風に (and i’m just like no it JUST IS. it don’t gotta in some way. it just is… let’s stop it please) – maybe he was just nervous or the negativity that he emits is making him nervous

maybe he’ll be the next ro-ra~  speaking of which ro-ra on honma dekka was just…epic? or at least i expected it to be.  she’s so random and her interacting with those senmonka people was like …. TV GOLD

THE REASON I mention him, the reason why he’s relevant to the crap i wrote above is the fact that he said I confessed my love to 4 girls and i got dumped by all of them.
and they asked him were you okay and  after that he says that he says 予測できたんで大丈夫です OR SMomething along those lines and i was like thinking in that moment oh what’s the diff bt yosoku and yosou and does the fact that he used yosoku perpetutate his negativity? and upon my search I would say it does. i think him using yosoku is more negative than yosou. It sorta reminds me of sashihara…. well when she was lying on the show about how she could never go out with a good looking guy  (even though she did … ) because she thought if he confessed his love to her she would think he was being forced by a friend or that it was a prank… like she would think in that calculating way that is very negative.

so the explanation i got was
予測 VS 予想



2012/09/11 栗原類 僕がビデオをレンタルしない理由は?

I recently saw a short segment where he’s like i buy movies, i don’t rent and there’s 2 reasons. one is… because he likes movies.

the second reason is… I’ mscared that the movie i rent will be like the last one and then someone else who wanted to see that movie won’t be able to and they’ll be pissed/sad/disappointed/etc.

also he’s very assertive with his negativeness . if somebody says a compliment to him, even before they finish saying the sentence, he refutes them and says no i’m not ___ or no  i don’t ___ .

so I love how he’s not just negative but like considerate-negative/very aware/ negative in a way that he wants to not cause any trouble to others.

and the rora x kurihara date segment is epic!

忘れ去っておくなんし。 くいぎみ

yay I love typing like a jorou lol. 女郎
I wanted to write about one japanese word I came across on a japanese tv show that I like and another i like that i came across from somewhere that i do not recall. i was thinking maybe the second word was something I came up myself and that looked it up and i was like yes it exists! OR i heard it before and somewhere in my subconscious remembered that and that’s why i ended up doing that so technically i didn’t come up with it and then checked whether it existed/is used .

first word is
くいぎみ which means you’re cutting someone off.
ex) person a is asking person b a question and person b answers person a’s question before they finish the whole sentence to ask the question. that is exactly what had happened on that show and then somebody commented (comento ga) kuigimi kuigimi. I actually came across this word in a book before and I looked it up and I understood it and i put it in my deck but it never really stuck with me to the point i would use it. but because of this additional instance that I came across I feel more inclined to use it so i don’t feel as distant and foreign to this word as before where i’m only comfortable with passive understanding. the thing with the instance of kuigimi  in the book is that it’s not as easy to infer the meaning from the setence… all it says is like 食い気味に言った。

I remember hearing the number 200 to really “know” a word but for this one it really helps just having another instance after the first one. actually i realized this my 3rd instance and NOT my second instance because I notcied i have 2 cards in my deck with the word kuigimi (each card is from a different instance).

it was some show with that real hot but super negative model with that cool name.  kurihara rui. louis? SO THIS is my 3rd instance

my second instance was a kaeuta episode and oriental radio/rajio was singing their song and one of the lyrics was

so because I didn’t get what it meant i didn’t get the full joke/funniness. so once i looked it up i got it and then i thought oh that’s so depressing 😦

I also love this verb わすれさる
wasureru is just wasureru but I like the nuance with wasuresaru… wasuresaru is what you’d use if you REALLY REALLY WWANT TO FORGET SOMETHING with the 去 kanji and all. 忘れ去る. forgetting something completely. forgetting stuff is pretty desirable sometimes… like completely forget….

John park && ailee

I don’t think it’s that we got hand me downs or rejects from American idol . I’m talking about john park ( love his song fallin’) here unless that other korean guy that got on american idol also debuted in korea. First of all the song choices on that show is as limited as noses on korean tv (I hope that’s a good analogy. Seriously for the love of god let’s stop plastic surgerying ourselves bc at the end of he day y’all all look the same) . But in all seriousness I heard that their choices are very limited. Like 50 songs for all the contestants and then for each contestant they can choose bt 3? I read something like that somewhere. also they have  a time limit on their performance right like 1 minute 30 seconds or 2 minutes or some shit. like how can you move anyone if you can’t sing the whole song. So by all means we are not getting rejects or handled owns from America . Just listen to the top 40 who the hell wants to be associated with that shit

thank the lord ailee did not go on american idol and that john park tried out in korea.  if she won, if he had won, they would be rotting in america like all the other american idol winners….like  mainstream singers in general. the songs are so so damn bland. same goes for the melody and lyrics and everything else that goes into a song. it’s so wasteful. I mean ailee’s kpop stuff though is boring to me but I’m sure it would be worse in america because she would ALSO be sexed up and like vulgar lyrically etc etc to the max… I can’t picture her doing that but who knows lol. Like I’m relaly glad ailee got on immotral song… I really got to know her true potentital/talent on that show. her song heaven bores me so…  john park did a good job on immortal song as well.

I was also thinking about oversinging yet again lol.

When I was listen to kindie I think I don’t really hear anyone belt stuff/reach some high note or hold some note etc etc stuff that impresses american idol viewers/mainstream music listeners…. So I was thinking if somebody who don’t know anything about kindie just asked me about and listened to it… they could say to me “oh this is boring” but besides if it’s a reall ystuck-up/ignorant-closeminded american person (THAT WHITE BOY IN THE KIDS REACT TO KPOP) they may even go as far to say that “they’re not good that singing since they don’t ~~~ like mariah carey or christina aguilera or demi lovato ( she sucks balls at singing by the way.. it’s sad when people think yelling/screaming is singing) whatever other singer that’s in the mainstream”

this is one of the reasons why i find charice so boring. she can open her mouth really big and close her eyes and hit that note and hold it for however long whatever whatever… it doesn’t change the fact it’s boring. It’s great that she sings that well and has such a powerful voice blahblah at her age but it doesn’t change the fact that i don’t find her interesting/entertaining…/ i’m not that fond of her voice (this is personal preference). I loved her when she sang telephone on glee with rachel.. i’ll give her credit where it’s due but i can see why she won’t at least for now succeed with becoming an artist.

But I was also thinking that conversely k-indie singing is HARDER than kpop in some ways because….
Emotion or feel is something that can’t be taught or faked ie taeyeon from snsd singing please vs jang jane’s rendition. (I do like taeyeon’s devil’s cry song. though that video of her lip-syncing that and fans cheering and going crazy was a little much). I mean there are some impressive notes in Kpop songs which is fine and dandy and some songs have nice even genuine emotion in them. I’m just sayin “in some ways”.

Stuff I did not memorize

besides hiragana and katakana (by memorize I mean drilling how to  write it. I learned the stroke order but I nevre made myself learn how to write it without looking at anything etc etc because i know it’s a waste of time and I should use that time to read more and then i’ll be able to write without looking at anything with ease.. I do not understand those weeaboo peple that are so obssessed with writing/speaking japanese when they don’t understand any or much japanese. i nevre understood it and they wonder why they suck at speaking. it’s like come on grow a brain) , I did not memorize iroha + abc order of hiragana. Iroha is japanese version of black dog jumped over lazy fox whateverghe hell thaT sentence is. I see the value of learning the abc order for English and Korean since they both have around 20 something letters (compared to 50 in japanese) and like using the dictionary and daily stuff… especially for Korean theres mad value since once you get consonant down when you’re searching the dictionary then you search for the vowel then the constant or vowel and maybe another consanant/vowel. It sounds difficult and complicated but what I’m saying is it’s faster using a paper Korean dictionary than paper English dictionary for this reason.

I think using a paper dictionary for japanese is a biggest waste of time ever especially because I know how an english/korean dictionary work. because 1 memorizing the order of the crap is a lot? i mean  I just looked it up because I just assume it’s a e i o u because that’s how it is in spanish with at least saying the vowel sounds in order.
looking up it starts off as
a i  u e o
ka ki ku ke ko

so basically i never meomrized this order. I used some kanji book before that didn’t really teach me as much as actual reading and heisig which listed the hiragana dnad katakana order in abc order on thejacket or whatever and so  i’ve seen the order and i have some vague idea of if something is towards the front of the japanese abc  order or not.  I never went on to go on to try to memorize it or learn it or whatever because I see no value because looking up japanese is best electronically unless for some reason there’s some amazing paper dictioary that has words that google nor an electrical dictionary does not have.  not only you gotta do the abc order with the 50 sounds, you also gotta deal with small tsu or small yo or dakuten, you also gotta deal with the damn homophones and there’s a chance if you’re looking up a word made up of 2 kanji with their onyomis combined there probably is a homophone so you gotta waste time skipping over homophones you don’t care about. Also online is so convenient with he various of settings of it starts with or u set it as it ends with or you search by the sound instead of the kanji or you set it as exact match and depending on the situation it’ll be easier to find out sanseido than yahoo jp doc.

so if memorzing the abc order is this useless why the hell would i memorize iroha. abc order is useful if you go a bookstore and you want to find the section for your author or title or whtaever in the shelves but i think that’s really minor my “general/blurred” knowledge of abc order is enough to guide me.  at most maybe i know that it goes vowels -> k – sounds- > m sounds some sounds -> r-sounds> n lol.

I’ve actually heard them sorta recite the alphabet or maybe it wasn’t the alphabet because on the tv show they were trying to improve their enunciation or pronounciation or whatver so they can talk fast and clearly through all this news mumbo jumbo with all them kanji compound words like a newscaster BY saying weird stuff. it’s probably in the link on the side that says katsuzetsu in japanese

I’d rather learn babigo than learn the abc order of hiragana lol.  my blurred/general GRASP is enough. I’ll struggle searching for the book in bookoff they probably won’t have anyway so who cares.