Monthly Archives: August 2009

Hana Yori Dango DS Game

Hana Yori Dango DS GAME – simulation game
lol so I was bored and I tried playing it. In the end… I can’t finish this game because it gets really boring and repetitive and annoying.
I have to constantly go to places and then wait for whatever to finish, even if I skip all the convo it’s just click wait-click wait. I heard it’s a whole year but getting through a month takes forever so…
I just don’t want to waste my time. As far as the features: there’s voices but they’re not the drama people obviously and the player is NOT makiino tsukushi. Everyone looks pretty different from the drama or maybe I should be saying the opposite since it’s based on the manga/anime.
But anyways I just wanted to show the cool name I made up. J/K. It’s a pretty sily/girly/gay? name that I made up on the spot.
I wanted pretty kanji and all that but at the moment my head was blank.
So for name, there was already default name inputed which was hana yori dango ‰Ô‚æ‚è’cŽq
So I ended up keeping the hana and I tried to write this kanji.
(You’re supposed write it in that box with the lines) and it wouldn’t recognize what I was writing. Well it’s pretty hard to draw on a laptop mouse thing.
I wanted to put in a more unique kanji for fun. So the ones I chose are pretty teasy for it to recognize compare to this other one I tried to write.
I made up these “possibly weird” names… I doubt they’re real.
So my name is:
1st row: hana yu mi | mi rai ko
Last name, First Name ORDER
It could be pronounced kayumi but I want the hanayumi pronunciation. Maybe just MAYBE miraiko exists. Like Sakurako is a mouthful to say. I’m too lazy to check.
Nickname is
2nd row: yuminarei
I chose katakana on na and hiragana for yu & mi  on purpose because I think they’re prettier than the corresponding katakana/hirgana.
Opposite for yumina: ƒ†ƒ~‚È .  isn’t the other way prettier!!!?
I’m so vain about crap like this. I like all the kanji  I chose because of what they look like and the sounds. They’re cute… I know there’s other kanji I really wanted to use but my mind came up blank.
Birthday is… I think the default was already June so I just made it match.
This was the funnest part of the game…. sadly.
Digression about spelling. You know sometimes I feel like I get worse the more I do something than better. There’s more examples than the one I’ll write because I can’t seem to think of any besides this one at the moment but I hope it’s normal.
So the issue is speak. While I was writing the hana yori thing I wrote speak instead of skip. I don’t know why but I seem to make strange typing/writing errors. Like I don’t do it on purpose and when I read back obviously I know that’s not that word I want.
Like right/write etc etc. I guess the pattern is accidentaly writing another word that’s phonetically similar even though the spelling or the meaning is just completely unrelated/separated from the word I wanted to write. I feel like it’s one of those I get so good at it the mistakes can only be insanely insane. By good I mean spelling. I mean I might’ve weakened cause I haven’t read much English latley since I’m trying to read Japanese as much as possible but… watching TV with captions enough I say.
Oh and I hate people who have no legitimate insults so they lead to petty crap like omg you can’t spell/capitalize/punctualize/etc/etc, learn to spell etc. I hate those types of insults because they have no grounds and they’re so pointless. It’s like avoiding the issue… just insult full-throttle/full-on instead of beating the bush. WUSS! is what I say (no one says this anymore right?).  I get that said to me because I type with alot typos but honestly I don’t give a shit. Because why should I waste my time re-reading everything iwrote to make sure it’s capitalized/typed right. Time is money. Time is precious. F OFF.  I have better things to do and I like to type fast as possible (bc it’s fun/efficient) and with speed you lose accuracy.  I mean if it’s good enough to infer/understand what I am trying to type/say, it’s good enough. Damn grammar nerds are annoying too. It’s like it’s the interenet. If you want to read english typed all correctly and shit uh… you know where to go or not go.
But seriously I’m good with spelling, all the spelling mistakes are just typos. The last sentence sounds so sarcastic but I’m not. 😦
Mr. bullshit – 10 FEET

Hana Yori Dango DS GAME – simulation game (96×165)

I was bored and I tried playing it. In the end… I can’t finish this game because it gets really boring and repetitive and annoying.

I have to constantly go to places and then wait for whatever to finish, even if I skip all the convo it’s just click wait-click wait. I heard it’s a whole year but getting through a month takes forever so…

I just don’t want to waste my time. As far as the features: there’s voices but they’re not the drama people obviously and the player is NOT makiino tsukushi. Everyone looks pretty different from the drama or maybe I should be saying the opposite since it’s based on the manga/anime.

But anyways I just wanted to show the cool name I made up. J/K. It’s a pretty sily/girly/gay? name that I made up on the spot.

I wanted pretty kanji and all that but at the moment my head was blank.

So for name, there was already default name inputed which was hana yori dango. So I ended up keeping the hana and I tried to write this kanji.

(You’re supposed write it in that box with the lines) and it wouldn’t recognize what I was writing. Well it’s pretty hard to dra/writew on a laptop mouse thing.

I wanted to put in a more unique kanji for fun. So the ones I chose are pretty teasy for it to recognize compare to this other one I tried to write.

I made up these “possibly weird” names… I doubt they’re real.

So my name is:

1st row: hana mi ya | mi rai ko

Last name, First Name ORDER

It could be pronounced kamiya but I want the hanamiya pronunciation. Maybe just MAYBE miraiko exists. Like Sakurako is a mouthful to say. I’m too lazy to check.

Nickname is

2nd row: yuminarei

I chose katakana on na and hiragana for yu & mi  on purpose because I think they’re prettier than the corresponding katakana/hirgana.

Opposite for yumina: ユミな .  isn’t the other way prettier!!!?

I’m so vain about crap like this. I like all the kanji  I chose because of what they look like and the sounds. They’re cute… I know there’s other kanji I really wanted to use but my mind came up blank.

Birthday is… I think the default was already June so I just made it match.

This was the funnest part of the game…. sadly.


Digression about spelling. You know sometimes I feel like I get worse the more I do something than better. There’s more examples than the one I’ll write because I can’t seem to think of any besides this one at the moment but I hope it’s normal.

So the issue is speak. While I was writing the hana yori thing I wrote speak instead of skip. I don’t know why but I seem to make strange typing/writing errors. Like I don’t do it on purpose and when I read back obviously I know that’s not that word I want.

Like right/write etc etc. I guess the pattern is accidentaly writing another word that’s phonetically similar even though the spelling or the meaning is just completely unrelated/separated from the word I wanted to write. I feel like it’s one of those I get so good at it the mistakes can only be insanely insane. By good I mean spelling. I mean I might’ve weakened cause I haven’t read much English latley since I’m trying to read Japanese as much as possible but… watching TV with captions enough I say.

Oh and I hate people who have no legitimate insults so they lead to petty crap like omg you can’t spell/capitalize/punctualize/etc/etc, learn to spell etc. I hate those types of insults because they have no grounds and they’re so pointless. It’s like avoiding the issue… just insult full-throttle/full-on instead of beating the bush. WUSS! is what I say (no one says this anymore right?).  I get that said to me because I type with alot typos but honestly I don’t give a shit. Because why should I waste my time re-reading everything iwrote to make sure it’s capitalized/typed right. Time is money. Time is precious. F OFF.  I have better things to do and I like to type fast as possible (bc it’s fun/efficient) and with speed you lose accuracy.  I mean if it’s good enough to infer/understand what I am trying to type/say, it’s good enough. Damn grammar nerds are annoying too. It’s like it’s the interenet. If you want to read english typed all correctly and shit uh… you know where to go or not go.

But seriously I’m good with spelling, all the spelling mistakes are just typos. The last sentence sounds so sarcastic but I’m not. 😦



ゆび伝う声  by Jill-Decoy Asocciation

Screencap post

Took screen caps  of anything that looked pretty or interesting

ggzansayonarazetsubouse.jpg (320×181)

Says: morning frog, welcome back/home. asagaere | okaeri.

Pink = cute         / In the second one, that bowl of rice is cute 🙂

Both scary and creepy

I like the old lady’s bun lol. Just the whole silouette

So cute. I think the encore ova is better than the other OVA so if you’re like i only wanna watch one of ova series, I’d say ENCORE. Only downside is they got chunky like the first few seconds of the first OVA ep was like… shock.

ralenichigomashimaroencf.png (320×180)


English Words I Don’t Know that I Heard Today from the TV

Me + TV: I could type a lot of shit but I’ll keep it short. There was a time when I was a kid where I would mostly watch Nick + Disney and then somewhere after or between or whatever MTV got into the mix . The problem with this is all they run is re-runs so I wasted a lot of time watching the same shit over and over and it’s not even like the shows are that good but as a kid in America that’s all I have  for TV 😦 I mean there are some good ones among the most of the crap. MY friend is still stuck in this phase while I escaped from it years ago 😦 I’m not that assertive… I remember we used tobitch about how all the shows are so crappy and how they re-run it so much and how she’s seen that _ amount of times and how she knows all the lines and it’s just utterless crap. So one day in middle school I’m like Wow I’ve wasted a lot of time watching this shit so I decided to A) Turn the TV off if there’s nothing on. B) Check out other channels more while “boycotting nick + disney” like forever except for one show? while checking out MTV “sometimes”   So now I’m more efficient and selective about watching TV. I look up all the shows right now for this summer on and then watch I haven’t seen/want to see (The point is so I don’t miss it). Sometimes I just turn the TV on and watch whatever

So I have a thought about learning Japanese and English. Basically if I spent all the time I spent on doing something Japanese on doing something English would I know these words or at least feel like heard of them or be able to make a guess at what they mean.  I’m gonna guess No… cause most of these words are pretty weird and isn’t reading a shit load books effective for rare words which I have no desire to do. Most of my reading of English is the captions on TV 🙂

I can’t help but write down words I don’t know while I watch and look it up during the commercial…  cause obviously I want to know. Certain shows like BONES is always like oh shit what does that mean but obviously almost all of the characters are mad smart so… it can’t be helped. Speaking of which Mad Men is MAD hard to follow/understand sometimes with those convos making references to crap and just talking about crap that seems to have nothing to do with a conversation, etc but I try my best! I guess it’s stimulating to watch.

I got these words from watching  TV.

minutiae – minute or minor detail

stimulus check – well this isn’t a vocab word but I still don’t know what it is exactly. Kay, read up on through google search now I know…

biped-2 footed animal. Hmm well now that I think about it’s obvious what it means..

harleniquoid… some word that looks or sounds like this. It’s killing me now.. It’s NOT Harlequin.

Lark = a source of or quest for amusement or adventure <tho

Magazine = : a holder in or on a gun for cartridges to be fed into the gun chamber

remiss = : negligent in the performance of work or duty : careless2 : showing neglect or inattention

Salacious = 1 : arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination : lascivious2 : lecherous, lustful

exonerate=I remember trying to learn this word for the SATs. I think I knew it then.

1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship2 : to clear from accusation or blame

fey = a chiefly Scottish : fated to die : doomed b : marked by a foreboding of death or calamity2 a : able to see into the future : visionary b : marked by an otherworldly air or attitude c : crazy, touched3 a : excessively refined : precious b : quaintly unconventional : campy

ferroequinologist = enthusiast

parvo = a virus that attacks the lining of the digestive system (dogs)

mandocello = insturment that looks like guitar-ish. ) is a plucked string instrument of the mandolin family.

spry =nimble

effervescance = to show liveliness or exhilaration

panache = an ornamental tuft (as of feathers) especially on a helmet2 : dash or flamboyance in style and action

usain bolt = is a person! He is a Jamaican sprinter. Bolt holds the Olympic and world records for the 100 metres at 9.69 seconds, the 200 metres at 19.30 seconds and, along with his teammates, the 4×100 metres relay at 37.10 seconds, all set at the 2008 Summer Olympics.

hothe… can’t find nothing for this. From the context which was I think was “Live/Go to a hothe” I don’t know… 😦

harlot = prostitute. ‘S what I thought.

alpaca = sheep

convalescence- : to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness

write-off: : an elimination of an item from the books of account
2 a : a reduction in book value of an item (as by way of depreciation) b : a tax deduction of an amount of depreciation, expense, or loss
3 chiefly British : something (as a damaged vehicle) or someone regarded or conceded as a loss

uncouth =not known or not familiar to one : seldom experienced : uncommon, rare b obsolete : mysterious, uncanny2 a : strange or clumsy in shape or appearance : outlandish b : lacking in polish and grace : rugged <uncouth verse> c : awkward and uncultivated in appearance, manner, or behavior : rude

lingcod  = : a large often greenish-fleshed fish (Ophiodon elongatus) of the Pacific coast of North America that is an important food and sport fish and belongs to the same family as the greenlings

OH AND I REALLY DON’T appreciate the reports about how tv is bad for you or children and all that. It’s like it depends on what you’re watching, if you’re watching a re-run etc. There’s some really entertaining/educational shows on TV like these drama shows using all those words I don’t know (it’s only like 3 per ep, 5 at the worst) or making references to people that I don’t know or movies (?) I haven’t seen or shows I haven’t seen 😦 (know what show i’m talking about?) or just those crazy medical-type show TLC like billion calories thing. There’s just a big variety of programs so I just feel like “TV” is just too broad… just say the name of the TV show instead of TV.


OH BY THE WAY these words are probably almost all from the drama PSYCH on FX. I unfotunately have onyl seen maybe a handful of episodes because they keep airing it at10pm or some ridiculous time I’m asleep and I just can’t record it plus I want to wach it HD. But the good thing is it’s on hulu and the price of seaso n1 dvd set is like mad cheap. It’s just well-written, funny, they use lots of references to stuff i don’t know or vocab i don’t know as you can telll…. so you know it’s good quality stuff. It’s a hell of a llot better than castle and that other show on CBS which is like psych but like is not funny whatsoever.


별의 속삭임  – Belle Epoque: I love this song. I listened to it over and over at one point. This artist is GOOD like I like all the songs on the album, the one with the girl and the white hat in france or something cover.

Endless Eight – Haruhi – Observations (Not MindLESS bitching)

swimming suits ae same as the ones from solitary island syndrone.
前々回は15498回目だから、15498×14÷365 = 594.443836 で 「594年分」で正解。
前回は15499回目だから、15499×14÷365 = 594.482192で 同じく「594年分」。
今回は15513回目。15513×14÷365 = 595.019178
Kyon takes leap years into consideration when he calculates the years…
前々回の15498回目は、15498×14÷365.25 = 594.036961 正解。
前回の15498回目は、15499×14÷365.25 = 594.075291 正解。
そして今回の15513回目は、15513×14÷365.25 = 594.61191
the number of pins nagato knocked down goes  123454321.  she probably did it to not stand out but,  普通ありえねぇぇぇwww
lelouch pose
from 15-> 16 it looped 8 times but the number of times they did the summerjob increased 17 times.
explanation is..
-the staff screwed up  and like no one noticed.
12&16 was written by one person and 13-15 was written by someone else.
– nagato got broken 😦
– from 9031th time (ep15) to 9048th time  (ep16)  they did the summer job more than once for each loop.
They seem to correspond with each other ..
The blogger thinks it might be a stretch or whatever
but he/she thinks mikuru’s 0 goes with episode 13 because episode 13’s 15498 goes with the the number in the novel.
when they leave the cafe the direction the characters go changes depending on which loop.
また今回、長門が天体観測で古泉の「I love you」発言をしっかり立ち聞きしてたように見えましたけど、単なる演出かもしれません。
Nagato heard koizumi say i love you at the star-gaziging crap.
There was a thread on 2 channel put up where people said they would committ suicide if endless doesn’t end.
I’m worried that they’re being too hasty.
*ショウサン・ ATE

I got this info from Japanese blogs and I”ll be linking them throughout.  I don’t know about you but all I see for blog entries regarding Haruhi and Endless Eight are like brainless rants and bitching and it’s not interesting to read. They just lloook really dumb since they don’t know all the info in this post that i took from other blogs…. I obviously find the endless eight episodes boring but reading this stuff gave me new perspective and maybe if I read this stuff before watching the said episodes than it would’ve been more interesting. (I’m personally bad at watching stuff analytically and noticing crap… so like reading this stuff makes me go ooohhh )  but come o n you can’t still mindless bitch if you know this info. I’m not obsessed with this show nor do i want to defend it like crazy… I just think it’s interesting to know this. anyways I can’t find a single english blog or thread post etc that actually says anything interesting about endless eight, well if you found one link it~


Blue text is translation.


Ayano Hirano’s Thoughts on Endless Eight – starts around 4 minutes. She goes onto talk about the last endless eight ep


3 Points of view on Endless Eight

1. Boring (self-explanatory)

2.  Try to enjoy it.


Since they’re repeating it there has to be something in the differences, etc. So you try to analyze it


Since they’re trying to make us actually experience it, there should meaning and references/stuff/etc  in the eps so you can get enjoyment from trying to analyze.

3. It’s still boring even if you find something in the analyzation.


In brief,  for sora wo kakeru shoujo or evangelion, if you just watch it it’s interesting, if you look into stuff/analyze it’s even more interesting. However, for Endless Eight if you don’t look into it, it’s boring.


Theory on how the lyrics of the opening has a message that correlates with endless 8. Surprisingly, the lyrics fit really well (I always skip the opening cause 1 it sounds annoying 2 it looks like eroge opening. For the ending I onlylike Mikuru’s part… Haruhi’s part is annoying. It’s pretty funny to read。

Here’s a little bit of it translated:

DAY BY DAY うんざりだよね~ だから~
というフレーズに対し「こっちがうんざりだよ」とわたしはつぶやいていたのです。その時に、ん? と思いました。

At this line of the song “Day by day it’s boring, isn’t it”I mumbled “I’m the one that’s bored”. Then I thought Could it be that and so I kept on listening.

つきあってられないよ 狭い世界で~
んん? 「狭い世界」というのはまさに今のこの状況じゃないのか? 8/17から8/31の。

Hmm? Isn’t the “This narrow world”  the state we’re in now? From 8-17 to 8-31


Could it be… there’s a mesasge in the lyrics!?


ep 13:




and the most dreadful thing for nagato.

this time around, nagato didn’t read a book even once. while the loop was continuing about 600 years, she’s gone through all the books she could get during this range of time that is in 2 weeks.


another thing is… she’s been waiting for a new publication of books for over 600 years…

nagato keeps buying her mask herself because at one of the loop sequences in the beginning she had kyon buy it for her. there’s a theory that because of the loop,she keeps buying itself to treasure that memory.
there isn’t any evidence to support it but i think that’s possible.
Read somewhere  but I didn’t notice it. What I read was that Mikuru’s shoes were put on opposite




swimming suits are the same as the ones from solitary island syndrone.

Ultrman pose… Specium Beam!




Kyon’s Calculations

前々回は15498回目だから、15498×14÷365 = 594.443836 で 「594年分」で正解。

前回は15499回目だから、15499×14÷365 = 594.482192で 同じく「594年分」。

今回は15513回目。15513×14÷365 = 595.019178



Kyon takes leap years into consideration when he calculates the years…


前々回の15498回目は、15498×14÷365.25 = 594.036961 正解。

前回の15498回目は、15499×14÷365.25 = 594.075291 正解。

そして今回の15513回目は、15513×14÷365.25 = 594.61191



Theory on how Kyon could’ve calculated the years mentally in 10 seconds (I guess it was written before that episode was aired with the cellphone)


Meaning of the Bowling Scores



12話ループに気づかず // Not taking ep 12 into account






1投目→『1』 // The following are the bowling scores for the first round or whatever you call it.

ハルヒ『14』点→『14』 Haruhi

キョン『8』点→『8』 Kyon

ユキ『3』点→『3』 Yuki

コイズミ『7』点→『7』 Koizumi

みくる『0』点→『0』 Mikuru

They seem to correspond with each other .. The blogger thinks it might be a stretch or whatever but he/she thinks mikuru’s 0 goes with episode 13 because episode 13’s 15498 goes with the the number in the novel.


AFter they took off the frog costume, nagato was reading a book.
After595 years of looping, there’s a high possibility that  she’s gone through all the books she coudl get her hands on in that scope of 2 weeks. So I think it’s better to not show her read books during the Endless.


回目 means -th/ バイト= summer job.






from 15-> 16 it looped 8 times but the number of times they did the summer job increased 17 times.

explanation is..

-the staff screwed up  and like no one noticed.

12&16 was written by one person and 13-15 was written by someone else.

– nagato got broken 😦

– from 9031th time (ep15) to 9048th time  (ep16)  they did the summer job more than once for each loop.

For Episode 17 Nagato didn’t say the number of times with the jobs because Kyon cut her off..


Regarding ep 16/ past eps.







when they leave the cafe the direction the characters go changes depending on which loop.

ep16 – same Japanese blog.


There was a thread on 2 channel put up where people said they would committ suicide if endless doesn’t end. I’m worried that they’re being too hasty.


I  don’t whereI got this from, don’t have thelink..


The pictures go  goes 12->16. So episode 12, kyon’s voice actor is in front of haruhi so that ep emphasizes kyon… And Hirano Aya/Haruhi is getting further and further from everyone…


2nd episode: 15498th time

3rd episode: 15499th time

4th episode: 3rd episode + 14 more times

so ep 2 and 3 are connected but ep 4 isn’t.

So the summer is during a period of 2 weeks.

So from 3rd episode to 4th, nagato expereienced 196 days while the viewers “spent 7 days (= week)” waiting for the new ep.

196 days is 28 weeks, nagato expereienced the summer 28 more times than us.

so for the 4th time, if you calculate from solitary island, it’s 8 weeks =( 4 weeks 28 days/  )of endless syndrom.

the 8 weeks is just 4 (th time) x 2 weeks (each loop/summer )

As for 196 days, the 196th day of 2009 is july 15th. the next day is when haruhi aired (17th when strictly speaking since it’s on late at night)

He makes other interesting points and he made other posts about the Loop eps but I’m too lazy to translate but if you can read Japanese maybe you’ll feel better about the Endless Eight after you read it.


About the Number 14 (2 weeks)



Kyon does his monologue at 11:46, 14minutes away from 12. 14 minutes away from resetting.

Times when the deja vu feeling was strong

Times when the deja vu feeling was weak

He says how the “14th” time is the peak with the “serious” feeling during the ep like the 15513th time was when it was +14.

Finally, his post on his thoughts about the End of Endless Eight


Talks about the whole thing about how it’s Kyo Ani is doing it and how people would just stop watching if it wasn’t them or if it wasn’t Haruhi.



Sees SEE8hIID upon typing in the calculator. Hiid means temple in mongolian.

『∞の寺院を見ろ』/ Look at Temple ∞  → 出雲國神仏霊場/ Look at izumonokuni shinbutsu reijou出雲國神仏霊場


I don’t know… this blogger is so hard to understand… lol. Like the entry about the bowling scores was all right until he started talking about something else besides the bowling scores. Then I was like what the hell is he talking about/ how did it lead to whatever the hell he is talking about . Ugh…  not fun to read after the bowling score stuff. 挫折決定!


Scripts for the eps – he didn’t do like 1 or 2 of the endless eight eps but I dont’ blame him lol.

This blogowner wrote the dialogue up too..


Pictures of the actual places


The 8th LOOP


When I heard 15532, I thought of rearranging it. So I figured out that 1+5+2 & 5+3 equal 8. So there are two 8’s. 88, and if you topple the first one over it turns into ∞8 which is Endless Eight.






Left column is EIGHT

Right column is ENDLESS


About the ending and just why they got out of the loop.

comment on the entry:

>You could say Kyon spontaneously participated in Haruhi’s plan (the summer activities).
My interpretation is the opposite. “Kyon and the other members did an event that has no relation to Haruhi” and so “That made Haruhi come over”. I think that’s the reason for the escape from the loop.





Endless Eight is like the past events like solitude island syndrome, baseball,etc where they have to keep Haruhi happy/enjoying herself. So to keep her from getting bored they keep up with her whims plus whatever the hell she wants. But sooner or later that turns into her getting bored because everything’s going her way.
That’s why, when they go off to do someting minus Haruhi (a new stimulus), haruhi is allured by that and she makes it so she joins in. So that new experience gets rid of her boredom. To put it in other words a girl who got sick of pushing around the guy she likes, re-affirms her love towrads that guy who the guy suddenly leaves her alone. (it says souchi/leave alone play, as in like foreplay).

If they did it only 3 times they couldn’t have done something like this (8th time). it would be off. Because they did it 8 times, they can do it like this. The fewer times they do it, the lighter it has to be. Yep, it would be off.

but at least, from what we got about haruhi’s thoughts from this ep (8th loop), realization has something to do with the sitatuion of the sos brigade live alive & day of sagitarious



even though she has the power to make what she wishes into reality… she only used her powers to loop the last 2 weeks of summer.
homework study group is out of haruhi’s thoughts so that was a new experience for her and that led to the end of the loop.

I couldn’t quite grasp what wasn’t done that haruhi wanted to do  which led to the continuation of the loop.

I think Haruhi doesn’t really think deeply about the summer experience. but doesn’t that mean it’s that much more fresh.
Haruhi was avoiding _- i n middle school.

Like her introduction and going out with those guys and how she always said i don’t have time to date normal people. That’s what she thought. so she probably didn’t have fun to the full extent. that’s exactly why friends, bon odori, fireworks,etc is actually the first time for her.

Haruhi realized that the world was whatever around elementary school with the baseball thing. from what she said until then she was having with her classmates. so probably after that she came to the realization about the world. so for haruhi from elemen to highschool, she didn’t hang out with friends/have fun.

because of that though the bug catching thing is not really high-school-ish, i can accept it.

So, the last 2 weeks of summer for haruhi is a consecutive new experiences/first times. A summer vacation to spend with firneds who didn’t want before. she should’ve enjoyed it fully. so her wanting more is like ?….

but for some reason she isn’t fulfilled and summer loops. if she wishes for something, she can make it happen. but she’s not wishing for anything. she’s not fulfilled. that’s why it loops

So Koizumi’s explanation is wrong.


Kyon saying what he wanted to do made the loop end.
You could say Kyon spontaneously participated in Haruhi’s plan (the summer activities).

Huh? taking it further, you could say it’s the act of whole sos brigade is trying to finish up a goal. that sort of reaction coming from kyon… planted a seed in haruhi which connects to  the later events like the culture festival with the movie that it’s an act of trying to complete something.


After Kyon said let’s do homework, to me Nagato looked surprised. But that could just be from my feelings  as a viewer. no matter how many times i see it, nagato there looks surprised.

The cafe was fittingly heavy and strong. Because it’s the 8th time, it’s this heavy& strong.
If it finished up fast like the novel, it wouldn’t be right to do it like that.

Personally,  I think the 8th loop was done in a fitting way to end the loop.

私ですか? DVD、当然、買いますけど、何か???
Me? Of course I’m buying the dvd. Got a problem with that?
it was because kyon brought up something he wanted to do insstead of just following what haruhi wants to do.
there wasn’t anything like that besides mikuru’s goldfish save.

what’s impotrant is not the homework issue but that it was kyon that brought it up.

It’s like ordering food. Rather than what you want to eat exactly, it’s I want this/_.
That that sort of expression of intention is important.

That they did it for Nagato- for us to experience it.


ep 19



ep 19: ハルヒ、エンドレスエイトのセミ串刺しシーンはどういう演出意図だったのか
What was the intention behind the scene with the Cicada on a stick. (150×85)


The length of her legs is strange
I think it’s beyond perspect.



Rather than that, the yukata part caught my eye more. (150×85)


she’s a monster. lol (150×85)


There’s people who thought the cicada on a stick reminded him of the  [whoever wins gets to be] the leader for a day.





Aren’t they conveying thethe shortness of the life-span of a cicada. For people, 2 weeks is nothing but for cicadas those 2 weeks include reaching adulthood and getting old.  Because of Haruhi they get to repeat their lives over and over.



To end the loop would mean to kill the cicadas
the convo  from ep 12 or 13 , if you want  a takoyaki, you can have one and i wonder if cicadas are edible.

It was so deep that I


I feel like supporting it now.



Life span of a Japanese Ciacada is 7 years (2-4 weeks above gruond)
But this time isn’t it just something that reminds one of summer.


The dvd voulme names with endless eight eps.

涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱5.142857 ¥6,930
涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱5.230769 ¥6,930
涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱5.285714 ¥6,930
涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱5.428571 ¥6,930
涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱5.571428 ¥6,930
涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱5.714285 ¥6,930
涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱5.999999 ¥4,830







They’re Dial (daiyaru) numbers which is when the number is multipled the order of the numbers are kept intact and cycles.



This blog took a bunch of screencaps for all the loop eps.. The comic at the bottom is expressing the some of the viewers’ feelings. It’s from Slam Dunk. “Endless End isn’t ending. I can’t take it anymore.”

For the one for that goesup to the last loop click here

Honestly some of these blogs say interesting stuff but I don’t have the time to translate it all (some of it is hard like I would have to choose the words carefully otherwise it sounds really… “weak/forced” – hard to explain) so if you can read Japanese or if you’re studying Japanese do check out the blogs if you want more insight on endless eight cause I didn’t put everything in the post.Also some of it I summarized or skipped parts in translation. rikai-chan it out 🙂 one of my goals isn’t to becaome a translator… because it’s a pain in the ass and translating will not help improve my english or my japanese.


ep 19: About the comparison between the loop and the poker



random one: mad scary lol at first.

By all means actually watching the endless eight arc is really boring for obvious reasons and the amount of japanese you can learn from the episodes decrease dramatically or maybe not since there’s plenty of repetition lol. but I find reading the anaalyzation fascinating and I realize that the ppl who made the episodes did lots of thought into it…. but the episodes are still boring. but at the same time I’m irritated at the brainless bitching at this so…

I’m sure there’s more japanese blogs or 2-ch posts about other stuff they noticed and if you know them link them to me! lol. Oh and if you click on the stuff that I linked throughout you can also read the comments people left on this respective entries… some people left comments about their observations with the episode.