Monthly Archives: November 2012


Okay so I wrote in a previous entry that mioka = namida no liter or the other way around.

and… it really is. I was curious and youtubed it and just watched parts of it and it was SO SIMILAR… the doctor scenes, the scenery, any scene actually lol. they’re not trying to hide it. it’s more like they’re trying to copy it or maybe any jdrama with this sort of setup will always end up this way with the execution.  涙頂戴ドラマ。 闘病

but lately I noticed a scene that they put in  both dramas as well as in grey’s anatomy. care to guess? it’s episode 10 for mioka and ifeel like it was episode 10 for namida as well…. i didn’t research this but i just remember that it was episode 10? but if is it’s like WHY. they gotta make stuff more and more obvious lol.  EDIT: actually for mioka i never saw the scene, i just saw the previous episode summary and they included that scene so maybe it was episode 9?

I almost didn’t even see the new season of grey’s anatomy because of the whole melodramatic/unrealistic finale that was the GUNMAN finale as well as the PLANE crash finale. that show makes me laugh so much sometimes.

I personally prefer the way the scene was written/executed/handled in the grey’s anatomy episode. I don’t know what episode it is exactly for grey’s but it’s the episodes before she got the prosthetic leg obviously. btw i’v egotta check out the ep with the amputaiton. actually not that i think about it, the situation is rather different in grey’s anatomy.

here’s the scene in grey’s anatomy in gif/text format. lol thx to tumblr

First i’m just gonna rant about mioka. so 1 liter of namida has its fairshare of unrealistic/forced hijinx but mioka is probably worse with that. Granted I only saw random scenes from 3 different episodes. but from what i can tell the guy/LOVE INTEREST is living with her? in her room? unless it’s her brother? but I don’t think so from the way she talks to him and the way he monologues about her. but if he is living with her, that doesn’t make any sense???????? I really like yoshitaka yuriko since she has an interesting personality and she’s good at acting and she’s pretty but this drama is shit lol.  I can definitely say 1 liter of tears music/ost > mioka ost. I like tanihara shousuke over fujiki naoki? because tanihara shousuke is just good at playing those roles and he’s good at acting. BUT all his scenes that I saw from the clips just reminded me of the namida doctor scenes.or maybe  all the doctor scenes with dramas that have this cheesy set-up just have to end up that way. so it can’t be helped? it’s like okay the scene where he says the disease has progressed to the next stage. i would advise that now she stays at the hospital for monitoring or i’m afraid it’s going to get more and more difficult for her to___ etc etc. maybe that’s just how it is. there’s a limit to the variety of dialogue/scenes that can be done in dramas with this setting. i have yet to see a drama that is good that has the premise that these 2 dramas have… as far as I can tell…. OH ALSO there was a movie. the song that goes with the movie is awesome. it’s called ashita ga kuru nara by JUJU. howver, the movie sucks balls. i don’t have to see it to know that it sucks. for one, the female lead cannot act. the title is like the bride/wife/spouse who only has 6 months to live. i wonder if it’s cancer??? whocares. it ain’t real. but it’s actually based on a real story. but i’m sure it’s been mellowed and dramatized to the max for your viewing pleasure but not mine lol.

SO I’M NOT sure if it’s fair for me to compare that scene in mioka vs namida vs ggrey’s anatomy just because the situation is so different. like for grey’s anatomy, arizona’s not going to die (unless the writers want to kill her to make callie commit suicide since so many people around her died lol) while the other girls in these jdramas will die because of their disease (indirectly but nonetheless it is the cause…). so arizona can overcome it or whatever but for namida/mioka… they can’t replace their brain/brain cells.

I just hate how in the scenes, both of them had it so the male love interest or whoever finds her in the situation and it’s a scene for the sake of omg poor thing…. how embarrassing/ disease is progressing so they can’t even go to the bathroom in time. they basically st up the worst possible situation since their hot, good -looking interest discovers the in the situation. i don’t know which execution i hate more… for namida ishe says dont’ come in a very angry/stern way because SHE realy doesn’t want him to come.  she’s just embarrassed and shamed and the guy i think didn’t go in go in to the room but he saw what happened through the door. then aya’s mom came in and helped her out and she was like go away to him obviously. and then for mioka, from what i can tell from that episode summary snippet they show in the beginning of episodes, she says don’t come but he comes anyway or he didn’t but he saw it anyway (PS how do they set up the fake pee so it’s like that… you know it’s a realistic puddle lol. OKAY I’m more curious about the leg erasing in grey’s anatomy as far as SFX is concerned) and then yoshitaka yuriko’s character mioka (weird name btw imo) says to him in a very yoshitaka yuriko-way? “I didn’t make it” or I thought i could make it…. something along those lines. the way she said it was sorta unexpected… she didn’t say it in a way where she sounds really angry or super ashamed like in namida. she just said it in a sad way

but obviously of the three, grey’s anatomy is the execution that is the least cringy to watch and it seems the least unrealistic and least convenient.

喝を入れたくて反省文的なことを書きます。認めます  (したた) 

喝を入れたくて反省文的なことを書きます。認めます  (したた)
I remember browswing the AJATT blog a couple years ago. One thing that stood out to me was that I came across entries he wrote in Japanese as well as entries he wrote in english and then he wrote the japanese trnaslation/equivalent next to random english words/phrases/concepts  or the other way around (I thought it was really cool that he knew all these words in japanese that he knows what to translate/say his free-flowing english it to in japanese… it was really specific english vocab— just random nouns– that i don’t use at all so just that right there was enough but he also knew how to say it or directly translate it to japanese. i found it impressive. don’t know abt you.)
so recently I went on his blog again because he put up a new entry and i wanted to find this entry that he wrote in japanese… in a way or maybe it goes without saying “in a way” that that’s his way of
proving/showing how much japanes he has learned with his method and whatnot. I read it now, and i’m still impressed with his writing. some of it is a little sabui or donbiki さぶい・ドン引き just because that’s what it sounds like to me.

EVEN taking his usage of pre-war kanji or kanji that is never used ie (the OTHER kanji for shimau. i only knew of 仕舞う since i’ve only seen that in the henkan and i’m using GOOGLE IME for god’s sakes) into consideration, I still find it impressive. personally, my japanese output is not that good imo. i’ve had people say to me, you seem so fluent in japanese by some japanese leraner lang-8 and obviously it’s only because they’re not as far as long as i am. i am hardly fluent and i don’t findmyself 100% satisifed with my japanese writing and i don’t feel as comfortable writing in ajpanese as in english and it takes longer to write (taking out henkan… just the time it takes for me think up stuff and how to word it or deciding which thing is the best)

the reason i’m so impressed is… i feel like what he wrote… i’m just assuming here … is unedited/uncorrected, just written by him and as far as i cantell, i don’t see any errors and i won’t even bother to check to see if the kanji usd to write the words that are never written in kanji are correct bc i know it’s correct without checking. he just has no reason to show-off or make his japanese seem better than it is. his japanese is what it is. i was looking at his entry in 2008 and i don’t remember if he started leraning japanese i n2004 or 2005 or 2006, i don’t remember the year and i don’t feel like browsing his site to find out but considering it’s a few yeras… it’s very impressive.

so reading it made me feel like i’ve been too lazy? brainwashed?  it’s a different type of motivation compared to my initial motivation of starting out in japanese which was half irritance/maybe jealousy of i can do that shit better and faster than you (check out the ABOUT ME page if you wanna know). rather than, omg he can write japanese this well, i can totally write just as well as he does or even better (he learned japanese fast so it’s like there’s no point in that either lol. my japaese was mad shitty at the 1.5 yyear mark especially output)…. i just feel disappointed in myself, losing to technology like the other idiots in this generation. im’ not pissed that my japanese writing is crapper than his, i accept it. that makes complete sense. it’s like those people that only come into contact with x language only in class and can’t speak/understand it. i’m just like wHAT ELSE DO YOU EXPECT.

what i’m saying i could be so much better at writing and understanding than the level i am at now.   but unforutnately this past year has  been a mess as far as efficiency and producation or whatever is concenered because of that damn iphone. BTW I think the way you position arms to use the iphone is not good for your health especially with prolonged periods AND ESPECIALLY the looking down pose.. LOOK UP DUDE LOL.   I know that i could be as good as him, or better or whatever if i was more focused and less distracted by stupid crap. by improving my writinng, i mean inputting like crazy. by inputting lke crazy, i mean enjoy the input …. that’s the only you can input for significant amounts of time.

by  losers in this generation losing to technology i mean people who only do facebook on their phone or computer or whatever or listen to rap or music really loud in their earbud – damaging their hearing to deafness and beyond, pissing eveyrone off, giving people unnecessary stress, subjecting people to noise that does not be subjected, play games on ipad/phone all day (especially people who do not turn the volume off). it’s one thing if you’re pissing away your time and potentital doing nothing with tecnolgo y but if you’re also going to bother other people  around you while you’re doing it, that’s just bs. that’s an exemplary example of failing at life in my opinion. especially people who do not care or are not EVEN AWARE (WTF DUDE. maybe it’s bc i’m asian but that shit really pisses me off). that’s copmlete bullshit. i hate people like that.  it’s another reason why eveyrone has every right to call americans or college students or black people or whoever lazy and that there’s no reason for illiteracy or monolingualism just because lots of poeple have lots of time that is being PISSED AWAY.  I’m not gonna go on to say my speech on how i feel so superior bc i spent my time with japanese/korean immersion and i got better with understanding etc… it’s just no matter how i look at it… time waste is time waste.

I always looked down on those people because they are frankly losers. some of those people are of course college students that i’ve seen/encountered since igo to college which is very expensive by the way.

technoology has gotten in the way of my studying of japanese. not even studying, just doing stuff in japanese because i’m at the advanced level. for example, my reading of japanese books has substantially  decreased compared to the previous years. it has to be attributed to the iphone.  because i just look up stuff/sites and read it on the iphone and bam my hours are gone. maybe half the stuff i read is japanese and half is in english . I just read whatever’s interesting but i just feel like i’m losing to technology.  i just don’t think it’s efficient . like yes, i can copy and paste the sentence i want but it takes all these clicks (jabs? what do you call this) to get to that area where i can paste it so i can acess it on the ocmputer later and sometimes it takes a while for that to load or wahtever. basically, a computer is more efficient for obvious reasons. and also just reading on that thing is just tiring and BAD for your EYES .  it’s just so easy to piss away time with smartphones with all them apps. I’m so glad KHATZ did this thing before smartphones became prevalent for some reason.  honestly, im’ just writing this as another reminder to myself DON’T BECOME LIKE THOSE PEOPLE. DON’T BEA LOSER (as in loser and as in losing).  i remind myself or think about it all the time but i can’t seem to stop this time wasting habit.

what the iphone is benenficial for, for me is the photo option because i can take pictures of stuff i want to look up later to add to my srs. so what i sorta wish is I never got a iphone and just got a really useful camera so i can take pictures of crap i want to look up that’s in japanese.  so what I’m saying I’m PRETTY SURE my japanese time was probaly better without the iphone just because i have mp3 player, my japanese books, the computer. but then again, the computer can distract me as well.  Idon’t know… tsk tsk. i’m just writing this for myself so ican stop pissing away time like them other losers. i don’t wanna be a LOSER!


Firstly, a Japanese phrase that stood out to me a couple months ago…
次のナンバー・ワンを見つけてもらうしかないです! (from gingham check MUSIC VIDEO by AKB48)
When I heard it I thought I would never output that in Japanese because of the morau part. I know what it means and I know what nuance it imparts on the sentence as opposed to if she just said 次のナンバー・ワンを見つけるしかないです!
Now that i think about it the first one sounds more natural but I don’t know if it’s because i know that’s what she used or i just really do feel that way.
So Japan is known for blogs. I believe they’re number 1 with the number of blogs.
Most of them are boring, whether the person is famous or not. the entries are like 3 sentences max and it’s about food or some mundane crap. I mean it’s not surprising that blogs are mundane since it’s like a diary. i guess if you read japanese blogs nonstop you’ll have no problem speaking boring japanese about boring everyday mundane crap…. you still gotta learn that but i wouldn’t learn it like that.
So in this entry I’m going to recommend some interesting blogs that I came across on the interwebs as well as interesting incidents involving blogs. As for the boring blogs, you don’t need anyone’s help to find that. People say oh i’m leraning japanese i guess reading blogs would be helpful since it’s every day language and blahblah but the problem is some of their boring, they tend to be short, they lack vocabulary, it’s just the same boring sentences about everyday life situations over and over (but obviously you do want to learn this and you mimic to the point where you’re not mimicking but it’s just ingrained in you so in that way i guess it’s good but it’s such a boring way lol. I think you’re better off with talk/variety shows). I just notice on blogs written in english tend to be written well… or at least in an interesting manner with all the works but most japanese blogs do not have that going on whatsoever.
So first I’ll mention all the interesting incidents involving blogs that I remember off my head right now. NEXT I will recommend blogs in japanese that I ACTUALLY find interesting ( it’s like a miracle)
One of the plans on the show shuukan AKB which means weekly AKB was for sashihara to update her blog a lot to show that she cares about her fan and she’s like “頑張ってる”. So the first time they did it, she updated 100 times in one day and then the second time they did it, she updated the blog 200 times.  I think she only used her cellphone to write her blog. actually that is probably the reason why blogs are so popular in japanese because anyone can write from their phone. it’s also another reason why keitai shousetsu exist. I remember seeing them mention keitai shousetsu (clelphone novels) on the tv in america and I was like oh that sounds so cool. At that time I didn’t know japanese and I just assumed the people writing the keitai shousetsu were smart for some reason. I think it’s just because japan is known for high math/science scores or whatever on an international level . I’m always curious how it is among china/japan/korea since we obssessed with education. ANYWAYS now-a-days I know about Japan and it doesn’t faze me at all and I know that japan is like any country there are dumb people and smart people. and let me just say probably all or majority of the keitai shousetsi authors are not very smart nor very good writers nor are they good at japanese/japanes grammar but maybe they are smart since they made money $$… hell some of them even led to jdramas and jmovies  (though I do not know of any that are actually good. I actualyly watched one of them which was tenshi no koi starring sasaki  nozomi who i like because she’s pretty but she can’t act AND tanihara shousuke whos’ like awesome with the acting. the movie was sorta entertaining, terrible in many ways and of course it had way too many plots going on… it’s almost like who can actually act that out… it’s too much crap going on) . BTW the amazon reviews on keitai shousetsu are rather hilarious so check that out INSTEAD OF cellphone novels! some are sarcastic, some are really ,mean, they’re just awesome.
Anyways since japansese blogs are like 3 sentences per entry, it wasnt that terribly difficult for sashi … if it was for an english blog that’s impossible because usually those are at least a couple paragraphs per entry.  So she just spent the 24 hours searching for blog entry topics and taking pictures with her phone etc etc
so they were saying beause of her hardwork with updating the blog maybe she won over fans and got their votes for the akb election. I was like eh… recently i was so disappointed with kasai so disappointed yet it’s so akb-like. the ichiman setsuyaku seikatsu crap with ougon densetsu . btw one of the people that was on that show committed suicide. i could tell when she wasn’t on that show that she wasn’t very mentally strong. the scene was like omg what if kasuga is spying on me. it’s like wtf? everyone was like rolling her eyes at her with that scene. omg maybe rolling your eyes at someone is sorta similar to the word donbiki in japanese. eh similar, not equivalent.
but there have been hilarious incidents because of blogs. by hilarious I mostly mean ブログ炎上。 i wonder if the word was created because of the english interenet phrase flaming or they just came to that wording themselves.
Hilarious incidents ” 
a lot of the geinin/idols especially etc have blogs but sometimes they don’t but the people who are watching the TV still want to flame so…… here’s  an example
gekidan hitori ( love him and his name is mad strange) put a k-on doll/figure in his mouth for laughs on TV. but…. the k-on fans were pissssssssssed so they wanted to flame him on his blog but he doesn’t have one. so what they did was flame his wife’s blog lol… who is oozawa akane (she’s learning korean.. .they both love kpop btw)
Debu fujin:  speaking of ijime I loved what koriki said about it…
First of, I was shocked by that bullying story in ootushi town. I headed over to her blog because it was ranked on …. she wrote about it and I loved what she wrote. It was engaging to read just because she expressed everything I felt but can’t express bc my japaense isn’t as good as hers… it’s like a catharsis that she gives me. what she wrote is so true and we all feel angry and sad. glad to know thre’s people that care. what the issue was that she put up the photos of the people involved  and their real names.
KY incident. ky means kuuki yomenai and kamiji yuusuke’s initials are KY and he had this whole incident with holding event and having people faint from heat exhaustion and how the stuff really f-ed up.   people probably flamed his blog lol . but anyways the reason he surged on the internet was because his apology over that incident on his blog was crappy. people criticized his apology. BTW some shit/scandal ALWAYS happens in geinoukai and the good that comes out it is that us japanese learners can learn some keigo …. the formal japaense they use while they apologize. after a while it’s like omg they saying the same shit for apologizing, i don’t think they mean it lol….  after you hear a bunch of apologies they all sound sorta the same since they all speak formally… there is variety with apologies but i don’t think there’s that many lol.
I remember feeling sad that this happened at this event because he seems like such a nice, good-natured guy. Just reading people’s apologizes after something horrible happens make me feel sad.
AKB48’s Miyazawa Sae’s blog. Well I didn’t know she had a blog but I went to check if she had one once i found that she’s going to shanghai.  so at these kind of times i’m glad blogs are popular in japan just because i can find out from the person themselves. so I was able to read her thoughts about going shanghai…. and it’s so meaningful bc i know it’s from her directly.  also i think maeda atsuko apologized about the butt incident on her blog and i think she closed her blog.
BEFORE I was thinking, i was never going to find interesting japanese blogs bc they’re so boring. but i’ve found some interesting ones! YAY!! < – intersting stuff, gotta read all of it one of these days
 also there’s more links on the side of my blog.
And apparently these blogs are interesting. I haven’t had tie to take a deeper look.  < – so people were saying that it’s so funny that her blog is so interesting. so she’s a mangaka so she includes pictures . I haven’t chcked it out yet just bc time restraints

北川 景子’s blog I was hmmm i don’t know if iwas surprised by her blog or not. i know in some interview she mentioned authors she really liked so i know she likes to read and i know she goes to or went to college.  her blog is just written properly instead of those blogs with 3 senences and picture of food. not only are those boring, but there’s way too many of those. i don’t think those are blogs going by MY definition of blogs that are written in english.  she writes in pretty/refined/proper japanese as far as i can tell which is more interesting to read than これを食べたよ~~ (insert ugly emoji lol). I’ve gotta check out her blog to see if

her blog became a topic on the internet because she writes so refined unlike usual blogs that are shit . lol.  no seriously, it sounds like somebody wrote it after they got out of japanese 101 but it’s actually a japanese person… there’s just no vocabulary and just not enough to make a paragraph. i understand you can do whatever you want with your blog, that you can write short or long but there’s just so many shit blogs that are written in japanese so i’m just annoyed at that. yeah they’re writing for free or for themselves but why it gotta be so boring.


wow this vid awakened the fujoshi in me. lol. love both these bands. this is hilarious. I love how in the beginning he’s smiling as he sings 10cm’s song… like you could tell that they’re really close or friendly. i feel like the “choregraphy” was spontaneous.

i watched it 10 times so far. i hope to reach 1000 by the end of the year lol. so addictive. also it’s alove song and i haven’t looked at the lyrics to see if it also makes sense with them singing together but that’s also another reason why they’re doing this lol.  I wish there was a higher quality video for obvious reasons but i’m just glad i was able to even see it  since it was taken by a fan at one of their conerts or lives or whatever. should i download it in case the video gets removed? lol.

KOREAN-wise I LOVE THE WAY he says musuhwuh-yo since korean people never say it like that in speech nor sing it like that in song. it’s the opposite intonation or something. little things like that really pleases me. p.s. if you can’t tell the difference then you should  listen to more korean. AKATT all the way!

10cm reminds me of warai conbi ie fruits punch, hannya (I do not find their shit funny whatsoever), shizuru ( I mean these were the ones that were popular like 2 or 3 years ago ? lol…) . i don’t know if there’s 3 members or 2 memebers but it looks like 2. and basically only one of them gets all the attention and the other doens’t. when i think of 10 cm , i think of the lead singer. i don’t even think about the otehr guy that’s always next to him lol.


COPY PASTE of tumblr entry
<br /><br /><br />
jenzby:</p><br /><br />
<p>dare yori mo koishii</p><br /><br />
<p>god japanese is beautiful</p><br /><br />
<p>«&lt; 141 reblogs. that is DISGUSTING and DESPICABLE. weeaboo on parade<br /><br /><br />
I don’t know why it pisses me off when when I saw this comment saying “god japanese is beautiful”. maybe it’s because  they’re not very far along in the language or they’re just saying it even though whatever japanese they’re raving as beautiful isn’t special. I mean everyone has the right to find whatever they like as beautiful or whatever but I feel like this person doesn’t know much japanese, goes crazy over this cheesy line from an anime or a drama and that goes on to say “god japanese is beautiful” which sounds so dramatic and forced and i’m pretty sure the person doesn’t mean it or if they actually mean it  then they’ll realize how dumb they look for saying that in the future when they do get good at japanese or when they counter MORE japanese. but I feel like people who write/say this crap won’t get good at japanese. It just screams and weeaboo and weeaboo fail at life. This kind of crap just screams weaboo. it almost sounds like they imply that english is not special by saying that.<br /><br /><br />
there are times I’m like wow japanese sounds so beautiful or it can be so beautiful. It wasn’t the time when I started learning japanese and learned the sentence aishiteru or zutto soba ni iru or boku wa gakusei desu or some chessy line in some crappy anime. FOR ME to say wow Japanesse is beautiful I would have to come across some well -written or some japanese stands out from the norm and THERE is SHITTY japanese or UGLY japanese because now-a-days there’s all this crap about the young generation of japanese people not using good japanese or that japanese has incoroporated way too much english or how some incorrect japanese is being used or people can’t use keigo or how their vocabulary has gone down. There are jpanaese people who are really good at using japanese but some peoeple are just a mess.   but examples of such INSTANCES where i came across japanese to the point where I went OMG would be<br /><br /><br />
a phenomenal Japanese author who just works that magic. I read a sentence from the book by that author i would just be floored how somebody could form such a sentence that is brilliant. this is because I’ve ALSO read books by Japanese authors who  write poorly or write in a way that is very boring or write in such a way that it does not make me want to read on… and to find an author who not only writes in a way that makes me want to keep reading but also makes beautiful sentences or combinatoins of sounds or words or whatever that is beautiful that’s when  I feel like saying oh japanese can be so beautiful.  I love Literary Japanese sometimes (written japanese in books)… some authors can really really write beautiful japanese.I think wow I could never come up with that but I sure enjoyed reading it. lol.<br /><br /><br />
another example is old Japanese like while I was watching JIN with my japanese subtitles.<br /><br /><br />
I will say THOUGH that i have yet to come across a japnese poem that makes me awed to the point of saying wow japanese is so beautiful because I don’t like reading poems so of course I haven’t found one.<br /><br /><br />
SO THAT is why I think this person is being a DRAMA QUEEN and is acting weeaboo. more like these people who reblogged this. Just irritated at people who don’t know Japanese just going gaga over it …..  or maybe I hate it because this is stereotypical, predictable weeaboo behavior. and sometimes I need surprise, not nastiness like this.<br /><br /><br />


dare yori mo koishii

god japanese is beautiful

«< 141 reblogs. that is DISGUSTING and DESPICABLE. weeaboo on parade

I don’t know why it pisses me off when when I saw this comment saying “god japanese is beautiful”. maybe it’s because  they’re not very far along in the language or they’re just saying it even though whatever japanese they’re raving as beautiful isn’t special. I mean everyone has the right to find whatever they like as beautiful or whatever but I feel like this person doesn’t know much japanese, goes crazy over this cheesy line from an anime or a drama and that goes on to say “god japanese is beautiful” which sounds so dramatic and forced and i’m pretty sure the person doesn’t mean it or if they actually mean it  then they’ll realize how dumb they look for saying that in the future when they do get good at japanese or when they encounter MORE japanese. but I feel like people who write/say this crap won’t get good at japanese EVER. It just screams and weeaboo and weeaboo fail at life. This kind of crap just screams weaboo. it almost sounds like they imply that english is not special by saying that.

there are times I’m like wow japanese sounds so beautiful or it can be so beautiful. It wasn’t the time when I started learning japanese and learned the sentence aishiteru or zutto soba ni iru or boku wa gakusei desu or some chessy line in some crappy anime. FOR ME to say wow Japanesse is beautiful I would have to come across some well -written or some japanese stands out from the norm and THERE is SHITTY japanese or UGLY japanese because now-a-days there’s all this crap about the young generation of japanese people not using good japanese or that japanese has incoroporated way too much english or how some incorrect japanese is being used or people can’t use keigo or how their vocabulary has gone down. There are jpanaese people who are really good at using japanese but some peoeple are just a mess.   but examples of such INSTANCES where i came across japanese to the point where I went OMG would be

a phenomenal Japanese author who just works that magic. I read a sentence from the book by that author i would just be floored how somebody could form such a sentence that is brilliant. this is because I’ve ALSO read books by Japanese authors who  write poorly or write in a way that is very boring or write in such a way that it does not make me want to read on… and to find an author who not only writes in a way that makes me want to keep reading but also makes beautiful sentences or combinatoins of sounds or words or whatever that is beautiful that’s when  I feel like saying oh japanese can be so beautiful.  I love Literary Japanese sometimes (written japanese in books)… some authors can really really write beautiful japanese.I think wow I could never come up with that but I sure enjoyed reading it. lol.

another example is old Japanese like while I was watching JIN with my japanese subtitles.

I will say THOUGH that i have yet to come across a japnese poem that makes me awed to the point of saying wow japanese is so beautiful because I don’t like reading poems so of course I haven’t found one.

SO THAT is why I think this person is being a DRAMA QUEEN and is acting weeaboo. more like these people who reblogged this. Just irritated at people who don’t know Japanese just going gaga over it ….. or maybe I hate it because this is stereotypical, predictable weeaboo behavior. and sometimes I need surprise, not nastiness like this.

(出典: marilynnmirai)


anyways I wanted to mention the book that I was talking about in my little flame. It was もののたはむれby  松浦 寿輝. This person’s writing is hard to describe but I mean that in a good way. Like I said in my tumblr entry, I’ll reiterate I don’t think I’ll ever write like this person. this person just brilliant and has this talent. It’s just very fascinating to see how people their own individuality and someone can write sentences that I cant never write even if you give me a couple years lol.

(omg he’s so goooooood at talking/telling stories….  i loled when he said 俺が空手の黒帯だとして 俺の前で+瓦2枚割られて もきつい )

I’ve read books with beautiful written Japanese as well so it’s not just limited to this author or this book but the writing in this one stood out to me. literature or literary japanese, whatever the correct term, definitely offers a lot as far as beautiful or interesting Japanese is concerned. as much as i love my japanese talk/variety shows, it doesn’t give me what a well-written can give me, and at the same time te book can’t give me what the talk/variety show gives so I enjoy both of them!  I was glad to find out that Japanese people felt the same way  . FOR ME to say any language is beautiful, beyond the superficial “oh it sounds pretty” or when you say that language sounds angry or like the person is always constipated, it has to be THAT good. for me rather than saying __ language is beautiful, it’s more like oh i heard/read this sentence or string of words or phrase in this language and the sentence is so brilliant and beautiful, it made me realize how beautiful this language can be (like I never really thought of it…).  so perhaps my perception/way of thinking of whta makes me say x language is beautiful is one of the reasons why this tumblr entry/people who blogged/weeaboos piss me off. I don’t want to say I’m not easily pleased or I don’t get excited much. I will say that hollywood movies ie movie previews do not excite me. I don’t feel like I want to watch it. lol.

(omg ariyoshi’s so good at acting. this was SO SAD and depressing AND hilarious.)

those feelings completely numbed out and disappeared once I got my japanese immersion on and now I get all excited over japanese/korean people/media/pop culture. my excitement of the quruli album release ( this album ended up being shit though lol) was greater than anyyyyyyy hollywood movie preview I saw that year. another reason is, i feel like people who engage in this kind of crap just will never get good at japanese… they’re too busy weeabooing out…. it’s just. only way to get good at japanese is if you stop being a weeaboo, un-weaaboo yourself lol. if you always think japanese is so special and better than english, that actually sorta puts a wall or a barrier between you and japanese as much as you’d like to think that by doing that you’re respecting japanese even though you’re totally raping japanese when you say words like sempai and kawii in public  or on the inernet relentlessly for no reason except to be as japanese as possibarrr. By all means, ajatt works, and it’s better if you’re obsessed with anime/manga than to not give a shit about any japanese stuff, but just the weeaboos are just so loser-y and fail at life.

OMG THIs IS ONE of the reasons I love JApanese talk/variety and wish korean talk/variety could be more like japnaes talk/variety.  this is one of the things that geinin do on shows like ame talk and this show where they make a really dead/apathetic expression with their face. it’s so subtle but relaly funny and effective. i really hateeeeeeee the boisterous nature o fkorean/talkvariety .