Tag Archives: learning languages


87qv1v.md.pngHere’s my advice on how to use lang-8. You could say my views are pessimistic but I think they’re realistic and recognizing and accepting reality is necessary.

If you notice on my lang-8 my writing has improved a lot and on one of my entries this Japanese person had said you know I can’t say that your writing is wrong or right because you have your own writing style. Of course within that entry there were legitimate mistakes or parts where there was a more natural way to express something but there definitely were parts that supported what this person had said. ONE OBSERVATION that you can make is that lang-8 did not improve my writing. I did not religiously force myself to write entries into lang-8 every week or every month. there are some long stretches of blanks on lang-8 and i can tell you that i never EVER EVER EVER ANKIED anything i wrote on lang-8 whether it’s my writing or someone else’s correction of my writing.

i hate people who shit on input-based methods especially when they arrogantly criticize it based on their TINY AMOUNT OF INPUT. i phrase it this way because people don’t seem to understand A LOT OF INPUT. I AM Speaking from experience feeling frustrated being stuck at the intermediate or advanced plateau where i did spend a lot of time in japanese but I still had not passed this elusive “threshold”. also i had my personal circumstances that prevented me from spending time doing things i wanted to do including things in japanese.  it took me longer to reach this elusive threshold point. or maybe it was the mcd format that really made an impact. That was something that organically transpired from me finally coming to terms with my wasting time on anki whether it’s making cards or doing them because the shit was not working.

Of course ultimately you have to write a lot if you want to improve at writing so you can’t just rely on input but input is still a part of outputting.


<- midorikawa-san on anime giga. he voiced xingke on code geass and zelgadiss in slayers

so my advice for using lang-8 to improve your Japanese is to use lang-8 for it is. You can write something and gauge how correct or natural your Japanese is. Don’t try to memorize the corrections or add the corrections to anki. Why does anyone think that sounds like a good plan? It is a site where people correct your Japanese… depending on the individual’s level it could be anywhere from fixing minor mistakes to making something unintelligible into something intelligible. PLEASE do not waste YOUR TIME and other people’s time writing unintelligible giberish or bs shit like watashi ha honyara desu. nihongo wobenkyou siteimasu. anime ga suki desu. If you write about something boring and generic no one will want to read it. IF no one ends up correcting your entry you really can’t blame them. IF you can’t understand anything don’t bother outputting. You’re just better off inputting if you’re those people writing unintelligible entries. Once you can output decently, find something you want to write about passionately and write about it. I submit entries to lang-8 sporadically but when I do it’s usually about a topic that I want to write about. It’s nice to see my old lang-8 entries and to see how good or bad my Japanese is. Sometimes I’m surprised I used a certain word or some obscure grammar thing I was into at the time due to the influence of JIN or something else.
What I attribute to my improved writing at lang-8 is a lot of input and output (talking to myself, writing) NOT trying to memorize lang-8 corrections by heart or word for word. input a lot, output a lot

87qMf5.md.jpgANOTHER tip is DO NOT USE THE DICTINOARY TO LOOK UP WORDS while you write. one reason is lang-8 is kind of a record of how much you grew so if you go out of your way to look up all these fancy words that you didn’t know then and you don’t know now to make your entry seem better than what your actual skills are it kinda defeats the purpose. plus it’s really obvious when people do that or use the thesaurus for thier native language. don’t have the motivation to show0off or whatever because you’re wasting time that could be put towards input. it’s a just poor use of your time.

I can understand looking up a word or two to write in your lang-8 (if a word is really 87qo0z.md.jpgnecessary or if it’s on the tip of your tongue) but do not waste your time looking up countless words because you wont’ remember them. also i consider  5 years olds to be fluent in whatever language they speak natively because they’ve spent 5 unadulterated years with their language so even if their vocab isn’t huge they know how to use what they know really well like grammar or gion and manipulate the language with ease. you should be practicing what you know and try to maximize the possibilities. it’s not just about the number of words you know.

I loved what steve kaufman wrote in his latest blog entry. It’s kinda related to what I wrote about the futility in trying to consciously memorize corrections.

Also here is shokotan talking about someone that she likes a lot!

The first time I saw this I loled at Jackie’s delayed reaction. now that i think about it, shokotan should’ve paused more for the translator~ as you can see she has no trouble going on and on when it comes to complimenting someone she likes a lot.

How I learn Korean with Anki

I touched upon this on this previous post but i wanted to break it down. I’m pleased with the streamlined process. There’s some info I have to share beforehand which is that I usually don’t take more than 3 seconds with each card and only one format works for me and I know this from my experience with learning Japanese (It’s just my personality and I can’t get myself to read each card thoroughly and slowly… as soon as the answer pops in my head I press the space bar and give my answer). If you take more than 5 seconds with each anki card you should really reevaluate what you’re doing. As amazing as Anki is with the spaced repetition, if you use it wrong you are wasting your time and in the worse case scenario you’re deluded into thinking that you’re kicking ass in x language when you are wasting time.

(yes it says 3.9 secs but I’m still converting the format over for old cards that are still the traditional format of word in front and definition in front. I think that’s why my answering time is longer than it is because like I said it’s in my personality to press that space bar ASAP)

Another thing I have to mention is that I am only able to do this mcd format because of my current level of familiarity of Korean and my current korean vocabulary. I had mentioned in that previous post that I recently started this format because I finally reached a point where I passed this vocab level/korean familarity threshold where I am actually able to engage with the MCD card format and doing those cards are virtually effortless. Well more like really easy. AND another thing I HATE IT when people write stuff off without thinking about the possibilities!! in a previous post I mentioned how people think TV is a waste of time blahblah blh but that i disagreed because ultimately it came down to the TV show because there are really well-written, well-produced shows with words I gotta look up words in the dictionary if I want to understand them in their entirety. Anki gets a bad rep too because people don’t realize the possibilities like the different formats of cards you could set up in anki. for me this format has been soooo good for my Japanese and now my Korean. Of course I am using anki properly as in supplementing my learning from Native Media as opposed to putting all my time and energy into anki. There is an ideal ratio of how much time you spend with anki vs your language and my personal belief is that in the beginning you should especially spend more time with the language and native media etc rather than anki. For Korean, in the beginning when I added cards in the traditional format of word or sentence in front and definition in back I could tell from doing the reviews that this shit wasn’t happening because anki does not replace actually spending time with the language. also I think in the beginning certain words are just easier to remember than others just because certain words are that much more common and useful and it’s overwhelming in the beginning with all the Kango. So even though I was adding these cards and knew I wasn’t actually retaining most of it I still did the anki reviews but I didn’t take it seriously. I would half-ass it and put as little effort into it as possible and I would mark GOOD instead of AGAIN when I had no f’in idea what the answer was because I knew there was no point drilling this in anki till i “know” it because that shit will not happen. ANd now in 2016 I get to convert those cards into mcd format and actually learn them and actually engage with anki.

I was going to leave the deck I originally shared on anki and then share my mcd format deck but anki just ended up over-writing the original deck so… that’s unfortunate.

SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO here is an example of the streamlined anki process!!

step 1) Watch a korean tv show that I will actually enjoy and gain something from. It’s truly amazing all the different information and stories I hear from watching korean tv and japanese tv that i would never get from american tv and vice versa. it’s enriching and I love it.

SO I found out about this episode of As I say from googline unprertty rapstar in google news because i LOVE unpretty rapstar season 1


(this site actually has english subs but i don’t use them because that’s just counterintuitive for me at my level)

this episode features CHEETAH who was a fierce and talented rapper from unpretty rapstar season 1 . sometimes I torrent the episode of the tv show but for this particular show there’s no torrent for it. I enjoyed listening to alllll the guests in the episode in the end ! Another show i REcently did was 이몽사몽 episode where the girl was saying that her mom was a video game addict. I wanted to watch this episode because it sounded mad interesting.

step 2) I use my iphone and search for unknown words in my korean-japansee dictinoary while watching the show. I IGNORE any words that plop on the screen that are not words that came out people’s mouths like sound effects or describing crap. Sometimes I do get tempted to look up and add background korean text IF it looks like it’ll be really easy to remember like no bacchim. Usually they “sub” the dialogue so I can usually look up the word. If I find the correct definition i copy it and paste it into my notepad in my iphone. so while I do this I usually rewind the show 15 seconds using the left arrow (whether it’s the .mp4 playing or this website) or I just let the show play and rewind back to the spot after I’m doing looking up the word.

step 3) email that sucker to myself

부종 (浮腫)

[명사][한의학] 浮腫ふしゅ; むくみ

単語 (1件)

0. 滑すべるようにまわるさま: くるくる.
기로 (岐路)

[명사]岐路きろ; 分わかれ道みち; 境

노발대발 (怒發大發)


自分じぶんのことをうまく処理しょりしていくこと; よくめんどうをみて世話せわすること.
집안일을 잘 건사하다

연민 (憐憫·憐愍)



フリガナ T T
• 大おおぜいがどっと上あげる叫さけび; 大おおぜいのわめき.

노동 (勞動)



[형용사]どろどろである; べとべとし

돈독이 오르다
金かねに夢中むちゅうになる; 金かねにがりがりとする


0. (거역) 逆さからう
이 정도 고통까지 느껴보면 여자는 자연의 섭리를 거스르고 있는 것이 아닌가 싶으며 털에게 항복하고 싶어져요


ㅉㅉ / 쯧쯧 :


ホーム > ネット > チャット用語、絵文字 > ツツ
—————————- 単語 ————————————

—————————- 類義語 ———————————— —————————- 対義語———————————— —————————- 俗語———————————— —————————- 雅語———————————— —————————- 類義語 ———————————— —————————- 反意語 ————————————



——————————— 写真の配置 なし ——————————-
ㅉㅉ = 쯧쯧 / 쯔쯔 = 相手がかわいそうだと感じた時、

복지 (福祉)


잇속 (利―)

[명사]実利じつり; 打算ださん.




0. (셈을) 計算する; 勘定する.
0. (시비·까닭) 詰る; 問い詰める; (問い)ただす

単語 (1件)

0. 図体の大きいものが大ぜいで, 一時に
図体の大きいものが大ぜいで, 一時に急ぎ走りだすか追いかけてくるさま: わあっと; どかどかと; わんさと; どやどやと.

무속 (巫俗)

[명사]巫俗; 巫女の風俗.



フリガナ T T
명사, 감탄사
• [유아어] 幼児に便をさせる時に使う言葉: うんこ

골방 (―房)



[명사][미술] 抽象画.



フリガナ T T
• (主に‘눈여겨’の形で) 注意深く見る.
눈여겨 살피다
注意深くうかがう 재생

step 4) format the shit out of that in notepad using html and also adding the tag and using control + h to mass delete crap. and of course I delete any words that I don’t think are worth adding whether it’s too easy or useless etc.


(浮腫) 浮腫ふしゅ; むくみ :부종

滑すべるようにまわるさま- くるくる. :팽그르르

分わかれ道みち; 境기로 (岐路) 岐路きろ:기로

(怒發大發) かんかんになって怒おこること :노발대발

自分じぶんのことをうまく処理しょりしていくこと; よくめんどうをみて世話せわすること.: 집안일을 잘


(憐憫·憐愍) 憐憫[憐愍](れんびん). :연민 최서윤

(―聲) 大おおぜいがどっと上あげる叫さけび; 大おおぜいのわめき. :아우성

(勞動) : 노동 労働 최서윤

どろどろである; べとべとし :질척하다
돈독이 ___르다

金かねに夢中むちゅうになる; 金かねにがりがりとする :돈독이 오르다


자연의 섭리를 거스르고 :거스르다

이 정도 고통까지 느껴보면 여자는 자연의 섭리를 거스르고 있는 것이 아닌가 싶으며 털에게 항복하고 싶어져요
너___레를 떨다

お喋りをする : 너스레를 떨다
tzu x2




(福祉)福祉ふくし :복지

(利―)実利じつり; 打算ださん. :잇속

歯並はならび :잇속

計算する; 勘定する. :따지다

図体の大きいものが大ぜいで, 一時に急ぎ走りだすか追いかけてくるさま:わあっと; どかどかと; わんさと; どやどやと. :우르르

(巫俗)巫俗; 巫女の風俗. :무속

幼児に便をさせる時に使う言葉:うんこ :응가

(―房)(居間などについている)小部屋. :골방

抽象画. :추상화

(主に‘눈여겨’の形で) 注意深く見る.:눈여기다

actually ___스르다


자연의 섭리를 거스르고 :거스르다

이 정도 고통까지 느껴보면 여자는 자연의 섭리를 거스르고 있는 것이 아닌가 싶으며 털에게 항복하고 싶어져요 this is from a question onchiebukuro where i asked someone to transcribe a line from something tangu- show and so it’s tagged wrong t… point is importing cards into anki KICKS ASS.

one of the reasons this format works so well for me is that i am very familiar with Japanese so reading in Japanese is automatic as it is with english but i think it’s moreso with Japanese due to the Kanji and visual aspect of the written language.

step 5) import into anki

step 6) effortless anking 😀 🙂

as far as i know this is the most efficient way to go on about it and I got over 20 cards from this episode. I love living in 2016 with all these technology and time-saving tools.

by the way the oldest card in my korean anki deck is from 2012 01 22 which means I’ve been neglecting this anki deck for like 5 years before i truly started to engage with it~~ also I had started learning korean in 2011 summer but did manual srs because I knew the words i would learn would be common and useful and not worth anking and so my deck does not start from beginner/easy af. I loved how I had the clarity to know that that was the right way to go. it’s just not worth anking in the beginning of language learning imo except for like remembering the kanji.

btw generating anki cards for Japanese is even more effortless and efficient due to rikai-sama~~

here are more interesting talk/variety shows where people talk about interesting stuff!!! i don’t watch kdramas because  i hate the way talk…  i like the way real people talk . k-wave is super helpful to korean content consumers since they upload on youtube

omg they added k-subs to the ancient strong heart eps! there’s 12 languages including japanese. wtff i wish i had it in 2012

helpful! i love the emotionless characteristic of the narrator’s voice

Korean {as it is}

Here are the first three episodes and transcripts of a very amusing Korean TV show called 남녀탐구생활. The Best translation I could come up with is “an investigation into the lives of men and women” but if anyone can suggest a better one then do let me know it.

Thanks to friends from Lang-8 for writing these for me.

Import them into LingQ and get studying.

Episode 1 – Blind Dating

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