Monthly Archives: April 2013

SONG LYRICS. Japanese <3



ぼやけた頭揺らして雲が切れる 胸の中

頬杖をつく ため息

歯ぎしり の繰り返し
後戻りはもうできない ああ

(ちょっとした間奏) ☃


ああ 運命のトランプ 切り直した 二人は目を閉じて


ああ軋む 疑心暗鬼の夜
赤い ともしびが恋の行方を照らし

no japaneseto learn from here because i already know all the words but i added gishinanki in mcd-format to anki. but… glad i got all the lyrics down !

便乗 してもらいます

便乗 ( I still remember first hearing this word on nobuta wo produce! go my memory! :)) びんじょうーfor those who haven’t read/heard it and assumed it’s benjou. it aint no benza 😀

so before I read this post

A timely reminder

I was actually trying to write about that in the iron leaguer entry as short or long the post is currently depending on your perspective. just because it’s such a big deal at least to me or the me 3-4 years ago or even 5 years ago. i could’ve never imagined achieving this level in Japanese. I could get a billion people on lang-8 saying oh you’re japanese rocks or whatever but it’s nothing compared to exceptional comprehension of real real japanese (by exceptional i mean with ease and all that. right now i don’t have ease lol butttttttt it’s still comprehension which still says a lot).

the reason I didn’t finish writing that was because i didn’t want to deal with the sound like an ass vs. saying something that’s just plain true and warranted (writing stuff carefully so i  don’t come off like an ass is laborious andannnnnnoying… it just takes mad effort to polish your entry so that your ideas come across the way you want it to be taken). and then her post reminded me of the post i was gonna do.

and truth be told reading japanese novels aren’t that hard as far as reading it to follow what’s going on/comprehend/etc (if you’re talking about being to read all the kanji that’s another story. if you’re talkig about 90% comprehension, that’s another story) i don’t know what % you need to underatnd/enjoy/folow the story but it’s definitely less than 90%.  sure your enjoyment and your comprehension of the story (as far as understanding the characters and the depth or whatever like the nuances) will be greatly incresad with greater % of comprehension. enjoying literary japanese is different than undersatnding enough to get by and follow the story.

i’m not saying that’s what she’s doing because obviously she’s highlighting and looking up stuff.
I just wrote that to encourage the reading of japanese books. it’s really not a big deal.  let’s get over it, k. i don’t get those people that wait  5 years to finally readtheir japanes books after doing those boring ass decks on srs that would make anyone want to committ suicide ?  i just really do not undersatnd those people. i really feel think that once they read the book or many books they’ll realize they wasted all this time on really inorganic flashcard crap or whatever other bullshit. I only waited 2 years (2 years into studying japanes) ONLY ONLY because i didn’t know that there was a japanese bookstore near me.  it’s not even waiting because i didn’t even know about the existance of the accesibility of japanese books. they got books with furigana and no not all of them suck balls. like any media, you gotta find the ones that grab you/appeal to you. no duh. there are jidou books that are well-written/well-crafted enough that even adults can enjoy them and that also means that it’ll probably also be very enjoyable for japanese readers.  i just really hate the stigma of japanese = impossible. kanji = impossible, nobodys got the billion hrs needed to leran howto read/write them.

so on to the gloating and the oh yeas and the go me! lol.

i feel like i’m allowed to say all that because I did put effort into learning japanese. there was a beginning stage where I was like omg how am i gonna hear the difference between long/short vowels/i cannot hear kango words for my life/ everyone talks too fast/ how the hell does anyone understand japanese news etc etc. I did the AJATT (not to the full extreme) so i did have a lot of fun learning too and i was blessed with my circumstances for the amount of time i could use on doing something in japanese.  I remember trying to learn from anime in the beginning in the stages and it was just so hard because i cannot CATCH what they’re syaing so i cannot LOOK UP anything or i look up everything it sounds like which may or may not work which means it’s a waste of time… it’s not even like all the aniem i liked at the time has japanese subs. i didn’t even know about korean subs on clubbox. do you prefer seeing japanesetv shows/movies… watching it in japanese while you’re fluent in japanese or watching it with english  subs while you’re fluent in english. everyone is gonna say the former.
it’s just not the same. I want to just say again yeah that’s true. i experienced first hand. i just really understood that even more when  iwatched iron leaguer. just recently, i rewatched this snl clip of jae bum park /jay park where he covers that rihanna eminem song and this time around i clicked on the one with the english subs. i was reading the subs because i wanted to see if i really understood the song last time when i read the korean l yrics ( i looked up a few things at that time) and the translation doesn’t do justice

first things right off the bat was 눈빛 was just neglected/ignored in the translation. not sure if there’s away to incorporate that into the translation but like you know it makes me sad cause the person is missing out if they only know english and these are the subs that they have .
i really really really really understood iron leaguer and enjoyed it that much mroe because of my ability to enjoy it in the language it wa smade in (I noticed stuff afterwards that i didn’t understand which was all the katakana lol which somebody was educating me on on tumbrlr – it’s like katakana crap that google translate/yaho dic doesn’t know…) . because I’m not fluent there are times where i can’t catch what they say or i have to rewind to be like hey did i iss anything they said or i wasn’t sure if i catched all the syllables (I’m not used to watching anime.. and japanese is just so syllable heavy) I’m not fluent so  i did put in effort to look up words or expressions they used that i’m not that familiar with or i’ve heard it before but for some reason i’m not sure if i’m getting it so i look it up again to see if there’s another meaning or nuance or refresh myself whatever.  I did hvae to re-listen, or ask japanese people hey what did they say ( and actually some of the times the stuff they say is actually easy/common/basic japanese… I just couldn’t catch what they were saying!!!! that frustrates the crap out of me! lol but it doesn’t change the fact it didn’t sound like to me the 10 times itried to catch it. it’s not like  i have trouble following/undersatnding japanese in general because i kickass with understanding/watching talk/variety. it’s just i guess i’m not used to anime.  ). and then if what htey transcribed doesn’t make sense then i ask wtf does that mean. sometimes the sports lingo is just … wow impossible to catch…. how can you catch words that you don’t know. sometimes you can, sometimes it’s just impossible.  I went through every episode after i watched them because i love the show so much and it’s so enjoyable and it does have re-watch value and i really want to know every single line from the show. i didn’t re-watch the episode or anything. what i do is, i use the korean subs that are translated to japanese (to help with my heraing) and use that  (the video is 4:3 so i can make the subs vertical and have it not cover any part of the video) and as i watched if there’s parts where i want to re-listen/did not understand/etc etc i write down the line so later on i can just go through the lines i wrote down. now, i don’t copy the whole line.. i just copy the bare minimum necessary to find the line in the .srt file later on by writing down unique combination of hiragana/kanji that’s in the line.  i don’t thikn i have to give an example. it’s just logic. you copy the part of the line that is the most unique as in least likely to be in another line. So what I do may or may not work for people who don’t read japanese as fast as i do. this personally works for me because i’ve gotten much faster with reading japanese. done this i would say i got like 99% of the lines or really near 100% from THE 52 EPISODES because there were a couple lines where even japanese are like this is hard to catch or i think they said this. it is 52 episodes so it’s probably 99%. Honestly undersatnding anime 70% or 80% really is not big a deal imo at least with the curent standdards  i set for myself.

but anyways my goal is fluency as in fluent undrestanding (you know watch a show and follow it and enjoy it, get all the nuances… effortlessly). as in not what i did iron leaguer which was a little bit laborious but it’s so worth it because i love the show. I learned a lot of japanes 🙂 just because it’s kids show doesn’t mean there isn’t any japanese to learn from it. they don’t hold back anything japanese wise just because it’s for children. anime japanese is real japanese. i mean if you’re watching chi cat neighbor anime that everyon ekeeps recommending even though it looks boring as f*** then there literally might be nothing to learn from it.

What I attribute to being able to reach  a leevel where i can figure out what they say if i do re-wind it and relisten to it a couple times or be able to catch what they say and look it up or only catch a part of what they say and still be able to look it up….. is definitely experience. an esential part of improving one’s japanese is the grammar, the vocab, the expressions, the kotowaza, and not really the yojijukugo (why the hell are people doing the yojijukugo deck, it’s not like you’re even gonna recognize ti when somebody says it. that’s what mcds are for but… come on why the f  u learnin that from a deck). to improve all that, you gotta READ A LOT, LOOKing UP STUF- being proactive about it. being passive is just wasting YOUR TIME ( not necessarily looking up anything and everything but you know enough to help you make more connections/notice more stuff, and improving your understanding, getting used to japanese that much more), listen to a lot of japanese ( i mean active as in like a tv show that I enjoy watching). you just need a lot of exposure  and context to learn all the words and the verbs and whatnot. with books you also exposed to more vocab because books are just like that. there’s also the literary japanese component to books which i absolutely enjoy. i love reading well-written stuff.

anyways i’m not sure how much waiting  the 1 or 2 years till i watch iron leaguer helped but i’m sure it helped because i probably did learn a lot of words/grammar. i make it sound like i study or something with the previous sentence which is not true. i just do stuff in japanese that i enjoy doing and look up stuff and addd worthy things anki.

I put the percentage estimate before with the 99% or whatever because i realllllly am paranoid that being passive is just ineffective. like in my intermediate stage with dramanote and j-dramas. i was at a point where i undersatnd 70% or something and the other 30% is a combination of cannot catch what they (one reason might be because they talk too fast or too much kango)/i do not know the word/ my japanese is not good enough to infer meaning (whether it’s a word i don’t know or a word they make up on the show or wordplay or whatever) or follow it (at that tempo). I just felt like if i just keep watching j-dramas with my 70%~~~ undersatnding without putting in any effort i’m never gonna reach that point where it’s 99% comprehension. i felt like i was gonna be at 70% forever
(at least if i kept watching it raw. if i kept watching with japanese subs then maybe it’s a different story). so i didn’t do that. iput in effort to learn words and look up stuff… and it wasn’t just limited to dramas because i enjoy other mediums from japan.   i think a lot of people misunderstand ajatt that if you just watch a billion hours of jdrama you’ll eventually undersatnd it 100% but that’s not what ajatt is. watching a lot if part of it but you still GOTTA be active about it and look up stuff. I LOVE how people just summarize and explain how i feel so well on forums.

i think it comes down to personal prefernce as well as what you’re watching (how much you like it. the quality etc etc) and what resources you have available to figure out/comprehend/ this puzzle or caccophony of sounds you can’t decipher as well as much how much you want to undersatnd as well as how much of it you want to undersatnd (they could be blogs or the ghetto japanese subs from clubbox, or maybe even japanese subs, english subs are shit  usually lol… well it depends).
i personally have a very strong feeling towards one side. one of the reasons is my fears that if i don’t figure out all of it or almost all of it, i’m not gaining much from ths. i really do’t think you learn much watching let’s 100 eps of a j-drama if you don’t put in any effort going through lines or learning vocab/grammar/kotowaza/whatever that may come out from dialogue and situations that occur. i feel like you’d gain more watching 3 eps , going through every line (well not every line… you should be at a level where you undersatnd 50% of the dialogue or the story or something so you’re not looking up everything) then  watching 100 eps without doing any looking up. that’s my thing ESPECIALLY for myself and from my past experiences with korean i firmly feel that way.

this thought is also permeating into my englihs, i get more worked up over words i don’t know or can’t catch in english or maybe it’s because i’m used to waching things with subs. but nonethelss, maybe i should try to stop caring so i dont’ get worked up lol. but seriously, i dont remember having all these with hearing words i don’t know and whatnot when i only used/knew enlgish but maybe it was because i didn’t relaly think about it . or maybe the level of the stuff was sorta consistant for the most par t enlgish wise on the tv shows (BUT there’s exceptions ie PSYCH. check out my entry on that tell me you knew all the words and references… well just the words). or another thing i wsa thinkingwas as of now in my private time i don’t listen to much english because i watch japanese shows and korean/japanese music, sometimes korean shows, i stil do watch america nstuff like celebrity apprentice is mad fun right now (OMAROSSSSSSA! KUROYANAGI SANNNNNN lol. god tongue referenc here.. daiji or ooji.. what’s his face. maji uta<3).. so my listening ksill might have weakened as far as spontaneous listening without subs lol??? i don’t knows. like when people spurt random crap ,i ‘m not as good on my feet. ex. youtube video of the 911 prediction on rugrats. weird examaple  i know. it’s not that i cna’t catch it .. i just feel more nervous i won’t be able to????? because i’m just all english all the time??/ just that comfort level is just not there or i’m just more conscious of itttttt…….. having soemthing that i nevr really gave thoguht to is now overcoming me lol. another thing is eyk. eat your kimchi. martina keeps using quirky, random words and that throws me off and i sometimes didn’t catch what she said and then rewind. i remember the weird kids in my elementary years that would say weird shit or weird words like martina and i had no problem catching what they’re saying ijust thought stop saying weird shit. not to say i don’t like martina for saying random stuff or anything negative like that… that’s just what i pulled from memory bank….  you know, stuff reminds you of other stuff

so the iron leaguer success just makes me feel like i’m getting closer to fluency. I feel like being able to watch and understand anime effortlessly 99% or whatever the percetange becomes once you take out the lines that even japanese can’t catch (sometimes it happens, but not often) is deifnitely one of the signs of fluency. by anime i don’t mean the shit that’s being madee right now where everything looks loli/eroge/very… soulless. I mean quality, well-written anime with the quality voice-acting and whatnot. i wouldn’t say near-fluent because i know what fluency is so i’m gonna sugar-coat or overexaggerate anything.

omg wtf

so I was dling my music off clubbos and i see this ad

so first of all i think the girls in the ad girl look mad unnatural . i think they look scary, not pretty. i actually hate how the plastic surgery is making people’s faces look the same. there’s no …. indivduality?  are the two girls in the ad two different people or the same person with different hairstyles? that right tells you this is a problem lol.

i think the ad is ridiculous. they’re like EYE RHINO FULL FACE FAT . GET 3 PLACES DONE AT ONCE.

so onethe bottom like any ad they put in all the risks.

side effects (?? the word for side effect in japanese means other stuff too.. so what would you translate it to? or are these considered side effects. i feel like there’s a better word) includes inflammation, nerve damage,bleeding

the good news : i recognized all the kango! yays! lol

oh and i personally like the ads where they hvae comparison photos, much more than this lol. this ad is just creepy and like i said are they 2 diff people or NOT.  is this literally a legitimate place? i don’t care enough to search for it.

How to sound more like a Japanese native

tanoshingo totally disappeared ~no surprise!

These are actually ALSO reasons why i feel like my japanese won’t ever be sounding japanese native level fluent (production) which is A realistic statement. It’ll definitely take time especially since I don’t live there. I’ve said in the past that m goal is not producing but inputting  bc I enjoy japanese media/ entertainment so much or rather theres so much of it… no seriously, there’s no end to it lol.

there’s more reasons but these are the ones that are in my head right now. the numbers are not rankings. i actually hate people who make ranking posts like best/top whatever of the year or ever or whatever. it just pisses me off.
Gion like no tomorrow
擬音 模擬店
ぎおん・ もぎてん
so in japanese, in korean they use mad gion. in english, we have it but we don’t use it that much. let’s say you wanted to say he’s really hair down there. you don’t say けぶかい. i mean you can it’s just there’s also ボボやんけ if you speak kansai-ben.

ワサっとなって I heard somebody use it in the talk/variety show and i couldn’t figure out from the sentnce what it meant. the geinin was describing a girl in a dress and a gust of wind passed or something and then he said that phrase about something. i was like wtf. and then i read the deifniton and then i was like i gots it. i don’t know if it’s because i’m bad at inferencing but i couldn’t figure it out. even if i figure it out or i’m really sure, i stilll check because i’m paranoidi’m wrong. as much as i’ve ben developing my japanese language intuition.. it’s not perfect. i’m not fluent. gion off the top of my head. i tried to include common and not that common at least from my experience with my contact with japanese for the past however many years.
ぐらっとなって hint: you can and people do…  is they shorten the gion. ie guragura suru -> guratto suru
ムラムラする LOL


うつらうつらする (is this even gion?)

Miyagawa daisuke is known for his gion on suberanai hanashi. In fact one time I couldn’t follow his story bc there was so much gion lol. it was literally 80% gion 20% body movements if my memory serves me correctly. seeing as i have no experience talking to japanese people in real life i’m definitely  gonna have a harder time than the geiin around hiim who are understanding him to undersatnd. i only see japanese people tla kto each other on japanese tv.
Tips for learning gion
Obviously feel it!!! It’ll help you learn more and get used it which also means getting used to Japanese. Of course you might be feeling it in another way than the Japanese people. In fact on a show they asked foreigners what does dokidoki sound like to you etc etc. the results were quite interesting. I think you’re better off listening to japanese people say the gion rather than you reading the gion out loud  (i understand that’s not always possible if you’re reading a book or  a website or seomting). I just think that’s usually more memorable and the japanese person usually says it with the right amount of gusto and emotion (it helps you feel it ) . and you might read it like really emotionlessly or with the wrong intonation for all we know. going through a list of gion by yourself makes no sense imo. it’s just gonna be torturous to cram that into your brain or make it sound like what it means when you don’t speak japanese.
if you wanna focus on gion see if any interesting youtube videos are uploaded like the one i described.. search gion  擬音> if there’s isn’t any just do something else.

For me I look up he meaning in Japanese ( been that way for quite sometime) and try to feel it. If I don’t feel/hear it then I might feel it more on my next encounter. But I feel like if I didn’t look it up it would jus go unnoticed in my next encounter just bc I didn’t put in effort to make association with it. Sometimes I’ll feel it like something and look it up and it’s totally different!! I m just like damn I don’t get the Japanese peeps. Like I’m not on the same wavelength. Hence a reason why itll help one sojnd more like a japense native. Once u get a bunc of gion down I really can appreciate and enjoy japanese story telling like in talk variet shows and books more. Gion just make it more fun. It adds spice and flavor and all that.

CHILDREN, JAPANESE CHILDREN OWN ME when it comes to gion. they just know all of them and really feels them and really really knows the nuances and everything. No surprise since they only know japanese and it’s been continuious for the past 4 years (I think 4 years olds  and up really know their gion… or am i being to ogenerous)  not sure if they still own me, but i’ve gotten better and learned more over the years with japanese tv and books and songs and anything that’s japanese.

I remember when I first heard that song MARU MARU MORI MORI. i knew like half the gion and the ones i didn’t know i had no idea what they meant. there was some furitsuke (choreography) to sorta help me out and remember the meaning. but let me just say the children undersatnd that song 100% but I don’t because of the gion wall. there just was gion in there i did’t know. some of them i do know it but i feel like i don’t know it or feel it as much as the kids who are fluent in japanese…. i feel like i’m not fully feeling it lolz. but i know that that feeling dissipate as i hear it being used more and more in context and whatnot… especially funny context.

マル・マル・モリ・モリ みんな食べるよ

+ example if you don’t know what maru maru mori mori means you probably will think oh they’re eating something called maru maru mori omri. what kind of dish is that? lol.
ツル・ツル・テカ・テカ 明日も晴れるかな~?
ダバデュア ダバジャバ

+ does this thing even mean anything? i think it doesn’t mean anything unless it’s some pseudo-gion ( as in it doesn’t really exist as a gion or a word or anything but people who are in fluent japanese will just feel something from the sounds of the words)  thing i’m supposed to feel.  perhaps i should watch the music video or performance and figure out if this phrase holds any type of meaning or feel. lolz.  it’s such a cute and fun song.


ダバデュア ダバジャバ デュア

大きくなったらお空に 声が届くかな~?
いつまででも いいっしょだよ~
マル・マル・モリ・モリ みんな食べるよ
ツル・ツル・テカ・テカ 明日も晴れるかな~?

悲しくて泣いていた 一人歩く帰り道
こんなとき ほんわかな?

マル・マル・モリ・モリ おまじないだよ
ツル・ツル・テカ・テカ にっこり笑顔
12の34で ごま塩さん

マル・マル・モリ・モリ ぷかぷかお風呂
ツル・ツル・ピカ・ピカ ゴシゴシブラシ
みなさんグッナイ また明日

ダバデュア ダバジャバ


ダバデュア ダバジャバ デュア

大人になっても 虹色の夢を描こうね~
ゆびきりして テレリンコ~

お星様 きれいだね
手をつないで 願い事
たとえ遠くにいても 心は一つだよ~

マル・マル・モリ・モリ 幸せ元気
テク・テク・トコ・トコ 前に進むよ~
+++for these gion i’ve heard of it, i know the meaning but i haen’t seen it used as much as other gion so i’m not completely feeling it i feel lolz.

マル・マル・モリ・モリ 大きくなるよ
ドキ・ドキ・ワク・ワク ドアを開けるよ~

みなさんしっかり また明日


マル・マル・モリ・モリ さぁ 歌いましょ
ツル・ツル・テカ・テカ にっこり笑顔

12の34で ごま塩さん

マル・マル・モリ・モリ ぷかぷかお風呂
ツル・ツル・ピカ・ピカ ゴシゴシブラシ

みなさんグッナイ また明日
朝ごはんは なんでしょね~?
いつもいつも ありがとう~

ダバデュア ダバジャバデュビドゥバ
ダバデュア ダバジュバ デュア~


++ I think the thing with this song is, some of the gion in the song is better learned somewhere else than in the context of the phrase in this song (the song expects you feel it… it’s not trying to teach you gion) . i feel like you’re just better off leraning it from another context and then see it being used in this song rather than the other way. like this song is for people who are fluent in gion lol like children.

THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST REASONS why i’ll never i’m fluent in japanese… cause kids own me when it comes to gion lol. i’ve improved a lot as in ilearned a lot but i still feel like i’m not fully feeling it and some of the gion i feel like i’ve grown to reall yfeel it but some of them i don’t think so. there’s still probably gion out there that i haven’t heard yet that the kids know about and use and feel. so…  it’s definitely a lot easier to feel if you only know japanese and that’s your native language. I hope to reach the children’s levels someday!!! lol.

this is also the reason why korean children own my ass in korean lol. By children i mean 4 or older! seriously, they mad good OBVIOUSLY. formekorean gion is harder to remember (for saying it…maybe not so much for recognizing it when it’s used) because korean is 3d with the song and putting the letters together.  I obviously feel japanese gion way more than korean gion since my japanese is so much bettttttttttttter. the recent korean gion or maybe it’s just an adjective that i learned recently was

[부사·하다형 자동사](酒·眠りに)酔って正体なくなったさま:ぐでんぐでん(に);ふらふらに;へべれけ(に)。
【예】곤드레만드레 취하다.  【訳】 ぐでんぐでんに酔う;酔っ払う;酔いつぶれる。
Looks like it’s not a gion from the purple text. but anyways at first i thought it was a grammar thing ( you never know). it was actually used EXACTLY like the dictionary example sentence. it was in song too lol. immortal song!   to be honest, i’m not feeling it lol. it doesn’t sound like what it means.  of the japanese defintions, i’m not familiar with guden guden… I haven’t come across/heard it yet. wonder when i’ll hear it next.

2)  Use ano and eeto properly.
Difference bt Japanese ppl  Here
it and foreigners or foreigners trying really hard to sound japanese even though they don’t know much beyond 101 and hazily at that.
Japanese person blahblahblah ano (1 sec wait) blahblahblah (10 sec)

Foreigner: watashi wa anooooo (10 second wait) hima de ano ( 5 second wait ) tai?? Taikutsu dess…
Japanese ppl use ano and pause really briefly and then continue shooting out japanese. thats just how it is whether it’s talk variety/kisha kaiken , actors/actresses being interviewed at the butai aisatsu, models selling their photobook, etc,etc)….. Japanese learners use ano for uhh sounding japanese?? Of course the difference in duration is inevitable since the naive speaker is much more familiar with japanese and exposed to it and actually uses it or only knows japanese. It’s just very irritating with the japanese learners. I want to shout at them go input nobody gives a shit Abt the crap you’re talking Abt that’s riddles with anos that are followed by 10 sec pauses . actually don’t they also just use eeto and ano just WAY TOO MUCH. i undersatnd that they’re japanese ain’t that good then i say go f’in input instead of making this dumb video on youtube. So ones goal is definitely to use ano like a pro… The Japanese peeps. They just use the ano briefly to collect thought or choose a word and move the f On. The only way to do that is to get good at producing/speaking in japanese so your pause is brief if you do take a pause. of course everyone does that like um…
i mentioned this in a previous post but a really USEFUL grammar thing thati didn’t see in tae kim but picked up like that ** snaps* wihtou looking up anything was KKE. 何だっけ なんと呼ぶんだっけ あたしだっけ お前だったけ。持ってたっけ. now that  i think about it i don’t see people using kke that much. I just happen to see it when i started watching japanese talk/variety shows (when i had trouble looking stuff up because i didn’t do rtk/don’t know many words/kanji. knew basic grammar and japaense song vocab/kanji… hell i didn’t know what uwaki meant or how you read 浮気) . this is really useful and i would recommend japanese learners to use this. obvoiusly don’t abuse the crap out of it but obviously this is gonna be used a lot by japanese learners. if you don’t know what kke means look it up. i’m not tellig. it’s just too obvious.


■嫌われる話し方2: 必要のない言葉を挟む


if you can’t understand it, go use rikai-chan!  hell rikai-chan tells you abot the conjguation too.

just think about it logically if somebody say um and ah like every 2 seconds while they talked, wouldn’t that piss you off regardless of whether or not they’re fluent in english or learning english. it’s just annoying.

3) Keigo
But for the love god do not say desu toka!!!

Uh not all japanese can . I think it’s viewed that functioning members of society can and should and u should start getting it down in middle school. I suck at keigoooo but I don’t need to know since I don’t live there

i already posted something on keigo so if oyu want read about that. and i was wondering does card writing, message writing ie in a letter .. just formal messages in general go under the umbrella of keigo. or do people take something like as a model and modify for their own use??? because i can’t tell…. to the point where i would be able to produce it and be 100% it’s correct. i  love formal japanese mesasges. it sounds so nice and elegant and you don’t hear that in daily conversation, daily etc . it’s one of the aspects of japanese i really appreciate

examples are like those celebs that twitted or released a message about the 3.15?3.17? earthquake tsunami thing.  those apologizes after you cheat on your wife and you happen to be famous (I still don’t give why they give a shit about this in japan.  i’m so americans)

EXAMPLE from my deck



hirano aya thing (‘i’m not a big fan of her .. just noticed the fancy japanesa when it came up on some news site)


example apology letter:

またお申し出の際に対応させていただいた弊社係員の態度に何かご無礼のありました段、重ねて謹んでお詫び申し上げます。 破損した商品は直ちに回収させていただき代替品を出荷いたしましたので、 宜しくお願いいたします。

I don’t think i’ll ever be able to produce these kind of sentences. people can really write/make these sentences! omgs.  stuff that makes me go ugh i dun gets it is like itadaki vs. itadaite .I nver the diff (I get how each sounds) and i don’t know if it makes difference or not in the contxt of these kind of formal writing. o naku ni narareru makes me go wtf. in the sense i would never produce that. i have no problem undersatnding it itself and the nuance of making it less direct and sticking the o on whatever. and for ご冥福をお祈り申しあげます . you could defiitely remember this word for word if you heard enough people commenting whether it’s verbally or via formal writing about the earthquake or any other tragedy.  if this goes in the realm of fluency i dont’ think i’ll ever get there lolz.

also do not say o yari ni naru or o yari ni narareru (this is probably even worse) yaru = rude, have sex, give something to a dog, etc you can not turn it into keigo no matter how hard youtry. soi was thinking one day hey is that correct japanese? because you know just b.c. they say it on japaens tv doesn’t ea nit’s correct. so i look it up and people are like no it’s wrong. it’s nasaru thta should be used. i thought in that moment WOW  it is wrong and i’m so sure i heard it from somewhere. it was funny becaus ethe chiebukuro answerers were like pssh tv is shit with the dumb talents or geinin or whoever that don’t speak keigo correctly or don’t use correct japanese….. apparently there’s certain pharses/etc etc that’s just wrong incorrect japanese used by people on tv and some people are just apalled. so recently i heard somebody say o yari ni naru on japanese tv. when i was googling o yari ni naru at the time I was pretty sure i heard it from ueda from shabekuri. and whaddya know i heard ueda say that in the shabekuri ep i saw yesterday. it was O YARI NI NARARERU which is double face palm.  i thought ueda speaks good japanese… is that only wrong japanese he spouts? so sad 😦 I thought i could trust him. nonetheless him and the gang on shabekuri are some talented, quirky, fun people.

4) Yokuyou intonnation . I wrote Abt this a lot so go read that.
one thing that  i may or may not have mentioned before is that if i try to talk fast or realy freely sometimes my intonation gets f’ed up in the process lol. so that’s another reason i don’t feel fluent. i’m scared if i do drunk japanese talking my yokuyou will fly out the winfdow. i know it’s output, which is not my goal but i gotta compare my english to my japanese and be like hey this looks lacking.
5)  Use rareru
Morau etc etc grammar that don’t really exisT in Korean nor used the same way in English bc were damn direct in English goddamnit lol. the more you use this the better. obviousl don’t force it but if that’s what you’re supposed to use, you should be using that grammar and the onyl you can tell is by a lot of immersion. ANOTHER problem with this at least for me… is all the damn R’s. I can never pronounce the rareru as well as the japanese people (the tv peeps). It’s not even like sometimes it goes through and sometimes it don’t. it just doesn’t  lol. too much vowel. anyone know any good exercise for getting therareru down? does being able to roll your tongue help? the thrills in spanish.

6) Don’t talk like idols ie girl idols
This goes for girls and the gay guys? lol. The ones that talk with a high voice or nasal voice or just sounds really strange ie serina. They’re a a 90% chance they are using this fake forced voice to sound more cute or sell etcetc. I personally like the low/deep voice that sawajiri erika uses. I don’t undersatnd people’s fascination to sound like elementary school people/fulfilling weird fetish type wahtevers.

I CANNOT STAND HARI PURO. HLELO PROJECT wit hthe way they sing and talk. it’s so damn irritating to me. I cannot f’in stand it. i feel like yelling at them hey you sound RIDICULOUS lol.

7) Don’t say boku ne
As in dont attach ne to anything and everythimg to talk the whole way through. I’ve seen foreigner learning japanese do that. U look really dumb?? But then Again I saw some old man on jtv debating Abt politics talking like that. I found it super irritating. Plus he used mad political kango I cannot make myself care Abt nor catch by ear.

8) Dont say katakanago as it should be in English. It was so funny on this Japanese show when they american Japanese chick kept saying all the katakana in English in mid japanese sentence and no one could understand her lol.
Christmas tree with proper English pronounciation sounded like crispy to ariyoshi (or maybe it didn’t and he just wanted to tell her that it’s really hard to catch english pronounciation).
there was another japanese-maerican girldoing the same thing on ICHI HACHI. it was HLIARIOUS!! I ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND that episode. anyways she fist of all spoke mad fast… she’s on a japanese show so she’s speaking japanese but she’s speaking unnaturally fast. everyone’s just like wtf. to top it off she kept inserting katakana go since japanese has that. but the thing is she was saying it with an american/engish pronounciation so obviously NO ONE UNDERSTOOD her. it was realy funny but seriously come on….. I loved hamada’s translations lol. he’s prtending he undestood what she be sayin’. i actually understood her. i got what she was saying since her japanese isn’t super awesome and my english is probably better or around hers.


hilarious shit.

actually idon’t do this at all and it’s obvious. ijust found that tv accident to be hilaroius.
lol i found this on 2-ch matome??


377 :渡る世間は名無しばかり : 2010/05/19(水) 22:13:08.45 ID:YZiueiep
ロバート・デニーロの発音てこうだったんだ さっぱりわからなかった

378 :渡る世間は名無しばかり : 2010/05/19(水) 22:13:09.32 ID:C46sLrNl
here’s definition to abazure 人擦れして品行が悪く、厚かましい人(女性)のこと。

it’s in my deck i could never rememebr lol. its just not used that much????

oh and ichecked out like the special dvd- tokuten (howddya say that inenglish) for hanzakari no kimitachi e on youku by accident. i gotta watch the rest. this is WHY i’m so glad i started learning japanese. how else do i watch it, learn chinese? hell no… thank you chinese people for pirating as always lol. i gotta look up if there’s other tokuten stuff online for other dramas i LOVVVVVVVED

a little pondering point. somebody tell me what’s up …すられる ぬすまれる

so on this show somebody said 財布すられる. i was like what does that mean and then i found out it’s nusumareru basicaly.i was thinking what the f is the difference, just the sound of it? another thing i was thinking was it’s easier to say SU RA RERU THAN NUSUMARERU  because there’s less syllables. i noticed  that when i was listening to random japanese peoples’ conversation they talk fast  i think it’s because japanese has mad syllables so it’s like…. it gets mad long and tiring and shit after a while.. i totally get why someone would say tttsute instead oyutte or itte. it’s easier.
and moments when i don’t feel fluent. sometimes i feel like talk/variety isso easy but i always learn words from it. even if you undersatnd 99% there’s still the 1% that you don’t know but like a native got 100%. like the other day on shabekuri they used thisword i never heard of which was tochimeru and i was like … i have some instinct just by the sound AND the font that used to write tochimeru lol.first they were reading off the card what the theme for the ep was andtochimeru was there. they started talking about tochimeruing and ueda’s like i don’t really do that or something. basically they used it a bunch of times after the inital card-reading. so i was like everyone knows this word but me. i could sorta tell what it means but i just looked up to be sure.

정인 – 오르막길

live version!

I love the monthly projects by yoo jong shin and this is one of my favorites from the projects. The song grew on me alot. I liked it but now I love it. I also love the progression of the song itself. It just builds and builds. I could see how some people may not like jung-in’s voice but her voice is up my alley. It has a unique characteristic. not sure how you describe it, i would say her and chara (japanese) have some voice characteristic that they have in common or they sing in a way that’s similar? I don’t know exactly.. I’m not a music major. But
Anyways because I like the song so much I looked up the lyrics and used the + sign like before~

이제부터 웃음기 사라질거야

가파른 이 길을 좀 봐
+ 가파르다

그래 오르기 전에 미소를 기억해두자
오랫동안 못 볼 지 몰라

완만했던 우리가 지나온 길엔
【예】완만한 언덕길 【訳】なだらかな坂道。

달콤한 사랑의 향기
이제 끈적이는 땀 거칠게 내쉬는 숨이
1.[자동사] ねばつく;べとつく;ねちねちする。
【예】땀으로 손이 끈적거리다. 【訳】 汗で手がべたつく。
2.[자동사] しつこくする;しつこくねだる。

+++ 거칠-거칠
[부사](表面が)かさかさ;がさがさ;ざらざら。〔작은말〕가칠가칠 〔센말〕꺼칠꺼칠
【예】피부가 거칠거칠해지다. 【訳】皮膚ががさがさになる。
우리 유일한 대화일지 몰라

한걸음 이제 한걸음일 뿐
아득한 저 끝은 보지마
평온했던 길처럼 계속 나를 바라봐줘
그러면 견디겠어

사랑해 이 길 함께 가는 그대
굳이 고된 나를 택한 그대여
가끔 바람이 불 때만 저 먼 풍경을 바라봐
올라온 만큼 아름다운 우리 길

기억해 혹시 우리 손 놓쳐도
절대 당황하고 헤매지 마요
더 이상 오를 곳 없는
그 곳은 넓지 않아서
우린 결국엔 만나 오른다면

한걸음 이제 한걸음일 뿐
아득한 저 끝은 보지마
평온했던 길처럼 계속 나를 바라봐줘
그러면 난 견디겠어

사랑해 이 길 함께 가는 그대여
굳이 고된 나를 택한 그대여
【예】관직을 굳이 사양하다. 【訳】 官職をかたくなに辞退する。
【예】굳이 말리다. 【訳】 かたくとめる。
2.[부사] 强いて;敢えて;無理に。

++ 고되다
가끔 바람이 불 때만 저 먼 풍경을 바라봐
올라온 만큼 아름다운 우리 길

기억해 혹시 우리 손 놓쳐도

절대 당황하고 헤매지 마요
더 이상 오를 곳 없는
그 곳은 넓지 않아서

우린 결국엔 만나 크게 소리 쳐
사랑해요 저 끝까지

It’s mostly easy to undersatnd vocab wise grmmar wise  (but interpreting is another thing… so the part about the breathing and sweating… who’s conversing? lol)  and even if i didn’t look up those words i would get the main point of the song but I like undersatnding everything!!! only part i can’t figure out from google translate and dictionary is 웃음기 . my guess which may or may not be correct is 기 is either 気 or 期. I think it’s 期. i just have to ask a korean person if i’m right but i don’t feel the need to go out of my way and aska korean preson. i ‘m sure it’ll click one day i’ll be like yeah it is definitely that or oh it was completely off. if i didn’t know kanji i would be fucked here lol. 기 has like a bilion entries in the dictionary, no?’

I listen to a lot of korean indie and i rlealy love the songs but i don’t bother to look up the lyrics (I like a lot of songsss). i just have so many things that i want to do in english, jpanese, and tsuff i don’t want to do that i have to do in life… so it’s soorta rare for meto look up lyrics lol.


finally found a video of yoshiatka yurukosinging

I don’t think she sounds like jang jane when she sings. lol. that’s unfortunate??

oh i gotta check out all the version1!1 like takeyama’s here.his singing voice is so diffffffffferent from his talking voice… omg even matsuda shota’s in it.

takeyama-san!!!!!!!!!! ogi-yahagi!!! 怒りオヤジ + ゴッドタン

this is a nice song 🙂