Tag Archives: vocabulary

Vocabulary lists

Vocab lists seem so tempting because it seems so efficient sorta like premade like anki decks. Of premade decks I’ve only used the heisig one successfully which I had to modify heavily to suit my needs. It’s tempting to go math crazy and do the 20 words a day x 356 days in a year = 7120 words or some other variation but I’ve learned the hard way the futility in doing that with my experience of misusing anki while learning Japanese.

I’m just posting about this topic because I just happened to come across these blogs that are an amazing fit for me to generate the anki cards in MCD format. These bloggers are sharing what they looked up on their blogs and they’re Japanese people learning Korean so this material is quite alluring to me.


6000 intermediate

6000 advanced

So I had saved this huge ass list of the top 6,000 Korean words from a some wiki website into my evernote. i had no intention of memorizing the list. I know how it may seem appealing for some hardworking rote-memorizing people but not to me. It just makes more sense to learn these words as you encounter them since they ARE SO GODDAMN COMMON AND USEFUL. also you may think top 6,000 words are mad useful!! but trust me they most likely aren’t. you need to figure out what YOUR TOP 6,000 KOREAN WORDS ARE as in the top 6000 words that come up in the korean media you enjoy. Anyways I kept it to sorta gauge my growth in korean vocabulary. for example a lot of the words were ha? the(japanese ha) or like wuh? from 2 years ago are now i know this shit. I’ll go “wow this shit is mad useful or i’ve seen it.” or i’ll be hardpresed to find words i have never seen or heard of. never mind it was from 4 years ago! 2012! If you still suck after 4 years you should reevaluate your methods and your goals.

Speak of the devil, here’s my worst nightmare realized


In my case by the time i reached 3000 cards in anki ( i didn’t anki for the first 3 or 6 months because i do not want to waste my time learning super common/useful words… that’s just stupid) I was understanding talk variety shows anywhere from 80 to 100% (depending on the show and how much I look up.. ). it’s not about the number of cards…

BTW memorizing all the words in this 6000 word list will not enable you to watch korean dramas without subtitles ( just looking through this list and thinking of all the words that i know on this list and all the words i know that i encounter that are not on this list… by encounter I mean strictly talk/variety shows). it’s literally the tip of the iceberg (all the awesome kickass words are obviously not in this list… not to mention korea is obsessed with trends so it feels like they invent 100 news words and that of that 90% die the next year, rinse and repeat. I’m just guessing here because I don’t keep up with that since I don’t watch korean dramas or korean shows on a consistent basis. in fact I’m chasing after random eps of shows that aired a few years ago or a fewdays ago or a few months ago… even with japanese I’ve read over 120 books and recently I looked up a few words from this new book I’m reading and I’m like woah these are some cool words why didn’t I hear about them sooner. this shit is never ending but at the same time I love how there’s so many awesome words out there that i do not know about. this applies to english as well OF COURSE). there’s so much vocab to know for korean dramas (even more for the saguk dramas) since as everyone knows the characters talk so much and they always drag out the dialogue and the scenes. literally every single character in korean dramas are chatterboxes. it’s a lot of vocab. well that level is fluency… in other words watching korean dramas without subtitles. I do know people who are Korean and fluent in Korean who watch it and understand/catch everything so that is what fluency is… for comprehension in my opinion anyway. I don’t like Korean dramas anyway so this doesn’t bother me but sometimes I like gauging my Korean by watching some clip of a korean drama to see my lack of vocabulary or my full comprehension if lightening strikes. sometimes it happens.

However as much as I find anking with mcd format to be effective for learning Korean at my Korean level (vocab, grammar, hours spent on Korean, etc) I can’t bring myself to use the material on these blogs to generate anki cards. It is intriguing to sorta gauge my level or rather see how much I don’t know from scrolling through these blogs.

I’ve been mostly getting words and whatnot for my anki deck from Korean that come out of people’s mouths on Korean TV and sometimes words on the screen that aren’t said ( I usually only do this if I feel really tempted because the word seems super easy to remember if it has no bacchim or I feel that I can associate something with the sound with the bacchim whether or not it is of sino-korean origin to remember the meaning). Partly that’s due to lack of motivation because I do not want to learn useless Korean. Maybe if you’re obsessed and driven to become fluent in Korean ASAP then maybe you have the urge to look up anything and everything but looking at it in the overall scheme of things that’s not an efficient way to go on about that.

The fact that I got something from a Korean show from a Korean person’s mouth imparts that word or grammar etc so much more value versus some word list with words that people think are useful based on their experiences with the English counterpart of those words or whatever variation of this. People just express things differently on a fundamental level depending on the language.

So anyways, some of the blogs that I linked did mine real Korean from a Korean article etc etc which imparts value on the list they share. However though it raises the value of the list in my eyes I personally didn’t read that article so I have no personal connection to any of those words and therefore no conviction that those words are useful. I won’t believe it unless I actually see it being used. But also I won’t force myself to read an article just so I can easily generate anki cards. I’ll only read the article if it interests me.

This site http://uprive1.rssing.com/chan-2640801/all_p15.html reminds me of textbooks. I am tempted for a second to learn from it but then the next second I realize there’s way too much awesome kickass tv show episodes of korean talk/variety shows to be watched. When it comes down to it, no matter what textbook it is, textbooks will never be more fun then native media. The whole point of textbooks is so you can stop using it and learn from Native material ASAP. If you think textbooks are fun you’ll probably faint from the shock of how much more interesting native material is. I see no problem using textbooks in the beginning stages but some people are like hey you got recs for intermediate/advanced? I’m thinking to myself do you want to learn korean for the sake of learning korean? how embarrassing.

If I had to choose between anking too much and anking too little I would choose anking too little. I think anking too much is worse because it’s proof that you are wasting your time that could be spent living your life doing things you enjoy whether it’s language learning related or not. To put a new perspective on it, I imagine what I would be doing if I were fluent in Korean and/or raised in Korea. The answer is not me reading from a textbook to improve my Korean. The answer would be I would be watching the exact same shows I’m watching now except I wouldn’t be looking up anything because I already know all those words and their nuances and their multiple meanings and the literal / figurative meanings of all the Korean because I’m fluent in Korean. I’d probably be multitasking like washing dishes while listening to it etc etc because it’s so effortless. I’m watching the show because I enjoy it. I don’t try to force myself to like a show or pretend that I like it or pretend that I like it or enjoy it more than I do just so I can find something to do in Korean…. I’m sure some people try AJATT and kinda think they’re doing it but they’re really not if they have to lie to themselves that they enjoy doing something or enjoy it more than they actually do.

When it comes down to it the number of anki cards I have or the percentage of mature cards is not an accurate measure of my Korean abilities. Ultimately it comes down to the amount of time I spent doing STUFF IN Korean while actively trying to figure out what I don’t understand or don’t know. Anki helps so much with making time I spent with Korean to be that much more fruitful and efficient with acquiring Korean vocab /grammar. I don’t have time to be watching Korean TV all day because I work full-time and I have other stuff I want to do that may not be in Korean. Why should I miss out on amazing stuff like Breaking Bad? Or God Tongue? Though I’m not able to spend a lot of time on Korean on a consistent basis (daily is ideal right?) due to time restraints and my volition that wants to do other things anki allows me to maximize whatever time I spent with the Korean show etc. I’ve never felt like I’ve moved backwards in Korean or even stagnant to be honest. The reason is that sometimes even if you don’t do something in Korean for let’s say 3 months, you still have Korean running through your brain that’s being digested. It’s some kind of delayed processing. I do still do anki on a daily basis or sometimes less frequently. It’s so strange how I feel like my Korean improved in certain ways despite cutting contact for x weeks or months. I’ve experienced this with Japanese as well in the past due to unfortunate circumstances. It was invigorating to hear other language learners talk about this EXPERIENCE on an episode on language mastery podcast. http://l2mastery.com/show/

you know I think the only possible way for my Korean to be stagnant or go backwards is if all I did was textbooks or cramming wordlists. I think to realize my efforts are for nil would be so devastating and disheartening AFTER x weeks or months despite torturing myself for x hours. One of the many reasons why I learned Korean after Japanese was that I did not want to waste my time with learning Korean. I equate stagnation and going backwards as wasting time. Learning in this order (with the foundation/scaffolding that is hanja and Japanese grammar) and using anki has ensured that I never feel like I’m going backwards with Korean. It’s just impossible. I never understood how people could motivate themselves to learn a language using methods that could possibly lead to stagnation or going backwards if they slacked or not get in contact with the language for x weeks or months.


I came with a marvelous idea for using anki to improve my english vocabulary. I didn’t a lot of books when I was in school and I regret it because I had time and reading is so good for you. Because I’m so aware and critical of my english abilities from spending a majority of my time in Japanese I’ve been proactive with English. If I come across a word that’s unknown to me I look it up whether it’s from the internet or books. I’ve SUSSUGAKUbeen using my iphone’s merriam webster application for that. It allows me to star words and browse “history” where it shows all the words I looked up (it’s pretty long so I don’t know if it keeps all of it or up to a certain extent. I never bothered scrolling all the way down that). It bothered me that this application doesn’t have an export feature where you can export all the words you starred or looked up so that you’d have a very relevant and possibly familiar vocabulary list (some of the words are SO rare or specific with the definition i really doubt i’ll come across it again). I finally had an epiphany on how to use it to expand my english vocabulary EFFECTIVELY. One of my reasons I was discouraged from using anki to learn english vocabulary was that I didn’t want to add every english word that I don’t know that I come across because it gets inefficient because some of thesUntitlede words may not be worth putting in my deck bcause it’s too common (and I didn’t realize yet somehow since I spend most of my time in japnaese) or it’s too rare (as in useless but you know knowledge is power. perhaps not but for my purposes I would like to learn the most USEFUL frequent difficult english words that I dont’ know). For Japanese i pretty much do this where i put almost all words i don’t know in my deck or i put in que to add to my deck (que has been collecting a lot of dust). I can’t do this to myself for english because it’s my NATIVE LANGUAGE. My motivation for proactively learning english words is so that I can enjoy what I read more easily (for some things there’s words that come up that i don’t know and then when i look it up i think it’s so useful but somehow i don’t know it and i couldn’t have guessed the meanign, decrease word look-up, keep up with poeple my age (I’ve read those stories of people who were completely fluent and articulate and then went to a foreign country and could not speak fluently anymore after a few years because they have no one to talk to… and i’m sure because they don’t come into contact with their native language their vocabulary grown as much as other people their age in their home country), and so i dont’ look like a fool lol. I also like being productive and achieving things. I want to grow. I can’t imagine a year or 2 years passing and have nothing to show for myself. I’m talking about those people that play games on ipad and facebook all day when they could be accomplishing real shit like learning languages, reading books. ALSO I HAD concerns about the reading method for learning words. I recently had several instances where I saw the “unknown” word in the sentence and realized it’s actually familiar and that I’ve looked it up in the past (more than once or twice sometimes) and I had this new context in this sentence and I could not for the love of god remember the definition even vaguely. all i could remember is that the word doesn’t sound like what it means and I remember looking it up multiple times before and I remember feeling satisfied withthe definition in the sense thta after havingread the definition I thought the choice of the word was perfect. I know people say you’ll pick it up from context and seeing it multiple times but here i am looking at a word i ‘ve seen in context at least 2 times in the past and looked up 2 times in the past and it’s staring at me and it’s familiar but the DEFINITION does not come to me. i read the definition again and it’s as if i’ve never read it lol or i go oh yeah it DOES NOT sound like what it means. some words they don’t sound like what they mean at all or even opposite. sometimes the word sounds harsh or soft or something so i have something to go on to have it be memorable. so anyways this happened to be several times with several words and it made me think wow so much wasted effort.

anyways the EPIPHANY. maybe it’s not superb enough to call it an epiphany but in case someone else finds it helpful i wanted to share.

I found the perfect way to achieve my goals while addressing my concerns. the solution is use anki and use the MCD format where you blank out a part of the word or definition or both and then put what goes in the blank on the back of the card

EXAMPLE ( i KNOW THIS WORD, don’t worry. i learned it years ago)

depres____ of spirits : DEJECTION


BACK: sion

I can do whatever format i want to do on the front depending on the word. for example i might put the sentence on the front as well. but the format always HAS to include the DEFINITION on the front otherwise it’s pointless. it fixes the problem i juts mentioend above about wasting effort where i can only remember the word vaguely but cannot recall the definition whatsoever despite multiple look-ups in the psat. It’s up to me how i’ll tailor the format for a certain word.

the second rule is that the word that I put in my anki deck has to be “useful” or “easy to rezelllmembeR” (sounds like what it means etc). I either come across a word that satisfies one of those criteria and keep it in mind or write it down and then add it later or scroll through my m-w history and starred words (like I have to be strict with adding the useful and easy to remember words. there’s so many words there so i feel like I want to know all these so i’m smarter but clearly it’s counter-intuitive to add all those words unless they all happen to fit my criteria. some of them SO OBSCURE). It’s such a relief that my countless look-ups aren’t completely for nil. one way to satisfy the criteria of “useful” is multiple look-ups with the word or familiarity with the word only and none with the definition like I mentioned before. I’ll give you one of those words. it was AUSTERE. here’s the long entry on m-w

1 a : stern and cold in appearance or manner b : SOMBER, GRAVE
2 : morally strict : ASCETIC
3 : markedly simple or unadorned
4 : giving little or no scope for pleasure
5 of a wine : having the flavor of acid or tannin predominant over fruit flavors usually indicating a capacity for aging
synonyms see SEVERE

btw for the card i used concise dictionary. both of these dictionaries are on lingoes (google and download if interested in an internet free dictionary though i’ sure everyone is connected 24/7 nowadays) for me.

to me austere sounds like something FANCY, chic or something that has to do with trees or nature. so every time i looked it up the definition did not match what it sounds like to me so the disparity stood out to me but I could never remember the definition. with this card format i can remember it somewhat effortlessly. i have to put in the effort of anki but at least the format isn’t painful and USELESS like front; word, back: definition. that’s the worst format for me personally lol.. i know that’s the DEFAULT if not the ONLY format for index cards for those kids in high school that are like helpless sheep that follow all the bs of shitty study methods. nonetheless that’s just my opinion so feel free to disregard it! I’m very excited to see how this will work out and I will update on it if it explodes in my face somehow.


MY NEXT ENTRY will be on learnig korean and something I watched recently on korean. Sometimes I don’t have that spark or interest with watching shows but once in a while I get really excited about watching a show and i actually enjoyed watching almost every minute of the show. those are the best when you have your craving, you “digest it” and it’s just as good as you anticipated it to be if not better. what happened was i didn’t feel like watching even though i downloaded a shitton load of japanese tv and i have so many bookmarks to youtube videos, more japanese tv shows, korean shows , and i hvae my american shows on the streaming etc…. then i found about an episode of a korean show and i thought i HAVE TO watch it so i tracked down the file and got it and watched it. it satiated me lol. I also added a bunch of words to my deck but my comprehension good nonetheless 🙂

su-su- && danshari~


So instead of writing a longass comprehensible blog entry about sentence-mining, immersion, anki-card format etc I’m gonna write about 2 words I came across recently. I’ve seen those blog posts and they always point out really obvious duh crap (probably to fill out the numbers reminds me of top 5 anime threads which are just full of awful anime lol)… it’s so dumb i’m like if you need that crap pointed out to you, you’re probably too dumb to learn a language (which is sorta not true because you don’t have to be smart to be billingual etc).  those kind of blog entries usually require a lot of skimming to read for me lol. it’s a lot of bs and it’s just boring to read. usually people who write about taht kind of stuff usually suck at the language. lol. why do you want to listen to people like that.

so imma write about スースーする AND 断捨離.

so I believe I first came across this on slayers next in the later episodes (seeing as it is one of the later episodes of course it was from an amazing scene with good writing and good voice-acting and everything). I didn’t look up what it means and I didn’t add it to anki because it seemed pretty clear what it means from the context of the way it was used and the context of the whole situation. there’s still room for misunderstanding i suppose since it’s just one instance i came across it so my understanding of this word is broad at this point. as much as my japanese improves in vocabulary, understanding, intuition there’s still that small  chance i get the meaning wrong.. for the most part i’m right and i know i’m right.

Recently I came across it watching god tongue’s 2nd pasta ingredient draft kaigi (ゴッドタン 20100519 「パスタの具材ドラフト會議」具材ドラフト會議第2彈 バナナマン 上原美優 ). I was half-expecting it to be boring because it sounds boring since it involves food but it was actually really interesting (it was sorta creepy since one of the talent on that episode committed suicide a few years ago? )and i wanted to see the first instance of this kikaku. I’ll explain what the ep is about so you know why it was so interesting. it’s a draft so it involves picking ingredientswith competition. none of the geinin+tv talent/binbou idol were informed about the kikaku they were just asked for 3 foods they like on the survey. when they got to the shooting of the episode they find out that they’re doing the draft kikaku again and the theme this time it’s PASTA. Last time they did it the theme was curry. of course some of the food just does not match lol…. or you’d think they don’t.

so at the tv studio each team or person writes out the food ingredient they want in their pasta to make the most delicious pasta. however if 2 teams write the same ingredient, nobody gets it. there’s strategy of the psychological nature. obviously everyone wants to the ra-yu etc etc.
so gekidan hitori’s team aka god tongue JAPAN went for the seafood and gekidan hitori was like I think the frisks (mints,tic tacs)’s cooling effect will make the dish goes with the seafood theme and really give it that special something lol. I was thinking hmm interesting theory

after they pick out the 3 ingredients to incorporate in the pasta,  a professional chef  made the pasta for each team. the seafood pasta was crabs, takoyaki (squid/ or octopus), and mints. so the chef did his thing with the crabs and takoyaki (he took off the outer layer so it’s more seafoody). for the mints i was thinking what is he gonna do. is there any way to salvage it? he takes out dough for the pasta noodles and he says i’m gonna put the mints in here. so he crushes them and incorporated them into the noodle by folding them into the flat dough and then later on putting it through that rolling machine and cutting it up into noodles.  evreyone’s comments while eating it was su-su- suru and the timing of the cooling effect is sorta delayed and gekidan hitori was saying that delay is about the same as the delay from eating an actual tic-tac mint.  uehara miu says at one point it tastes like a frisk at the end lol… so it sounds like it doesn’t match? gekidan hitori seems to lke the cooling effect so i guess the only way to find out if it’s realy good is to make it myself lol.

so anyways having exposure to this word in these 2 completely different scenarios really boosted my understanding of the word. both situations are very memorable and interesting.

another word that i came across in 2 totally different instances is danshari. i think it’s a really cool word 🙂
it was so strange! at the time, I just learned the word danshari from sakai masato off waratteittomo (he dansaries too much and has no hobbies. i cannot relate whatsoever!! AND his birthday is the same as kanno miho. they’re meant to be!), then i started watching my shabekuri episode from the middle because that’s where i left off with that man-whore comedian muramoto of WOMAN something. aND the tv show that he doesn’t want to go on again ever is called dansharian (a play on words off danshari). I totally recommend that shabkuri episode. it aired 2014 in february probably. it was recent. it was some interesting talk as in creepy lol 引く話で満載. it made me want to check out the m1 GRANPURI for this year. it was some interesting manzai though muramoto is heard to undersatnd/catch but i’m sure somebody transcribed it lol. otherwise, i have to ask somebody to~~

danshari a concept i want to incorporate more into my life for sure. The first time I heard it I was thinking why haven’t I heard of it before it’s sorta useful and then 5 mnutes later i hear it again lol. of course everybody on shabekuri undersatnds what danshari means so it must be a in the daily conversation scope as far as the vocab. usefulness/level is concerned.

something i’ve noticed from watching slayers.  i got used to watching without any crap covering the screen for watching anime lol.. as in i prefer that 🙂
the video is 4 by 3 and i load the korean subs verticaly so it does not cover the screen whatsoever. i write down whatever i don’t understand or i want to re-listen beucase i think i didn’t hear it fully etc etc with the korean subs so i can go back it easily and not have to rewatch the whole episode to deal with the parts i had trouble with.  so it just bothered me a lot when i was watching with the japanese subs since i can’t make them vertical because that sub format sucks lol. for slayers evolution it’s 16:9 so the subs have to cover the screen.  for slayers revolution however there’s japanese subs so what i did was i watchd it raw and wrote down lines i have issues with in japanese while it’s playing and then i had no problem finding the lines i wrote down in the japanese .ass file for the most part.  i didn’t want to watch slayers revolution with subs because they can  be spoilerly (spoilerly as in i know what the person says before they say it which could become a source of boredom) even if i try to not read it or even if i delay it (since the lines are not split enough..though if you delay it enough it obviously won’t be)

but then for hanzawa and legal high i don’t really feel like watching it without japanese subs becaues there’s yougo and normal japanese people have trouble understanding that and some people in dramas just are not good at pronuncing japanese lol.  i’ll off-set the subs so it doesn’t show up before the talking (which leads to the spoiler boring thing)… and try my best to not read it unless i need to. my desire to watchg anime without crap covering the screen hasn’t transcended into my drama watching habits as of yet.

Improving one’s English vocabulary


I was thinking about the standards i hold myself up for with japanese with the goal of understand 95%~ of the text that i’m reading on websites. of course if it’s of no interest to me i’m not going to waste my time googling that to find out what it means or what it is (sometimes it’s just something i just wouldn’t know because i’m not japanese and i haven’t lived in japan or whatever). Then I was thinking hey i haven’t reached this goal with english with the 95%~ comprehension for websites (well you could argue, not knowing or being unsure of the meaning of a couple adjectives/verbs/nouns doesn’t necessarily kill the comprehension… depends how important it is to the whole picture). It really is dependent on what i’m reading in english even if it’s a blog if it’s well-written they’ll be complex grammar where i’ll have to read the sentence again or they’ll be words I don’t know.  Some people are just good writers and they just use words i don’t know. Whether it’s blog entries or news articles, if it’s fairly well-written then i will come across words i do not know.  I’m not gonna start reading the new york times or whatever other boring ass newspaper to improve my vocabulary. that’s torture. I don’t do that for japanese and i’m not gonna do that for english. But I found a good way to learn vocabulary.


BTW you should know that firefox has awesome plug-ins/add-ons for looking up words and for saving text to file while you’re reading the internet. i downloaded dictionary.com and if you double click it tells you the meaning (I like merriam webster better but fast and efficient is KICKASS).  the sucky part is if you click on the audio thing for the audio bit it’ll take a while so i will actually hear the prnounciation faster by going to m-w and looking up the word than waiting for the add-on to fetch the audio.  I think with english especially hearing the word is useful and sometimes it’s spelled really weird or it’s ambiguous with the pronounciation. even if they have that gibberish to tell you how to pronounce it, it’s just a lot more clear with the audio. i’m checking out other add-ons so it’s more easy to collect/mine the stuff like with rikai-sama if you press S it saves the SENTENCE, DEFINITION, into a notepad file!!! like how awesome is that. so i’m seeing if any of the plug-ins are as kickass as that on firefox.

SO ANYWAYS the most important part is the SOURCE of the sentence/sparagraphs that you leran the vocabulary from. it has to be not too difficult/ridiculous/useless/archaic/etc and at the same time it has to hold your interest… otherwise why the hell would the context help you remember if you don’t give a shit about the actual thing you’re reading ie crappy newspapers.  It’s like AJATT  it has to be something you enjoy.

So this is what I found really useful/helpful and i think it could be applicable to other people … well bear with me. i hope somebody gets something out of what i wrote.


I find mad men really useful for learning vocabulary.  i look up words they use in the show and what i always always do starting since some season of mad men is I read  other people’s thoughts and analysis of the episode. ONE is because the show mad men is just very sophisticated like the dialogue is just not straight forward sometimes i miss out or i misinterpret????? TWO it’s just a well-done and there’s a lot of shit going on (If you don’t think so, you need to venture out into the INTERNET.  THREE even if i were to re-watch it, i wouldn’t get as much out of it compared to just reading somebody else’s thoughts about it. other people just better at getting stuff out of that show.  FOUR lots of mad men fans do it. FIVE it makes me want to watch more actively for the next episode like i want to notice stuff as much as the other peeps. SIX mad men fans are smart/educated (some of them are probably old right? like they were actually alive in the 60s lol) . some stuff i’ve seen written by mad men fans are just so well-written with the sentence/paragraph I have to re-read or the big words I don’t know. SEVEN it’s season 6, i forget stuff lol…. like i said this show’s well-done with the continuity and all that. i’ll literally watch an episode there’s some character and i have no idea who it is ( I couldn’t figure it out just from watching the ep because i like said mad men is never relaly that explicit and clear) or i forgot who it was (they showed up in some other season) and then i have to refresh myself lol.  I watch it once a year when it airs so….


Even though they’re using big words I care and I know what they’re talking about (the thing they’re describing) because I watched the episode. It’s sort of a game too like they’ll describe the character as some word I don’t know and I’ve seen the episode so I’ll be like oh   i think that’s a fancy word for __ and then i can see if i’m right. but usually now a days i have no imagination so i don’t even guess lol. The reason it works so well for me is because it’s so well-written and i really care about what the person writes about. it’s just the perfect environment for learning the vocab.

Now I don’t know what to do with the vocabulary. I saved the sentences with the definition on a notepad which i later transfer to EVERNOTE (kickass progrma, highly reocmmended thank you tofugu though their entries of late are complete shit , very lazy for the most part) . I looked at the sentences i collected they really are a pleasure to read lol… like no wonder i looked it up. I’ve always looked up words when i read particularly well-written stimulating blog entries or news articles or whateve rbut i never collected them. but i feel like collecting is helpful because the context is just so compatible with me. like i realy really give a shit!  I don’t know about adding the sentences to anki or anything like that. I do that with japanese and i don’t want to do that with english. english is my native language even if my vocab is low compared to people who read many more books that i have. I do want to improve my vocabulary like anyone else (who has a brain). if you don’t know the awesomeness/benefits of reading and vocabulary on YOUR LIFE, then you need to read up on that. I was literally tortured by people who do not read much/possess much vocabulary which was evident in their vapidly empty annoying blithering conversations. check out my lang-8 for that, you gotta be my friend to read it though!


so I found an awesome source to TAP to get the words that i do not know that i want to know. who wants to learn from a list from sat or act or gre or whatever…. half the crap just seems useless becaues you never heard of it. it relaly is like AJATT you gotta find something that’s enjoyable.  I do have a desire to improve my vocabulary and i’ve found the right medium. I’m not sure if this works with other shows…  mad men is just so SPECIAL AND well-done and there really is a lot to talk about plus some shows why would you care enough to read about other people’s thoguhts lol ie gossip girl/anything on cw for that matter. of course that show would attract fans who are good at writing and intelligent lol.  I’m also reading books too btw it’s just hard because I want to read japanese books too lol.

Basically I encourage looking up words while reading the internet since there are some awesome tools. there’s no reason not to. it’s 2013 bitch!  I checked out chrome, chrome has awesome addons/extensions too… the dictionary for that fetches the audio instantaneously!! so perhaps that’s a perk that can’t go ignored. hearing the word is really helpful to remembering it so that the next time you come across it, they’ll be a higher chance of having some feeling of familiarity.

here’s a copy paste of the stuff just so yo know what i mean… more clearly. if you haven’t seen mad men season 6 up to episode 4 there might be SPOILERS… i hope most people will see what i pasted and go i don’t know those words eitther lol. that’s what i’m thinking but i’ve been neglecting english for the past 4 years? loll with the japanese. I don’t want my english to turn to  crap or stop growing but at the same time iwant to also learn french a lot… not to fluency of course (that’s very very high goal) because first of all i haven’t even discovered what thing about france interests me.. the reason i mention french because it’s romance language and they’re based on latin so french itself would be helpful with expanding my english vocabulary but i’m curious as to how helpful learning french is vs. reading more in english with improving english vocabulary. because for korean if you don’t know hanja you can forget about expanding your vocabulary because it’s mostly (well  ALOT OF) 2 syllable words that all sound the same lol… the difference are so who gives a shit arbitrary unless you know what to look out for with hanja. i’m curious if it’s as helpful as hanja was for korean/japanese. but then again if i think of it as how helpful is korean for advanced japanese vocabulary (advanced? wtf is that lol.  I guess any and all words a fluent japanese speaker would know – that would encompass words that are based on kango, not based on kango) i don’t think it’s really helpful because they’re 2 different languages and they’re both based on kanji/hanja/chinese characters so not really…. not really for korean/japanese. yo know i read somewhere!!! it was on a language forum and they were talking about languages they’d forgotttten. someone said i forgot my damn german because all the common/daily convresation words are really similar to english and all the more advanced/difficult/beyond daily conversation words  are not similar to english THEN for french all the daily/conversation stuff was not similar to english but all the advanced words are similar to english… so they were saying german was more easily forgotten? unless they said it the other way around. so maybe learning french will be helpful  provided it is the way i wrote it.



A self-proclaimed “rooster,” he shows Dick how a cock behaves, taking what he wants from women — both money and pleasure — without compunction.
+   a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed)
After blithely saying that they’re both good company that he enjoys,
+  in a joyous manner

t was evident that Pete’s a whiner not a fighter, using aggrieved complaining to get what he thinks he deserves — and to deflect blame for his bad behavior.
+ aggrieve
1. infringe on the rights of
+++ 2. cause to feel sorrow

patrician  [pə’trɪʃn]
1. a person of refined upbringing and manners
2. a member of the aristocracy

let Ted Chaough know that Heinz ketchup (“the Coca-Cola of condiments”) was pursuing potential suitors, and what was thought of as a clandestine tryst
++ adj.  conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods

it was something of a softball episode for the nascent director to undertake
+ the event of being born

and his sycophantic task of picking Pete up some toilet paper.
attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
2. attempting

The fight between Peggy’s conscience and ambition wasn’t her only duel this week, there was also a pocket of resistance to quell from her male copywriting staff.
quell  [kwel]
1. suppress or crush completely
2. overcome or allay

One line in particular of Trudy’s was a pithy summation of her lot, and strongly reminiscent of season three Betty,
adj.  concise and full of meaning

), Megan awkwardly tries to simply placate Don, walking on eggshells and cooking him a fancy chicken dinner (which came first, we wonder).
++ cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of

But the real meat of the premiere (for me) is Don and Arnold Rosen. Don’s eagerness for Rosen’s approval has the tenor of a teenage crush.
++ Tenor: atmosphere, appearance, similarity to.

But Don, like Pete, is still stuck in the old model of infidelity, in which deception was de rigueur, even – or especially — when your spouse was knowing and   – or especially — when your spouse was knowing and agreeable (as Trudy was with Pete)
++ : prescribed or required by fashion, etiquette, or custom : proper

(law) a party to a lawsuit; someone involved in litigation

litigation  [‚lɪtɪ’geɪʃn]
n.  a legal proceeding in a court; a judicial contest to determine and enforce legal rights

n.  support paid by one half of an unmarried partnership after the relationship ends

A court-martial (plural courts-martial, as “martial” is postpositive) is a military court. A court-martial is empowered to determine the guilt of members of the armed forces subject to military law, and, if the defendant is found guilty, to decide upon punishment.

paleolithic  [‚peɪlɪəʊ’lɪθɪk /‚pæl-]
n.  second part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to 500,000 years BC and lasting until the end of the last ice age about 8,500 years BC
adj.  of or relating to the second period of the Stone Age (following the eolithic)

assignation  [よs?g’ne??n]
1. a secret rendezvous (especially between lovers)
2. the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan

The season kick off is heavily preoccupied with death. It’s roughly two hours of Don and Roger looking, for different reasons, into the yawning maw of death and wondering what the whole point of their lives is.
maw = mouth
informal terms for the mouth

Here in paradise they look like the future, and this woman with her decrepit hairdo worships

foundling  [‘faʊndlɪŋ]
n.  a child who has been abandoned and whose parents are unknown

What has many times in the past been cited as a program about change came out screaming that it is more likely about similarity, repetition and the ephemeral nature of human life.
ephemeral  [-rəl]
n.  anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form
adj.  lasting a very short time

has ideologues arguing over gay marriage and austerity while people are starving and dying, and a public that has lost all hope for a better future.
_++ n.  the trait of great self-denial (especially refraining from worldly pleasures)

Only when we are back in the bitter cold of New York do we see that despite their beauty, their ruddy success, Don and Megan lack contemporary hair
++ adj.
1. inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life
2. of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies

She admires Joan as an intrepid groundbreaker who has conquered the big city and a male-dominated profession.
++= adj.  invulnerable to fear or intimidation

In that, they’re contrasted with the passivity and acquiescence of women like Sylvia,
++ v.  to agree or express agreement
acui-es (letter s)

t’s not entirely accurate to say that Joan is the distaff Don Draper—i
++ adj.  characteristic of or peculiar to a woman
++ the sphere of work by women

Mad Men nights of drunken revelry, involving making out with strange young men and visiting hippie haunts—disappearing into other guises in other words, flexing whatever privilege they have, be it glamor, money,

++ bar

other adjectives besides sugoi with similar meaning!

8aogEF.md.pngsugoi / sugokunai / sugee

first of all I was super confused with the difference between sugoi and sugoku because people would say sugoi kawaii and sugoku kawaii but . so what i thought was omg there’s some super nuance betwen the two …. but luckily i asked online what’s the diff and people are like oh they’re just using sugoi incorrectly. lol.
so usually you say sugokukawaii because you’re using sugoi to describe kawaii… but for some reason it’s colloquial to say sugoi kawaii even though gramatically it should be sugoku. So I’m gonna classify it as gramatically wrong so you shouldn’t say sugoi kawaii… because sugoku kawaii is correct. I hope it doesn’t transcend to the point where it gets adapted…. to “correct”. it happens since it’s like well everyone’s using it like this anyway might as well as say it’s correct… such examples are below:
全 然 this word.. wow when i was a beginner in japanese i used it completely correctly. now a days i use it incorrectly because I’m influenced by all the japanese speakers on the japanese tv that use it for it’s real meaning and it’s opposite meaning which is not it’s meaning…. it’s just so permeated, there’s no fightin it for me. lol. i got infected.. and corrupted. I use it for its real meaning and the opposite of its real meaning
確信犯 ths one… I don’t know which definition was the orgiinal intended defintion. ( don’t care enough to look it up) in fact i ‘m gonna get a headache just trying to think about the 2 different definitions that come with this word that are sorta opposite. I don’t really think about this word’s definition unless it comes up in some tv show or text and i have to comprehend it and usually it’s really obvious which meaning they mean so it’s fine.
another incorrect grammar thing is みたいに ->
み たく. for this one, even i could tell that mitaku is wrong… it’s for maybe teenagers or super slangy but even it’s just like it’s just gramatically wrong.. I understand the convenience of saying mitaku instead of mitaini since it’s shorter but you just sound so stupid saying that… so don’t say it. lol.

8aoQGe.md.pngANYWAYS for the main topic: すごく. actually I take back what I wrote in the title, I mean alternatives/similar to sugoku because like I said before SUGOI KAWAII is wrong. i mean maybe it is said/used a lot in conversation so you will hear it, if you don’t want to be talking incorrectly say sugoku.
I wanted to write this because sugoi is used A LOT and sometimes it’s just like… learn some vocab… you only speak japanese yet you only say sugoi? i mean it is good and bad that there’s this word sugoi and sometimes I feel that way.
here’s some adjectives/verbs i thought of, off the top of my head
for the ones where i can remember the exact sentence/fragment it was used in, i filled it in!
ズバ抜けて   歌がうまい
神がかりに  かわいい (This was said about 佐々木希 of course!)
凄まじく (すさ  )
著しく( いちじる)
尋常じゃないくらい    寒い
BTW I do not get the difference between kurai and gurai (when the change happens and when it doesn’t. sometimes or probably most of the time i get it right. the problem is.. the reason I can’t learn the difference is the difference between hearing people say gurai and kurai is really really miniscule. I’ve seen people use kurai a lot alot alot but I can’t tell if it’s ku or gu (sometimes I can, sometimes I can’t… it’s just close sounds) and honestly that doesn’t affect my understanding so….)… in fact i was reading up the rule about it and then i was like f’ this shit. HOWEVER I will read the rule about NI WA VS DE WA because I f this up over and over and it is one of the reasons why i will never say ‘im fluent in japanese.
for the ones where i don’t remember the exact phrase Imma make up example sentences right now…
well fragments more like but i’m pretty sure these fragments are natural japanese. If I wasn’t sure then I would be googling with quotes but i’m really really sure about it so i won’t.
凄まじく キモい
8ao9kk.md.pngso their meaning is similar but that doesn’t mean you can interchange any with any just because they have their own nuances and i’m sure you want to impart the nuance that you want to impart than use any another word with the similar meaning. even besides the nuance, also the sound of the word is definitely something to keep in your mind or at least I do that too… it just sounds more___ and that’s why i like it better. For example if you switch思考力が著しく低下している with sugoku, it’s okay but ichijirushiku is so much better and it sounds smarter too. when do you sound smart using the word sugoi or sugoku? lol.
Out of these I really like susamjii and kamigakari ni .  I just wanted to post this for japanese beginners who are like bored with the word sugoi (it’s used a lot and it’s one of the first words you learn  so it seems like 50% of Japanese is saying “sugoi” but don’t worry it’s not and there’s also other awesome words that has a similar meaning with a different nuance )
=== also I Wanted to write about
kireru. more specifically about マジギレ ブチ切れ and then i googled and I found this on the wiki. I love the word kireru because in english you just say _ flipped the lid or is pissed off or is full of rage, pushed him over the edge etc etc ….. and kireru is nice it’s not a “bad” word like pissed off and the meaning comes across really nicely and succinctly (who doesn’t love that?).



  • キレやすい – ささいな事柄でカッとなりやすく、時には暴力の手段に出るなどの不安定な性格を表す。
  • マジギレ – 真剣を表す「マジメ」の省略から「マジ」を重ねて、「本当にキレる」という意味。さらに、「マジでキレる5秒前」のことを「MK5」とも。
  • ブチギレ – 備後地方の方言で、強調を表す「ブチ」を重ねて。あるいは、紐がちぎれる擬音語の「ブチッ」から。「マジギレ」とほぼ同じ意味だが、突然キレ始める、といったニュアンスで使う。「ブチキレ」とする場合もあり、動詞として活用する場合「ブチキレる」が一般的。
  • 逆ギレ – 「逆ギレ」の項を参照。
  • キレキャラ – 逆上することが本人の大きな特徴(キャラクター)といえる人物像をさす。この特徴を生かした芸風やネタをもつとされるタレントお笑い芸人も多い。
  • キレ芸 – 定番のリアクションとして、漫才やトークの最中に逆上することによって、笑いを成立させる芸風。この芸風やネタをもつとされるタレントやお笑い芸人も多い。

and luckily I know all these words~ no surprises here except for MK5 (hilarious stuff here). i was thinking what’s the difference b.t. majigire and buchigire.  I was thinking majigire means like the person snapped, they are pissed off, beyond point of return etc. for buchigire I have an image of  激しい, just this violent violent feeling. Reading what the wiki said, I agree with the  「マジギレ」とほぼ同じ意味だが、突然キレ始める、といったニュアンスで使う。「 becasue I’ve seen japanese tv shows and they would show the situation and narrate it and they do use it like this. One of the usages that really stand out was the dokkiri stuff… they do a lot of senpai pretending to be pissed after the kouhai and yelling at them and all that. It’s sorta uncomfortable to watch, sometimse it’s okay, sometimes they do it because the kouhai deserve it lol.

Jero + DOUKA

I was browsing youtube and came aross kara’s drama urakara and jero is on this show! speaking english with nicole!!  this is so random. but his japaense is so good (intonation and all and he also speaks kansai-ben) so when he switched back and forth i was like oooooooh. he has a really nice voice. the way the writer wrote his japanese lines seemed so un-jero lol because it’s so j-drama lol. real people don’t talk like this let alone jero.

Like I mentioned before it’s hard to output japanese because of my fundamental roots in english. one characteristc of japanese is that it’s very vague. That has it’s advantages and disadvantages of course.  One phrase/word that popped in my head recently was  どうか and the phrase  どうかと思います.

On some episode  of arashi no shukudai-kun, the guest happened to like going to the movies so they talked about it. while they were talking the subject of rude movie-goers that talk or chew loudly or whatever. So the guest goes on to say she has actually tried to talk to those loud people and the arashi guys are like omg for reals what’d you say. I don’t remember what she said word for word but at the end of what she said she said どうかと思います. just to make it more clear here are some examples of that phrase via google search + quotations

. 初めましてでこんな事を言ってしまうのもどうかと思いますが

I was thinking it’s so hard to say something to the person in english we don’t have nice vague expressions…. in english you have to say what you have to say with the specificities ie  I don’t remember what that guest said exactly but because she used the word douka she didn’t have to say the word “rude” “inconsiderate” or “loud” etc etc.  douka just makes it an open-ended thing since it’s vague and the person can infer that by douka that this person means that’s f’ed up or whatever.

I think it’s pretty nice since you can avoid saying the actual actual words and i’m sure you can use it many types of situations as a way to express your disapproval etc etc.

女優 男優 俳優

correct me if im wrong but the opposite of 女優 is not 男優. I don’t know why or whatever but from my japanese immersion i’ve come to associate danyuu with a male actor in an AV (a porno). that’s what comes up in my head when i hear the word danyuu. the reason I’m writing about this was because I saw ariyoshi’s show… where people live with people that have opposite views on life for however long it takes for both of them to get over it/resolve their differences/make compromises. ex. anally clean person vs really messy person. one of the pairs was an AV actress and a tokyo university student who was in his 20s and he’s a virigin. Nothing dirty happeend lol. IT was just funny when ariyoshi summarized the episode at the end. he was like oh at first something something and now he’s saying he is willing to star in an AV with the girl.

after living with each other for a day or two or a couple? I don’t remember how long they lived together but the girl said to him oh you should get rid of your virginity asap… etc etc. Then she was like we should star in an AV together. It’ll totally sell since we’re on this show and so people will know about it etc etc lol. the guy says no… then he says i’ll probably say yes after 2 days. I think she said danyuu de dete mitari or something along those lines. AT that moment i was like yeah danyuu is just used to describe the “male actors” in AV.

From what I can tell from my immersion if you want to say male actor it’s 俳優. and on a sorta similar note 愛人 is not fiancee.. it means lover as in mistress
許婚     (いいなずけ ) means fiancee though im’ not sure if you can use this word on males because i’ve only seen it used on females in hanazakari no kimtiachi e . From checking the defiition on yahoo jp dic apparently you can use it on male or female.



YAY TO IMMERSION! if you say danyuu people are probably thinking you’re talking about porn but anyways all you hear is haiyuu (on tv articles etc) anyway so i don’t know why anyone would do that.

Example of learning Korean from Korean Music!

Basically I’ll just highlight certain things in the sample songs to show like how you have to unconjugate crap to actually look it up. Little example/tutorial.  It’s like one of the reasons why learning songs from japanese is so frikin’ easy especially compared to korean with the rikai-chan and no worries about conjugating even cause rikai-chan does it for you.

But anyways for the resources like that grammar guide that teaches the conguation + dictionaries REFERENCE the previous entry.


I’m gonna do it all K->J for the example, if you wanna do english well use the english/korean dictionaries.  . I would do K-> K at this point but I haven’t found fast-reliable way to do that… in the end k->J is faster to look up so until I find some nice k->k- I dunn wanna do that.

웃음 Lucia + (Duet With Epitone Project)

This song’s not on youtube but you can download it somewhere on the internet…

Gonna put a * for all the lines in the song so it doesn’t get so confusin loking.

Underline is particles.

***벼랑 같았던 시간에서 널 만난 건***


널→ 너를

만나다→ 만난

건 → 것은

***어쩌면 우연인걸까 아직 웃음나***
인걸까 = grammar thing

나 → 나다 So this one might confuse you. 이나 also has a meaning but it’s clear from the context                 and the way she sings it that it’s obviously 이 the particle + 나 from 나다

***두 손 마주 붙잡고 걸었던 많은 시간***

붙잡고→ 붙잡다

걸었던 → 걸었다 → 걸어 → 걷다

많은 → 많다
***때론 거짓말 같아서 아직 웃음나***
때론 →때로는

같아 → 같다 . 서 = grammar thing

***어쩔 수 없던 시간 누구 아냐***

어쩔 수 없던  → ~~없다

아냐  아니야

***어쩌면 우연인걸까 그래서 웃음이나***
***두 손을 마주 붙잡고 걸었던 많은 시간***
***때론 거짓말 같아서 그래서 웃음이나***

***아직 기억해 우리 모습들***

기억해. 해 → 하다
***때론 어제일 같아서 그래서 웃음이나***

*가끔 꿈만 같아서 그래서 웃음이나

꿈 만 are 2 different words so you got look up 꿈  and 만 but they’re both really common words  so                 I doubt anyone got all confused because of that.

The song’s pretty simple so I only learned 2 words but it sounds really nice so I listened to it a lot. So go find it and listen it. ‘sall


This is lingoes. the setting i used to make it show the definition by clicking shift and clicking furiously (cause the program is glitchy) to get it working… is..


LONELY by 2ne1

I’m only gonna talk about one line with this grammar point

지금 내가 하는 얘기 널 아프게 할지 몰라
아마 날 죽도록 미워하게 될꺼야
내가 예전 같지 않다던 네 말 모두 틀린 말은 아니야

I believe that luke park did’t cover this on his grammar guide as far as my memory goes but anyways it’s pretty easy to google grammar points and finding explanations at least in japanese.and honestly he explains all the common /useful crap so by the time you get through that i don’t see why you can’t figure it out with google and shit with your knowledge of korean grmamar.

so the last line of the thre lines I posted . 다던 conjugation in 않다던 means  引用:~だといっていた(過去の継続回想)

◆動詞 母音語幹 -ㄴ다던
子音語幹 -는다던
その他(補助語幹含む)- 다던

which means that the guy “said that”  that’s the 다던 part. so it means that the guy said “내가 예전 같지 않다” actually can’t you think of 다던  as “” marks. does that make the explanation easier?

There’s also

◆動詞 母音語幹 -ㄴ다는  引用:~だという
子音語幹 -는다는
その他(補助語幹含む)- 다는

but it makes sense that she used the one above instead of this becaues the one above has that nuance 過去の継続回想.  回想 means reflection/ reminiscence and 継続 which means continuing.

FYI if you care I tried singing along with it and like for the first couple times it was really heard to pronounce that part 않다던 for some reason just because of the da-dun part AND AND i keep pronouncing it like anata or anta in japanese which is really bad lol. I really am trying to pronounce it correctly but the japanese is just in me  😦 .

OR MAYBE I’m just being over-sensitive because 않다던 sounds like anta and i might be just saying it fine. I can’t help but feel like I’m saying it like anta just because the line is just fast and when it’s fast whatever comes out, comes out. 😦

the japanese really is not good for my korean pronunciation cause japnaese makes me move my mouth less (it’s very minimal especially compared to english/korean.) like i’m prety sure japanese people’s katsuzetsu would be better if they also can speak another language… like the geinin on ame talk for katsuzetsu warui geinin ) and when i try to read korean my mouth won’t open lol because of the damn japanese….  . ii’lll get over it soon enough hopefully but you know i don’t have the shitty american accent or the korean accent with my japanaese (thank god… those accents are annoying like the ZU -namari with the korean people) and I have that intonation shite down! 🙂  AND like I’ve seen foreigners since this song on the korean talent shows and they always fuck up that part and THAT PART ALWAYS SOUNDS like chinese or something. that pisses me off lol. I get it’s hard to pronounce. I experienced it too but if you can’t fix it, please don’t sing it lol. it sounds like chinese. nothing against chinese it s just the pronunciation is just dirty and ruins it.  😦

LIKE THE REASON I sorta gave up on shadowing that I said I was gonna do in the previous post is because the korean actors have really really good enunciation. They talk fast but their pronunciation/enunciation is really good/impeccable too which obviously they are since they only speak korean except for those speakers that also speak awesome english. Basically ,it’s just hard to keep up. well nothing AKATT can’t fix but i mean is very um… disconnected lol which kills the last three letters.. ATT but alas I guess my goal as of now is improving vocab and increasing my ability to conjugate/unconjugate verbs and adjectives and all that stuff in the non-painful way (which means i’m not gonna memorize the conjugation rules. I’m just gonna be aware and if it shows up I go oh they conjugated like ___ since it’s ___). Fun enlightenment as opposed to drilling.  It’s like one of the reasons why those people that post videos of themselves speaking korean think so long and hard and give us mostly silence then…. actual content with words and shit.

and another ting concerning the song

미워하다 . I saw this and I thought of 미웝다 (which conjugates to 미워운 for describing crap while for japanese you don’t even have to conjugate you just put the word next it ie 憎たらしい→憎たらしい人 but then again you have to for -na adjectives but all you do is stick -na. that’s so easy right? ) and I thought oh shit don’t tell me this is some verb conjugation shit but it’s not cause they’re 2 different words (thank you dictinoary)…. I think they’re adjectives. the thing with korean is the adjectives are like verbs so I just want to just call them verbs….

English Words I Don’t Know that I Heard Today from the TV

Me + TV: I could type a lot of shit but I’ll keep it short. There was a time when I was a kid where I would mostly watch Nick + Disney and then somewhere after or between or whatever MTV got into the mix . The problem with this is all they run is re-runs so I wasted a lot of time watching the same shit over and over and it’s not even like the shows are that good but as a kid in America that’s all I have  for TV 😦 I mean there are some good ones among the most of the crap. MY friend is still stuck in this phase while I escaped from it years ago 😦 I’m not that assertive… I remember we used tobitch about how all the shows are so crappy and how they re-run it so much and how she’s seen that _ amount of times and how she knows all the lines and it’s just utterless crap. So one day in middle school I’m like Wow I’ve wasted a lot of time watching this shit so I decided to A) Turn the TV off if there’s nothing on. B) Check out other channels more while “boycotting nick + disney” like forever except for one show? while checking out MTV “sometimes”   So now I’m more efficient and selective about watching TV. I look up all the shows right now for this summer on tvguide.com/listings and then watch I haven’t seen/want to see (The point is so I don’t miss it). Sometimes I just turn the TV on and watch whatever

So I have a thought about learning Japanese and English. Basically if I spent all the time I spent on doing something Japanese on doing something English would I know these words or at least feel like heard of them or be able to make a guess at what they mean.  I’m gonna guess No… cause most of these words are pretty weird and isn’t reading a shit load books effective for rare words which I have no desire to do. Most of my reading of English is the captions on TV 🙂

I can’t help but write down words I don’t know while I watch and look it up during the commercial…  cause obviously I want to know. Certain shows like BONES is always like oh shit what does that mean but obviously almost all of the characters are mad smart so… it can’t be helped. Speaking of which Mad Men is MAD hard to follow/understand sometimes with those convos making references to crap and just talking about crap that seems to have nothing to do with a conversation, etc but I try my best! I guess it’s stimulating to watch.

I got these words from watching  TV.

minutiae – minute or minor detail

stimulus check – well this isn’t a vocab word but I still don’t know what it is exactly. Kay, read up on through google search now I know…

biped-2 footed animal. Hmm well now that I think about it’s obvious what it means..

harleniquoid… some word that looks or sounds like this. It’s killing me now.. It’s NOT Harlequin.

Lark = a source of or quest for amusement or adventure <tho

Magazine = : a holder in or on a gun for cartridges to be fed into the gun chamber

remiss = : negligent in the performance of work or duty : careless2 : showing neglect or inattention

Salacious = 1 : arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination : lascivious2 : lecherous, lustful

exonerate=I remember trying to learn this word for the SATs. I think I knew it then.

1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship2 : to clear from accusation or blame

fey = a chiefly Scottish : fated to die : doomed b : marked by a foreboding of death or calamity2 a : able to see into the future : visionary b : marked by an otherworldly air or attitude c : crazy, touched3 a : excessively refined : precious b : quaintly unconventional : campy

ferroequinologist = enthusiast

parvo = a virus that attacks the lining of the digestive system (dogs)

mandocello = insturment that looks like guitar-ish. ) is a plucked string instrument of the mandolin family.

spry =nimble

effervescance = to show liveliness or exhilaration

panache = an ornamental tuft (as of feathers) especially on a helmet2 : dash or flamboyance in style and action

usain bolt = is a person! He is a Jamaican sprinter. Bolt holds the Olympic and world records for the 100 metres at 9.69 seconds, the 200 metres at 19.30 seconds and, along with his teammates, the 4×100 metres relay at 37.10 seconds, all set at the 2008 Summer Olympics.

hothe… can’t find nothing for this. From the context which was I think was “Live/Go to a hothe” I don’t know… 😦

harlot = prostitute. ‘S what I thought.

alpaca = sheep

convalescence- : to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness

write-off: : an elimination of an item from the books of account
2 a : a reduction in book value of an item (as by way of depreciation) b : a tax deduction of an amount of depreciation, expense, or loss
3 chiefly British : something (as a damaged vehicle) or someone regarded or conceded as a loss

uncouth =not known or not familiar to one : seldom experienced : uncommon, rare b obsolete : mysterious, uncanny2 a : strange or clumsy in shape or appearance : outlandish b : lacking in polish and grace : rugged <uncouth verse> c : awkward and uncultivated in appearance, manner, or behavior : rude

lingcod  = : a large often greenish-fleshed fish (Ophiodon elongatus) of the Pacific coast of North America that is an important food and sport fish and belongs to the same family as the greenlings

OH AND I REALLY DON’T appreciate the reports about how tv is bad for you or children and all that. It’s like it depends on what you’re watching, if you’re watching a re-run etc. There’s some really entertaining/educational shows on TV like these drama shows using all those words I don’t know (it’s only like 3 per ep, 5 at the worst) or making references to people that I don’t know or movies (?) I haven’t seen or shows I haven’t seen 😦 (know what show i’m talking about?) or just those crazy medical-type show TLC like billion calories thing. There’s just a big variety of programs so I just feel like “TV” is just too broad… just say the name of the TV show instead of TV.


OH BY THE WAY these words are probably almost all from the drama PSYCH on FX. I unfotunately have onyl seen maybe a handful of episodes because they keep airing it at10pm or some ridiculous time I’m asleep and I just can’t record it plus I want to wach it HD. But the good thing is it’s on hulu and the price of seaso n1 dvd set is like mad cheap. It’s just well-written, funny, they use lots of references to stuff i don’t know or vocab i don’t know as you can telll…. so you know it’s good quality stuff. It’s a hell of a llot better than castle and that other show on CBS which is like psych but like is not funny whatsoever.


별의 속삭임  – Belle Epoque: I love this song. I listened to it over and over at one point. This artist is GOOD like I like all the songs on the album, the one with the girl and the white hat in france or something cover.