Monthly Archives: May 2014

So I realized if I don’t update in the next 8 days or so

I lose my streak of updating x months in a row. I do not count stuff that is not worth counting. I don’t really care about keeping it up but I’ll post anyways.

so I’ve checked out some fansub review sites because I learn about translating from the examples that are given. it’s fascinating to see the different ways things can be translated, misunderstood, misconstrued etc. I’m a proponent of liberal translations as opposed to literal translation. but even then there are degrees of liberalness and I don’t support extreme liberal translations though it may depend on the the line, scene, show, etc.

The bloggers really know what they’re talking about with the translations. they’ll point out a translation that’s stilted or just doesn’t do the line justice and give their translation take on it. sometimes it’s a really good translation that I think I would never come up with.

I have no interest in the animes themselves though lol.

and here’s an old OLD OLD entry that i never posted just because I wasn’t satisfied with it.

I got to see the episode of top runner (a music show where they interview the artist for 40 minutes or so) in HIGH quality starring MISS SHIINA RINGO (she’s divorced 😦 with child or children ) thanks to clubbox.
It was so much fun watching it. Fun is not the right word. I just really like this singer and iwant to find out more about her especially via tv shows. She doesn’t go on tv all that much and not all her past appearances on tv/radio are up online with streaming or on clubbox UNFORTUNATELY. this one is definitely worth watching for the shiina ringo fans. if your japanese is not up to par you might get screwed with understanding her lol. I had trouble understanding her at parts. It’s not the japanese AT ALL. I know all the japanese that she used to express herself. I’ve come acrossed all those phrases and sayings and whatnot. I know al lthat stuff inside out. the problem i don’t feel like i’m understanding what she’s saying. it’s not incompetency on my japanese part, I just find her hard to understand. I feel the need to rewatch/rehear stuff she says. I know what it means and everything but I feel like I’m not understanding it. You know this kind of stuff happens in my native language english too with people that just speak in this way that is not easy to understand for me (like what the hell does days of FUTURE PAST mean for x-men. no i don’t want to watch the movie to find out) . Or at least I feel like I’m not getting the complete picture or i’m unsure of my interpretation of what she said. By all means i’m saying she’s a horrible speaker or she talks enigmatically or anything like that. maybe we’re just not on similar wavelenths lol. The performances were amazing and I still don’t undersatnd the lyrics fully lol. the thing with her lyrics is that even japanese don’t undersatnd and there’s definitely multiple ways to interpret her lyrics. Maybe that is her goal or maybe it’s not.
>> a little segway

so recently or maybe not anymore she produced 2 songs for ishikawa sayuri. the single is 暗夜の心中立て 石川さゆり anya no shinjuudate and no ididn’t know how to read a until i heard of this song. i THINK she’s also invovled with the production of the mv.

so I enjoyed watching the PV and was able to catch random parts of the lyrics since it is sorta enka-ish with uncommon japanese. then i proceeded to watch the live performance which was amazing and the first time I saw it I was like I don’t understand this song lol… then the second time I watched it I realized I was just overwhelemed with the all the furigana and hiragana that doesn’t match what she’s singing… you know how in japanese they read kanji or hiragana differently from what it’s usually read. some examples…hmmm.

女 ひと
時間 とき
and for shiina ringo with the song ishiki or kuki there’s all these strange hiragana combo with the verbs that looks weird but it’s actually common ex 言ふ  is read as いう it just looks weird but it’s pronunced normally. I think it has to do with archaic japanese and how they used to write it or read it like whatever.
so the 3rd time I watched it I was like oh this song’s pretty easy to understand lol. of course there’s still words I don’t know but I don’t feel like looking them up.
I just looked up one thing and oh boy there’s double meaning! that’s cool 😉
– 故事ことわざ辞典
「つ」から始まる句 【読み】, つきにむらくも、はなにかぜ.
【意味】, 月に叢雲花に風とは、よいことには邪魔がはいりやすく、長続きしないものだというたとえ。
叢雲 とは むらがり立った雲。むらく
so for THE japnaese learners who read my blog try WATCHING IT and see what I mean.
SO back to the shiina ringo episode of top runner

Lots of interesting talk in the episode. I found it really interesting about the 9/11 thing because I didn’t know that was she was deeply affected by it and that a song was created because of 9/11… it’s news that was heard around the world so in that it’s not a big surprise. ever since she said oh because of 9/11 this songw was created I went to find out about songs MADE by japanese artists because of 9/11. there’s a bunch . I was surprised that the song by hito to yo something (the singer that speaks english, mandarin ? , and japanese) . tsudukemasu yoni was inspired by 9/11. I’ve heard it so many times on japanese tv, etc. It’s a famous song. I’ve heard them introduce the song but i never heard of the 9/11 thing. I want to look into more songs created from 9/11. by all means i mean it in the most positiv eway possible. I loved what shiina ringo said about her music and what she could do with it to be of help in anyway to 9/11 etc… spreading message of love or hope etc.. Music is wonderful like that. I loved the spiel she just spilled about 9/11, the difference her music can make, etc.
I don’t remember clearly but I think she said she considered retiring from music after having her child and then 9/11 happened…. anyways great episode, recommend to all shiina ringo lovers who understand japanese.
she also released her cover of yoake no uta for the shinsai / earthquake disaster in march 2011. ( the year is right?)
btw I love love love the song 中田 yuuji made for the people who were affected by the eartquake in japan in march 2011
p.s. i hate imageshack. i think my blogwill be full of x-ed out pictures and i no i am NOT paying 1 dollar a month or whatever.