Monthly Archives: June 2011

my thoughts on the AKB 総選挙


I think she was the happiest girl out of everyone… she couldn’t even stand up straight 🙂

01位 139892票 前田敦子
02位 122843票 大島優子
03位 74252票 柏木由紀
04位 60539票 篠田麻里子
05位 59118票 渡辺麻友
06位 52920票 小嶋陽菜
07位 52790票 高橋みなみ
08位 50403票 板野友美
09位 45227票 指原莉乃
10位 36929票 松井玲奈
11位 33500票 宮澤佐江
12位 31009票 高城亜樹

13位 27957票 北原里英
14位 27804票 松井珠理奈
15位 26070票 峯岸みなみ
16位 22857票 河西智美
17位 17154票 秋元才加
18位 16574票 佐藤亜美菜
19位 16455票 横山由依
20位 14137票 増田有華
21位 12387票 倉持明日香

22位 11860票 梅田彩佳
23位 11674票 高柳明音
24位 10854票 仲川遥香
25位 *9910票 多田愛佳
26位 *9742票 平嶋夏海
27位 *9271票 宮崎美穂
28位 *8697票 山本彩
29位 *7243票 大家志津香
30位 *6660票 大矢真那
31位 *6288票 仁藤萌乃
32位 *6120票 小森美果
33位 *6117票 秦佐和子
34位 *5438票 佐藤すみれ
35位 *5411票 大場美奈
36位 *5343票 須田亜香里
37位 *5220票 前田亜美
38位 *5020票 松井咲子
39位 *4928票 市川美織
40位 *4694票 藤江れいな
if there’s one word you should learn to any tv related  AKB it should be sousenkyo whether you like it or not.
but anyways, my thoughts on this year. first of all, i would never pay to go watch it live in the movie theater whether i ‘m in korea or china or japan. I just don’t care that much plus their speeches aren’t that you know amazing and all the dead space (40th place is……… 1st place is…………………………….) – so damn gimmicky wasting my time.

NOT TO MENTION when the news show cover the sousenkyo they subittle their speeches so i don’t have to listen to it x numbre of times or really strain my ears to catch what they are saying through the crying.

So I found out about the kami no nananin…. i didn’t know abt it till now (sorry i’m not that obsessed with them). I’m glad that it’s tomochin that got kicked out of it… since she’s so plastic surg. I do like her voice and the ku-ru thing but…… though maybe kojima should’ve instead since idon’t like her lol.

happy for sashihara though i think….. it’s all because of her tv show.. sashiko no kuseni which is fun to watch but it’s like almost like she doesn’t deserve 9th place. if  she improves and everything then lives up to her 9th place good, otherwise she’s gonna get a rude awakening next year UNLESS her show is still fun to watch/on air

I don’t like maeda but I liked her speech because I do hate her so lol. and when they told her to say something to yuuko and yuuko to say something to her it was too much … like melodrama.

I do NOT LIKE matsui jurina. they said that akimoto yasushi says she’s one of the best he’s seen in 10 years  and she’s mad young.. 14 but as of now i don’t like her. like she looked so creepy in the everyday cachuer (how do you spell.. darn you katakana). even creepier looking than sashiahra j/k but still.

Oh and the girl who won the janken thing is not even in the list… some number greater than 40. Even though they gave her the center one time, she had her chance so if she really did have the goods she wuld’ve made it on to ranking. i never really liked that song that much, i like kurumi to dialogue so much better.

Glee! Boy do I

hate Lea Michele’s voice! lol. No seriously, she always reaches this note when she sings those ballads and it makes me go wow I hate her voice. Half the time when she sings I usually fast-forward/skip since she always sings ballads. But it all comes to the song (most of the songs they sing that came out in the last a few years are usually the crappy sogns that I cannnot take at all but I must say the gotta get down on friday song was just fun to watch in that prom episode  and I didn’t mind — some how). I just don’t like her voice and her ballad singing is….不感症極まりない in other words I’ve become numb to it VERY VERY QUICKLY> I was so flipping happy last year’s season 1 finale when they let santana and brittany and quinn sing. It’s so nice to hear other types of voices not to mention I like their voices better than lea michele’s voice irregardless them just letting lea michele every episode (billin ballds) Anyways out of season 2 there were a few songs I REALLY liked that they sang. Let me just say sometimes the song they choose to sing on the show are just NOO for me and I fast-forward without any hesitation (ex. that NEW YORK Song in the premire. Gawd Ihate that song) and some are just boring and i fastforward.

Oh and I love how we saw more outfits/fashion from the 3 girls this season… makes it more fun to watch 😀

I’m jsut gonna post about 2 songs that stood out this season. By all means there are more but I didn’t jot down this episode, this character sang this (but none of those songs are sang by rachel’s character obviously) that I liked when i was watching the eps.

I love her version. I tried listenign to amy winsehouse’s version but it was so boring. so i’m really happy she covered song sorta like how adele coverd lovesong. I love adele’s so much better than the original, and that other version that is well known. I heard she’s (santana’s actress) having an album come out. and I would totally be excited depending on the genre and whether they will have stupid guest appearances (in other words music celerbities that have no talent but fame ex. rappers)

So much soul 😀