Tag Archives: drama

episode 7 – suzuki sensei

*I don’t think it’s spoilery. it’s not detailed enough *


i must bitch the girl they casted  for maruyama/ the way they had her to talk (or they way she decided to talk) was just WRONG. I HATE her f’in voice and the way she talks (I would surmise that you don’t need to undersatnd japanese to be irritated at this girl but you can let me know ).  i never knew somebody could piss me off with a “hai” but this girl did it (and they showed the scene twice which is double puke).  plus she talks way too slow which made the words GET OVER IT BITch echo in my head over and over) what a feat!

and she’s a hypocrite too. her words don’t match her actions. she says “let’s do this fast so we can go home”. she moves relaly fucking slow (clean REALLY slowly, walk really slowly) and she stands still for minutes (that’s what it felt like) instead of moving and whatnot.  and why does it take 10 seconds to respond to suzuki- sensei only to respond with a hai that is super ear-grating and irritating.. I also think that voice she used isn’t even her real voice. it sounds so annoying. there’s no way. by fake i mean she’s making that voice which a lot of japanse women do. their voices make want to LOL in their face but i try my best to not do that. it’s so ridiculous and they sound so ridiculous and it’s just so dumb on so many levels.


something about this show is boring and dry to me. i don’t know what it is. it is interesting/well-done for what it is with the logistics and deep thinking. i hate taruko-sensei. she’s annoying. she needs to f’ off. she serves no role i wish they would stop giving her lines. i hate her voice and her haircut . it’s 2013 for f’s sakes!  i still think the girlfriend is useless… any scene with her is just boring and just feels pointless. She has yet to prove her worth.


* korean parks look cooooooooooooool

I never thought this show could get more awkward than the 1st episode. but it does!  I don’t know what’s more awkward.. this or the kanye west interview on that late night talk show post-feud.


the kawabe girl… she was really annoying too with this episode and last episode. i mean i understand her frustrations but listening to her scream is really annoying and really childish ( and i hate this about j-drama…) which makes me  more shocked of her past and present etc.  I remember at least one instance in this drama where somebody’s actions just was not logical and just added to melodramatics. so in general people in this show yell/scream/bawl (i thought people stopped crying like this after elementary school at least in public due to self-restraint) too much  i think it’s unrealistic and it’s really annoying. a particular instance of the unrealisticness was when this girl was all upset and she started crying and she was in complete despair. I would think if i was in that situation i would leave the classroom whether it’s walking out or running out not crumbling down on my knees and then putting face down on/towards the floor (that shit’s dirty) and sobbing/bawling (bawling as in making STRANGE sounds bawling) in front of 30/40 classmates. it’s already bad enough that people are staring. i wouldn’t just leave myself in that circumstance regardless of my despair gauge. the other thing is i don’t understand by the girl couldn’t control herself and break down at a later time ro wahtever.


I thought for episode 4 or was it 5. it would’ve been so much better if they didn’t have the MEGANE kid  do the evil HA HAHA LAUGH. it’s not an anime and the scene doesn’t require that at all. and whenever you do that it really kills the scene and undoes the hard-work the actor did up to the point . I don’t understand why they cannot get it right.  I also thought if he didn’t talk in “that” voice the whole time it would’ve made it more realistic and better but he talked with that the voice THE WHOLE time. that just made the scene contrived.

***  so recently I watched the 4th kiss tolerance (lol it sounds weird) contest?

KISS ENDURANCE. kiss resistance.???
all these phrases are vague and sound like it could be the other way with the goal of the contest.
on god tongue and they had someone who did the eveil haha ha laugh… but his acting was AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG. it was totally believable and funny all at the same time. while for the suzuki-sensei thing it’s unintentionally ufnny  and just… feels fake/forced. japan does have good acting just not in the most traditional places you’d expect it like in dramas and movies lol. the acting in the kiss tolerance contest is better than most dramas. narimatsu is definitely better than the megane kid with the evil laughh. it’s pretty difficult to pull it off…. but narimatsu did it. i totally applaud him for that. mgeane kid stop making me cringe.

all my complaints about the acting or decisions made with the acting might be due to director 演出家  (is there one in dramas? ) or producer or whatever more than the child actor…. i wouldn’t know whose fault it is. but that person needs to engage with more people because this shit is not real.

*** also i noticed one of the kids look like yamada ryousuke. i don’t remember yamada’s acting chops or how much his acting has grown since i last saw him in a drama but i wonder if yamada is better than the kid who looks like him lol. i was thinking if yamada looks too old to be in this drama full of middle schoolers and yeah he is..

p.s. after the first fantasy scene it got old reallly fast. it just felt so slow-paced and boring. i’m just like ugggggggh. thank god there was none this episode 🙂 spare me that shit but then they showed the same shit 2 or 3 times which i hate.

* some of the episodic plots were SO PEDESTRIAN so it felt so slow-paced, tedisou, and boring. i appreciate the part where suzuki-sensei talks to the kid or the teachers or whatever about his opinion and the logic and blahblah but it doesn’t change the fact that the pedestrianness is BORING. AT THIS POINT this is average school drama despite its achievements because of the pedestrianness… i recommend NOBUTA, MY BOSS MY HERO, WATASHI TACHI NO KYOKASHO, hanazakar no kimitachi e as far as school dramas go before this BY A BILLION MILES! k….

maybe god tongue is also another reason i find the fantasy scenes so boring. od tongue does it so much better and it’s so funny and the bgm/sounds effects are perfect (something I will probably never say about korean shows).

I watched this scene 10 times because it was so funnnnnny


the japanese subs are good. it’s really easy to watch/understand.

BTW about the manga. i did not read it but i did flip through it. i tihnk flipping through is enough to judge it just because of my experience anime/manga over the years and just my age that i’m older than before lol….. let me just say it made me not want to read it. the manga is pedestrian just like the drama because the drama is based on the manga. the worst part is the drawing in the manga. it’s DAMN SHITTY! lol. the level is so low. I’m so surprised they published. not to mention it’s frikin 2012 or 2013 or whatever year it was when it was published. i thought the level was supposed to go up or at least be consistent,,,, not go down like crazy.  if the drawing really isn’t working for you… you should’ve teamed with kenji or whoever to draw it and you come up with the characters and story line like they did with WELCOME TO THE NHK. sometimes it’s better to have one person focus on the story and the ovreall picture while somebody focuses just on drawing and really making the most out of everything.  all in all it’s unreadable in my book. i think the drawing in liar game is probably better lol… i don’t know like the drawing of liar game either. but i don’t remember having the adjectives shitty floating in my head when i saw it like i did with suzuk-sen!  I just wrote this because PEOPLE ALWAYS GO OH THE MANGA/GENSAKU etc is always better but USUALLY the adapation SUCKS because the ORIGINAL sucks.  i  hate that trend of people blaming the adaptation for the shittiness that already existed in its previous form.


So I saw the firs t2 eps of this drama with the japanese subs! yay.  for the first episode the last 5 minut esor so had no more japaese subss!! but luckily i was able to catch everything anyway. it just took me a minute to catch/figure out 福祉委員会. IT’S SORTA tricky with the iiiiiiiii.


reasonsI wanted to watch it was because it’s based on a manga, hamspasukebe likes it, i remember seeing interesting/shocking screenshots in his post, ch-reviews are good, and there’s japanese subs.

My only resevation with these kinda shwos is that they tend to be boring in that they are banal since school tends to involve trivial/pedestrian topics ie joou no kyoushitsu. they cannot help the pedestrian topics since it IS  a school drama.

My thoughts thus far are…


maybe the drama would’ve been better with another lead actor.. or is the suzuki-sensei  character supposed to be sorta dull. his acting is good it’s just.. something about it is boring. the fantasy stuff is just like eh… it reminds me of gto which is really meh. like i said before certain eps of the anime are interesting but for the most part it’s slow/draggy. i love the smart blonde girl /her arc though.

I didn’t like the goukonscene nor the love interest because those were boring ass scenes. if nothing significant/intresting happens with the love interest i’ll be pissed…. since tehre have been boring scenes with that.

the teacher… foot-ko. lol. i thought her name was haruko at first? i think it’s taruko?  uhhh i think her acting is awfulllllllllllllllllll. it’s very fake/unrealistic. it’s quite frightening actually to see somebody talk/carry them selves like that. i really doubt there are japanese teachers like that.  at first when suzuki sensei said oh wen she over-smiles by a lot blahblah i was like okay that matches her acting. but then she acts like that even after the fact. i wish they hired someone else to play this teacher.

1st episode’s plot was interesting ドン引き (sorta glad i watched the ep lol. it made me think about it.. there’s a bunch of issues like this where you tell the kids dont do tat but then you don’t have a good answer/back-up reasoning prepared with all the details and conditions etc… and after suzuki-sensei went through all the motions i felt enlightened lol). 2nd one was definitely not AS … how can it be. but i do relate the kid and his way of thinking. sorta reminds me of when i read books written by honda takayoshi. i just really relate. i hate people who don’t understand people who think that way.. by not understand i mean those DULL people that talk all day at 100 decibels/accomplish nothing while pissing people off while being completely oblivious to the fact that they’re pissing people off. something about the eps are like slow-paced as in boring to me… like i wish there wre more twists or another plot going on at the same time.  yeah i’m having high expectations …. the ones i have with american tv shows.


my last gripe is lack of main characters. suzuki is bleh at this point. there’s like 30 kids in his class and none of them are really main characters you know with the character development etc etc (you know how in hanazakari no kimitachi he they had a bunch of characters that stand out as the main characters/ major-minor characters etc ) and i most certainly do not remember anyone’s name except ogawa.  I have a feeling most of the kids will just be used for a one ep shitk for whatever episodic topic/experiment. i hate that the most because there’s not enough depth… so i’m hoping it is not what i’m suspecting.

I’ve only seen 2 eps and this turned into a movie so hopefully it gets real good. but the thing is  A LOT OF SHITTY dramas also turn into SPECIALS and movies. WORD WORD WORD.


korean thing

love this word

허송 [虛送]
[명사·하다형 타동사]時を空しく[無意に]過ごすこと。
【예】허송 세월하다. 【訳】 無意に歳月を送る。

I haven’t seen it used so far and i don’t think this word exists in japaense with this exact kanji combination.  i like the kanjis and the meaning. yeah the definition is sorta depressing but anyways i just like it for some reason.

speaking of this topic I was thinking about games. I’m not sure if i mentioned it before but I just find it so wasteful. if you have time to play stupid games like on iphone/ipad/etc etc then you have no excuse to be anything less than bilingual (at least understand 2 languages fluently). I really mean that in a positive/sincere way because there’s so many misconceptions surrounding language-learning… i just find it so so sad and depressing that people aren’t using time …. by time i mean enough time to become fluent or close to fluent or whatever on complete shit. people sometimes argue about tv vs video games but i would say tv > video games. i mean it obviously depends on the show and everything but at lesat in tv you might learn vocab/acting/ or learn something but video games is just… of course it depends on the game too with strategy games andwhatnot but come on… i just feel like the ones you just click frantically or type franticaly are just… insulting intellience-wise. so that’s why generally speaking tv pwns game by a lot as far as getting shit accomplished. but my main gripe is about the DEAD TIME. time that could’ve spent on something. i just don’t feel like you gain anything from games as in knowledge or whtaever… yo ucould be exerciseing ( no seriously it’s so scary reading about your risk of diabetse and whatnot ona minute by minute basis depending on the circumstances of your ass)  with that time etc.

i have a feeling if they did some kind of experiment comparing heavy video-gamers vs. people who get shit done they’ll notice significant disparities in the video-gamers with their vocabulary or ability to expres themselves. i was wondering if being an introvert compromises your ability to express yourself.. since to improve speaking you speak a lot… so in that way since introverts prefer to spend mots of their blahblahing instead of talking about nothing endlessly maybe the extroverts would have an upper hand. BUT THEN i thought of ariyoshi, bakarizumu, and wakabayashi (not sure about him because of his haters pointing out his japanese errors) who are HITO MISHIRI, ONNA NO KO NIGATE, and some other stuff . they are both shy but when they talk on their job ( the talk/variety shows) they say some GOOD SHIT. a lot of SEIRON. they word it PERFECTLY. there’s  no guda guda or dumbed-downedness or anything. they just are good at using their mouths. they’ve both been on GOD TONGUE which is all about talking circles around people and being smart.  and input in an important aspect too. i know 2

https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img853/24/yfcd.pngextroverts that don’t accomplish shit (maybe it’s also an iq thing… )  and have the dumbest conversations that go for eons and eons and i notice how vapid their speech is. they may use idioms but they use the most boring ones in the most boring way possible. it’s like… chuu byou as in no smarter than middle schoolers. i’m wondering how you can spend your whole day doing that. most importantly how can you suck at speaking english that much when all you do is converse all day in english. i was thinking if you just talk all day then you’re not inputting much at alllllll ie reading books etc etc. these 2 people talked to each other all fuckin day so there isn’t much challenge/growth or whatever with the conversing not that conversations have to be that tiring/challenging and whatnot. i personally would’ve gotten bored talking either of them within the first 5 minutes but i say would’ve becuase i’m introverted… most conversations do not continue past 1 minute with me lol. i don’t think im’ as good as explaining my feelings/thoughts and whatnot as much as ariyoshi or bakarizmu. conclusion-wise i’m just saying you need INPUT AND OUTPUT…. if it’s just PURE OUTPUT WHY THE FUCK would you improve as in my example.

honestly most people have a desire to learn a language right? like that language sounds so cool (japanese whateve rwhatevre) or it sounds so hard i’ll feel so proud if i learn it or it’s their heritage/genetically-bound/obligated language or they have mad interest in the media that country pumps out or there’s some famous person from that country that you want to undersatnd on a deeper level or there’s people in your life who use that language etc etc. it’s just really easy to come up with a reason to learn any language and i don’t see why people shouldn’t go for it especially now-a-days with the technology… but instead peopelare just rotting with games. i call taht time sink. dead dead dead time. people can do SO MUCH BETTER. im’ not referring to the dating shit… im’ talking about IMPROVING YOURSELF.


THIS WAS THE SHIT. SO FUNNY. i’m a fan of daikichi now . no i don’t like boring japanese gags. this isn’t just some stupid jaapnese gag. it’s more than that it’s GOD TONGUE

Love Shuffle Review

Like I did for gonzo i’m just gonna write an entry rather than add tothe reviews or create a new post with a bunch of reviews ( i have to watch a shitload of drama before i can do that lol)


my thoughts after ep 1:

love shuffle. episode 1 thoughts: it seems average. none of the characters seem that interesting. but people say this show is really good and somebody told me it was better than jin. jin has its flaws but it was so enjoyable and well-done in SO MANY ASPECTS. obviously love shuffle won’t beat jin in the costume or background music department… though i do like the english songs as bgm

so i heard good stuff about this as in better tha JIN good as in top drama from 2009 but i don’t think so at all lol. from 2009 I believe I saw

arifureta kiseki, atashinchi no danshi, uta no onii-san, boss, mr. brain, buzzer beat – these are all like less than 1 ep or just clips. i can tell they’re just average/below average as in not worth watching DESPITE the lead actor and how i much like him or her.

samurai high schol

liar game 2


gyne gine?

mei chan no shitsuji

besides love shuffle

… so 2009 was awful lol from what i’ve seen so i can see why people would want to rave about love shuffle because there’s so much shit but comeo on!!  there’s a couple on my to watch list from 2009 so those might be the good ones. I guess love shuffle is better than some of the shit i saw but it’s still not special. for me from what i’ve seen it’s like #1 jin #2 gine #3 liar game 2 (yeah it’s not good compared to season 1 especially  since season 1 is 35min and season 2 is 44 min but i feel like i had more fun watching this than love shuffle though i definitely didn’t enjoy it as much as season 1 ) #4 love shuffle

So the cast is goooooooood. I like everyone and i especially am a fan of matsuda shouta and tanihara shousuke and yoshitaka yuriko. I feel like it’s one of those dramas with a really good cast but weak story/characters. example of why the characters are weak… there’s at least 2 characters that you don’t care about lol which is exemplified in the last episode. the unrealisticness of the show just killed it ie last episode (lame-o)… yeah that’s the premise… is there anyway a show with this premise be actually good???????

story is just weak……… and i could really feel it in the last episode with how they wrapped stuff around. it’s just very luke-warm. I’m not feeling it. i’m just not into it.  some of the tie-ups were just turn-offs (turn-off is a good way to translate the negative thoughts on the drama from japanese peple with the samui, itai and all that ) ie matsuda shouta’s, tamaki ‘s was weak, the mei was weak, so was daigo’s. i would say probably tanihara and the jukujo? lol is she too young to be jukujo had the best story lines/acting (the acting can only be so good if the storyline is lame…) compared to the other storylines…  there’s good parts and bad parts so i don’t want to make it sound like the show’s complete crap (there’s good lines and some cheesy/iffy lines/scenes)…. any drama does but… i just have these complaints about it and i’m so surprised people are reocmmending this drama.  I’d recommend jin and gyne before this and they have j-subs too and they’re timed 🙂 to be honest before i heard the good stuff about this drama i was turned off by the concept love shuffle. I didn’t read any synopsis but it’s pretty obvious what that means and i imagined that a show that premise is gonna be very boring unless it’s extremely well-executed with twists and shit as in american-drama level. to some extent love shuffle did fulfill my expectations of  being boring. it did take me 5 months to finis hwatching it. what happened was i was watching iron leaguer and love shuffle and i was doing the “watch iron leaguer, watch love shuffle” thing but then iron leaguer GOT SO GOOD and love shuffle was just not drawing me in so i ended up just watching iron leaguer then i just forgot about love shuffle and then i finally finished watching it this week in parts as in watched 15 minutes of ep 9, watched the rest of ep 9 etc. not really because the show is awfual or unwatchable or anything i just don’t have much time lol and i just don’t have a burning desire to finish watching the episode. .

it has comedy in it and sad parts in it and romance parts in it. i think the worst part was probably the romance???????which is really bad since the show is called love shuffle. it wasn’t the romance was awful … i just wouldn’t call it good. it didn’t draw me in. it connects back to the cahracters that they’re weak and there’s 2 throw-away characters. i never cared about mei EVERRRRRRRRRRr. I could never get myself to care. i just find that character that boring and there’s not enough depth. not sure if it’s the actress or the character since i’ve only seen the actress in this drama. i’ve heard that karina dos the same acting in every drama/movie lol. that’s how she’s criticized for her acting the comedy was weak to me… the jo and the panda was just whatev but they kept repeating it… so i was like wtf?  sad parts are like … they could be better. like i said with the romance it all connects back to the story and the characters… if they delved deeper or had more something or a twist or anything. there’s just nothing special about this drama. it’s just another unfortunate drama where the cast is amazing but the meat is so lacking. I’m so surprised people put this on top of JIN> jin is ON A COMPLETELY different level for me. If I were to rank love shuffle in my rankings with the must-see/masterpiece good/average etc I would put it at average?  because my enojyment was eh.


since a lot of people seemed to have enjoyed it and even like it better than jin i guess it wouldn’t hut for you to try watching it but in case you’re like me… i advise that you gauge the quality of the show with 1 ep or 2 eps because it will grow on you a slightly more after ep 1/2…. so you can tell if you’re one of those people whose hearts resonate with this show or not with just a few eps. I personally would’ve just watched stopped watching it after ep 1 because it didn’t impress me at all but since people were saying good stuff i thought maybe it’s one of those dramas that get really good or build or get amazing all of a sudden or has some twists later down the line but it doesn’t do ANY OF THAT. let me just say that. you might think oh they did have a twist with that character or whatever and to that “I say no that’s not a twist… a twist has to be something a little more severe/interesting.”

i totally agree with the negative reviews on ch-review, accessup, amazon…. it’s so unfortunate because the cast is good but then there’s throw-away characters and the script is just like ugh… japanese people used the word 寒い さぶい 鳥肌



basically i do not recommend this show and i don’t know why people recommend this or regard it so highly or love it more than JIN… by all means if you want to try one ep is plenty to decide.

plus side is there’s japanese subs that are untimed  + dramanote + other japanese blogs tat transcribed stuff but there’s timed subs for the korean ones that you can translate to japanese.  like isaid before if you don’t like the drama, there’s no point!

GONZO – done

https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img69/6610/gonzo081280x720xvid1742.jpg(watched with my ghetto japanese subs from clubbox lol…. the korean subs for this drama is pretty good so the google translated japanese was prettttttty helpfull… I recommend the ghetto japanese subs if you love watching stuff with japanese subs.  after watching i looked up/figured out what was said for parts i couldn’t catch from dramanote and chiebukuro. i will post on this lattttttter as well ason my anki deck usage with the talk/variety.)

So I finished watching Gonzo. I read hamsapsukebe’s entries on it bc. i was curious what he would say. I think his praise for gonzo that he wrote on the last entry for ep 8, 9, 10 were a little too much. I agree with some of the praising but maybe not to the extent he was expressing it. there’s some interesting arguing in the comments but i must say personally i thought maou was awful VERY VERY MELODRAMATIC ie crying scenes that never end lol. (I love how in american dramas when the person starts crying they change the scene or go to commercial b.c. they know it’s awkward/uncomfortable to watch/it doesn’t add to anything) AND AND one awful ending. the ending was so dumb it was a big  f you to the viewers. at least that’s how i took it.

so about GONZO one thing I want to mention is the zooooooooooming.

what I mean is ZOOM THE F IN. so this problem exists in j-dramas  in general i suppppose and i noticed this problem in gonzo. it wasn’t every scene but for some or few of the scenes or maybe in this ONE PATRICULAR SCENE all I was thinking please zoooooooom in. I downloaded high resolution like 1280x 1024 or something but I can’t see shit b.c. they zoom out for the entire scene. Zoom out as in you can see all the characters in the scene and the furniture and the ceiling and i’m like why the f do we need to see all that for the whole scene. I felt bad for the actors b.c. they were acting but we can’t see their faces. PLUS if you put everyone in the scene the whole time,,,, it gets awkward. plus we don’t need to see evreyone. I notice in american dramas they do a lot of shoulder to head frame for talking b.t.  the 2 characters which cuts out awkwardness of other actors being in the frame … plus we can see the actors act with their facial expressions very well. It’s SUCH A WASTE zooming out the whole scene. I have no idea who’s in charge of that… the director? producer? it’s so awfull.

Another thing is the bloooood. the color looked fake so that bothered meeeeee.

Uchino was very good at acting as always… can’t see this drama succeeding without him.

in the finale… there were nice surprises. It didn’t progress in a straight line, there were lots of turning and backwards crap lol.  I like that… putting effort into the last ep!  so we know who did it and all by the last ep or the ep before but the last ep was still entertaining to watch. There was closure and it connected all the previous eps.

I was thinking while I was watching bones about actors PAUSING while talking. so in jdramas they do that only in certain scenes/situations and it’s like unnatural… like too much pausing/way toooooo long. like it feels like they are pausing to stretch the drama so they can fill in the 42 minute slot lol. I noticed in the bones episode sweets was pausing /hesitating as he talked but it was completely natural/good acting. so pausing is definitely fine it’s just never done well in j-dramas. well i’m sure they did do it naturally sometimes but the bad examples stand out a lot lol.


what is that thing on the left!!!  i don’t get it.


Okay so I wrote in a previous entry that mioka = namida no liter or the other way around.

and… it really is. I was curious and youtubed it and just watched parts of it and it was SO SIMILAR… the doctor scenes, the scenery, any scene actually lol. they’re not trying to hide it. it’s more like they’re trying to copy it or maybe any jdrama with this sort of setup will always end up this way with the execution.  涙頂戴ドラマ。 闘病

but lately I noticed a scene that they put in  both dramas as well as in grey’s anatomy. care to guess? it’s episode 10 for mioka and ifeel like it was episode 10 for namida as well…. i didn’t research this but i just remember that it was episode 10? but if is it’s like WHY. they gotta make stuff more and more obvious lol.  EDIT: actually for mioka i never saw the scene, i just saw the previous episode summary and they included that scene so maybe it was episode 9?

I almost didn’t even see the new season of grey’s anatomy because of the whole melodramatic/unrealistic finale that was the GUNMAN finale as well as the PLANE crash finale. that show makes me laugh so much sometimes.

I personally prefer the way the scene was written/executed/handled in the grey’s anatomy episode. I don’t know what episode it is exactly for grey’s but it’s the episodes before she got the prosthetic leg obviously. btw i’v egotta check out the ep with the amputaiton. actually not that i think about it, the situation is rather different in grey’s anatomy.

here’s the scene in grey’s anatomy in gif/text format. lol thx to tumblr



First i’m just gonna rant about mioka. so 1 liter of namida has its fairshare of unrealistic/forced hijinx but mioka is probably worse with that. Granted I only saw random scenes from 3 different episodes. but from what i can tell the guy/LOVE INTEREST is living with her? in her room? unless it’s her brother? but I don’t think so from the way she talks to him and the way he monologues about her. but if he is living with her, that doesn’t make any sense???????? I really like yoshitaka yuriko since she has an interesting personality and she’s good at acting and she’s pretty but this drama is shit lol.  I can definitely say 1 liter of tears music/ost > mioka ost. I like tanihara shousuke over fujiki naoki? because tanihara shousuke is just good at playing those roles and he’s good at acting. BUT all his scenes that I saw from the clips just reminded me of the namida doctor scenes.or maybe  all the doctor scenes with dramas that have this cheesy set-up just have to end up that way. so it can’t be helped? it’s like okay the scene where he says the disease has progressed to the next stage. i would advise that now she stays at the hospital for monitoring or i’m afraid it’s going to get more and more difficult for her to___ etc etc. maybe that’s just how it is. there’s a limit to the variety of dialogue/scenes that can be done in dramas with this setting. i have yet to see a drama that is good that has the premise that these 2 dramas have… as far as I can tell…. OH ALSO there was a movie. the song that goes with the movie is awesome. it’s called ashita ga kuru nara by JUJU. howver, the movie sucks balls. i don’t have to see it to know that it sucks. for one, the female lead cannot act. the title is like the bride/wife/spouse who only has 6 months to live. i wonder if it’s cancer??? whocares. it ain’t real. but it’s actually based on a real story. but i’m sure it’s been mellowed and dramatized to the max for your viewing pleasure but not mine lol.

SO I’M NOT sure if it’s fair for me to compare that scene in mioka vs namida vs ggrey’s anatomy just because the situation is so different. like for grey’s anatomy, arizona’s not going to die (unless the writers want to kill her to make callie commit suicide since so many people around her died lol) while the other girls in these jdramas will die because of their disease (indirectly but nonetheless it is the cause…). so arizona can overcome it or whatever but for namida/mioka… they can’t replace their brain/brain cells.

I just hate how in the scenes, both of them had it so the male love interest or whoever finds her in the situation and it’s a scene for the sake of omg poor thing…. how embarrassing/ disease is progressing so they can’t even go to the bathroom in time. they basically st up the worst possible situation since their hot, good -looking interest discovers the in the situation. i don’t know which execution i hate more… for namida ishe says dont’ come in a very angry/stern way because SHE realy doesn’t want him to come.  she’s just embarrassed and shamed and the guy i think didn’t go in go in to the room but he saw what happened through the door. then aya’s mom came in and helped her out and she was like go away to him obviously. and then for mioka, from what i can tell from that episode summary snippet they show in the beginning of episodes, she says don’t come but he comes anyway or he didn’t but he saw it anyway (PS how do they set up the fake pee so it’s like that… you know it’s a realistic puddle lol. OKAY I’m more curious about the leg erasing in grey’s anatomy as far as SFX is concerned) and then yoshitaka yuriko’s character mioka (weird name btw imo) says to him in a very yoshitaka yuriko-way? “I didn’t make it” or I thought i could make it…. something along those lines. the way she said it was sorta unexpected… she didn’t say it in a way where she sounds really angry or super ashamed like in namida. she just said it in a sad way

but obviously of the three, grey’s anatomy is the execution that is the least cringy to watch and it seems the least unrealistic and least convenient.

Secret Garden UPDATE

Yes it’s been months and I’ve finally seen episode 6. and yes this is where the fun begins. Episode 6 is the episode I watched with the least fast-forwarding in fact I watched like the whole thing? Wait Iskipped a scene or two with people that i don’t care about…. you know those old people… over 40 or 50 lol.


Well the acting is good. If the acting was crap the drama would be ruined… it wouldn’t be funny at all. I’m sure or at least it seems like both actors really put in a lot of effort. even if you don’t understand korean I’m sure you can tell what they’re doing with their voices and obviously even if you don’t understand you can tell with their facial expressions that the acting is top-notch.  I didn’t see the last part of episode 5  so i have no idea happened. I’mm gonna go back and watch the episode 5 and then keep watching while it’s still fresh and fun. and then if it gets boring then I gues si’ll through the lines of episode 6 especialy in particular and find out what was said… what i didn’t catch etc etc.

There were also bloopers at the end of ep 6 which were fun to watch except i couldn’t catch some of the stuff being said like the talking in the background.

Recently I estimated the number of words i learned over the sumer for korean  since ihvae paper cards so i have estimate otherwise it’s a waste of tim.e it’s like almost 600 so I want to do monoligual once i hit 2000. this is because i personally feel that korean has more words/vocab etc that is used in daily conversation… it must be at least twice the amount for japanese  (khatz said monoligual when you hit 1000 cards which i’ll just take in as 1000 cards for japanese = 2000 cards at lesat for korean). Somebody tell me if i’m just deranged and confused but i seriously do believe that japanse is easier because the daily conversation just really involves a lot of vague language and all that stuff... while in korean they don’t. they describe they want to say in all the details and facets and nuance.

I think I’ll give tofuguben’s shadowing method a try. just the shadowing part not every single step cause i don’t personally believe in it. It seems fun and like I said I skip any scene with old people lol… you know anyone i don’t care about and so I would only shadow scenes of interest either before looking up words or after because you don’t need to read kanji with erratic readings with korean.  🙂 I think it’ll help remember the words the conjugation/ sentence structure etc etc. I think more so with korean than japanese. practice saying korean is more important because the verbn conjugations is realy logical and easy to learn if you teach your mouth/tongue.. notice i wrote say and not speak. because it’s hard to speak korean with the verb conjugation crap and my tongue always just goes opposite of what  i want to say you know like ㅗ instead of ㅜ for some reason so it’s just best just read what is correct.


and reading in korean on the comp like websites doesnt really work for me becase i just start reading japanese crap or do youtube in japanese or english lol which all starts with me looking up something that i want to know. someboody give me an interestin’ korean site?


and for fun I remembered the nihongo kentei shiken. ting.

I remember reading a wikipedia article on it and iwas surprised that some guy from kat-tun and thsese other japanese people have the highest level on that. it’s like really hard.

Link to 2 questions Igot right. (it this sheer luck? cause after that i kept getting crap wrong lol) I set it at 1 = hardest level, and keigo because i have no idea what’s correct for keigo sometimes. this is why i wouldn’t say i’m fluent in japanese or anything because I’m useless at talking to customers correctly if i was hired and working in ajapan. how do you know keigo? do people just learn from experience from what they hear/what they get said to them when they go to a store/movie theater and so forth. do they memorize it? I don’t get it. I just answered based on feeling so iknew like 2 of the choices are definitely wrong and all that stufff. I rememberd yet again that I still suck balls at japanese cause I don’t know keigo. I keep thinking i’m gonna read the articles online about the keigo but i keep forgetttttttting.

Link to the test click on the left side box

WAIT WAIT WAIT. I made a mistake.  The hard test that I was shocked that random talent people passed was the kanji test.  It’s called 日本漢字能力検定

nihon kanji nou ryoku kentei.

I was so surprised that those talent on tv actually got it. even level 2 is like really hard but anyways this is the level 1 thing which is like 6000 kanji and basically they’re like we’ll just test you on rare crap that no one will ever see or we used to use but no longer anymore. and obviously all the kanji readings you’ll be tested on…. will have no pattern… they’re just like pure memorization right? it is1-kyuu.

程度 常用漢字を含めて、約6000字の漢字の音・訓を理解し、文章の中で適切に使えるようにする。
領域―読むことと書くこと 常用漢字の音・訓を含めて、約6000字の漢字を読み、その大体が書ける。

  • 熟字訓当て字、対義語、類義語、同音・同訓異字などを理解すること
  • 典拠のある四字熟語を理解すること
  • 国字を書くこと(怺える、毟る など)
  • 地名・国名等の漢字表記(当て字の一種)を読むこと
  • 常用漢字体と旧字体との関連を知ること

領域―故事・諺 故事成語・諺を正しく理解する。

ただし、上記の出題範囲のうち、平成14年度第3回からは、「地名・国名等の漢字表記(当て字の一種)を読むこと」と「常用漢字体と旧字体との関連 を知ること」に関する問題が出題されなくなった。一方、動植物名その他の熟字訓・当て字の読みを問う問題は依然として出題されている。


But seriously even if you read a lot of books i doubt you’ll encounter all that stuff… I would feel like most of te people who passed this probably just studied cause how else are you supposed to see these rare kanji. or are therebooks that are written for really smart people that i have yet to come across yet that has lots of weird kanji. i looked at example problems for 1kyuu and i knew the reading for like 1 or 2 kanji out of the 30. the rest i’ve nver seen ever lol.  I just personally see no point memorizing stuff just to get the 1kyuu or 2 kyuu and then just forget it…. it just seems like such a waste of time.  if it’s like you read lots of books and you’re at leevel of _kyuu and then you ge t it it’s fine. you’re just proving what you know. But seriously can you really encounter all the kanji in the 1kyuu just from reading ??? do you have to read mad jidai geki crap? meiji era crap? heian jidai crap? lol. seriously where the hell do you encounter that crap?

I tried taking the kanji test a wee-bit just to see where I stand with my self-educated japanese knowledge formed over the the past 4.5 years. It’s really more like 2.5 though cause for the first 2 years I wasn’t using effective methods… maybe it’s more like 3. just going by ACTUAL time with Japanese by seconds /minutes.

2級 高校卒業・大学・一般程度(1945字、他に人名用漢字)
so out of the readings . the first section I knew 18/30 for 100% sure. well for a couple I typed out what Iwould guess and then it was correct so I included those… it’s like I knew the onyomi read for both kanji but i’ve never seen that word so i wouldn’t know if the word was that conventional with the kanji it’s made out of.

3級 中学校卒業程度(1608字)
3kyuu-am i smarter than mdiddle schooler lol. so this is what middle schoolers, I’m going to guess 9th graders know… which is when middle schoolers graduate middle school.
28/30 for the first section! yays.

OMGS I realy need graduate from da japanese high school. lolz. I wonder how long it’ll take lolz.  I graduated middle school with flying hours in my 5 years j/kj/k which is more like 3 yeras or 2 years even to be honest.
18/30 is passing? or maybe it’s not. I’m too lazy to lookup.

I only took the first section of the mock test they have on the site. FYI seriously I defiitely know how to read more than 1945 kanji… I don’t know how many exactly it’s definitely 2000 something. AT LEAST.. I don’t think I hit 3000. It really depends on what they ask and sometimes I know the reading for onyami for both the kanji but for some reason when you put them together neither or those matter anymore or there’s some weird onten or whatevers.  to be honest sometimes you don’t know really need to know how to read it, you just need to know the meaning which you can tell form the 2 kanji.

But anyways I would never take either of those tests just because it’s a waste of my time.  and i don’t see myself going to japan or wokring gthere and i already my mention whole thing with keigo. you can’t work in japanese if you’re not gonna learn keigo. before isaid memorize but it’s more like learn because you have the analyze the wohle situation with who you’re tlaking to and if you’re inferior them or ont and all that crap lol or whether you’re tlaking about the person that you’re supposed to put above or a thing that’s associated with the person who’s superior to you cause apparently you don’t have to use keigo or some verb conjugation that makes it less direct for the thing associated with the person but there’s also the o/go thing but i’m sure they’re two different things you know the sonkeigo vs. KENJOUGo or somethin. what i just mentioned was one of the explanations to one of the answers of the quiz i took on that site.

Jin Season 2 episode 1!

it reminded me of the pirates movie because of this background music they used ( the 3rd pirate smovie was horrible needlessly to say). and it was dragged out yo. why do they always do this to the preiere and finale…. it just kills it. all the build-up they tried to get with the emotions in the first episode was all near flat for me since they were dragged out. I was like oozawa (oosawa?) is working hard for his money because they dragged it too much and it’s obviously straining having to act that part out longer than needed (since they want to make this premiere ep so long… it’s longer than most movies??). By all means if they have enough materia lfor 1 hour and 45 minutes then maybe it would well-paced  and might be fine but it was like they had 1 hr 30 minutes worth of stuff and they just did ever whatever they can to fill the 15 minutes up and like it just killed the dramatic buildup of certain scenes.

EDIT: OMG I noticed something on…. right now I’m on ep 10 but this thing they put in ep 1 like repeated again like at least 2 more times and I don’t like it… which is when JIN IS LKE OPERATIN’ and THEN LIKE SPOILER AHEAD by THE FATE AND ALL THAT CRAP THE PERSON gets DIC which is Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), also known as disseminated intravascular coagulopathy or consumptive coagulopathy, is a pathological activation of coagulation (blood clotting) mechanisms that happens in response to a variety of diseases. DIC leads to the formation of small blood clots inside the blood vessels throughout the body

and i didn’t know what that meant till now lol when i looked it up. and then he starts SPOILER! talking/screaming/yelling at them as he does cpr? whatever that is called….. I can undersatnd doing this the first time but they really shouldn’t have repeated it… it makes the show mellllllllllow…. mellow darmatic that is. it just doesn’t help the show ….. but the other scenes are so epic and awesome and moving. but this i cannot forgive this… ugh it bothers me 😦


of course I did mad research after episode 1 (watched with the jsubs)  to figure out what the hell i watched as far as the history/famous historical people are concerned… so i read stuff but it’s still not crystal clear or maybe it is? but i don’t want to read anymore.  but anyways here’s the goods! the lines in question + resaearch!  from internet so who knows if it’s wrong. I hope it’s not cause it’s annoying to read a bunch of diff sources and chekc with each other.











00:39:41,170 –> 00:39:43,190
あッ 龍馬さん

00:39:43,190 –> 00:39:46,190

00:39:46,190 –> 00:39:49,850

00:39:49,850 –> 00:39:53,520

00:39:53,520 –> 00:39:58,020
攘夷派が 天誅を下したっちゅう

00:39:58,020 –> 00:40:00,940
実は それは見せかけで

00:40:00,940 –> 00:40:04,860

00:40:04,860 –> 00:40:08,850
っちゅう噂も あるがぜよ



00:40:46,570 –> 00:40:49,570
じゃあ 偽の首は?

00:40:50,510 –> 00:40:54,840

00:40:54,840 –> 00:40:57,910

00:40:57,910 –> 00:41:02,520

00:41:02,520 –> 00:41:06,860
攘夷派のもんらは 天誅じゃと

00:41:06,860 –> 00:41:09,860
疑うもんも おらんがじゃ

00:41:09,860 –> 00:41:14,850
そん攘夷派を 国賊っちゅうて

00:41:14,850 –> 00:41:17,530


00:43:02,870 –> 00:43:05,940

00:43:05,940 –> 00:43:10,560
こないだの池田屋で 尊王攘夷派の

00:43:10,560 –> 00:43:14,830
長州の人って どうしてそんなに

00:43:14,830 –> 00:43:19,500

00:43:19,500 –> 00:43:23,860

00:43:23,860 –> 00:43:27,950

00:43:27,950 –> 00:43:30,520

00:43:30,520 –> 00:43:33,590
(蟻川)その結果 長州は

00:43:33,590 –> 00:43:37,510
藩主父子には 処罰が下されました

00:43:37,510 –> 00:43:40,510
国賊と さげすまれるように

00:43:40,510 –> 00:43:43,510

00:43:43,510 –> 00:43:47,520
果たせぬうちに 池田屋です→

00:43:47,520 –> 00:43:51,840
長州としては もう我慢がならぬ

00:43:51,840 –> 00:43:54,860

00:43:54,860 –> 00:43:59,510

00:43:59,510 –> 00:44:04,520
いいんですか? そんなことして

and I chiebukuroed this:

地になく声は 有明の」

AND i figurede out why he said: 00:45:07,950 –> 00:45:11,250
あのときの詫びじゃ 南方殿
it’s because I didn’t rewatch season 1…  it’s because the thing that happened at the end of episode 10 which happens because of this dialogue:


BUT episode 2 was back on track and it was fun to watch jin go to places we’ve never seen and all that stuff… though that happened in episode 1 too it was draggy compared to episode 2 which made it less exiting??

and this show is on TBS not FUJI. lol I wonder how different it would be if it was on fuji… the FUJI demo was like lolz. I feel so bad for the japanese they can’t even get jaapnesen tv well at least on fuji. I noticed there was a random surge of korean stuff on japanese tv and I’m just like what the hell??like HEY HEY HEY kept doing kpop specials… and I looked it up and it’s on FUJI! and they did these specials for like 3 months in a row lol. in the news show they invite kpop idols that speak japanese in this ANNOYING koraen accent or they have a translator and basically you listen to more korean than japanese while watching this japanese morning show lol.  they do special reports and stuff on este-esute (beauty treatment ) that are koraen or food that’s korean….  or on KARA or anything korean…  I’m sure there are days where fuji does stuff on korean all day……… somehow in someway. but anywayas props to KARA because at least compared to shoujo jidai they acutally speak/understand Japanese and they’re prnounciation is better than SNSD… minus suyon (but it’s like she already knows japanese though she can learn more obviously). they went on shabekuri and they’re just like  oh we’ve only studied a month. but the first time they went on shabekuri was interesting but the second time was NOT … which is weird cause I would think it wouldd be more interesting since theyr’e japanese is better and they can have more interesting talk but like they didn’t make it about talking about interesting stuff.

read in some article they air 40 hours of koraen dramer ta on fuji I’m like do they even air this much drama in one week on korean tv on one channel (among mbc, kbs, kbs2)?  I asked my mom who is korean and she doesn’t feel bad for them lol. she was like welll they should learn about korea and what a great country it is and all that lol.  but of course she thought 40 hours was insane too.


oooh . it got featured on fukaii hanashi ep  on manga/anime

aired may -8 2010! . thank god for clubbox… that I was able to see the ep.

so they told  a deep backstory on why the author decided to write JIN

Glee! Boy do I

hate Lea Michele’s voice! lol. No seriously, she always reaches this note when she sings those ballads and it makes me go wow I hate her voice. Half the time when she sings I usually fast-forward/skip since she always sings ballads. But it all comes to the song (most of the songs they sing that came out in the last a few years are usually the crappy sogns that I cannnot take at all but I must say the gotta get down on friday song was just fun to watch in that prom episode  and I didn’t mind — some how). I just don’t like her voice and her ballad singing is….不感症極まりない in other words I’ve become numb to it VERY VERY QUICKLY> I was so flipping happy last year’s season 1 finale when they let santana and brittany and quinn sing. It’s so nice to hear other types of voices not to mention I like their voices better than lea michele’s voice irregardless them just letting lea michele every episode (billin ballds) Anyways out of season 2 there were a few songs I REALLY liked that they sang. Let me just say sometimes the song they choose to sing on the show are just NOO for me and I fast-forward without any hesitation (ex. that NEW YORK Song in the premire. Gawd Ihate that song) and some are just boring and i fastforward.

Oh and I love how we saw more outfits/fashion from the 3 girls this season… makes it more fun to watch 😀

I’m jsut gonna post about 2 songs that stood out this season. By all means there are more but I didn’t jot down this episode, this character sang this (but none of those songs are sang by rachel’s character obviously) that I liked when i was watching the eps.

I love her version. I tried listenign to amy winsehouse’s version but it was so boring. so i’m really happy she covered song sorta like how adele coverd lovesong. I love adele’s so much better than the original, and that other version that is well known. I heard she’s (santana’s actress) having an album come out. and I would totally be excited depending on the genre and whether they will have stupid guest appearances (in other words music celerbities that have no talent but fame ex. rappers)

So much soul 😀

Wow J-drama is awesome & anime is… uh… who cares?


I took the initiative to bold the parts I like because i pretty much only like those parts (サビが最高)cause i’m just not into jpop-ballad type songs usually. but i just like it cause it fits with this drama and i like those parts. It sorta reminds me of 1 liter of tears because this drama actually has substance and all that while 1 liter of tears is just really really obsessed with making the viewers cry. basically jin owns 1 liter of tears for OBVIOUS reasons.


仁= 感動・感激

1リットルの涙= 安直なお涙頂戴


初めて出会った日のこと 覚えてますか
過ぎ行く日の思い出を 忘れずにいて
あなたが見つめた 全てを 感じていたくて
空を見上げた 今はそこで 私を 見守っているの? 教えて…

今 逢いたい あなたに
伝えたい事が たくさんある
ねえ 逢いたい
気づけば 面影 探して 悲しくて
どこにいるの? 抱きしめてよ
私は ここにいるよ ずっと

もう二度と逢えないことを 知っていたなら
繋いだ手を いつまでも 離さずにいた
『ここにいて』と そう素直に 泣いていたなら
今も あなたは 変わらぬまま 私の隣りで 笑っているかな

今 逢いたい あなたに
聞いて欲しいこと いっぱいある
ねえ 逢いたい 逢いたい
涙があふれて 時は いたずらに過ぎた
ねえ 逢いたい 抱きしめてよ
あなたを 想っている ずっと

運命が変えられなくても 伝えたいことがある
『戻りたい…』あの日 あの時に 叶うのなら 何もいらない

今 逢いたい あなたに
知って欲しいこと いっぱいある
ねえ 逢いたい 逢いたい

どうしようもなくて 全て夢と願った
この心は まだ泣いてる
あなたを 想っている ずっと

Anyways it’s just another reason I’m glad that I chose to learn Japanese & to try to get into Jdrama. Yes I’ve been stabbed by crap dramas that sucked x hours out of my life but…. gawd this drama is AMAZING. I honestly absolutely hate/no interest in jidai geki… what’s it called in english.i forgot. But anyways this one.. I just heard a lot of good things abt it & it has good ratings but i was still like I hate JIDAI GEKI. But I was like at lesat watch episode 1 and then drop it without guilt. But this drama is so interesting and it’s pretty edgy i would say lol with the nokaze stuff~~ I like wows. I learned so much from this drama…. like how whores talked in those days (j/k.) and how they had _ or _ etc. ありんす。。可愛い語尾. I’m mad excited for the movie, but i haven’t finished watching the drama yet. also the liar game movie... i feel the show has lost novelty value for obvious reasons but i like that show for its quirks with the neon color clothes… just in general odd quirky style of the participants  on that show lol. I love the new BGM minus that noisy one. just as far as learning value from the jin drama   as far as japanese goes…. there is cause i never set foot anywhere near edo jidai stuff lol. but you know understanding  it isn’t that bad/hard at all for the most part. there’s japanese subs on d-addicts so watching liar game and jin is easier.Oh and I finally get to finish watching MOP GIRL.so sad, no more mop girl 😦

https://i0.wp.com/img300.imageshack.us/img300/5594/24632133.jpgSo anyways my winter break is dominated by DRAMA and not anime. There’s just nothing that great that came out as far as I can tell. Like I expected a lot from kimi ni todoke & from the first episode alone i don’t want to watch it no more. First of all I don’t like the voice actors… especially the girl. it’s just… .her voice is so fake. speaking of which i noticed how fake mikuru’s voice is recenetly while finishing watching the second season – i think that’s a sign of improvement of my japanese abilities/ listening abilites that i’ve been listened to more japanese since the last time iwatched haruhi which was in september. So I think I think more of the dub version than before as far as mikuru’s voice goes… her voice is fake in japanese too…. but anyways kimi ni todoke reminds me of that other anime yamato something something that isn’t very good either which i gave up after 1 episode. the animation is just shit to me. It’s like it’s not the 80s right now, it’s 2009. It’s just not within ACCEPTABLE boundaries. I just don’t get it… The narration crap has been said so before in some other anime before etc… As of now i’m not watching this show.

As far as the yamato nadeshiko drama… I don’ tknow it sorta reminds me of hana yori dango in a way when i saw the commercail or wahtever on youtube. I have a feeling it’ll be shit or really good.. kamenashi..

bakemonogatari is like… hmm interesting and i can probably finish watching it but like i don’t like the perverted aspect of it… i don’t like the girl’s voice actor… she just sounds OLD. plus is any of that crap worth reading? i don’t get it. EDIT: I dropped after second episode.. .i  just felt like what’s the point of wathcing this? i’m going to guess the rest is going to b elike this. i do not like stupid perv crap

I don’t think i’ll finish watching zan sayonara... because it’s boring. the end. sorries.

I noticed the NEW #1 anime on MAL And I’m not touching that shit lol. I don’t like clannad so no… and ttgl is boring as hell as well…

But seriously, if there’s any anime that came out after 2009 that is as good as JIN or almost as good as JIN… tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JIN is like a million times better than kimi ni todoke which is making me wonder why the hell do people like kimi ni todoke… why it popular?it really sucks as a shojo anime in general and there have been many better/more entertaining shoujo/children anime just from the 90s alone? but seirously… it’s shits.

Screencap post


Took screen caps  of anything that looked pretty or interesting

ggzansayonarazetsubouse.jpg (320×181)

Says: morning frog, welcome back/home. asagaere | okaeri.

Pink = cute         / In the second one, that bowl of rice is cute 🙂

Both scary and creepy

I like the old lady’s bun lol. Just the whole silouette

So cute. I think the encore ova is better than the other OVA so if you’re like i only wanna watch one of ova series, I’d say ENCORE. Only downside is they got chunky like the first few seconds of the first OVA ep was like… shock.

ralenichigomashimaroencf.png (320×180)

