Tag Archives: k-drama


chiteijinI decided to write this post because I saw 2 dramas recently. by saw i mean around 1 ep or less. one was on vicki and the other was on dramafever and i’m not including photo of the drama because as most people are aware all koreans look the same when it comes to kdramas. just go to dramafever and try to differentiate actors and actresses. even if you cn differentDHFDSKFHDiate them they all look so similar… it’s due to plastic surgery or korea’s obessesion with certain features. i just annoyed seeing some of these actresses with the big eyebrows that are drawn in or their delivery which are all the fuckin same. for the guys i hate tlondonnnhe SAME DAMN HAIRSTYLES. thhe dramas where they cast the “plain looking girl character” with the short hair all look like the same actress to me…. the actress/actor look the same even with roles where the maincharacter doesn’t necessarily have to be drop dead gorgeous . i hate the lack of diversity. nayways if you want to see what the 2 dramas that i talk about looks like with the actresses and anything just open drama fever.com all of them look the same anyway.

so the 2 dramas are nodame cantabile && LIAR GAME. nodame cantabile is named tomorrow’s cantabile in the korean verison. it i korean-drama-washed to the max. first of all let’s talk about one of the strengths of the jdramas. they are shorter in number of epiodes, duration. it’s especially like that with LIAR GAME because that drama is 35 minutes long!!!! nodame is probably 45 minutes. korean dramas clock in around 50-55 minutes because they don’t air commecials in korea. if thing didn’t change from the 90s they air like 3 minute of commercial let’s say at 8 or before 8 and then they air the full korean drama without any commercial interruptions. also they tend to be at least 20 eps as far as i know. i don’t know how many eps korean nodame or korean liar game is beause that 1 ep is enough to just to steer me away

ALSO kdramas seem to be obsessed with remaking japanese dramas like hollywood remaking movies … sounds like they’re running out of ideas. they even remake GOD AWFUL jdramas…. they were awful in japanese so the korean drama is probably just more annoying. by the way i was slightily interested in that remake of JIN because i love jin but the korean vesion was just shit… i saw random clips and that was eonugh. and i think there was a guy in that show with a MODERN hair style. that REALLY PISSES ME OFF. they give the pretty guy the pretty girl hairstyle in a peirod drama and it’s one of those things i cannot stand. the version i saw was the legitimate korean version. there was this scandal because onechannel/company made the jin drama with permission, the other without and of course they deny copying the drama despite all the remarkable similarities and the 2 dramas were airing in the same season too… it’s so RIDICULOUS. are you china or something? i hope the jin people sued their asses off and got their money.

LIAR GAME – before i watched i did a little research and found out how they added a reality tv component which reminds me of hunger games which activates my gag reflex lol. i love reality tv depending on the show because there’s bad ones and good ones. with regards to liar game i’m wondering why anyone woudl dothat. talk about blandifying liar game. ther’s no stakes. the show is fun or exhilarating to watch because you see people fall into the depths of despair. in the korean ersion there’s no stakes… it’s just oh i didn’t win the money. there’s no reaso to get upet or worked up. it’s public and everything is laid out on the table. i watched the first 20 minutes and it was okay and i was relaxing while watching it for fun. however after a while i just had to fastforward. ihated the part where they made the girl talk to the camera and tell her sob story. it reminded me of….. crappy korean dramas and just undoes everything that is liar game. the korean writers are so lazy. they pretty much copied scenes from the jdrama except they stretch them out more due to the duration of the show. i saw ihe jdrama a long time ago that they’re literally just translating chunks of dialogue and doesn’t do much innovation. all the interesting plot advancement or twists are straight from the japanese version. it makes me say what’s the point??????? of making a korean version. you’re just translating the script into korean and adding superfluous crap, and make up a korean opening song that is the inferior watered-down version of the japanese opening song because… they hate listenin to japanese?????/ wut?? the korean version is so damn tedious. also the background music in japanese liar game KICKS ASSS

The korean drama has no distinct atosphere going on with the cinmeotgraphy, camera work etc. it’s a typical korean drama. the japanese one was very distinct in its atmosphere and it was unique to the drama and i loved it to bits. in the korean drama, kanzaki nao and akiyama (forgot his first name) are turned into korean drama character blobs. they turned them into the typical characters you see in kdramas (akiyama turned into a typical “cool guy” in a korean drama which is WRONG. akiyama isn’t a typical “cool guy” in a jdrama…. because for one thing MATSUDA SHOUTA CAN ACT while many “good looking actors” in japan cannot act not that all good looking japanese actors can’t act but japanese pople tend to put people in the spotlight due to their good looks despite how little talent they have ). of course they interact with each other like typical korean characters in korean dramas in those typical scenes . of course they deliver lines in a certain way that is seen very frequently in korean dramas. and OF COURSE they say these lines that always IRK me when i hear them used in kdramas. i wish they would ban some of these pharses like they were curse words or something. i hate those phrases, they use them all the time, and the delivery is always the same and i can’t stand hearin git. but phrases i mean those typical phrases the main girl and main guy say to each oter when they insult each other or argue or are irritated with each other. most importantly those phrases are NOT LIAR GAME. they do not belong in liar game. they gutted liar game and took out all the flavor and soul and turned into a bland korean drama.

they took all the excitement out of liar game and made me question why bother? what is the point of this drama? the problem with remakes are that they always make me question what is the POINT of making this? why don’t i just rewatch the original? how is it possible that they put in so little effort and little copy-pate certain scenes or lines yet it’s so much worse? ‘

i watched parts of episode 2 and the little parts of eps with “x” and wow how can you f up the eps with the “x arc”. they sure know how to turn the most exciting plot into bland shit.


i made it through the first 10 minute sor so? this drama was even MORE copy paste and laziness compared to liar game and and… it screamed POINTLESS. i haven’t seen this drama in a long time but i can tell the converstations and scenes were direct copyt paste from the j-drama so how do you expect people to not compare.

anyways i hate the lack of diversity in korean actors. why is these no diversity? why does chiaki look so… sterile? lol . watching the show feels so unnatural sometimes because i don’t know anyone in real life who looks like the korean actor for chiaki. he looks too sterile… no facial hair no pores … just perfect skin… i know dramas feature good looking actors and actresses and i like that. i like good-looking people in dramas too but in this instance something is offf. anyways he gives me the creeps and his acting is lacking. in general, korean dramas are off-setting and feel almost scary to watch because no one in the drama look like real poeple that you see in real life even with the side characters. i undersatnd that people want to see good looking people and dramas are fake and whatnot but the disparity between real people and peple in dramas is off-putting especially in korean dramas.

i promised no picture of the dramas themselves but you can only undersatnd what i’m saying by seeing his face
Tomorrow Cantabile11

the girl casted as nodame like th eguy creeps me out because her skin is too perfect etc and yes all korean dramas are like that i know ….

ANYWAYS while i was watching it i thought korean chiaki is creepy with his face and chiaki’ rival…. gave off vibes of gayness! i interepeted the scene where he was saying mean shit to chiaki about germany or something as flirting. he was dressed so gay and his hairstyle was gay and his way of talking wasn’t entirely straight. in short he was oozing gay and so i thought wow this korean drama is breaking walls down with gay cahracters lol. j/k ( WAS NO ONE ELSE THINKING WHAT I WAS THINKING… if you want to chck it out thi scene is from ep 1 when chiaki is outside somewjere) but seriously iwas expecting a gay sex scene between them later on in the episode becausae of that awful show “ohw to get away with murder” (sreiously nearly eveyr episode had a gay sex scene and so many characters are sleeping around and it’s so ridiculous… it’s a show with no good characters. annelise is so eh though the actress is very talented )

the korean actors are just copying the japanese actors… i hated the korean guy’s acting… everything came off as over-acting in a bad (not saying tamaki hiroshi i ssuper talented and perfect… i will say that his rendition had charm) , annoying way. the girl just pissed me off with her nodame impersonation. i call it impersonation and not acting. like liargame . they just translate all the dialogue to korean and stretch it out and makes me say wtf is the point of this show? why don’t i just watch the japanese version? acting i cringey. it makes me cringe.

i watched the 2 dramas not to talk shit about them but out of sheer curiosity and with the faint glimmer of hope that they innovated and made something interesting to watch that a fan of the original version could enjoy… they don’t innovate. nobody seems to understand the concept of REMAKING a drama. it doesn’t mean copy paste, stretch out shit, add typical-bland-korean-drama BS.. you could say making a movie from a book is re-making the book since the director is not going to COPY PASTE from the book since a movie is a not a book. the movie will bore people to death if all you do is copy paste the book with a shitload narration and pan-scans etc . speaking of which i HIGHLY recommend the movie CONFESIONS and the dramas LIAR GAME AND NODAME CANTABILE (this one isn’t that amazing to be honest. i’m not obsessed with it). happppppppppppy new year.


aLSO i’ll write my litle reivew on hunger games movie because i was dragged to it because i can’t seem to leran how to say no.

it’s shit. it is lame (this YOU CANNOT DENY) with awful analogies that do not need to be mentioned and awful non-tension building tedious scene that somebody had the audacity to write, audacity to act out and audacity to direct and audacity to not edit out of the movie (not onlt that that scene had characters no one gave a shit about so i rather they perished and died in that scene that way that scenes accomplishes something and wastes 9 inutes and 59 seconds of my time as opposed to a full 10 minutse). unles you enjoyed twilight, stay away. plot is bad, characters are bad, most importantly it’s nearly 3 hours and the whole movie can be summed up in less than 10 seconds…. “insult to my intelligence”

Korean studies

I don’t have free time and even if i did i would dedicate it to japanese tv most likely but anyways the little korean tsudies i’ve been doing lately…. consist of youtube as in

https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img547/8177/55630864.png– looking up lyrics of songs/performances (this it pretty rare lol but whatever i do look up i usually add to anki) I just don’t really care to look up song lyrics lol. I really could just listen to the song a hundred or a coupl ehundred times, same for the performances, and i will not look up anything. It really just not that a big deal. That’s why i get realllllllllllly irritated when i hear those american kids always sayin’ oh yeah but it’s not in english so i don’t know what he’s saying and  i can’t sing a long. *sob*  *sob*. all i’m thinking is “bitch the crap that you listen to is probably better off not being understood.” secondly”, that’s the dumbest excuse ever. I just really listen for the emotion and everything and i really just don’t really care to look up the lyrics because i’m doing other shit and there’s so many other aspects to a song besides the lyrics. obviously there have been some songs where i look up the lyrics and i just gain a lot more insight about the song or it totally betrayed my thoughts about the song. I was totally sure the song was about x y z in a x y z way or whatever and the lyrics just do not match my preconceived notion.

– asking people on chiebukuro what people said on a korean tv show that’s on youtube. ie strong heart (with celebs i care about! the part gain was very interestin… hmmm). I love the parts of the show that involves interesting talk/story-telling. everything else is shit to me lol and i think the ratio of understanding/not understanding/not able to catch what the person said and being able to look it up / i did look it up in my dic and it was correctly heard but it’s just one of those things that’s not in the dictionary  so i gotta either google about it in korean or japanes or ask on chiebukuro .-  is pretty good. as in even if i didn’t look it up i would have no problem getting the gist. i would just miss out on the detail or that specific part of the story. BUT LIKE I SAID BEFORE i think this level is nothing especially for fluency. i’m not aiming for fluency in korean… just greater undersatnding to be able to understand/follow/gain ability to be able to look up something if they say something that only a fluent person would know (which i’m not)…  fluency is just mad time-consuming and hard-core and all that so i’m just being realistic especially with my other aspirations that take up my time. .  So basically i like asking people and really figure out/learn the parts i couldn’ catch. i know if i just keep watching it i’ll never figure it out and i’ll always be at 70% or whatever… actually the talk on the talk/variety on korean is sometimes really daily conversation so it’s not that bad PLUS the kanji crap helps me out a lot since i just lookat the word and convert it to chinese characters in my head lol. there was a time when i couldn’t do that but now i’m able to so i have gotten used to the korean readings somewhat. the kanji crap just makes it so much easier to remember/understand/recogniez/make connections etc etc/ it doesn’tmake learning/remembering korean EFFORTLESS necessarily but it makes it so much EASIER and make it seem more manageable but there’s still those all those adjectives and verbs and onomatopeia and other crap that have no kanji behind it.. hanja just gives me more motivation…. makes it seem less hopeless of a cause lol. wouldn’t you feel discouraged if you kept trying to remember korean but kept forgetting it. that’s why knowing kanji just gives you so much motivation. also ther’s way too many vowels to the point sometimes i feel like people are mispronouncing it and that’s why i misheard it or it’s just impossible to remember. i remember the ㅇㅎㄴㄴㅇㅈㄷㅊㅍ but i don’t remember if it’s ㅓㅑㅏㅐㅑㅓ and then the word might 3 syllables and then there might be even bacchim. it becomes so ridiculous to remember it.


+++ but anyways the korean? or japanese-korean? or zainichi peeeps? whoever that’s answering my questions on chiebukuro are very nice bevause they’r fluent in korean so they have no problem transcribing the lines i want. they usually also explain the meaning for me so it saves me googling with quotes and shit. it’s very nice and helpful :). another reason i don’t see the point of learnig korean from english.


– I don’t know why but i was watching some japanes tv shows and all of a sudden i was like hey was t-ara on strong heart or gain on strong heart … and then all these people kept popping over one after the other. t-ara because they were in japan and i wanted to see if they talk about japan on strong heart ( I get curious what expereices those kpop stars had / what they thought/ etc etc). they didn’t in the clips i saw but they told a very interesting story about sleeeeeping. for gain, hers was interesting. it’s about her solo album’s title track pv and the whole sexy thing. so if you’re a gain fan and learnig korean … definitely watch and learn.  and then i have this folder in firefox called watch korea tv shows. i also hvae one for japaneseones. i add stuff to it but i don’t know when i should watch it.  i just have so much crap i want to watch.

https://i0.wp.com/imageshack.us/a/img713/9260/londons.pngoh oh and i just remembered for secret garden, i think i started watching it in summer of 2011? i’m like still not done with it lol. i think i’m on ep 11 or 14 or something. eh i should just watch the last ep (but at the same time i have other crap i want to watcH). that’s how korean dramas should be watched, 1st epl, something in the middle, last ep or maybe last 2 eps lol. korean dramas are so damn draggy to me… like every fuckin scene is just like no cut down the dialgoue but 20 lines. if i were abel to edit a script or edit an episode of the korean darma i’m telling you the duration would be like at least cut in half. it would that much more watchable imo.  but anyways just because this drama has all its episode scripts up doesn’t mean i’m gonna forcemyself to watch all the eps to learn korean because i’m just not as motivated for korean as i am for japanese and i think it makes more sensefor me to watch the talk/variet eps featuring famous people i care about on youtube  then torturing myself with koreandramas. they’re just so goddamn unwatchable. sometimes you just hvae to decide what’s best for you. some korean dramas may have all the scripts up and talk/variety just only has the text on the screen so you may have to ask somebody what’d they say or look up every combination of sound you think it is OR just give up and keep watching. so obviously dramas are more good for learning in that sense but if you hat ekorean dramas it makes no sense. lol. luckily i have japnaese so i can ask these korean-fluent people that use chiebukuro for help. i don’t think you would get as much help on yahoo.answers because i’m pretty sure there’s more korean-japanese fluent people than korean-english people?

+ I deifnitely feel improvement in my korean gradually i suppose. i remember watching talk/variety korean in 2011 around the time of secret garden and i would have to either look up all the text on the screen or ignore it because i do not know what the word means or i would know if they wrote it in kanji. now from the talk/variety i saw the other day i knew practically all the words on the screen… let’s say 90% ? i’m able to recognize the reading of the kanji so i’m able to do hanguel -> kanji in my head for the meaning with also the help of context also there’s some korean-korean words (no kanji behind the word) that i’ve learned that i’ve seen again and again so it’s been reinforced. that enables time to understand those words every time they’re used… maybe to a greater extent even or if they’re used for another meaning, i’ll be able to remember it because of the prior connection i’ve made before.  Like I noticed with japanese, once you get all the common/daily conversation words/pharases etc etc it makes it possible to more easily remember/learn/recognize stuff that isn’t as common – that isn’t as commonly used in daily conversatoin etc etc. I dont think i’m nearly there with korean as far as knowing all the crap in common daily conversation to the point i’m more easily able to learn less common stuff… i’ll get there gradually and slowly which is fine with me. i don’t gots time. I remember reading somewhere that jay park was like oh sometimes i don’t understand difficult korean.. and that’s true. that’s one of te biggest differences between fluent / not fluent. if you live in korea for 5 years straight probably there’s nothing somebody will say that you can’t catch or don’t know or don’t understand. but if you only are there 1 or 2 years obviously you know all the COMMON AND useful words and you may not very every frikin noun under the sun, or would it be adjective in korean’s case.  before I didn’t notice his intonation. i thought he had perfect intonation i notice his english intonation here and there when he speaks korean. but i am still very jealous of his korean skills because he’se better than me at speaking.  I wish korea would be more understanding and smart about hanja so that’s it’s easier for people to learn korean. i feel bad for anyone who had to learn korean after moving to korean without taking advantage of hanja. that’s a lot time that could’ve saved.

thirdly, i don’t read korean lol ie go outta my way to read the internet or whatever. i have so much japanese crap to read in my que. also, i hate how they don’t use kanji. and thirdly, my internet browsing in korean consists of just googling 성형전 and 성형후 lol so it involves pictures and sometimes i do read the text around the picture but you know i don’t have to.  this intrigues me a lot though lol because it’s so differrent! i’m like wtf happened.

so it’s just whatever korean media + anki.

anki says i have 1462 cards for korean  and the oldest one was created 2012 january 22. that osunds wrong to me the old est card.. maybe the anki 2 upgrade/othe rupgrades f’e dit up? i don’ tknow. but yeah i’m just going about it in a chill way and i don’t really stress about adding cards or anything. ithink immersion is more important anyway with learning/remembering.


i’ll post some of the stuff i got from strong heart and chiebukuro. if you wanna be like heys i’m better than you i feel better or  be like omg i’ve bee nstudyin gkorean for 3 years and i’m nowhere near your level lol and get motivation (but seriously why the hell would you be behind me. if you’ve doing it for 3 years or more  ) .

my card format for korena is word in front and definition/usage in the back.

I’m just gonna post the back of the card to save time and you can guess what word i was trying to learn.

정말 모든 게 막, 사물(事物:物事のこと)들이 다 막 꽃이 피어나는 것처럼 보이고


2 割れ目;裂け目;ひび。
[명사·하다형 타동사]審議;詳しく調べ検討してその可否を討議すること。
【예】예산안을 심의하다.  【訳】 予算案を審議する
여간 어려운 게 아니다は「とても難しい」って意味です。
미세한 차이라 여간 어려운 게 아닌데.
뭘 봐? 눈 깔어(깔아)
음란하게, 외설적(猥褻的)이게, 그렇게 사람들이 자꾸 받아들인다면 되게 안 좋은 인식으로 되게 남을 거 같은, 같은 거예요.
 みだらなこと。いやらしいこと。また、そのさま。「―な話」「―な記事」2 法律で、いたずらに人の性欲を刺激し、正常な羞恥心(しゅうちしん)を害して、善良な性的道徳観念に反すること。「公然 …
her pitch off in the performances 😦 but at least it’ll sound awesome on the track!
I do not have a goal of reading books in korean
1) lack of hanja/kanji
2) this isn’t a valid reason . it’s a partial reason. i heard somewhere that _ book was popular to __- types of books are popular in korea. they’re basically namida/choudai / i suffered my ass off / i worked my ass off. i just am not drawn to any media where the main focus is that. the book they mentioned that was a best sellersseemed boring to me. it reminded me of those god awful korean dramas with the godawful acting and the never ending crying and awful camera work and awful acting (this is my opinion ! ). i don’t understand why anyone would want to read a book about that.  I absolutely hate it when people say oh DON’T BE CLOSE-MINDED. YO USHOULD TRY IT. or YOU HAVE TO FINISH TO JUDGE IT OR REVIEW it. people who say irresponsible things like this are idiots.  there’s probably a higher chance of me liking a book that i am initially interested in just from the title or cover or whatever. they do put effort in the tittle and cover for a reason to attract readers . if i went after every unappealing book i would stop reading altogether. it’s like that with any media. then the people who say you have to finish it OBVIOUSLY  have no lives because ain’t nobody got time for that. people say that need to get a life… get a job, make your own money, stop sucking on your parents’ money fund.
3) korean people reall y like japanese novels. so i already feel more korean just because i’ve read many japanese novels. lol. but seriousloy they do like reading them.. why bother reading them in korean when i can read them in japanese with all the kanji glory that i can swim in .

Random Progress in Korean I noticed…

Okay so korean doesn’t have the kanji… everything is written in hanguel so in that sense it’s harder to figure out what’s what in the first place and whatnot + RIKAI-CHAN cannot save me lol. obviously the advantage is i have no problem reading it.

For Japanese, what happens is I know all the readings of the 2 kanjis that make up the word but I don’t know which they are or I don’t know if there’s onten etc etc… the only I would know is if i heard it somewhere and then remembered or look it up. So in japanese i think it’s better on focusing on what you understand and not what you can read out aloud… after a while it just gets so tedious and pointless past the useful/everyday stuff…. like when i read books (since that’s what you’re supposed to do to improve speaking and vocab and understanding etc tec) plus with speed-reading or just reading faster in general what’s important is the meaning not whether you prnounced it right? but then i was reading something else online (japanese site) abt training brain by reading it aloud but i didn’t feel like reading it thoroughly.

PLUS I was watching a cli pfrom a quiz show and the category was kokugo and couple of questions were stuff in my anki deck and  of course those dumb idol bitches did not get that stuff correct so I’m tinking should i just stay as dumb as idols? lol. but then again mitsuman glove didn’t knwo what omomuro ni meant (he thought it meant the opposite of its actual definition) and he graduated from keiou which everyone also reacts like OOOOOOOOOOOH this peson’s probably really smart since he/she graduated from there. but arent’ a lot of talent people graduated from these… well not a lot but I know a handful. is it really that good? do you have to be that smart? well i don’t feel like researching that but probably ..

But anyways my little progress was with the Drama secret garden.

(I got the scripts for the drama… obviously ‘s why i’m doing the k-drama – for method to get the script go to the thread in koohii on korean resources)

here’s the link to the secret garden korean scripts  that I downloaded from the site that I mentioend in my koohii post on the koohii forum with the thread title korean resources! It’s in docx format. suck that HPW file handling program! no seriouly, people were like oh you can get around hpw by converting it to pdf by going to print on the hpw-file-handling-program but ever since i replaced the harddrive on my computer i cannot do that shite no more lol. so please download up from the sites i mentioned… convert the shit pdf for me and i upload it and link on the koohii forum lol.

I don’t know how good this drama is but I know there’s people who were addicted to it and loved it as with any comedy/romance K-drama. I tried the first 10 minutes of that drama or so and I was like going WTF at some parts cause it’s like I don’t even know how to look up some of the stuff (I just had no idea what IT was ) even with the conjugation stufff I learned from luke park’s guide.I’m thinking why the hell is the dialogue like this… why don’t they make it more clear and less roller coastery.  but now the dialogue is more clear but that complaint still remains for me. watching the first ep second time around the drama seemed more fun … well maybe it’s because  i saw more of it . but I will stop watching it or skip to last episode if it gets bad… no mercy or anything for boring korean dramas 😉 and what I do to learn from drama is the same thing I do with song lyrics with lingoes and if I REALLY CARE about that line then I’ll attempt to look it up on google translate – j-k (has not happened yet).

there’s one part they used the word 融通性 – WHATEVR the korean version is i don’t remember but it sounds similar (well if you’re used to korean and japanese lol) so even without looking at the script I was like oh she said yuuzuusei in korean . that plus the context. i mean i guess if the word if close enough to japanese it i would have this connection . in that moment i felt like if i watched more k-dramas my korean would get better (b.c. it’s like context + word that sounds similar to j. version) but i really dont like k-dramas (as far as i know). i mean so far this drama is okay/somewhat interesting. I know I dropped full house after 2 eps becaue the way ep2 ended was gay( the main girl is annoying and i wasn’t falling head over heels over bi.) and the same game thing happened in hana yori dango too but for that I waited a whole week to watch the next ep  instead of stopping my watching…

so watching the 1st ep second time around a lot of  stuff became more clear and obvious now…

about a month passed since my first viewing (of the first 10 minuets). I just basically forgot about it for a month. What I did between then and now was read korean books (well obviously parts/pages of books that look interesting and not the whole books)/news articles and look up everything or almost everything and go damn I shoulda recognized that since it’s like similar to Japanese with the kango (kanji words)  and made flash cards for words that seemed more common useful compared to the rest of the words i looked up  (doing my manual srs since I don’t want to stare at the computer screen for that crap unless it’s japanese because hand-writing korean is less time consuming than japanese for obvious reasons) ++ luke park’s grammar thing and more… The reason I did the articles and books is like I said before I cannot stand the talk/variety shows since they don’t talk enough lol. seriously i don’t need to see DANCING OR SINGING OR EATING or whateerother crap that does NOT involve telling interesting stories. and i’d just rather watch the japanese talk/variety – i love their profuse usage of kanji . but serisuly if ther’s anythign like zotto suru hanashi in korean tv TELL ME! But I found a site with korean shows soI’m sure I can find an educational/stimulating show I like…….

from the reading besides the vocab and whatnot if just helps me figure out what’s going on in the overall picture more since there is no kanji to separate anything/help make sense of anything with the verbs and nouns and all that shit so you can actually figure out what the hell should be looked up.

The next step is to go K->K which would be lovely but I want to get more used to korean before. but it might be less efficient if like the dictionary site online is laggy as compared to lingoes which doesn’t lag obviously since it’s on the computer .. but there’s no k-k for lingoes last time I checked.

little tidbit on japanese and the state of anime: um… yeah i stopped watching after 2007 or something. 2006 was fun 🙂 but then as of now it’s like complete crap with shitty characters, horrible animation (in the sense that i see the picture of the show and i can tell it’s crap plus just the laziness with animation with some of the shows but then again i wouldn’t know since istopped watching) and lots of OTAKU PANDERING. so anyways I was on youtube watching my japanese talk/varitey shows and ao no exorcist was like in the top entertainment or comedy video  (that section) so I saw a little bit of it just to see how the low the state of anime is right now. I only saw a few minutes or less but they rubbed me the wrong way . the dialogue was just annoying. It’s just unnecessarily dragged out and umimaginative/boring. it was the scene where the teacher was like saying I’m the teacher blahblah and then the main protagonist goes what? you’re the same age as us etc etc. the reactions they did with the main character over thing that was so bland and tired and draggy and pointless to me.  It’s not enough for me to judge or the show or hate on it but just from that dialogue I felt irritated at it and I felt no value of watching it at all. i’m sure there’s negative reviews MAL explaning stuff more thouroughly but I can just tell just from this scene/dialogue.

and then I was curious about ano hi mita hana~~ and so I read some neg reviews and then I was just curious what it looks like so I just ran some video stream site  with the sound off and MY initial reaction was “this show is unwatchable/ there’s a 99% chance I don’t like it. besides that lame white haired loli + lame guy with red shirt… just from the animation I could just tell this show is not worth watching…. I can’t explain it. I had the same thing with naruto… I can’t stand those colors. Maybe it’s all becasue I’m super apathetic to anime after 2006. For ano hi mita…I can just tell the crappiness or the nothingness of the characteesr from the animation… one of the biggesyot reasons anime is so shtity now a days is that the characters are so shitty…. they just don’t have anything that gives them anything that’s worth so if you have shitty characters you’re not going to get any chemistry… interesting character interactions which was so awesome about dash kappei or slayers next etc etc. that’s why it’s so unwatchable. also, I cannot believe people actually obsesss over k-on characters… I don’t even have an ounce of anything to care about them enough to remember any  of their names not that I’ve seen that anime nor will i ever wach it unless somebody made me watch it lol. they’re really shitty and crappy as anyone tell… but yo know if moe is enough go ahead… you know they uesd to develop characters, give them ddepth/history/character design/ chemistry between the characters…. so much soullessness nowadays or rather i don’t know bc i don’t watch it. thank god!