Tag Archives: psych

English Words I Don’t Know that I Heard Today from the TV

Me + TV: I could type a lot of shit but I’ll keep it short. There was a time when I was a kid where I would mostly watch Nick + Disney and then somewhere after or between or whatever MTV got into the mix . The problem with this is all they run is re-runs so I wasted a lot of time watching the same shit over and over and it’s not even like the shows are that good but as a kid in America that’s all I have  for TV 😦 I mean there are some good ones among the most of the crap. MY friend is still stuck in this phase while I escaped from it years ago 😦 I’m not that assertive… I remember we used tobitch about how all the shows are so crappy and how they re-run it so much and how she’s seen that _ amount of times and how she knows all the lines and it’s just utterless crap. So one day in middle school I’m like Wow I’ve wasted a lot of time watching this shit so I decided to A) Turn the TV off if there’s nothing on. B) Check out other channels more while “boycotting nick + disney” like forever except for one show? while checking out MTV “sometimes”   So now I’m more efficient and selective about watching TV. I look up all the shows right now for this summer on tvguide.com/listings and then watch I haven’t seen/want to see (The point is so I don’t miss it). Sometimes I just turn the TV on and watch whatever

So I have a thought about learning Japanese and English. Basically if I spent all the time I spent on doing something Japanese on doing something English would I know these words or at least feel like heard of them or be able to make a guess at what they mean.  I’m gonna guess No… cause most of these words are pretty weird and isn’t reading a shit load books effective for rare words which I have no desire to do. Most of my reading of English is the captions on TV 🙂

I can’t help but write down words I don’t know while I watch and look it up during the commercial…  cause obviously I want to know. Certain shows like BONES is always like oh shit what does that mean but obviously almost all of the characters are mad smart so… it can’t be helped. Speaking of which Mad Men is MAD hard to follow/understand sometimes with those convos making references to crap and just talking about crap that seems to have nothing to do with a conversation, etc but I try my best! I guess it’s stimulating to watch.

I got these words from watching  TV.

minutiae – minute or minor detail

stimulus check – well this isn’t a vocab word but I still don’t know what it is exactly. Kay, read up on through google search now I know…

biped-2 footed animal. Hmm well now that I think about it’s obvious what it means..

harleniquoid… some word that looks or sounds like this. It’s killing me now.. It’s NOT Harlequin.

Lark = a source of or quest for amusement or adventure <tho

Magazine = : a holder in or on a gun for cartridges to be fed into the gun chamber

remiss = : negligent in the performance of work or duty : careless2 : showing neglect or inattention

Salacious = 1 : arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination : lascivious2 : lecherous, lustful

exonerate=I remember trying to learn this word for the SATs. I think I knew it then.

1 : to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship2 : to clear from accusation or blame

fey = a chiefly Scottish : fated to die : doomed b : marked by a foreboding of death or calamity2 a : able to see into the future : visionary b : marked by an otherworldly air or attitude c : crazy, touched3 a : excessively refined : precious b : quaintly unconventional : campy

ferroequinologist = enthusiast

parvo = a virus that attacks the lining of the digestive system (dogs)

mandocello = insturment that looks like guitar-ish. ) is a plucked string instrument of the mandolin family.

spry =nimble

effervescance = to show liveliness or exhilaration

panache = an ornamental tuft (as of feathers) especially on a helmet2 : dash or flamboyance in style and action

usain bolt = is a person! He is a Jamaican sprinter. Bolt holds the Olympic and world records for the 100 metres at 9.69 seconds, the 200 metres at 19.30 seconds and, along with his teammates, the 4×100 metres relay at 37.10 seconds, all set at the 2008 Summer Olympics.

hothe… can’t find nothing for this. From the context which was I think was “Live/Go to a hothe” I don’t know… 😦

harlot = prostitute. ‘S what I thought.

alpaca = sheep

convalescence- : to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness

write-off: : an elimination of an item from the books of account
2 a : a reduction in book value of an item (as by way of depreciation) b : a tax deduction of an amount of depreciation, expense, or loss
3 chiefly British : something (as a damaged vehicle) or someone regarded or conceded as a loss

uncouth =not known or not familiar to one : seldom experienced : uncommon, rare b obsolete : mysterious, uncanny2 a : strange or clumsy in shape or appearance : outlandish b : lacking in polish and grace : rugged <uncouth verse> c : awkward and uncultivated in appearance, manner, or behavior : rude

lingcod  = : a large often greenish-fleshed fish (Ophiodon elongatus) of the Pacific coast of North America that is an important food and sport fish and belongs to the same family as the greenlings

OH AND I REALLY DON’T appreciate the reports about how tv is bad for you or children and all that. It’s like it depends on what you’re watching, if you’re watching a re-run etc. There’s some really entertaining/educational shows on TV like these drama shows using all those words I don’t know (it’s only like 3 per ep, 5 at the worst) or making references to people that I don’t know or movies (?) I haven’t seen or shows I haven’t seen 😦 (know what show i’m talking about?) or just those crazy medical-type show TLC like billion calories thing. There’s just a big variety of programs so I just feel like “TV” is just too broad… just say the name of the TV show instead of TV.


OH BY THE WAY these words are probably almost all from the drama PSYCH on FX. I unfotunately have onyl seen maybe a handful of episodes because they keep airing it at10pm or some ridiculous time I’m asleep and I just can’t record it plus I want to wach it HD. But the good thing is it’s on hulu and the price of seaso n1 dvd set is like mad cheap. It’s just well-written, funny, they use lots of references to stuff i don’t know or vocab i don’t know as you can telll…. so you know it’s good quality stuff. It’s a hell of a llot better than castle and that other show on CBS which is like psych but like is not funny whatsoever.


별의 속삭임  – Belle Epoque: I love this song. I listened to it over and over at one point. This artist is GOOD like I like all the songs on the album, the one with the girl and the white hat in france or something cover.